Ruthless Mafia Daddy (Alpha Mafia Daddies)

Ruthless Mafia Daddy: Chapter 17

“Not pregnant. Not pregnant,” I chant to myself as I get ready, as if the words will somehow become my reality.

After dinner with Cassi, we stopped by the drugstore and bought a test, but I can’t bring myself to take it, because once my fear is confirmed, I will have to tell Andre.

Then what? He pays me off, not wanting anything to do with the kid, or me? He doesn’t scream white picket fence, and there’s no way I can do this alone.

I’ll wait a few more days. There is still time for my period to come, right?

I’m exhausted. I’ve barely slept in weeks, and this constant nausea is not helping.

I slap on more makeup than I would normally wear to work, but at this point, whatever makes me feel like a normal human is worth the extra time in the bathroom.

I pull out my favorite blue dress, which compliments my eyes, and slip on my converse, grabbing some nude heels to throw into my bag as I head out the door.

Cassi’s working an event downtown, so I don’t catch her at our usual coffee spot on the way to the office.

I pick up a cappuccino to go and walk the last two blocks from the subway station, enjoying the sun on my face.

Maybe a little extra vitamin D will help me feel better.

“Think it’s the vitamin D that got you into this in the first place,” I mutter as I ascend the steps up to my office.

I’ve barely sat down at my desk when I get a notification for a new email.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: URGENT

My office. Now.

I groan before getting to my feet, grabbing a notebook and pen on my way out.

My heart rate spikes as I head down the corridor to Andre’s office, pausing to knock once.

“Come in.” His voice is rough. It sends an instant shiver down my spine and has an uncomfortable heat building between my thighs as I open the door to him perched on the edge of his desk.

Fuck, he really knows how to wear a suit. His sleeves rolled up to his elbows, just enough buttons undone that I catch a glimpse of his dark chest hair.

I itch to run my hands over his skin, to feel the heat beneath my fingers as I explore him with my mouth⁠—

“You know you can’t subject every email as urgent.” I clear my throat and turn around, closing the door.

“Everything’s urgent when it comes to you, sweetheart.”

“You can’t call me that. I’d have to report you to HR.” I glance over my shoulder.

“Have you reported our night together to HR? Because I’m sure they’d love to know how I fucked you with my tongue, before taking you from behind, spilling onto that plump ass of yours.”

A choked sound escapes me as I turn around fully.

A smirk tugs on Andre’s lips as his eyes roam over my body.

“You look amazing in that dress.” His eyes flick to mine.

My cheeks heat, and I have to look away.

“Thank you,” I clear my throat again. “So, no assistant today? Ally wasn’t at her desk.”

“Ally had to leave the company. A personal situation arose.”

“Oh. Sorry to hear that. She’ll be hard to replace.”

“I’ve already found a replacement.” He smiles at me, and I narrow my eyes. “You.”

“Me?” I squeak.

Oh, hell no. Working this closely with Andre every damn day would be torture. It’s bad enough there’s a corridor separating us.

“Thanks, but I’m sure there are other people more suitable⁠—’

“This isn’t up for negotiation.” Andre folds his arms across his chest, making the muscles in his forearms flex.

My mouth actually waters, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from making some inappropriate sexual noise. I swear my hormones are out of control⁠—

I shut the thought down. There’s a perfect explanation for that, but not one I want to address right now. Especially, when Andre is barely six feet away from me.

“Do you really think this is the best idea, given our…history? What if people pick up on something?”

“Are you planning on fucking me in the office, Lila?” He is so matter-of-factly. “Or what about the break room?”

“No.” But I can feel my nipples harden at the thought of him bending me over that desk. I shift in place, too aware of the ache between my thighs.

“In that case, there’s no chance of anyone walking in on us being inappropriate. So, what’s the issue?”

“I don’t want people to think I’ve slept my way to the top.”

Andre stands, running his hands down his shirt as he strides over to me.

I hold my breath, watching his every move as if it’s in slow motion.

He doesn’t get too close, but I could still reach out and run my hands down his chest if I really wanted to.

“If you hear anything of the sort, come to me, and I’ll take care of the situation.”

“What, by firing them?”

“Yes.” Andre frowns.

I notice the flecks of gold in his brown eyes, and I want to lose myself in the intensity of them forever.

“No.” I shake my head, looking away. “Andre, this is my job. You can’t mess with me like this. I’ve worked too hard.”

“I’d like to remind you, Miss Morano, that I am the owner of this company.” He takes another step forward so that my breasts almost brush against him.

I look up at him, and the hunger in his eyes has me wanting to sink in his arms and let him worship my body like he did the other night.

“So, if I want to fire someone for so much as looking at you the wrong way, I can. Besides, by being my assistant, you’re getting a significant raise and a promotion. I’ve already emailed you over the new contract.”

