Rules Of Our Own (Rule Breaker Series Book 3)

Rules Of Our Own: Chapter 41

ALEX SLOWLY CROWDS me until my back hits the elevator wall. His tongue slides over the uneven edge of his teeth as he takes me in with his hooded gaze. Gone is the playful guy who makes me laugh, and I’m suddenly faced with the power he wields on the ice.

“I’ve been dying to kiss you, Kitten. I’m pretty sure I haven’t been completely soft since the last time I had you pressed against these mirrors.” His breath smells like mint as he shifts closer, and his knee slides between my legs. “Is that what you want?” His lips graze over mine in a featherlight touch, lighting up the nerves all over my body.

“This isn’t a part of our deal,” I say shakily. I glance at River where he’s leaning against the other wall, watching Alex’s hands curve around my hips.

His dark eyes meet mine. “There’s no more deals, Love. There’s just us.”

Alex runs his nose along mine and rests our heads together. “So tell me, Kitten. Do you want me to kiss you?”

I lift onto my toes, grip his shirt in both hands, and close the distance between our mouths, a sense of power filling my veins when he growls deep in his throat and his hips buck into me.

Alex devours me, not pulling away until my lungs burn for air. He reaches behind me, dragging the zipper of my dress down, and groans as it slips over my shoulders. His mouth is hot on the exposed sensitive skin, and he leaves a trail of wet open-mouth kisses, a stream of words tumbling from him—fuck…so good, Kitten. The smooth edge of his tongue dips into the hollow just above my collarbone, and my head tip back, connecting with the mirror. His nearly incoherent words vibrate against my skin, sending a trail of goose bumps down my arms. “—fucking—I missed this—so fucking good.”

Alex’s left hand slips beneath the hem of my dress, the fabric caressing my skin as he slowly drags it up my leg. His nails scrape a slow path up my thigh, the heat radiating from his touch intensifying until I moan and arch into him. He hums in the back of his throat and grazes his knuckle over my lace panties.

Alex grips my chin firmly with his free hand and directs it toward River. “Look at him, Kitten. Show him how desperate you are for us.”

I swallow hard and swivel my head toward River. He’s hovering closer than I expected, our torsos almost touching as he bends in and seizes my mouth with his own.

River’s kiss is hungry and seductive. Like it’s full of a million dirty promises he’s just waiting to show me, and I’m so ready for him to. I clasp the front of his shirt and tug him closer.

Alex’s teeth bruise the spot just under my ear, and I reach between us, attempting to push down his shorts. I suddenly can’t wait another second to feel them both bare against me.

In me.

Making me scream their name and owning every little piece of me that I will gladly give them.

But we’re wearing way too many clothes. Alex chuckles, gripping my wrist and pinning it by my ear. “As much as it pains me to say it, we’re a little too well-known to get caught fucking our girl in the elevator.”

He nips my jaw and pushes off. I hate the chill from the cold air immediately replacing him.

River hits a button on the elevator, and it jerks. I have no idea when they even stopped it. He wraps his arm around my lower waist, tugging my back to his chest, and rests his mouth on my shoulder, his hot breaths branding me through the thin silk.

I close my eyes as my senses reach out for both of them. If there was any chance of stopping before, it’s nonexistent now. There’s a ding, and the doors slide open.

River places a kiss just below my ear. “Your place or ours?”

I glance at Alex, who’s standing in the doorway, keeping it open, and answer, “Yours.”

There’s a low, pleased rumble from River’s chest that travels through my back.

My voice is cut off from saying anything else by Alex lifting me off my feet and tossing me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing.

He carries me into their apartment but doesn’t move toward the bedroom like I expect— instead, he heads toward the dining room. His arm bands around the back of my thigh as he slowly slides me down his chest, every inch of me coming alive as it comes in contact with him until he sets me on my toes.

I reach for him, but he catches my hand, kissing my palm. “Just a second, Kitten.”

The displeased sound that escapes the back of my throat just makes him smile wider. Then he steps to stand a few feet back with River.

I drop my hands to my sides, ignoring the anxious pull at my chest. I’m not sure exactly what I thought was going to happen when we got in here—something along the lines of all-encompassing ravishment—but I definitely didn’t expect them to put this distance between us. I shift my feet from side to side, and unable to wait another second in silence—I hate it—I say, “What are you doing?”

