Rejected Little Secret by Lisj

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 

The day had taken its toll on me, but as I settled into my cabin, a comforting sense of relief embraced me. I let out a deep sigh, feeling the weight of the day as i absentmindedly ran my fingers through my tangled hair, contemplating what to cook for dinner. My spirits lifted, even if only briefly, as i daydreamed about the satisfying warmth and delicious taste of a hot meal. 

Just as I was about to start preparing dinner, a sudden, unexpected knock echoed through my door. In confusion, I furrowed my brow, trying to guess who could be visiting me at this late hour, let out a tired sigh before finally getting up from my bed and heading towards the door. 

The door creaked softly as t opened it, and my heart skipped a beat when I spotted Aston leaning against the door frame, his casual stance captivating me. His eyes sparkled with mischief, causing a smile to tug at the corners of my lips as I admired his handsome features. 

“Hey there,” His voice, smooth and velvety, carried a smirk as he confidently uttered the words. “Mind if I come in?” 

At the sight of him, a smile naturally formed on my lips and a surge of anticipation filled me. 

“Of course,” I replied and took a step to the side, allowing him to enter. “What brings you here?” 

Stepping into my cabin, Axton’s entrance was accompanied by the soft thud of the door closing, his eyes locked onto me with an unwavering intensity. His steps were deliberate, each one bringing him closer to me, until his presence filled the small space between us. Before I could process what was happening, he suddenly leaned in and pressed his lips against mine, his touch igniting a wave of tingling sensations throughout my body. 

I couldn’t resist grinning at his playful demeanor, as my heart raced in anticipation. While I hold onto him tightly, eager to return his affection, I couldn’t help but notice a transformation in his expression. The mischievous smirk he wore had vanished, replaced by a grave and focused look. 

“What’s wrong?” As I looked into his eyes, I asked with a voice filled with concern. “Is everything okay?” 

With a heavy sigh, Axton’s shoulders drooped as he ran his hand through his hair, creating a sense of tension as he moved further away 

from me. 

“I’m afraid not,” he replied, his voice grave. “I need to talk to you about something serious.” 

The weight of his words settled heavily in my chest, and a feeling of impending doom crept over me. I couldn’t help but wonder what thoughts were burdening his mind, what deep concems had erased the playful smile from his face. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, I patted the empty space next to me, beckoning him to sit down and join me. With a smile, Axton accepted my offer and took a seat next to me. 

“Okay,” I said softly, my voice barely above a whisper. “What is it?” 

“We need to talk about the messed up Nadia.” 

e bear trap,” With a low and grave voice, Acton spoke, his eyes locked onto mine, searching for a reaction. “The thing that 

As soon as 

n as the bear trap was mentioned, my stomach clenched, tying itself into knots, and I could only manage a slow nod in response. It served as a stark reminder of the danger that lay beyond the safety of Blackacre pack’s borders, a danger that had already wounded Nadia, her leg still aching from the encounter 

Seeking comfort, I gripped Axton’s forearm tightly, drawing strength from his reassuring presence in an attempt to calm myself down. My anxiety didn’t go unnoticed by him, and he immediately pulled me onto his lap, holding me tight and emitting calming pheromones that had an immediate, soothing 

With my eyes closed, Texhaled deeply, savoring the moment as the tension in my body started to fade away. 

“What did you find?” 

My voice quivered as I asked, barely above a whisper, my face buried in Axton’s chest, his embrace offering me the refuge so desperately needed. A somber expression settled on Acton’s face as he spoke, his voice laced with a tinge of sadness 

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Chapter 66 


“We didn’t find a bear trap,” He whispered softly, his voice tinged with disappointment, as his warm calloused hand began to gently caress my thighs. “But we did find Nadia’s blood.” 

At his words, my heart constricted, and a rush of lear engulled me, contemplating the possible outcomes. My voice trembled with andety as I asked the question, lifting my head to meet Axton’s gaze. 

Did someone take it?” 

Shaking his head sadly, Axton’s eyes were filled with a cloud of uncertainty. 

We didn’t see any footprints,” With a frustrated tone and a click of his tongue, he admitted his feelings. “The bear trap 


p vanished as if it had never been 

A wave of frustration washed over me as I grappled with the unanswered questions, the feeling of helplessness growing more palpable by the second. 

y voice trembled with disbelief as I uttered, “No way. How could something as large and imposing as that bear trap 

“But that doesn’t make any sense,” My voi simply vanish into nothingness?” 

Frustration etched on his face, Axton let out a deep sigh and nervously tugged at his hair, desperately trying to come up with an explanation. 

“I don’t know, Chestnut,” he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. “We have zero idea, unfortunately. I already told the border guards to double check and find that bear trap if possible. It’s our way of getting to the bottom of things. It’s just… weird… is all…..” 

