Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Chapter 50


I drove Fae and Gideon to where the imposter had met with my grandfather. I had already scoped the

area the night before, but I hoped Fae or Gideon might be able to pick up on something that I hadn’t.

Fae sniffed the air with a look of serious concentration on her face and Gideon stooped low to the

ground to examine the soil for footprints

“You sure he came this way?” Gideon asked, inspecting a ga sh in the ground. “I can pick up your

grandfather’s scent but it seems like he was the only one who had been here. Are you sure the old

man’s not going s enile?”

“My grandfather is not losing his mind. I would know.”

Gideon shrugged and knelt to the ground once again. After ten minutes of searching and me blathering

over the phone to every young shifter in the area-warning them to be on guard, Cidron stood up and

stretched to click his hack

“Is this guy a ghost or something? Even with masking leaves, he should have left some kind of trail.

There aren’t even any footprints.”

“He’s obviously not a ghost. Be serious about this,” I snapped and then regretted it. I was growing more

and more frustrated. I didn’t mean to take it out on my friends they were doing their best to help. “Sorry.

I’m sorry. This is just so frustrating, He was here. I know he was.

Gideon waved my apology away as he pressed his face to the ground, examining every twig and root

that might give us an inkling of the imposter’s presence there.

From the look on his face, the searching was futile. The imposter had vanished without a trace. Not

even us – skilled tracking shifters – could turn up anything of importance.

After some time I noticed that Fae was quiet and motionless beside us. She was staring up into the

trees with her brows furrowed and a frown on her face.

“What is it? I asked her, coming to stand at her shoulder. She didn’t answer, her eyes scanning the

treeline like she was reading something important written in the sky.

“Earth to Fae?” I probed, looking up as well and trying to see what she was seeing.

“The trees,” Far said quietly. She was speaking more to herself than to any of us as she walked

forwards and placed a hand. on the bark of a thick, sturdy tree in front of us. She ran her hand up the

bark until her fingers brushed something out of place. “He climbed the trees.”

I was skeptical about this at first. My grandfather had described the man as large and bulky, towering

over him when they spoke. There was no way that someone of that weight and stature was able to get

around through the treeline without crashing down almost immediately..

But Fae scuffed around at the base of the trees in the area, digging through fallen leaves, and

eventually unveiled an indentation in the ground at the foot of another tall tree. Bits of tree bark lay

littered around the area too.

Looking up, it was clear that some smaller branches had been broken in places and there were scuffs

in the bark like someone had clawed at it. As far-fetched as it was, it was the only explanation we had

to go on.

Holy s hit. You might just be right about that.”

Gadeon’s voice was loud in the quiet forest. “Just what kind of shifter are we dealing with here

exactly?” There was a rising parut in his tone. “You’re telling me he’s been moving through the trrey?

You’d need woll-like strength for that but human. appendages. That means he’s able to halt hus shift

somewhere in between the two.”

“Looks that way,” Far mumbled under her breath as she continued to examine the trees, tracking the

imposter’s progress as he had moved through the branches.

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Fri Jan 26

Chapter 30

We followed her through the forest, me at her back and Gideon firinging up the rear Usually, it was

always me leading the way, but this is how we progressed during most of our tracking expeditions. I

was the shield, Far was our eyes and ears, Gideon had our backs.

Far tracked the scrapes and broken branches all the way around our territory. There were occasional

moments when we stopped to examine the ground in places where the imposter had a tearly alumbed

down for a moment – probably to tempt more Belke members with the promise of safety with the Tally


I made a note of exactly where these dopower male and how close they were in certain houses where

elder members and other powerful families lived. Things were not looking good. He had approached

too many of our most powerful And none of them had said a wont about a We had more enemies

among us than we could have predicted

It was only after another Tour of trooping through the woods, as far picked up speed and began jogging

with her neck craned and her eyes on the treeline, that I gasped at the horriberalization.

“He’s been watching them. He’s been watching her

“Who”” Gideon’s voice belund me was serious

“This is the way to the mansion on the cliffs. He’s been watching Dorothy.”

We were albülent at the implications of this realization. None of to said another word but we picked up

the pace, hurrying along as my stomach began to turn in a sickening motion



I felt usriess waming around at home while my mate and my friends were all out trying to fix the current

problem. What was worse was that jt kaas a mess that had started because of me

Somehow in my quest to follow my heart I had sparked an all-out war that was now rippling across the

country m its

I felt like a jinx. I was a person who brought misery and disorder everywhere I went. Maybe that was

the real curse that had been bestowed upon me and the healing abilities that were slowly killing me

were post the cherry on tops

I knew it wouldn’t do any good wallowing around in a puddle of my own misery but there wasn’t much

else to do at the time. I paced up and down the living room, checking and rechecking the bolts on the

door and gazing out the window willing my mate to return

According to Ignatius. I waunt allowed to even set foot outside the house. I was bursting with anxiety, a

bundled knot of quivering nerves

I worried for the safety of Ignatius, facing all of our potential new enemies. It wasn’t fair that this burden

had been thrust upon him. I knew he would be unable to make a call it things really came down to

giving me up in exchange for peace

1 worried for Ange and Fac and Galeun, the first thurer fremds Thad ever had. Filidn’t want to even

consider what would happen if they were to run into Johan himself. Angar was strong and her

subordinates would protect her with all their might

But their was no telung what Johan had become in the mouths since he murdered his father. My old

mute had become monster and I couldn’t help but feel that I was to blame for that fact.

