Rules Of Our Own (Rule Breaker Series Book 3)

Rules Of Our Own: Chapter 47

THERE’S a happy fluttering under my ribs, and my lips curl up in the corner as I watch the guys. River gently brushes his thumb across Alex’s cheek as they look at each other with excited anticipation mixed with a healthy dose of awe.

I relax against the opposite wall, eyes hooded from my own orgasm, marveling at the two of them. There’s a rightness in the air, like puzzle pieces perfectly clicking into place.

A knock on the door pulls me away from the vulnerable scene in front of me, and I hurry to get it before it interrupts them.

I grab the paper bags full of food from the delivery guy, glad that he’s already been paid and tipped through the service. Funds were low before, but they’re seriously low now. I’m going to need to make a decision about my apartment back in Ottawa soon, but that also means I’ll be moving out of here. The thought sours my stomach. It wouldn’t be horrible to drag it out a little longer. Right?Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

I rip open the seals and pull out the thin cardboard boxes, spreading them over the counter.

River comes up behind me and wraps me in a side hug, kissing my temple. “It’s a true sign of just what I feel about you that I’m letting this crap into my place.”

A swirl of giddiness bubbles up my chest. “Not a fan of nuggets?”

“I’m a fan of you.” He kisses my jaw before letting me go and grabbing his own meal. Both he and Alex ordered double-stacked burgers and large fries.

“Thanks, Kitten.” Alex takes a large bite of his, humming in the back of his throat. He’s still flushed a pretty shade of pink, and I can’t help but smirk at him. He’s had quite the night.

“I didn’t do anything.”

He holds up his burger. “Riv hasn’t let me have one of these in years. Fuck, good thing you’re here. He might finally loosen up.”

“Anything for you, Baby,” River says over his shoulder while heading toward the living area and sprawling on the sofa. He kicks his long legs over the coffee table and flicks on a hockey game, completely oblivious to the way Alex and I gawk at him.

Alex widens his eyes at me before a wide smile takes over his face. “Come here.”

I don’t waste time entering his space and play with the ends of his hair above his nape.

His eyes search mine. “We good?”

I lift on my toes and place a soft kiss on his lips. “More than.”

He drops his forehead to mine. “Fuck.” He breathes in. “How are you so perfect?”

“Looking at my track record, I’d say I’m an entirely flawed person. Seriously, I’ve been barely getting by. Nothing perfect about me.”

He growls low in his throat. “I’m going to fucking kill Jason for making you feel less than. And I’ll spend the rest of my life proving just how wrong you are.”

“I get the feeling it’s pointless to argue about this.”

“So fucking pointless, Kitten.” He kisses my forehead.

“How’s Kristie’s information hunt going?” River calls out.

“Good. She sent some stuff over to Sidney’s guy, but we’re still waiting.”

“I can’t fucking wait.” Alex rubs his hands together in excitement, then proceeds to grab my nuggets, following River into the living room and taking the spot next to him.

I go to sit in one of the chairs, but Alex pulls me onto his lap and runs his fingers absent-mindedly over my thigh. Both guys are absorbed in the game, and there’s something peaceful about the three of us just chilling together. No sex, no tension, just being near each other. I pop a nugget into my mouth. I could get used to this.

The players fly across the ice, but the play is suddenly called to a stop. “What happened?”

“Icing,” River answers matter-of-factly, like I’d have any idea what that means. He slowly turns to me. “Do you not know what icing is, Love?”

“Um…should I?”

Alex’s chest rumbles beneath me. “This is a fucking travesty.”

The guys spend the next twenty minutes explaining what’s happening. It’s not my first time watching hockey, but it’s definitely the first time I’ve gotten excited about learning the game.

“So what positions do you play?”

Alex scoffs, offended that I don’t already know. Like, I kinda know, but I want them to explain it anyway. “We’re both forwards. I’m center, and Riv here is my right winger.”

“So you score all the points?”

“That’s right, Kitten. We score all the points.”

Before I know it, the game switches to the intermission show. There are four experts talking, and River mutes it. “Fucking, idiots.”

Apparently, these two feel the same as Jax about their opinions. I go to climb off Alex’s lap to toss out my garbage, but he holds me in place.

River takes it from me. “I got it.”

“Thanks.” I settle against Alex, giving up any attempt to argue, and just let them take care of me.

“You’re coming to our game tomorrow, right?” Alex asks, and I twist in his lap to face him.

“You want me to?”

He raises a brow. “If I could force you to go to every game, you’d be there.”

“Okay.” I shrug.

“I’ll get you one of my jerseys.”

“The fuck you will.” River sits beside us, closer than he was before. “If we start that shit now, it’ll be a never-ending battle. I’ll get you a jersey that says Brooks. I’d wear it too if I wouldn’t get in shit.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh yeah, you’d wear my last name? Puh-lease. I know how you guys get about your names.”

River’s jaw clenches. “The fact that you even asked that pisses me off.”

“Can we just talk about the fact we haven’t played doctor yet? Feels like a missed opportunity,” Alex chimes in, breaking the moment.

I huff out a laugh. “I’m not that kind of doctor.”

“That’s fine. I’m happy to pretend.” A thrill shoots through me, suddenly imagining exactly what that could entail, and Alex grins, both of his dimples on full display.

I search for a change of subject. “Okay, so now that you’re both big hockey stars, what’s the next goal? What do you have planned for the future?”

Alex stiffens slightly beneath me, and I shift back to see him fully.

“I want to be captain.”

“That’s awesome. Do you think you have a shot this year?”

He tilts his head to the side. “Yeah, so long as I don’t fuck things up.”

“You’re not going to fuck things up. And even if you do, you don’t need to prove anything to your parents anyway,” River growls out.

My head snaps between them. “What do you mean prove?”

Alex exhales a slow breath. “I’m a grown man, and this is so fucking stupid, but it’s the last step. What else can I do to impress them?”

“Wait. You’re telling me your parents aren’t already impressed by what you’ve accomplished?”

He leans in close and rests his head on my shoulder so I can’t see him. I hate it.

“Well, they sorta are, but not in the way they’re proud of my brother.” He whispers it, and it’s so low I wouldn’t have been able to make it out if he wasn’t inches from my ear.

I stiffen, rage coiling in my gut at the fucking audacity of these people.

“I knew they didn’t come to your games back in school, but Alex, if they aren’t amazed by you, they’re idiots. You’re smart. Caring. You take the time to know people. You are so much more than just a hockey player. So what if they have doctorates? It basically means they’re extremely knowledgeable about a very specific thing. If they think that makes them better than you, that just shows you how stupid they really are.”

“I know.”

I grab his chin and force him to face me. “I’m serious, Alex. Don’t let them make you feel otherwise. I’m so proud of you both.”

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out, expecting a call from Sidney now that she’s gone back home. Dread drops in my stomach at the unknown number. Before I can swipe it away, Alex grabs it from me.

“Sorry, Mia can’t get to the phone right now. This is her boyfriend speaking. Can I take a message?” He drops the phone on the table. “Ooops, he hung up.”

“Boyfriend, huh?” I ask.

“Yup.” He twirls me so I’m straddling him. “I only have one goal this year.”

“What’s that?”


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