“Take off your dress, Mia. Let us see you,” River commands in a low, throaty voice that sends tingles down my stomach and swirls low between my thighs.

Any doubt I was feeling a second ago vanishes, and I reach behind me, pulling my zipper the rest of the way down. I take my time, slipping the fabric over my shoulder, basking in the way their eyes devour every inch of newly revealed skin. There’s a heady power in controlling their attention, and I use every ounce of it. River’s fist clenches at his side, and his teeth sink into his bottom lip when the navy fabric catches on the peak of my breast, halting its path down.

“You’re fucking killing me, Kitten,” Alex groans, drawing a slow, devious smile from me. Because I know exactly what I’m doing.

“Is this what you want?” I gently tug the fabric, and it pools low around my waist, exposing my navy lace bra. It has straps that crisscross like ropes around my ribs, and by the way River stumbles forward, he really likes it.

Their chests heave with each breath, and I can make out their hard lengths through their pants. I swallow, remembering how they felt in my hands, my mouth. 

I push the dress down, letting it fall to the floor. My panties match my bra, sheer fabric with crisscrossing ribbons over top. I smirk when their eyes descend to the edge of my thigh-high tights.

Alex groans, biting his fist, and meets my gaze. “I don’t deserve you, but Kitten, I don’t fucking care. I want you anyway.”

I let out a high-pitched squeak when he closes the distance between us and drops to his knees. “I’ve been thinking about eating this pussy for weeks.”

He buries his nose between the apex of my thighs and runs his tongue along my clit over my panties. I tremble, my legs giving out, and Alex catches me behind my thighs, lifting me onto the table without removing his mouth from where he’s tracing my core with his tongue.

I fall back, my forearms bent at my side, and my legs dangle over the table as Alex looks at me with molten eyes. His finger trails under the strap of my underwear, and he places a kiss on each hip bone. “I’m sorry. I promise to buy you a new pair.”

He snaps the fabric before I even know what’s happening, but I don’t have time to think about the loss because his tongue dives into my core. “Fuck, Kitten. I didn’t think—I didn’t think I’d get to taste you again—so good—so fucking good—”

“Oh my Go…oh my…oh my God,” I cry out.

He swirls his tongue around my clit before delving it back in. I reach out blindly, and River steps into my touch.

My fingers splay over bare skin, and my eyes snap open. He’s stripped down to his black boxers, providing me with the perfect view. He looks like he’s carved from stone—years of playing hockey and working out have definitely been good to him.

“Like what you see, Mia?” River asks, leaning down so that his lips brush mine when he speaks.

Alex shifts, licking from my ass to my clit, and I arch off the table. “Yes.”

River pushes a strand of hair behind my ear that’s escaped from its tight bun. “You going to do what we tell you to?”

There’s something different, more, in what he’s asking. This is a whole new level of play for me.

Alex pauses, and my whole body revolts against the loss.


His mouth is back on my clit, and I can feel liquid drip over my ass. That’s how wet I am.

River runs his thumb over my bottom lip, then pushes it into my mouth. I instantly suck on it, twirling my tongue over the grooved pad as his taste floods my senses.

“Perfect, Mia. Just like that,” River says and starts to thrust it deeper into my mouth at the same rhythm Alex sucks my clit. He pulls it out, and I move to catch it again. He drags it along my bottom teeth, keeping my jaw open. “You like having something in your mouth, don’t you?”

I nod, not daring to talk.

River steps back and meets Alex’s blaring eyes. There’s a silent conversation before Alex shifts my entire body so my head’s at the edge of the table. My mouth goes dry, then pools with saliva as River pushes down his boxers and grasps his hard length in his hand. Jesus. I thought I imagined how big he is.

He shifts forward and taps the heavy tip of his cock against my lips. “Open.”

I instantly comply, and I’m rewarded when he pushes the head between my teeth. I moan as my mouth fills with the musky tang of precum, and my thighs tighten on Alex’s head.

He pries them open. “Oh, our girl likes that.”Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Before I can hum my agreement River thrusts his cock into the back of my throat, and I gag around it. He backs off slowly before pushing in further. Holy shit. I swallow rapidly and moan when he slips down my throat. He pulls all the way out and wipes the tears streaking down my face. “You’re doing so good, Love. I’m going to fuck your pretty mouth.”