I grund nut loud and h onked my head against the wall. Never before had I telt more useless, more

helpless. It was aguting to be expected to sit around and wait

Desgate all of my training and how far I had come, I was still unable to help anyone I was still just

another burden to the people around

A sudden Ennek on the dose had me seg and all of my senses were suddenly alen. I felt shivers

etching across my skin until the lant of Angie’s sent tratta appar


“Dorothy she called from tile the from do and I heard her frantically trying the lock “Dorothy are you in


10:49 Fri, Jan 26

Chapter 30

Ignatius had said not to open the door for anyone but I was pretty sure Angie didn’t factor into that

promise I unlocked The three bolts on the door and turned the key

“Hey,” I said to her, looking past her shoulder when I noticed Fac and Gideon standing behind her.

“What are you guys. doing here? Angie, aren’t you supposed to be with your family?

“Stay inside. Angie hissed, pushing me back in when I tried to take a step out of the doorway. The

sender brunette as well as Fae and Gideon all crowded in at once and Angie shut the door behind

them, rebolting the forks and hurriedly closing all ed the curtains m the room.

“Angic, what’s going on! You re scaring me

Angie was agitated, peaking through the curtains and looking around the house like she expected

something evil to be hading around every corner.

“Have you noticed anything strange going on lately! Have you heard anything unpicious **

“The only thing suspicious is the way you’re acting right now.”

Fae and Gideon were searching the house too. They split up, with Fae checking the f arthest corners of

the house and Gideon heading upstairs to do the same

“The way all of you are acting actually. Angie”

1 upped her arm to stop her frenzied searching for a moment. “What’s going out”

She yanked her arm away from me and gripped both my shoulders tightly. “I need you to think real

hard. Dorothy: Okay? Since yesterday, have you noticed anything strange Like you’re being watched;”

I began to shake my head and then paused. “Earlier, on the cliffs with Ignatius. I thought I heard

something in the woods”

“F uck”” Angie let go of my shoulders and pressed her wrists to her eyes. “Where is Ignatius now?”

I realized I wouldn’t be getting any answers from her yet and the best thing to do would be to just

answer her questions. “Ignatius went to confront the other elder council members. He and he would be

back later.”

“You can speak to him, right? Through the mind-link: Dorothy, you need to tell him that they’ve all been

approached. It’s very likely that they have all already changed sides.”

-1- what? Okay.”

Everything was suddenly happening too quickly. My new life was crumbling before my eyes. Before I

could even say one word to Ignatius, I heard his voice, shrill and furious in my mind.

“Traiton, all of them!“

I closed my eyes and tried to soothe him from afar, sending calming energy to combat his distress.

“What happened”

“I met with all of them, they’re all hiding their betrayal. Tor can sense it. I can see it in their eyes. They

plan to let the Tally attack. They think they’ll be spared.”

“Angie can confirm that apparently”

he raged, the intensity of it was a harsh prejure in my head. “It must have been a great pitch if they are

all willing to stake their lives on a Tally. A member of the same pack who has been launching attacks on

us for werks

“Caur home. I said quietly “Angie is here. We can ligure something out

“Elliot wants to murder them all. He wants wat The only thing keeping has tesus attacking them right

now is his bloodlust for the Tally imposter. He’s out searching for ham as we speak. I don’t know what

he expects to find that Angie couldn’t.”

10:49 Fri, Jan 26 G.

Chapter 50

“Wait,” he finally registered-my words, “Angie is there?”

“Come home,” 1 repeated and let the veil between our minds drop down again.

I turned my attention back to Angie who was pacing up and down and concentrating on her dirty


“Ignatius already knows about the other council members. Now, will you please tell me what you’re

doing here?”

Before she could speak. Far popped her head back into the room. “The house is clear.”

Her hair was just as wild as Angie’s, but curlier and donning a few twigs and leaves. In fact, all three of

them looked like they had just rolled out of bed and taken a hike through the bushes.

“Clear up here too!” Gideon called from upstairs. He came bounding back down to meet us. He was

wearing two starkly different patterned socks and his laces were untied and caked with mud.

“He didn’t make it inside it would seem,” Angie mused, checking through the curtain again. “He must

have stuck to lurking outside. But why?”

“Will someone please tell me what the f u ck is going on!” My patience had run thin and the bustling

panic of everyone around me was irritating me to no end.

Angie stopped her pacing for a moment and looked at me with an odd expression that I couldn’t quite

place. She looked. terrified, her face was strained and pale and her large eyes were wild

She moved like the wanted to put her arms around me but decided against it, choosing instead to cross

them over She was grappling with herself internally. I could see it but I couldn’t understand why.



“The imposter who approached my grandfather and the other elders, we managed to track him. He’s

been hanging around this house by the looks of it. He could have been here very recently.”

