Regretting Divorce

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 

1 froze in my spot as the sound of breaking and bursting objects boomed. Hunter and Tyler were after each other’s throat. At one moment it was Hunter throwing Tyler against the wall then another it was Tyler, 

While it felt like only a handful of seconds had ticked by, both of them were drenched in blood. 

My mind didn’t shift gears until I witnessed Tyler breaking a flower vase on his head. It sent Hunter a few steps back. He struggled to maintain his balance. When he had it, he bowled like a mad wolf and grabbed a broken, sharp and pointed piece of glass from the floor. 

“Hunter, no!” I threw myself in front of him, staggering him in his stride. 

I know I shouldn’t feel dizzy but that’s what it does- the sight of Hunter’s blood. His forehead was clad in red, his left eyebrow split open from the corner and the right side of his mouth was swollen. 

His lips quivered as if he was on the brink of bursting out. Fear Buttered in my stomach because he looked like a monster. 


I don’t know why I was begging. Was it for him to stop it! Or his blood to stop oozing out with such speed! 

As if Hunter saw the movements of my fluttering stomach, he clenched his hand holding the piece of glass, making it pierce his palm. I saw blood dripping from his hand before he tossed it away and groaned, his eyes averting to the window beside him. Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

I was relieved that he dropped what could have been the weapon causing “Tyler’s death. It didn’t mean his anger had subsided regardless. I can feel it simmering within him. Feel it building up again. Before it happened, I should have taken him away. I took a step towards him to do it. 

However, I was saved by the effort when loud footsteps neared. There were several, and as guessed, there came Tyler’s family along with my brother and Penelope. 

“Oh my god! Tyler, my son! Tia Murphy cried, the sound of pieces of glass crushing under her feet resounding in the air. 

I craned my neck to gape at my back at Tyler. Shock rendered me motionless for he was swaying back and forth. He was on his feet but his senses were crumbling. 

Hunter did him more damage that I can’t even describe. No wonder why Tyler didn’t attack even after Hunter picked up a glass piece to stab him 

Grandma Avery’s eyes met mine, causing me to quickly look down. I couldn’t believe that I became the hindrance I was preventing her grandson son from becoming so as not to ruin her anniversary party. 

“We will talk about this, Macintyre. But first, I need to take my grandson for treatment,” Grandpa Nathaniel announced while Shawn and John helped Tyler, following Grandpa out of the room. 

I can hear their withdrawing footsteps. They weren’t gone out of sight yet when Tia Murphy pounded on me. 

Ah!” I wailed as she clutched my hair. 

“You bitch! I knew that you would make my Tyler bleed. I knew it when I saw that article,” She yelled while my eyes squeezed tight at the intensity of the pain. 

“Let her go, Mrs Murphy. Let her go 

Don’t hurt my sister. It’s not her fault.” 

woman was drunk on madness. She jerked me back and 

Scott and Penelope came for my help. They tried to release my hair from her hold but the w forth. She didn’t even stop when Grandma Avery ordered her too. 

I thought I was going to pass out given that the pain filling my skull was oppressive. It made the back of my eyes throb too. 

It didn’t last long as Hunter bellowed behind me, “I will kill your good–for–nothing son this instant if you don’t let go 

No sooner did he finish that Tia let go of my hair out of the fear of Hunter. She knew this man and his limitlessness

“You will not get away with this, Hunter Macintyre. You and your whore, I will fix you both. Tia sobbed while Penelope and Scott came to comfor 

“Old mistress, will you show your daughter–in–law o 

out of here or I do it?” Hunter’s voice was hot lava. 

I shuddered from the sound of it whereas Tia Murphy niggered daringly.. 

Chapter 16 

“You’ve got the guts to bark at me in my house! How dare-” 

“Ta, go check on Tyler Grandma Avery spoke with a scary undertone. 

I didn’t hear Tia after that. I was not really in my complete sense as I was sobbing for myself. My body was icy from terror and my eyes misted with constantly steaming sears. Penny muttered sweet nothings into my ears while Scott held my hand right. 

I was far from relaxing, and that’s when I felt their armas tearing apart from my body. I was pulled back harshly

My back settled against a hard and hot body which I instantly recognized as Hunter’s. He wrapped me in his arms and shushed near my face. 