My body clenches, and Alex chuckles. He switches from devouring me to sliding my clit between two fingers in slow, steady movements as if he knows I need time to adjust.

I meet River’s stormy black eyes. The truth is I don’t know how much I can take, but I know I want to give it to him. Give everything to them.

I nod, and a slow, pleased smile curves his lips.

“That’s my good girl.”

He notches his cock against my lips, and this time, I take him in fully on his first thrust. He groans and digs his fist into my hair, dislodging the pins holding it in place. He starts slow, pulling out and thrusting back in, a litany of breathless encouragement guiding me. “There you go—just like that—there—fuck—God, right there.” I swirl my tongue over his tip and moan as he bucks deeper.

Alex’s fingers are replaced with his mouth, and he delves two of them inside my core. I moan and gag around River’s cock as the sensation takes me over. My hips rock, and I dig my hand into Alex’s hair, yanking him harder against me. He moans and adds another finger, stretching me impossibly wider. I fuck myself on his fingers as River pounds into my mouth.

A coiled ache builds between my thighs, pulsing with each thrust, and I writhe in their touch, needing more. Alex’s teeth graze my clit, and he scissors his fingers, hitting the soft spot on my inner wall. River pulls back before my teeth can clench down as I grind through wave after wave of my orgasm.

My body is motionless as I slowly come down, basking in the feeling of their hands stroking over my sensitive skin. Up my thigh, down my chest, between my breasts.

I gaze up at River. He’s fisting his cock, stroking himself in long, unhurried movements.

My brows pinch together. “You didn’t come.”

He laughs, and the sound sends a thrill through me. “We are nowhere near done.”

Alex spreads my legs, drawing my attention. He’s stripped naked, but I don’t get a good look because he bends over me and takes my mouth with his own. His tongue swirls against mine, and a deep, low groan vibrates his chest.

My eyes pop open to meet him. There’s a pink flush over his cheeks. My mouth is still steeped with River’s musky taste, and I hold Alex’s gaze and stick out my tongue, guiding it deeper into his mouth. His hips buck against me, his hard cock rubbing against my pubic bone as he sucks the taste off me.

He pulls back, and worry pulls at his brows. I shake my head and nip at his bottom lip, smiling against him. Whatever is going on between him and River, I’m here for it.

Alex meets my smile. “You ready?”

For what? I don’t care. I know whatever they’re planning is going to feel amazing. “Yes.”

He chuckles, grasping my hips and flipping me facedown on the table so that my ass is in the air, hanging off the end. I struggle to balance on the tips of my toes, and Alex palms my hip, steadying me. He rubs his cock in circles through my wetness before slowly entering me. My eyes roll back as I try to adjust to his size. He strokes my back and hums his approval. “Fuck, Kitten. You feel so good—so fucking tight—”

River moves somewhere I can’t see, but Alex pins me with a hard thrust when I try to look. “Patience, Kitten. You’re going to like this.”

My eyes shut, and my core clenches in anticipation. Alex lets out a low, pained groan. “Fuck, if you keep that up, I’m so not going to make it.”

His unhurried and steady pace is driving me freaking insane. Alex holds me in place, making it impossible to set the rhythm myself and torturing the ever-loving shit out of me. In…one…two…three. Out…one…two…three. I need more, and I need it right now.

I try to push back, chasing his cock as it retreats. I let out a sharp cry when a slap lands on my ass, sending a stinging tingle between my thighs. I groan low in the back of my throat, nerves sparking.

“You like that, Mia? Do you like being spanked?” River asks as he approaches the table.

“Y…yes.” I’ve only done a few times before, but I’m definitely into it. I wonder if I shift my hips back just a little more if I can get Alex to do it again.

Alex chuckles and leans forward, the weight of his chest against my back, and his hips press mine into the edge of the table, holding me in place. He places a kiss between my shoulder blades before he straightens himself but doesn’t let me budge.

“Mia?” River strokes a damp strand of my hair back from my face and crouches so I don’t have to strain my neck to look at him from where my head is turned to the side against the table. I suck in a breath when his gaze meets mine. His eyes are hooded pools of black lust.

“I got you something. I’ll admit it was wishful thinking on my part, but now that we have you laid out here, I’m so fucking happy I did,” River says and holds a small steel object in his hand. It’s thick like an egg, but one end is pointier, and the other has a crystal-encrusted circular disk.

My eyes flash wide when I realize what it is. “Holy shit. Is that a buttplug?”