Her voice became a low whisper like someone could be listening in to our conversation. “We think he’s

been watching you, Dorothy.

My stomach dropped all at once and I swayed on my feet. If I hadn’t been sure before, I was now.

The imposter was Johan. And he was coming for me.

Another knock on the door had everyone on high alert. Angie. Fise, and Gideon stood in a circle

around me, ready to fight whoever was outside. The heckles on their necks rose and everyone’s claws

were out in a flash.

“Dorothy. It’s Rita. Are you in there?”

We all relaxed slightly at Rita’s crowing. 1 unbolted the door to let the old woman in. I was aware I was

going against Ignatius’s orders but I trusted Rita and we needed all the help we could get.

She shuffled inside and closed the door behind her, taking in me and the others and our guarded


“Thank go d you’re all safe. Ignatius stopped by, I heard what happened.”

Angie stepped in front of me before I could say a word “Were you followed?” she asked Rita, sizing her

up like she was suspicious of the old bird lady.

“No, of course not.” Rita sidestepped Angie and stood before me Where is Ignatius now? You need to

round up as many shifters as you can people you can trust. Something needs to be done about the

elder council”

“He’s on his way” Tassured Rita. “He’ll be here soon.”

“Hang on!” Angie hollered, circling Rita. “How do we know we can trust her?”

“Angie how can you even say that “I started to protest but Rita hushed me.


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Chapter 50

“No, Angela is right to be distrusting. The Bielke has a lot of traitors it would seem.”

She raised her hands, palms up. “I can’t prove anything to you. All I can give you is my word. I want

Dorothy to be safe and I want no harm to come to the Bielke people. There is no safety in siding with

the Tally”

Angie narrowed her gaze at Rita, she wasn’t convinced but she seemed to be willing to put aside her

suspicions for the moment and let it go.

We heard a car pull up and I peeked through the curtains to see Ignatius climbing out of the vehicle. I

rushed to open the door and leaped into his arms the moment he got to the porch

He seemed just as relieved to see me as I was him and he carried me inside with my legs swinging

beneath me. He noted everyone in the room in confusion. “Was there a party I didn’t know about?

Angie, what are you all doing here?”

Angie filled him in on everything that she and the others had discovered. Ignatius’s face grew dark

when she told him of how close Johan had been to the house.

“So it’s true then, Johan is out for revenge

“Wait,” Fae interrupted. “Johan, Dorothy’s former mate? Do you think he’s behind this?”

Both Ignatins and I locked eyes and he nodded gravely. “Seems that way. There was word that he had

joined the Tally. It looks like they’re using his little vendetta to push their own agendas.

“That’s why he’s hanging around the house?” Angie was livid. “He’s after Dorothy. I’ll kill him. He can’t

be allowed to get near her

Ignatius shot Angie an odd look at her spontaneous outburst Angie brushed it aside however and sat

down on the sofa, interlocking her fingers and bringing them to her chin. “We need a game plan. What

do we do?”

“First order of business is to protect the perimeter,” Gideon piped up, unusually serious as he spoke.

This mansion is currently a safe house. The three of us will head out and keep guard. Also, has anyone

heard from Geranium?”

Ignatius shook his head. “He isn’t answering his cell. He was supposed to be on shift around about now

but I haven’t sensed him

None of us wanted to acknowledge what that could mean. Geranium had last been on shift the

previous morning when Johan had been prowling the property.

I had seen Geranium from a distance, he always gave me a little wave when he arrived. I had grown

fond of the intimidating teddy bear. His presence had always been a source of comfort even though he

never really said much.

I go look for him,” Angie said blandly. “If he’s alive, we need him on our side.”

Fae stood next to Angie, looking down at her companion with concern. “I’ll go with you. You can’t risk

running into this Johan guy on your own.”

Ignatius was lost in thought, glaring at the ground and tapping a finger against his leg. I touched my

hand to his arm. “Wha are you thinking?

All four heads turned to look at him and Ignatius regarded us from behind his hand. “If the elder council

has betrayed their people, and they can’t be trusted, it might be time for some new leadership.”

Angie had already cottoned on to what he was implying before the rest of us. “That’s a dangerous

move. How do you know the people will follow you?”

Gideon and Far were next to understand the new idea sprouting in my mate’s head. “It’s risky. But you

would have the allyship of the younger generations. They respect you, and they have grown tired of the

elder’s lack of leadership already

My eyes widened. “A takeover?”

We were all silent, the idea hovering like a soap bubble in the air before us. I felt if I breathed too

heavily it would burst.


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Chapter 50

Ignatius nodded slowly:”Til handle Elliot. But it is possible. He turned to Angie. “Make some calls.

Summon all of your soldiers. This has to happen today

Angie and Fae were already preparing to leave. Gideon whipped out his cell and starred dialing

numbers too.

“Wait,” I said hesitantly. “What exactly are we doing here?


Ignatius put a hand on my waist, his eyes boring into my soul at that moment. “We’re taking over. I’m

going to step in as the new Alpha. And you, Dorothy, by the time the sun rises tomorrow, will be the

new Luna of the Bielke PackTM



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