Reyona’s Revenge


Thomas looked at his friend like he had just informed him that the apocalypse had happened already.

“What do you mean by you have sold it? Both? How is that even possible?” he asked his friend, Lance.

The latter beckoned on the waiter to bring beers over to their table. He looked over at Thomas. “The usual?”

“I don’t care about no crappy beer, man. What do you mean by that?” Thomas fired back at the man, who seemed nonchalant about his plight.

“Cool your jets, man. I have been up and about since morning, and I am not about to miss out on a cold beer because you suddenly changed your mind. ” He turned to the waiter. “Just give me a chilled Guinness, thank you. ” My friend here would be having none.”

“You got it,” the waiter said before going back to get the order.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Lance Pratchet loosened his tie before sitting more relaxed in his chair. Work had been hectic recently, and his ex-wife seemed to think he plucked money out of the air with the way she had been on his neck about alimony. The deal with Thomas had come at the right time and he was so happy when it was snapped up instantly too.

“So, can you hear me out now?” Thomas asked impatiently.”

Nope, hold on, Tom,” he said, raised his hand and smiled as the waiter handed him his beer.

“Thanks, man. I would probably ask for more of this. Anytime you see me raise my hand in your direction, just keep ’em coming.”

The waiter smiled and left.”Hmm,” Lance moaned as he drank deeply, the tangy taste of the chilled beer rejuvenating his system.

“And now?” Thomas said impatiently that he should lean over and jerk the bastard out of his seat.

“What has got you in a shitty mood?” Lance asked, then he remembered, “By the way, ain’t you supposed to be in Luxembourg right now instead of you sulking here at Johnny’s Bar?”

“If you can see me here, that means I did not go, didn’t it?” Thomas replied in a bristling tone.


“Quit your yapping about my travel plans. What do you mean by the gym and the other facility having been sold?” he asked as sweat popped out on his face.

“Isn’t that what you wanted? I put it up for sale, and it was just as if someone was already waiting for it. It was snapped up instantly,” Lance said with a smile, but his smile faded when he realised that his friend was not happy.

Nope, not happy at all.

“No, I do not believe you,” Thomas said in a loud voice as he swiped his hand over his forehead, only to realise that it was dry, He saw people looking over and he reduced his voice as he leaned towards Lance.

“I do not believe you, Lance. What are you trying to pull here? I just told you about those facilities three days ago, and now you want me to believe they are gone? Try again, buddy,” he said with a smile that did not reach his eyes.

“What the heck are you talking about? Did you give me a timeline for the sale? I could remember how you were so anxious about getting it sold as soon as possible, as you needed the money over there. What is wrong with you? I know you are not about to sit down there and call me a liar. Are you, you asshole? I busted my ass to get things done for you as fast as possible, and this is what I get? How is it my problem that you couldn’t make up your damn mind?”

Lance was getting angry too, and he was not about to care about whoever heard him. If his friend was saying this because he wanted him to return the commission money he got from the deal, he would have to think again because a huge chunk of that money was now in Alexa’s pocket. That would earn him at least a week’s rest before he started getting her calls again.

Thomas knew he had to handle this well, or Lance might just flip and he wouldn’t get any coherent answers again.”Okay, calm down buddy. I am sorry” he said as he raised his hands towards Lance in a truce.

“You had better be. I did not take shit from Alexa and I am not about to take any from you” he looked back at the waiter who was standing by the bar at the moment and raised his hand.

The man brought the beer readily, like he had been expecting his signal.

“When exactly did you put them up for sale?” Thomas asked gently when the waiter left.

Lance took a long pull of his beer and rubbed his cold hand over his bald head before replying, “The same day.”

“When did you get a buyer?”

“Yesterday morning”

“About the time I was supposed to leave?”

“How was I supposed to know when you left?”

“Okay, okay, sorry. The same person bought the two properties?”

“Yeah, a guy I did not even meet with. He was weird, but he paid instantly. I forwarded the papers to him, and the deal was done.”

“People could sell things just like that.” Thomas asked in surprise.

“Which cave have you been living in, man? Do you think most people do transactions face-to-face anymore? You could be anywhere and buy any damn thing you want.” Lance drank his beer.

Thomas shook his head. How would he explain that to Reyona while he wasted his time?

Yes, he could just repurchase it from the person who bought it. That might be difficult, but it shouldn’t be impossible.

He looked at Lance, who just put his drink to his mouth again “Alright then, the money. What about the mo…”

He couldn’t complete his sentence as cold liquid hit his face when his friend sputtered and the beer in his mouth flew.

Lance looked down at the mess he caused and back up at his friend’s face.”Are you nuts? What kind of play is that?”

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