Runaway Alpha

Chapter 62

Looking up in the sky and never once thought that the day with come where I will miss such a sight. After all this time… I always saw that thing existing like it always used to be. Never would I ever thought that this kind of feeling will be something I am longing to find.

“Emrick, there you are”

It was my mother who called me. Being part of a big incident and having that weird carving on my scar, looking for the boxes that doesn’t really exist in the first place… I never knew that a bigger and heavior thing would fall upon me.

“Yes mom?”

“What do you mean yes mom? Why are you here in the roof? Don’t you understand the word quarantine? Grounded?”

“I am no longer a child mom”

“What? Watch your words kiddo. You are still young, not because you wake up the exact date you are stated to be an adult that means you are already capable. Did you forget that yiu have been unconscious for years?”

Mom was right. I am still grounded even tho I am already twenty two. After that day I had a last conversation with Cavian, things.. started ro fall in the other dimensional space.

I was brought in the place where I feel like I have live yet another life. Not just a lifetime that a human would have but a long life that I not know what lies behind it.

It was like… Another life was placed for me to see. It is as if… A life of a being was shown to me. How weird it is but… Lhana and that old man as there in my dream.

Yes, I called that thing that happened to me as a dream for I can’t help but be bothered bythe fact thinking that it is reality. What i mean to say is that… I would rather calle it as a nightmare than a dream.

I closed my eyes not wanting to remember those scene I just saw. But to my luck, the opposite was the thing that happened.

A loud cry, a calming and gentle pats. That is what surprised me as I opened my eyes. Where am I? Why do I see things that are all white? Looking at my hands, it was small… And up above me.. a small child was looking.

‘I am your Atdhe, your sister…’

She closes her ees as she make a gentle look on me. Who is she anyway?

TIime eems to fly so fast in here, in a blink of an eye, I can see myself standing and taking my first step.

Well… isn’t it… awkward? What I mean to say is… Aren’t I living my life like a normal wolf? Then why the hell am I here? And the sky looks so weird.

It was all white from the left to the right!!

I wanted to facepalm when a pair of hands hold me and raise me up high. I can say that I am somewhat annoyed bythe fact that I can easily be carried but what else can I do? Just like the things that happened to me when I was left unconscious and been placed in the state where I can only see what that person is seeing.

The only time I can see everything is when the one I am having the sight with is looking a it. Even if I wanted to stay that way, if the person owning this body doesn’t want oto, I have no choice since it looks as if I am stucked in this place where I have no choice but see and hear everything. And just like that, my life began to change.

What’s funny is when I almost forgot that I am Emric for each time they call this person’s name, I instictly look as if the one they are calling is me.


My sister called me as she had her way in my direction, Just like what she always does, she will cover me with her embrace.

‘Atdhe Vana, you are squeezing too tight. I can’t breatheee’

This body I have now seems to be in the chiilds age of fiive or four. I am not sure tho but many things happened during that period. I sometime onder whathappened to my body after falling unconciious. Hah, don’t tell me I died.




There was a brief silence that embraced me. I never knew such thing would occur. I am not dead yet… right? This isn’t probably the next life or what so ever they called reincarnated… right?

Even if I am anxious by that thing, I never cared since the person inteacting with me doesn’t seem to see what kinnd of expression i create.

What I mean to say is, the one that they see is the person moving this body. The rel achelois who is the owner of this body. I can just see whatever he is looking at but will neverhave the power to move on my own. Like…

Living in a shell where you were just hiding from the inside.

How funny…

‘Well, forgive this one’s rudeness but this atdhe of yours just missed her lovely brother that is why…’

‘Even so, my hair is newly done and you messed it’

‘I will just asked Fidel to redone it. It isn’t a difficult task to do, is it?’

I avooided her as this small body of mine create a distance.

Although I am not sure why she was here. She is busy with things that I not know but after our mother congratulate her for passing a certain tst or examination, her time that she spends around here with me get lessened.

It is rare for her to be here which maybe the reason why she hugged me. Maybe her saying that she missed me holds truth.

As much as I wanted to just stay still and do nothing, her hand touches mine as she ppull me towards the direction of a place I never once visited.

‘Atdhe, what are we doing in here?’

‘ You will know’

‘Why nnot just tell me? I wanted to know’

‘As I have said achelois, you will know it, no need to ush’




We walked to the direction of the part where it was the outside location of where my place is. I never once get out of this place. I mean the person I am having his perspectives with is the one who doesn’t leave this place ever since he was born.

‘You do looks like you are excited. Are ou perhaps looking forward to it?’


‘Alright alright stop whining we are here’

As mmuch a sI wantted to deny it I can’t hep but be surprised. The sight was truly amazing.. I never once thought that I can see such a scenery as this. I mean… the trees look similarly to the one we had in the erhendem. Although our wolvendom consist of mainly erhelena trees, I have seen different trees in the textbooks I have read on the library before.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Truly, I never once thought that I would see other trees like the one we had inside. That tree is misteriously placed inside a very parge pot that is made up of blue diamond with gold lining.

To think that such things exist here, it made me accept the fact that thi sis no ordinary place.

But I also didn’t expect that I will experience much surprise as I saw a face I nevver ecxpected to see.

Indeed, it was Lhana. A child who looks exaclty like Lhana when she was still a little.

‘Achelois, this is Aylin. Aylin, this is my little brother, Achelois’

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