Rules Of Our Own (Rule Breaker Series Book 3)

Rules Of Our Own: Chapter 23

I DUCK JUST in time to dodge River’s fist. It’s so close it grazes my ear, and I have to dance back on my feet.

Moisture drips from my forehead and lands on my bare chest as I watch his hand close in preparation for another round. The musty smell of sweat coats the Bruins’ fitness room, filling my nostrils. I can taste it in the back of my throat, and my arms are beginning to feel the strain of blocking punch after punch. His brows furrow, and he grits his teeth—if I don’t do something quick, I’m not going to make it out of here.

“Why did I agree to this again?” I ask as River comes at me again. “Oh yeah, I remember now. I’m taking one for the team because you’ve been a pent-up ass since we got back two weeks ago.”

River stalks in closer, and his lips pull into a sneer. “Keep talking. I dare you.”

“Fuck, I miss her too,” I say, exasperated. “You aren’t the only one fucking going through it.”

His eyes widen, and I take advantage of his momentary distraction to sweep his legs from under him. He lands hard on his back with a thud. We’d silently agreed not to mention Mia since we watched her disappear into the airport. It was an asshole move to do it while sparring, but fuck, he’s been a beast this morning.

I drop down onto him, throwing my leg over his side before he can get up, and straddle his hips to keep him in place. He struggles against me, but I grip his shoulders, slamming them down. He hisses out a breath, and I lean forward until my face is directly above his. “You need to fucking relax, man.”

His intense black eyes meet mine, and fire ignites inside me, suddenly all too aware of our position. My hips pin his to the mat, and there’s no mistaking his rock-hard length against mine. I bite back a groan when I involuntarily rock forward as heat ties a knot in my gut.

River takes advantage of my distraction and flips us over so I’m underneath him, looking up. His pupils are blown wide, and his gaze searches mine. I feel the heat emanating from his body as he looms over me, his powerful presence commanding my attention.

My heart pounds in my chest, sending my pulse rushing in my ears.

What the fuck is happening?

Why aren’t I pushing him off?

“Fuck, Alex.” River’s fingers dig into my shoulder, and his thumb presses into the base of my neck. “You’re not ready for this.”

He springs up, leaving me panting on the floor, and walks to the corner of the ring. I struggle to process what just happened. My chest is so tight I’m struggling to breathe, and my cock is painfully hard. Fuck me.

A white towel sails through the air, dropping onto my chest, and I can’t help but shift my gaze upward to River. His wide shoulders twitch with tension as he vigorously rubs his face and hair with the cloth, every muscle in his back and arms flexing and moving gracefully. I swallow hard, unable to look away, trailing my tongue over my lips, and the taste of salt fills my mouth.

The gym doors crash open, and one of the team’s assistant coaches steps through. “Hey, Coach Sutherland wants to see you. Both of you.”

A thrill travels through my chest. There’s been rumors of me becoming the captain, and I haven’t had it in me to hope. I understood why they gave the title to Lucas in university, but I fucking wanted it then. I still want it now. Thank God they traded Sidney’s dad after one season—that guy was a complete dick.

“Get up. Can’t keep Coach waiting.” River reaches down to me, his hand held out between us. For the first time since I’ve known him, his gaze is to the side of my head, not meeting mine. There’s a pink flush up his neck and over his cheeks. I can’t tell if it’s from the workout or whatever just happened between us.

“Do you think it’ll be good news?”

He yanks me to my feet, and a hint of a smile curves his lips. “Fuck knows we could use some.”

River’s shoulders are relaxed as he strides out of the gym. Any of the awkwardness that was between us is now gone, almost like nothing happened. Don’t be a fucking idiot, Alex. Nothing did happen. Bodies naturally react. Can’t fucking help it.

Great, now I’m the one with pent-up energy. I wish Mia was here so I could fuck her against the wall, letting her whimpers and moans clear my mind.

“Hurry up.” River calls from the door he holds open for me, and I shake myself out of it.

“Yeah, buddy. I’m coming.” I jog out, pulling my shirt on as I head for the coach’s office.

As soon as I walk into the room, I know something’s off. Damon Everette, the team owner, sits at one end of the small conference table with crossed arms. Misty’s on his right, gaze laser focused on the thin folder that lies open between them.

Fuck me. The glimmer of hope he’s here to bestow the captaincy disintegrates the second he glares up at me. I hit on his niece one time, not knowing who she was, and the man has never let it go. How was I supposed to know she was off-limits? Plus, I didn’t even fucking sleep with her. I haven’t told him that—it’s always been too much fun seeing him get pissed—but there’s nothing fun about what’s about to go down.

