Rejected By My Mate

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Val and Damona are like geckos, they keep sticking up together all the time. Like you can't pull them

apart. Val was hugging Damona and she seemed not to mind it. I guess she liked it. They were the

closest among my four spirits.

Xandra, Willow and I laughed at the two. Val and Damona are too adorable. I can't deny that Damona

is also stunning in her red hair and silvery red eyes. All my spirits are stunning in their own way. I envy

their hair so much. Actually, I'm tired of my curly brown hair. I am the only one with curly hair, all of

them had straight and long hair. But, I notice Val's auburn brown hair became black and that makes her

even more stunning, though she's too white, whiter than all of us. Of course, perks of being a vampire.

Willow poke my cheek, I look at her while pouting. "What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking why I haven't had stunning hair like yours." I said while pouting. They all giggled.

"Why oh why? Your hair is stunning, Alex! I even love your curls!" Xandra said while caressing my hair

using her fingers.

Val finally pulled herself from Damona and walked towards me, "I agree! I wish I had curls like yours!

Straight hair is boring like mine though…" Val also played with my hair. I pouted more. "It's not boring.

Having straight hair is actually gorgeous. You can make a lot of hair styles with it." I contradict.

Damona stood up then walked towards us and pulled me up. I pouted when she sat in my chair. I was

about to scold her when she pulled me in her lap and embraced me behind my back while she rested

her chin on my shoulder. "Your hair is actually gorgeous, Alex. Wait until Blue Moon." she whispered.

My forehead creased in confusion. "Why would I have to wait for Blue Moon?" I said while I'm getting

comfortable in Damona's lap. I feel like I'm being pampered by her.

"Well, we must all prepare when the Blue Moon comes because…" Willow trailed off while walking

towards the bookshelves and pulled out a thick book.


Willow smiled and put the book in the center table and flipped the few pages until she stopped. I

gasped when I looked at the picture. I couldn't believe it. Why does the book have a picture of me? Or

is that really me? I stared at the picture dumbfounded. What caught my interests is the caption under

the picture. I read it over and over again.

I look at them questioningly. "Is this true?"

They all nodded while smiling. I'm speechless.


I watched as the waves danced furiously, while the ship swayed. I keep thinking about what Willow

showed and told me 10 minutes ago. I couldn't get it out of my head. The Blue Moon is approaching, it

is 10 days from now.

I saw Azrael and Sabrina on the wheels while Layla was on the other side of the ship thinking deeply.

When I woke up, Layla was staring into the water lost in her own thoughts. She didn't even notice that I

sat beside her. I let out a sigh.

"Layla, are you okay?" she's startled a bit. I guess she wasn't expecting me.

"O-Of course!"

I frowned. What was bothering her?

"Layla, I know there's something bothering you for days now. I haven't got a chance to ask you."

She sighed and stared back into the water. She became quiet. I waited for her to talk and seconds later

she let out a deep sighed. "I have to tell you something, Alex."

"Go on. I'm listening."

She looked at me, "I know we haven't talked about what I said before you disappeared. But I want to

talk about it now, Alex." her eyes showed vulnerability. It's the first time that I saw her like this.

I let out a deep sigh and diverted my gaze into the furious water, "Layla, I'm really sorry..."

She smiled at me faintly, "It's okay, Alex. I shouldn't have told you that. I don't want to ruin our

relationship, Alex. I know I was selfish and didn't consider your feelings. But I will still love you, Alex.

Even though it wasn't me you wanted for the rest of your life. I'm totally okay with that because I know

your mate can make you happy and give you little pups." she let out a light chuckle, "I admit, it hurts but

I think I am not that hurt anymore…"

I stared at Layla and saw her lips formed into thin lines like she was thinking something. She looked at

me and I was surprised to see the twinkle in her eyes, "I met him, Alex."

With eyebrows furrowed together, I asked, "Him? Who?"

She smiled, the kind of smile that I rarely saw, "My mate…"

My eyes widened in surprise. "What?! OMG! Who is your mate?!!" I hysterically yelled in surprise.

She chuckled, "King Stephen Vermount of Werewolves is my mate, Alex." I gasped.

"Stephen is your mate?? Oh my god! I'm so happy for you, Layla!" I couldn't help myself but to hug her.

First, she can shift and now, she has already found her mate. I couldn't be happier. This is really

surprising, "Tell me how you met him!" I said excitedly when I released her. She chuckled and nodded

while smiling.