‘Do I have a choice?” My nipples ache so much I bite back a whimper, desperate for Andre’s touch. For his strong arms to wrap around my body. For him to tell me all will be ok.

But it’s not. Because I can’t tell Andre my suspicions. I’m in this alone, which means I’ll need all the money I can get.

“No. You either accept, or you leave.”

“I don’t think you’d let me leave, Andre.”

“We can test this theory, Lila. Decline my offer, walk away.” The corner of his mouth twitches, and I know he’s bluffing.

If he went to the effort of buying the company I work for, there’s no telling what this man is capable of when it comes to me.

“Can I take the day to think about it? Look over the contract? Just to make sure I’m not being underpaid for my new role.”

“I can assure you, the compensation is generous.”

He holds my chin and runs his thumb over my bottom lip.

I gasp, my lips parting as his eyes flick to them as if he might kiss me.

“We’re going to have fun, you and I.”

Andre wasn’t kidding when he said the compensation was generous. My eyes practically bug out of their sockets when I see my new salary.

I know it’s not because the job is worth that kind of money, he’s trying to buy my silence.

But when I think of the pregnancy test that is waiting for me when I get home, I know I have no choice but to accept. Now is not the time to be looking for a new job.

I print off the contract and read through it a few times before signing on the dotted line. Reluctantly, I head over to Andre’s office at the end of the day to drop it off, but when there’s no answer after I knock three times, I peek my head around the door and realize it’s empty.

My disappointment that I won’t get to witness his signature smirk as I drop the signed contract onto his desk surprises me.

I guess there’s always tomorrow…

Stopping by the grocery store on the way home to pick up some chips and salsa as it’s the only thing that makes me not want to hurl my guts up, I send Cassi a text to let her know I’m going to take the test.

She immediately offers to come over, which I appreciate.

I’m not sure I want to be alone when I find out the news that could literally change my life forever.

While I wait for Cassi, I busy myself with laundry and cleaning, hoping the mindless tasks will help keep me occupied. But Andre still plagues my thoughts as I think about what to do if the test comes back positive.

He’ll find out eventually, especially if I’m now his new assistant.

The doorbell rings, and I sigh as I buzz Cassi up.

She’ll talk me out of this downward spiral I can feel myself falling into.

As I glance around my tiny apartment, I try to picture where I’d put a crib or a changing table. Hell, I don’t even have drawers, just a clothes rail with some storage containers underneath.

My eyes sting, and my heart wants to crawl out of my chest as I open the door and let out a strangled sob.

“Woah! Why the water works?” Cassi steps inside, closing the door behind her.

“Where the hell am I meant to put a baby?”

Cassi blinks. “You’re pregnant? You took the test?”

“Not yet.” I wipe my nose on my sleeve. “But look around, Cass. I can barely fit in this apartment.”

“Lila.” Cassi places her hands on my shoulders. “There’s no point in getting worked up until you take the test. Let’s see if we actually have something to worry about first. Come on.” She takes my hand, leading me into my tiny bathroom.

“Where’s the test?”

I point under the sink.

“I couldn’t bear to look at it. Not when I knew I was going to…” My throat grows thick.

Cassi nods. “How was it today?”

“He made me his fucking assistant and gave me a stupidly high salary.”

“What a dick.”

My temper flares at the amusement in her eyes. “This is not funny.”

“He likes you.”

“You were literally just saying the other night that his behavior is creepy and giving off stalker vibes.”

“I did.” Cassi puts her hands on her hips. “I’m on a loss about this guy.”

“Well, you’re going to have to figure it out if he turns out to be my baby daddy.”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Cassi rolls her eyes, bending down to pick up the box and pull out the test.

“Pee on the damn stick, Lila.”

Two minutes feels like a lifetime as I sit on the closed lid of the toilet, Cassi leaning against the sink, the stick beside her.

“My life could literally change forever, Cass.”

“This could be a blessing.” Cassi offers me a warm smile.

“How? Please tell me how being a single mother is going to be a blessing?”

“You’ve always wanted kids.”

I sigh, putting my head in my hands.

“Yes, but I imagined myself married, with a cute little house in the suburbs. Not some tiny studio apartment that I can barely afford. Plus, can you imagine what my auntie’ll say? She’ll kill me.”

“If it’s positive, are you going to tell Andre?”

I lift my head from my hands and look at her.

“I… I honestly don’t know.” I don’t know him, except for the kind of information you’d put on a police report.

“He’s the father. He has a right to know.”

“But then I’m tied to him forever.” I run my hands through my hair.

This is all happening too fast. Andre was only meant to be a night of mind-blowing sex to kickstart me back into the dating world after Sam tore my heart to shreds.

Instead, he might have ruined my career and impregnated me with the heir to his mafia empire.

“What does it say, Cass?” I place my hand over my racing heart.

Cassi takes a deep breath and reaches for the test.

“Fuck, Lila. It’s positive.”

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