Revenge of The Furtive Billionaire Heir

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

31. 31. We all feel empty at times.

The incident at the club has me shaken, and Coraline fumes throughout our meeting. We don’t really get any work done as we sit around the table back at my office. She is adamant about pursuing him once again, and I try my best to change her mind.

“Get a lawyer and take him to court,” I tell her, “You saw how demeaning he was. He brushed you off without even thinking. Do you honestly think that he would listen to you again?”

“He has to. This is illegal!”

“And he somehow managed to do it in the first place.” I point out, followed by a sigh. “Look, Coraline, I understand you not wanting to have law enforcement entangled in this. It will become much more complicated.”

“I’ve never gotten a police record in my life,” Coraline whispers. “I just don’t want my name to be tarnished like that.”

“There won’t be any tarnishing, because you’re not the criminal here. You’re the victim “I soften my voice, “and no matter what happens, you’ll have my support. Zelt Tech got some pretty good lawyers. We can handle it all.”


eshoots me a small smile. “But what if this causes a massive fallout between Greyson Consolidated. and the Collins Group? You know how cases like this spiral out.”

“You’re not an employee at Zelt Tech,” I remind her “You’re my employee. Although you work at Zelt Tech, you’re not on their payroll. You’re separate from Greyson Consolidated. So, if you decide to do this and have legal counsel without your own lawyers, you will be taking on the lawyers at Zelt Tech

privately. Gerald and I will facilitate that. And Aiden won’t have his father’s company be dragged into his, something tells me that his father wouldn’t jeopardize the name of the company when it is so focused on expanding at the moment. Besides we can also request the whole affair to be private.”

Coraline nods, “I will think about it, Jace. I really will. First thing tomorrow I’ll contact my life insurance. policy provider and see if we can resolve this without legal action. If that isn’t possible, well, there is no other choice than to go to the courts.”

Coraline nods. I’m fully aware that Coraline doesn’t need me to tell these things to her, she’s brilliant enough to know them herself. But she is also reserved and needs a little nudge in the right direction. With her parents being unaware of her circumstances other than the minimal information, and her other friends being entirely oblivious to her real life, she often comes to me to speak. I find this gratifying all while recognizing the weight of the responsibility. I’ve never had such a friend before, and even if her problems are this serious, it was nice to be the person she relies on.

We part ways after wrapping up our business at Zelt Tech, and as I shower and get ready for a night of studying, my mind wanders back to what happened in the evening. Brennan had not been mad at me about what happened, because there hadn’t been an actual fight, but he was disappointed. He did not like such aggression in his club, and I understood his concern. I hated aggression as well.

So, I pull out my phone and dial Brennan’s personal number. After two rings he answers.


“Hello, Brennan, this is Jace from the club.”

“Oh,” he replies, “hey, Jace, what’s up?”

“I just wanted to talk about this evening.” I hear him sigh on the other side, “I understand that we brought our private business into the club and ruined the entire mood. I’m really sorry for that.”

“It’s alright, Jace, I mean, I could’ve done without it, but I know it’s not your fault. Although I have to ask, what was that? I didn’t realize that you and Aiden were not on friendly terms. You never even looked at each other prior to this evening.”

This time, I sigh, “It’s all connected to my friend, Coraline. I don’t know if it is my place to reveal the details, but Coraline and Aiden have some history, and they aren’t on the friendliest of terms with one


Brennan snorts at that.

“I heard what he said to you, Jace, you don’t have to omit any details. I got an idea about their history together. I didn’t realize that Aiden had hurt your friend like that.”

“We didn’t either until recently. Had I known Coraline would drop in at the club, I would’ve stopped her.”

“It’s no sweat, Jace Things happen.”

“But what if this isn’t a one-time deal? Aiden is a long-standing member of the club, he’d been there more. than I have.”

“What are you trying to say, Jace? That you want to quit? His voice sounds incredulous.

“Maybe that’s for the best, don’t you think?”

“No, of course, I don’t,” he retorts, sounding impatient, “you’re just getting the hang of it, and you’re learning fast. You have great potential, and I hate to see you go. Especially over something like this.”

“But what if Aiden comes at me again? It will negatively affect your business, Brennan. The club is your livelihood. I would hate to do anything to jeopardize that?”

“Hang on, I got an email,” abruptly, Brennan changes the subject. From the other end of the phone call, I could hear him tapping on a keyboard.

“Huh,” Brennan mutters, “well, what do you know about that?”


“Aiden just quit the club,” surprising me, Brennan reveals, “I just got his email. It’s all formal and cites personal reasons. He says he’s going to find somewhere else. Well, that is a shame. The boy may have had his issues, but he was a damn good fighter.”

“Oh, man, we’re making everything worse,” I shake my head unhappily, “what are you going to do now?” “I’m going to call him and try to convince him to stay, but the way this email is worded, I don’t think that will be a possibility. But it’s a professional courtesy.”

“I see.”

“Come to the club next week, Jace. You won’t have to be uncomfortable here anymore.”

“I guess so, coach. I will see you, then.”

“See you too, kid. Good night.”

“Good night.”

Ending the call, I turn to the window and stare at the full moon once again, letting her cool rays bring me comfort.

What a trying day had it been. And what a strange twist to end it with. I watch the moon in an almost trance-like state, not wanting to think about it. My head feels heavy from all the thoughts I don’t

know if I will even sleep peacefully tonight. Suddenly, sitting in my room in the massive house, I feel so alone. The

urge to go out of my room and try to find my father is strong and strange. I haven’t wanted to search him out like this since I was a small child longing for his father. But I know that he won’t be home, he rarely is

My father might not be available, but Gerald is. I can’t dissuade the urge to call Gerald, so without even thinking, I find myself taking my phone again.

Gerald’s phone rings and rings. But no one answers. For some reason, this makes me feel worse than before. I never feel the need to call Coraline, but I’m too submerged in feelings of self-pity to notice. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

So, I keep the phone in front of me and listen to it ringing under the moon, and a distant part of me wonders about the moon.

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