"Remember when you disappeared?" she began and I nodded, "We were looking for you for almost

three days until our feet brought us into the forest and we didn't notice we stepped foot in Vermount's

territory. Some werewolves sense our aura and good thing, Sabrina knew the King. So, we went to the

castle. The moment I step foot into the castle ground, a strong intoxicating scent fills my nostrils then

my wolf Ada talks to me for the first time. And the King suddenly showed up while staring at me. I

guess he also sensed me." she paused while reminiscing the scene in her head. "I thought he would

reject me when I learned that he is my mate. But I was wrong, he said, he was waiting for me for years

and that made me happy, Alex…"

I smiled at her. I'm so happy for Layla. She was wishing for it her whole life. Good thing Stephen didn't

reject her or else, I'll get back on Stephen and make him pay for hurting Layla.

Suddenly, the ship came to an abrupt stop that made Layla and I startled.

"Azrael? Sabrina? What's wrong?" I asked and both Layla and I stood up then walked towards them.

"We saw something in the water." Sabrina mumbled while staring at the water. My eyes narrowed and

stared into the water. I saw the waves moving into a different motion. My eyesight became sharp like

an owl. They're right. Something was in the water.

I look intently and now I can tell what it was. A sea beast. It was moving towards our directions.

"It's coming this way." I uttered.

"What are we going to do?" Layla said, a little bit nervous.

The beast was moving swiftly now and I had to do something. I gripped the wheels and said sternly,

"Hold on. We're going to fly."

"What?!" they hysterically said.

I don't have time and immediately maneuver the wheels going to opposite direction of the beast. The

engine roared and I let my powers flow into my veins.

I saw Darius fly above the beast and make a noise. He was staring at the beast furiously. We all

gasped when the beast flew upwards while trying to catch Darius. Relief washed over me when Darius

flew away quickly causing the beast to get back on the water.

The beast has three heads of a killer shark and a tail of an octopus which consists of eight huge

tentacle arms or legs. And boy, it could jump higher!

The beast was moving towards our direction again. I quickly maneuvered the wheels faster like we

were flying. I saw the beast following us in a swift move too. "Hold on!" I yelled and they also yelled as

a response. Using Willow and I's power, the ship ran faster like a flash. I saw the waves get higher and

higher and another beast showed up while blocking us. It was a huge water horse. I notice that my

eyes glow brightly causing the water horse to stare at my eyes. I was surprised to see the glimmer of

its eyes while eyeing me. I thought it's going to attack us but instead the water horse swam faster

towards the other beast who was following us.

I immediately maneuver the ship facing the two beasts while attacking each other. Why did the water

horse attack the other beast? I'm confused. Is it helping us?

My eyes widened when one of its tentacle arms almost hit us, the water horse quickly attacked the

beast. But the water horse screamed in pain when the tentacle arms of the beast released electricity

that electrocuted the water horse and the beast successfully wrapped its eight tentacle arms around

the water horse's body. Oh crap.

Suddenly, the water horse shone brightly causing the beast to unwrap its tentacle arms. I was in awe

when the water horse released a blue ball in its mouth and threw it towards the beast causing it to

release a high pitched voice.

Without wasting any time, I maneuver the ship away from the beast faster while they are still distracted.

Sabrina, Azrael and Layla were watching the beasts fight. I smiled when Darius flew above us while

letting out a roar.

With the use of my power, I managed to get us far away from the two beasts who were still fighting in

the middle of the river. We almost reach the shore of the third mountain without having to fight the

beast. The last thing I wanted was killing a beast. It was scary though. Like seriously? A half three

headed killer shark and half octopus? That thing is scary with its long and sharp teeth.

"Hoo! That was a relief! I thought we were going to fight against a beast again! That saves our energy.

Thanks to the water horse. I hope he's going to make it alive." Azrael uttered. We all hummed.

I wonder why the water horse helped us.

When we reach the rocky shore, we immediately jump from the ship. As usual, the ship shone brightly

and my pendant floated in the air. I took it and put it back onto my necklace together with the other


But, I stopped when I sensed a few strong auras in this mountain.

"Alex?" Layla looked at me when she noticed my discomfort.

Sabrina and Azrael looked back at me and also stopped walking. I let out a sigh, "I can feel the beast's

aura around this mountain. The problem is, it is not just one but I think there are four in total." they all


"Yes, I notice it now." Sabrina mumbled.