“Sit.” His voice is flat, neutral, but there’s no missing the command.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

I plop down instantly across from Misty, and River takes the spot on my left. I take a brief moment to look her over. As the head social media manager for the team, I’ve seen her at work a few times, but I’m always amazed by the outfits she comes up with. Today, her hair is pulled into a multicolored twist bun thing, and she’s wearing a sunshine-yellow dress. It’s just too fucking bad none of that sunshine glow is showing on her face.

“Alex, do you know why I called you in?” Coach asks from the far end of the table. His tone is nothing like I’d hoped. Where’s the congratulatory pat on the back and take a seat, son.

I swallow hard. “Not sure, Coach. Congratulations on being the player of the year?”

Damon’s eyes narrow at my remark. Fuck, why can’t I keep my mouth shut. He steeples his fingers in front of him. “I suggest you drop the cocky act if you want to get through this.”

I feel River tense beside me. He leans forward as if he’s putting himself between me and the owner. I feel the heat emanating from River’s body as he looms over me, his powerful presence commanding my attention. I can almost feel its intensity radiating off him.

Misty clears her throat, cutting through the thick air, and all eyes turn to her. “I think what Damon was trying to say—”

Damon? They’re on a first-name basis?

“—is that the Bruins are going in a different direction this year. In the past, it’s all been about the game, but with how things are progressing with social media, fans want to see their players on and off the ice.”

“I’ve got an Instagram,” I say.

The owner huffs out a breath, but Misty keeps going before he can say anything.

“That’s sorta the problem. Your Instagram is basically you partying and surrounded by girls. Our rebrand is all about the team being family friendly and community focused. Right now, you don’t fit that.” She glances my way, and there’s a hint of disparagement written in her gaze.

Heat crawls up my neck. They’re calling me out, and they aren’t wrong. Well, they weren’t wrong. Whether Mia’s here or not, I won’t be going back to that lifestyle. Not after I’ve seen what I really want. There’s just one thing I don’t understand. “Why’s River here?”

“That was my idea,” Coach interjects. “I need you to understand how serious this is. We’re cutting someone this year, and—” He glances at Damon, who nods. Coach winces as he delivers the blow. “—we won’t think twice about cutting you.”

“What the actual fuck? And what’s your plan? Get River to babysit me?”

Damon’s voice is cold when it cuts through the room. “You’ve given us zero reason to believe you’ll get your act together without someone keeping you in check. You’re an asset we don’t want to lose. River here has proven himself to be responsible. We’re putting him in charge.”

The muscles in my back spasm, and my jaw clenches shut. I don’t want to be River’s responsibility.

“That’s not the only reason.” Misty gives me a weak smile, then faces River. “A part of this is you being more public-facing. It’s one thing to have a clean image. It’s another to be seen as approachable and friendly. It’s not just you helping Alex. It’s both of you balancing each other out.”

River stays completely silent, but he seems to relax beside me.

“So what’s the plan? There must be one,” I ask the room.

“I’ve got an idea that I’m just getting the finishing touches on. I’m confident you’ll both be happy to participate.” Misty’s smile is genuine. I tilt my head, trying to figure out her hidden meaning. “I’ve already run it by Damon. I’ve also been working remotely with Dr. Mia Brooks and Piper Knight. There’s still a few things that need to be worked out. Once we’re ready, I’ll set up a meeting to go over the details.”

My heart slams against my chest as I take in her words, and I bite my lip against my grin. No reason to let the bosses know just how much I want this now.

Coach Sutherland drops his palms to the table with a loud smack. “We’re counting on both of you to make this work.”

“We’ve got it.” I put my hand on River’s shoulder, and the muscles twitch at my touch. “Don’t have to worry about anything.”

Damon turns to River. “Is that right? You’ve been quiet.”

River’s shoulder tightens. “Yes, sir.”

“He’s always quiet. Don’t worry. I’ll get him to loosen up a bit,” I butt in, wanting to get the fuck out of here before we screw this up, and pull River toward the exit. The second the door closes behind me, I can’t stop the grin from taking over my face. I’ve been racking my brain, trying to think of a possible reason to see Mia again, and Misty just dropped it in my lap.

River steps closer so the tips of his shoes brush mine, and a hint of a smile plays on his lips. His eyes glint with amusement and something else that I can’t name as his face nears mine. A warmth spreads through me, and my heart rate triples with anticipation. He’s so close that I can feel the heat emanating from his body and smell the mint on his breath.

“You as desperate to see her as I am?” he asks, his voice deep and low.

I nod slowly, looking deep into his eyes, searching for any detail that would tell me more about what he’s feeling.

The corner of River’s mouth quirks upward. “What are we going to do about it?”

A mischievous grin pulls at my mouth. “Whatever it takes.”

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