He twirls the object, his large hands making it appear small. “Have you ever used one before?”

I shake my head, breath caught in my throat.

He moves it to my back, and I can feel the cool metal on my spine, and it sends a shiver straight to my core. “Do you trust me?”

Am I really doing this? Apprehension, maybe even fear, tightens my chest, and my fingers curl into my palm. I search River’s gaze. It’s calm, open. Whatever we do next would be up to me. “What if I don’t like it?”

Alex’s palm rubs a small circle on the side of my hip. “Then we stop. We’ll only ever do things you like, okay?”

I swallow hard. “Yeah, okay.”

River kisses my temple and whispers in my ear. “Good, Love. So fucking perfect.”

A shiver rolls through me at his praise, and I suddenly want to do anything he asks. He moves back, and I lose sight of him, not that it matters because every ounce of concentration I have is focused on River trailing the toy in a languid path down my back. I clench when he reaches my tailbone and pauses. He sets the small object there, forcing me to stay perfectly still so as not to drop it. If there’s a book on the most horrendous torture techniques, I’m sure this is in it.

What feels like Alex’s hands knead into the sides of my ass, relaxing the muscles. The second the tension leaves my body, he pulls them apart and lets out a low groan. “Fuck, Kitten. You are so pretty.”

His words ease some of my anxiety at being displayed like this.

The toy is removed from my back and replaced by River’s kiss. “We’re going to get started. Tell me to stop at any point you’re uncomfortable. You’re going to feel stretched, but it shouldn’t hurt.”

I nod and place my forehead to the table, my arms curling into my sides instinctually. My mouth drops open when a tickle of warm liquid is poured down my crack, followed by River’s touch. He starts by rubbing a smooth path from my tailbone over my hole, where he splits his fingers to circle where Alex’s cock is deep in my pussy before pulling back. Alex makes an almost pained sound, but he doesn’t move. Instead, we’re frozen as River works us over. The motion is soothing in its slowness, and the muscles in my back start to relax until I’m melted on the table.

The pad of his finger circles my tight hole, and it’s not until I push back toward him that he breaches the rim. “Holy shit. Holy shit.”

River hums and moves until he’s knuckle-deep. He gives me a moment to adjust, pushing in and out several times before adding another finger and pressing back in. A low moan is pulled from my throat as the pressure builds. It’s almost too much, and I have no idea how I’m going to take the toy.

Alex stays perfectly still, cock still buried deep inside me as River leisurely strokes me until I release my breath.

“Good, you’re doing so fucking good, Love.” River removes his fingers, but my whine of disapproval is cut short when his tongue flattens over my asshole. I jerk hard, no doubt bruising the crap out of my hip bones.

River just hums and does it again. My eyes roll back at the smooth slide of the sensation.

“Feel good, Kitten?” Alex’s thumbs stroke my skin before pulling my cheeks apart further.

“You have no idea,” I say through clenched teeth.

Alex’s hips buck into me, and he lets out a guttural groan. I have a moment to wonder if he wants to try before the steel tip of the toy is pressed to my entrance. My jaw locks, and I tighten against the invasion.

“Relax your muscles, Love. Breathe.”

I take a deep breath, and my eyes roll back in my head when the cool steel breaches my hole, and the constant pressure grows as it moves deeper.

“That’s it, Love. There you go. You’re doing so well.” River’s encouragement, mixed with the added pressure, has me pushing toward the edge of another orgasm. When it’s fully seated, he gives my ass a little tap and groans. “You’re beautiful. Taking his cock with my toy in your ass. Soon, you’ll be ready to take us both.”

My pussy clenches hard, drawing a groan from Alex, who bucks into me. The sensation of fullness doubles now that he’s moving within. My body trembles as the sensation rises, tightening my tendons as an unbearable ache builds in my core. My breath catches as I’m edging toward release.

Alex pulls out, and I scream, my orgasm stolen from me. He just laughs and kisses my spine before flipping me over and sinking right back in. My back arches off the table as the pressure rises again with each stroke.

River kisses me, his tongue stroking in time with Alex, and his fingers dig into my hair. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more attuned with my body, more alive than I do right now. River moves back and nips my bottom lip with a rumble of a laugh when I chase after him. I’m quickly settled when he licks the edge of my jaw, down my neck, and leaves a bruising path to my nipple.

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