“I promise you that woman will pay for her sharp tongue” 

That would have sounded better if he said it when we were married. He was just a no one now. No one who was somebody very important to me earlier. And he didn’t have to make promises to me. He was not someone who fulfilled his promises before. He was a crook, 

I tore out of his arms and slapped him on the face again. Penny was beside me and I saw her lifting a hand to her mouth from my peripheral vision Grandma Avery was stunned, parting her mouth, measuring the moment whether or not she should interrupt us. 

Then there was Scott. Earlier spectating like a mute. Now rumbling grimly as if it was he who was wronged, 

“The only promise you ever made and fulfilled is the one on our failed anniversary night” Hunter was caught off guard. His eyes blinked while I continued. “You’re hurting me spectacularly, Hunter Macintyre. Can’t tell you how numb my body feels. You’re doing your job honestly.” 

“Claire, you know I didn’t come here to cause a scene. I just wanted to talk with you.” 

“And why did you want to talk to her, huh? What is there to talk about Scott finally broke in. 

He held my shoulders and pulled me back. He stood between Hunter and me like my soldier. 

Cold tides of dread rose in my core. I was scared for my brother. I observed what Hunter can do not three minutes ago. I pulled Scott back and came forward, indicating that I can take care of my business. 

My warning was going to be final and forever. I opened my mouth but Hunter beat me to it 

“There’s a lot we can talk about, young Argent. For instance, you and your bullshit idea to release a fake article about Claire and Tyler. My heart lurched as my mouth dropped in daze. 

He was blaming my brother falsely, wasn’t he 

I slowly spun around to face my brother. My eyes moistened as raw pain scattered through my body. 

My brother was standing with face hung low. His hands clenched to his side. I knew that posture. It occurred when he was super sorry about something. 

“It’s because of your brother you are being slandered and seen differently. Tyler’s brother and he sent those pictures to a journalist who loves causing dirty controversies. Your baby brother helped them raise the wrong rumors on the internet. Bloomcrest is on fire and I doubt your parents told you about the crowd of journalists and cameramen gathering outside your house daily Hunter stopped behind me, his chest against my bare neck sent a shiver up my spine 

Scott?” Scout’s eyes brimmed with tears as he met my gaze 

“Forgive me, Laire. I just wanted to help. I thought if a new guy came into your life, it would be easier for you to forget him and move on. You were so depressed and gloomy that I could not come to bear with it. You have changed, sister” 

“I saw you crying when you were alone and also how you hastily wiped your face when mom or dad came to see you. I wanted to see you happy again. I wanted your smiles to return.” He came to me and held my hands. 

A small smile caused his mouth to throb. “You didn’t see it but your silence got the better of us, too. So I thought maybe if I paired you up with an equally hot guy as him, if not better than him, maybe you will become like the old Claire we loved 

I wanted to scream at him and say that I didn’t need another man to heal me. But I was on the verge of breaking down, and I refused to show it to Hunter. Hence, I went past Scott and out of the room. Theard Grandma Avery and Scout call after me but I didn’t stop. 

I ran like a mad woran through the corridors of the dimmed mansion. My feet ached as I was still wearing my high heels. I came to a dark corridor and slowed down my speed. Since my eyes were fogged with tears I couldn’t see ahead of me and ran into someone. 

“Clure, calm down. You are trembling Hunter’s voice intrated my body like a destructive bolt of current 

How could be cutrian are? 


Chapter 56 

“Don’t touch me” I yanked myself out of his touch. “You are responsible for all this. You like it, don’t you? You wanted to cause me pain. See, I am broken beyond limits. Look at me.” I pointed at myself. 

My family pity me so much that they can’t think straight. They want to see me smiling again somehow and they are willing to do anything.” 

My knees buckled, making me fall back against a wall. Hunter came to help but stopped several steps away. He blew out a sharp breath while his expression softened. He was looking at me like someone pleading guilty would. 

“You are getting it all wrong, Claire. I didn’t— 

“Don’t. Just don’t!” I showed him a palm. “I don’t need any clarification. I know you inside out, Hunter Macintyre. You just came here to hurt Tyler and reveal my brother’s silly plan. You wanted to show me how pathetic my life has become without you.” 


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