"What should we do?" Layla asked while fidgeting when she heard there were four beast's waiting for NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

us inside the forest.

"We need to have a plan." Azrael uttered while thinking deeply.

I saw Darius land beside us. He was staring at the forest too. He can sense it too. He ushered us to

jump on his back.

"C'mon, let's ride at Darius back." I said and walked towards Darius then jumped in his back.

Afterwards, we were all in Darius' back and flew above. Up here, I spotted the four beasts lingering

around the forest. My eyes became sharp to be able to see the beast's clearer. It was dark inside the

forest and if it wasn't for the beast glowing eyes I couldn't see it because their shadows hide in the


I gasped when I saw the beast form. It's a black hyenas with glowing red eyes. Its fangs were long and

sharp, a green saliva was also dripping from their mouth. They're big and strong. When one of them

stepped in a glade or an open space, I could clearly see their form. I notice the horns in its forehead

like the horns of an elk.

Suddenly, my ears caught a sound. A sound of an arrow. But it's too late because Darius' cries echoed

when an arrow hit his right and left wings causing him to fall with us. All of us clutching tightly onto

Darius as he kept on falling.

Oh crap. Who released the arrows? I know it's not from the beast. How come I didn't notice its


Before the four of us landed on the ground together with Darius with broken bones, I teleported us

safely into the ground. But Darius' cries made my heart ache. I immediately went to look for his wings,

blood was oozing in it and I saw Darius whimpering in pain. I gasped when I noticed a poison in the

arrow that was still buried in Darius' wings. I tried to pull out the arrow in his right wings while Sabrina

also tried to pull out the arrow in his left wings, but Darius let out a loud cry. I closed my eyes and

swallowed my saliva, then pulled out the arrow slowly. It hurts to hear Darius cries but I have to take

out the arrow before the poison will reach his heart. I put my hands in his wound and tried to heal him.

But it's too late, the poison quickly managed to reach his heart and his breathing became unsteady. I

cried when I saw him struggling to breath. He looks at me while letting out a gurgling noise like he was

telling me it's okay. I shook my head while tears streamed down to my face. He slowly closed his eyes

and I cried loudly.

"Darius!!! No!!!" I felt arms wrap around my waist and pulled me closer. I hysterically screamed in

Azrael's chest. Darius is now gone! "He's gone! Azrael… Darius is gone!"

"Darius!!!" Sabrina and Layla cried. Darius became one of us and it so damn hurt knowing he will no

longer be with us until the end of this journey.

I cried endlessly in Azrael's chest. It's like someone stabbed my chest, it's f*cking hurts. I just lost a

loyal friend. Darius is my first dragon friend and why would they take him away from me? Whoever shot

him with the arrows, I will make sure to find the shooter and make him pay. He took Darius from us and

I will never forgive him. I will find the shooter no matter what. I wouldn't leave this mountain until I killed


My eyes glow brightly like it was on fire. I am so angry and I need to let out this anger before it will

control me.

I stopped crying when I heard Sabrina and Layla let out a loud gasp.

"A-Alex…" Layla uttered while stammering. Her voice was a little bit shaky. I look at them only to see

four beasts surrounding us. The four black hyenas with horns were staring at us deadly in their red

eyes and they growled loudly.

The four of us stood behind each other while facing the four beasts. Azrael, Layla and I looked at each

other then nodded. While Sabrina prepare herself and summoned a sword.

The four black hyenas growled again while eyeing us like we are their prey. But they were wrong

because tonight, they are my prey. I was so angry and I will let this anger out of my system as soon as

possible. I haven't felt so angry my whole life. Seeing Darius lying on the ground lifeless made my

blood boil.

Azrael, Layla and I shifted into our wolf form slowly. My glowing golden white fur illuminating the dark

forest and my two different eye colors was also glowing brightly. The three of us growled in unison

while staring dagger at the four black hyenas. The image of Darius whimpering in pain made me

infuriated. Suddenly my eyes changed color, it was now a blazing fire.

The four black hyenas stared at me in shock but they quickly growled loudly while preparing to attack


The three of us growled again while Sabrina was on high alert. I was surprised that Layla wasn't scared

anymore, I also felt her anger maybe because of Darius' death. And in just a snap, the calm forest was

left in chaos with our loud roars and attacks. We were now fighting canines to canines.

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