The implications of Axton’s words enveloped me, their weight hanging heavily in the air, making it hard to breathe. The words that reached my ears were so unbelievable, I couldn’t comprehend them. The bear trap just vanished into thin air? The idea appeared entirely outlandish, bardering on ridiculous. As I locked eyes with Axton, I couldn’t help but notice the unmistakable uncertainty shining through his gaze, which sent waves of unease rippling through my stomach. 

Immediately, I felt a sudden understanding wash over me, causing me to tense up on his lap. 

“You think I’m making this up?” 

My words came out in a defensive tone, filled with anger that was building up inside me. The accusation that I played a part in Nadia’s injured leg hit me Like a hard slap across the face, Axton shook his head vigorously, his face contorted in pain as he tightly gripped my shoulder, pulling me into a tight embrace, his chest warm against mine. 

“No, Chestnut, of course not,” His words were spoken softly, but there was an unmistakable tone of reassurance in his voice. “Lknow you would never do anything to hurt Nadia intentionally.” 

“Then why are you-” 

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, he dropped another bombshell, and my heart sank even deeper into despair. 

“Some of our pack members have been saying that the accident felt too conveniently timed,” His admission came with uncertainty, evident in his averted gaze and the weight of his words. “And let’s just say your relationship with Nadia is less than friendly… 

Helt a sharp, painful sensation in the pit of my stomach, as if I had just been struck with a powerful blow. The implication was clear: they believed we had some connection to Nadia’s accident, and they were determined to find out the truth. The very idea filled me with such fury that I could feel my blood boiling with indignation. 

“I can’t believe this,” Struggling to contain my anger, I said, my voice shaking with intensity. As I threw my hands up in the air, I could feel the rush of anger and frustration coursing through my veins, propelling me to push Axton away. As I struggled to break free, he hold on to me even lighter, his arms wrapped firmly around my waist. “No matter how angry I was at Nadia, I would never do something like that to her, you assholet Seriously, do you even know me?!” 

Axton nodded sympathetically, his eyes filled with understanding as he emitted more calming pheromones, instantly easing my breathing As his bands 

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Chapter 66 

gently brushed against my cheeks, he leaned in and pressed his forehead against mine. 


“I know, Chestnut, I do,” With a soft tone, he spoke, his voice carrying a hint of remorse. “But I need to know the truth so I can help. If there is any connection between you, Sammy, and the situation, I need to be aware of it. Chesnut, you know that’s the only way I can help you, right?” 

At his words, I felt a wave of hurt crash over me, leaving me feeling raw and vulnerable, How could he even ask such a thing? It was completely outrageous. Wasn’t deserving of his trust? 

Didn’t he know me at all? 

me at allz 

“I can’t believe you’re even asking me this,” With tears brinuming in my eyes, I said, my voice trembling with overwhelming emotion. With a swift motion, I thrust my fist forward, making contact with his chest. Iswing at Axton’s chest again, hoping to elicit some reaction, but he remains calm, intensifying my annoyance. “After everything we’ve been through together, you really think I could do something like that?” 

Axton’s expression softened, his eyes brimming with regret, as he extended his hand towards me, gently resting it on my shoulder. With the intention of kissing me, he gently guided my face towards his, but my resentment towards him led me to turn my head, causing his lips to meet my cheek instead Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“I’m sorry, Chesnut,” With a soft tone, he expressed his remorse, his voice filled with sadness. “I didn’t mean to upset you, and I apologize if my words came across that way. All I need is the truth so I can help you guys the best way I can.” 

As tears streamed down my cheeks, I shook my head vigorously to try and clear my mind. 

“I don’t know what to tell you, Axton, I don’t know what you want to hear from me,” My voice quivered with emotion as managed to say the words. “1 promise you, I had nothing to do with it at all. No matter how angry I was, I’d never hurt Nadia. That bear trap is what hurt her. I don’t know why it vanished, but someone must have snatched it!” 

“Okay.” His voice, filled with sincerity, murmured softly as he held my gaze, creating an intimate moment. But even as he spoke, I could see the uncertainty flickering behind his gaze, like a shadow lurking just beneath the surface. “I believe you, Chesnut.” 

Axton’s lips gently brushed against my forehead, leaving behind a comforting warmth that was overshadowed by the unmistakable weight of doubt lingering in his eyes. His words were meant to be comforting, but I couldn’t help but sense a faint undercurrent of uncertainty about my innocence. 

Trying to ward off the gnawing sense of anxiety, I mustered a small smile that felt forced upon my lips. But inside, my heart felt heavy with sadness, as i could feel the weight of his skepticism, tarnishing the sincerity of his words. 

As Auton’s arms wrapped around me, a wave of sadness swept over me, piercing my heart. I nestled into his embrace, the warmth of his arms provided temporary solace, but the doubts persisted, eroding my confidence Like an unrelenting tide erodes the shore. 

Thank you…” Gazing at the ground with a blank expression, I lie through my teeth, the words leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. “For believing me.” 

Despite everyting, there was a part of him that thinks I’m nothing but a fucking liar. 

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