Rise of the She-Wolf

Chapter 26 Weekly games

Vanessa’s pov,

My whole body immediately felt heated when I heard Julietta whisper to me about killing the Alphas. Was she insane to voice such dangerous actions?

I stepped away and smiled at her politely, “Excuse me, I need some air.”

I went outside and breathed in the fresh air trying to calm myself. “Why does everybody keep asking me to kill? Spirit? Isn’t there another way?”

Spirit’s calm voice immediately soothed my nerves a bit, “Violence is sometimes inevitable, but I agree it should only be used as a last resource.”

“Why do I feel so much resistance to it when both these Alphas are clearly rotten and make their packs suffer?”

“You have never killed someone, Vanessa. So, it is natural to feel resistance. It will probably haunt you for the rest of your life so we should only do it when there are no other options. Trust me you will know when the moment is there. I will help you and take over when that time arises.”

I felt reassured by Spirit her advice and just wanted to go back inside when Julietta came out. “Would you like to go for a run in wolf form?” she asked me.

I nodded and without saying another word I ran into the forest and changed. Spirit and Leia ran for a long while before they even started to talk. Strangely enough, Spirit and Leia immediately seemed connected. They knew where the other was going without even having to think about it. Spirit told Leia about the conversation she and Vanessa just had and Leia said she understood. Julietta had suffered from Carlos for many years, so it was logical that she was ready for drastic measures while Vanessa was not. After that serious talk, they just enjoyed each other’s company for hours and discovered the beautiful surroundings South America had to offer.

We came back late that night, and I immediately went to bed, happy to be exhausted enough to fall asleep quickly. The next day I had breakfast with Julietta and Tomasso in her room. Neither of us felt like dining with the Alphas after yesterday. It felt nice to talk to Tomasso and Julietta without having to think about everything I said. I thought there really was potential for a great friendship, the only one missing was Lianna.

After breakfast, a messenger came and said that we were required to be in the fighting ring for the weekly games. Julietta her face became dark, and she grunted, “I forgot that was today.”

“What are the weekly games?” I asked.

Julietta stood up and walked to the door, “Carlos lets everyone compete in fights weekly. The winner has the honor to accompany him for the week.”

Tomasso raised his eyebrow, “Sounds like gladiator games. But why weaken your own pack? What is the advantage?”

Julietta replied, “He says it’s practice for them to get stronger but honestly I think he just like the entertainment.”

We walked to the fighting ring together which was in the cellar. In the middle, there was a space as big as a football field, and all around it were seats. Alpha Carlos sat on some kind of throne with Don Lorenzo next to him. He asked Tomasso to sit on his other side and directed Julietta and me to the seats under him. We watched multiple wolves fight and rip each other into parts. The winner was determined by the first sign of blood. I didn’t like watching it, but I felt horrified when they put the biggest wolf of the pack against a tiny wolf that couldn’t have been older than 14.

I turned around and looked at Carlos angrily, “How is that a fair match?”

He frowned, “It is not but it won’t always be a fair match in real life either so every week one of the younglings has to fight the winner.”

“That is ridiculous they can never win so you just hurt them on purpose?”

Carlos growled, “You take his place then if you know so well.”

“No, I won’t. I don’t have to participate in your stupid power play games.”Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

Carlos narrowed his eyes, but I looked back at him fiercely, “Seems the bringer of Ragnarok is all bark but no bite. What do you say Don Lorenzo should she obey me?”

Don Lorenzo made his voice deep and spoke to me with authority, “You talk in a disrespectful way to your superior Vanessa. You make your bed, so I say lay in it.”

I gritted my teeth because I knew I wouldn’t win this but better that I got hurt than the child they were offering. “Fine!”

Tomasso stood up and shouted, “No! I will go in her stead.”

Don Lorenzo looked annoyed and surprised. Carlos just laughed, “My, My so loyal to this little bitch. I hope her pussy is worth it Tomasso.”

Tomasso stood up and his dark brown eyes were raging, “With all due respect Alpha Carlos, Vanessa is right so I will gladly fight for her to make this an actual battle. Perhaps the entertainment value will even be higher now that the fight is fair.”

Apparently, Carlos was too stupid to understand the hidden insults but I saw Don Lorenzo was displeased with his beta disagreeing with him and speaking up for me. He looked at me and said, “You can go to your room now Vanessa. I have no other need for you at the moment.”

I silently mouthed, “Thank you.” to Tomasso and smiled at Julietta before returning to my room. I wasn’t allowed to come out until it was time for dinner. I hurried to the dining room and was relieved to find Tomasso there bruised but with no major injuries. He winked at me, “You should see the other guy.”

At dinner, Carlos and Don Lorenzo started to talk about business. Don Lorenzo took a sip of his wine and said, “Carlos I have heard some troubling rumors that business has gone badly lately. Besides that, I have found out you tried to partner up with the Irish and on top of that, you had a spy in your pack without you knowing. What is going on?”

Carlos started butchering his meat and took a while to answer, “I have to admit that business has not gone so well lately and that I made mistakes. I was too ashamed to admit it to my allies, so I tried to solve it myself by partnering with the Irish. I should have known that scumbag Colin couldn’t be trusted. He took our rum but never paid me back any profit.”

Don Lorenzo replied, “We are allies so we can solve things together and be stronger for it Carlos. So next time don’t be ashamed. We all have hard times we must go through, and we all make wrong choices, so I propose we renew our alliance and start selling packages with your rum and my cigars,”

Carlos his eyes started to shimmer with the thought of money, “A wonderful idea! But the police are already breathing down my neck how do I cover it up?”

Don Lorenzo looked at me now, “You have only been trouble so far Vanessa. Care to give Carlos some ideas and show him you are worth the trouble?”

I took a deep breath, and my mind was racing thinking of ideas, “You should have something to cover up the sudden money flow. I would rebrand your strip clubs and turn the performances into acts with a theme, of dancing and singing. You should make sure that every week there is a different event. Something new and exciting every week will create more customers which you can put into numbers and show to the police. Besides that, all attention will be on the strip clubs which gives you more opportunity to smuggle.”

Don Lorenzo nodded at me, and Carlos stared at me for a while before he said, “Well then I say Salute! To being allies again.”

We all toasted, and Carlos slammed down his glass, “Now I am bored of business talk. Julietta give me some entertainment! Kiss Vanessa!”

Before I knew what was happening Julietta already took my face in her hands and pressed her soft lips to mine. I could smell her vanilla scent again and the soft touch of her lips made mine tingle. After a few seconds, she pulled away and looked deep into my eyes leaving me breathless. Carlos seemed pleased and started talking and laughing with Don Lorenzo again. For the rest of the dinner, my head felt dizzy and confused. I didn’t follow much of the rest of the conversations. After dinner, Don Lorenzo told me and Tomasso to pack our bags because we were going home.

A helicopter was waiting for us again and the blades were already making a lot of noise. Julietta was there to say goodbye, she pulled me into a tight hug and spoke so only I could hear.

“Thank you for showing me what it means to be alive again. My fire was slowly going out but thanks to you it is again fully lit. If you change your mind about my proposal, you know where to find me.”

She winked and put a note with her number in my pocket. I went into the helicopter and looked at Julietta when we took off. She stood there with her long black hair dancing in the wind, and I wondered if I would ever see this remarkable woman again.

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