Chapter 27

Elizabeth Victorham

“I don’t even know how to explain this to him in ways that he would understand” I explained to Mr. White what was troubling me and he sat there just listening to me go on and on.

“I am guessing it’s because of the mistake I made seventeen years ago,” I said and looked down at my hand feeling ashamed of myself for leaving my family in that manner without looking back.

This is a complicated situation and I wanted to explain my reasons then, I really wanted to tell Rolland what was up, and then Ricardo, Ricard might not understand but at least I get to explain myself… I wanted them to know that I didn’t leave them intentionally and it was for their own good but I couldn’t.

I doubt it would sound proper when I start to explain to them what was going on, that I just decided to leave my husband and two sons because I feel it’s for their own good. Would they even listen to me? Would it even make sense?

I remembered almost going mad when I found out about Rolland’s death, it was as if my heart was ripped out of my chest and torn to pieces, my whole world shattered… the ache still persists to date and there’s nothing I could do to take it away.

It was just sad that the one I was protecting died and I don’t plan on losing the sons I have, that’s why I want to come back into their lives and tell them what actually happened with the hope that they listen to me and believe me.

“Everything will be fine Miss Victorham,” Mr. White said and I shook my head.

“Just call me Elizabeth, please,” I said to him and he nods his head.

“I want to ask you something,” he said and I looked at him and then nod for him to go ahead with his queries “The other day, I saw you going into a building… what were you doing there?” he asked and I looked at him with a small frown “The place doesn’t look like a place someone like you should be in”

I knew I would have let it out, one of the things that bothered me. He is family so I have to tell him.

“I am so confused,” I say then let out a sigh and looked at my hands.

“About what exactly? Please, enlighten me”

“Everything, it sort of confuses me,” I say already feeling frustrated.

“Is it because you left on your own will or is there something else bothering you?” he asked and another sigh left my lips.

“Yes, that and Lepey… he… he was threatening again and asking for more and…” I gulped “And he wants to harm my boys if I don’t listen to him, I am tired… I am just tired of everything, giving him more and all these… I am tired” I let out my frustration and shook my head. “He needs help but isn’t ready to get any”

“Who is this Lepey to you?” he asked.

“He is my little brother,” I said and he looked a bit taken aback by the revelation “He was…” I sigh again.

“He was what?”

“He wasn’t… he wasn’t like this from the beginning, he just had issues as he grew up” I took a sip from the water Mr. White went to fetch me “Thank you” he nods for me to go ahead.

“He had a little accident when he was twelve, my parents and Lepey were coming from the pharmacy when they got hit by an eighteen-wheeler truck.” I swallowed the lump in my throat then continued “My parents died instantly but Lepey survived… it did have a negative impact on him after the crash” I shook my head.

“He could have died in that crash but he didn’t, it affected his head and he was hospitalized for almost two years… the doctors told us that he might not make it and even if he did, he would end up disabled” I stood up and walked up to the window as I stare outside.

Looking at how cool the ambiance was calmed me down somehow and I continued “A miracle happened and he was able to walk and do things himself” I smiled “I was happy that my little brother could get back on his feet, improving. I was still in my older teen years so I tried to look for ways that we could survive since we had no family to support us or anything” I turned to look at him.

“Lepey was getting better so I thought it would be best to let him be by himself as I hustle around for us, little did I know that he got mixed up with the wrong guys, they started doing bad stuff around our neighborhood and before I notice it, he was so deep into whatever they did” I explained and he just watched me, not saying anything.

“I tried to get him out of the mess but he was violent towards me, he almost had me killed, nearly destroyed everything for me when I tried to get help for him” I turn back around to look out the window.

“Most of the time, I do blame myself for everything, all the things that happened, my parent’s death, my brother’s involvement in the accident which almost busted his brain, my late husband, and my boys, I was just too focused on making a living that I forgot to be present for my brother, now he does really bad things to hurt people all over and when I hear of what he does, I feel guilty because it’s my fault” I cried.

GOD, I feel like I failed everyone, my parents, my little brother, my late husband, and now my boys, I feel like everything has been taken from me and maybe I wasn’t built for good things. I don’t even know what to do, what steps to take, and how to stop this madness.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I wiped my cheeks with the back of my hand then continue talking.

“I have been trying to cover his mess by not involving in investigations that could put him in jail because I am scared… scared of what he would do and scared that I would lose my brother forever this time. I have sent him to rehab most times and when he comes back, he gets worse like that was the boost he needed to be eviler” I wipe the fresh tears that rolled down my cheeks.

I went back to my chair and sat down.

“He threatened to destroy my family if I don’t leave them because he blamed me for letting him feel lonely, that was why I left and pretended I left for another man, I made them think I was a bad mother and wife because I was trying to protect them, and one of them died… I don’t want to lose my boys”

Mr. White did say anything, rather he just kept looking at me but I could see the emotions play on his face when I explained all to him so I decided to change the topic.

“Anyways, how’s the old man holding up?” I asked and I saw the look of surprise on his face as he stared at me.

He adjusts in his seat and I saw him gulp.

“You don’t need to feel that way, I know he asked you to keep an eye on us all but going to my son’s girlfriend’s place? Why?” I asked.

“Pardon me, but you know how he can be” I nod and he continues “He just wanted to ensure that you guys are safe from any harm, and about going to Ann’s place, I heard some news so I wanted to be sure they were okay as I watch them,” he said and I nod.

“It involves Lepey” I didn’t ask because I knew he was involved in multiple homicides and other brutal crimes.

I am just glad that the old man remembered us and kept tabs on us. He has always been like that

“Ann is dating your son?” he asked.

“Oh, come on, no. it’s the girl staying with Ann, Morgan is her name I guess” I say “You’re a PI, aren’t you? You are slacking then” I comment and he chuckled then stood to his feet.

“I will take my leave now, Elizabeth, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me,” he said.

“I stood up too and walked him to the door.

“Thank you, Mr. White,” I said and he nods his head and then went outside.

He turned to look at me then smiled and put both hands in his pocket.

“No need for that Elizabeth, and please call me John. You’re my brother’s widow and I try to assist in ways I could” he said.

“Thank you again, see you later John”

“You too Elizabeth and keep me updated on anything you might know,” he said then turned around and went to his pickup truck.

I closed the door and lean my back on the door as a sigh left my lips with the hope that things become right and this madness gets to stop.

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