Scarred Luna

A Guest

Xander’s POV

I sucked in a deep breath, before exhaling again. One would think that I was exaggerating, but with what was coming, you would know that I needed all the peace and quiet I could get, before the storm started. And by the storm, it was nothing short of a nickname for the woman who meant the world to me; my mother.

“Xander dear, won’t you welcome me?” her voice rang out into the living room.

Honestly, I didn’t need to hear her voice to know it was her. I’d been expecting her for the past hour or two, that was why I headed down into the living room in the first place. Even after mentally preparing myself for her arrival days before, it still did nothing to help.

I cursed under my breath. I loved my mother but she was the most dramatic person I knew.

“Xander!” She exclaimed loudly, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Did you not hear me?”

“Mother.” I grinned, finally deciding to meet with her gaze. As expected she had a small frown on her face, but that did nothing to hide the smile that was bubbling underneath. “Welcome.”

She stood rooted to her spot as I walked up to her. The moment I had gotten close to her, I wrapped my hands around her, enveloping her into a hug.

“That’s better.” She said as did nothing to hide her grin. A small string of laughter slid past my lips as she ruffled my hair. She always did that, no matter how much I complained.

“I thought you didn’t love me anymore.” I said, a smile threatening to peek out. Was that even possible? I sighed. My overdramatic mother.

“Why would you even say that?” she asked as we pulled apart. She held my hands as she gazed into my eyes. From her blue orbs, I could clearly see the playful grin I was wearing.

“If I don’t love you, who else will?” she asked.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged, just to get a playful slap in the back.

“Hey, I was joking!” I exclaimed.

“Of course.” she grinned. “Now, where’s my daughter in law?”

I paled. I was well aware who she was referring to, I had just been caught off guard.

“Here I am, Charlotte.” Sabrina beamed as she crept up on my mother from behind. “I was the one who got the door for you…”

“Of course.” The rest of Sabrina’s words hung in the air as my mum pulled Sabrina into a hug. It was a tight bear hug and if I didn’t know the relationship between them, it wouldn’t take long for me to be jealous.

“How have you been, Sabrina? And what’s with calling me, Charlotte? Aren’t you my daughter?” she said.

“I am.” The red hue that rushed to Sabrina’s cheeks didn’t go unnoticed.

“How was your journey ma’am?” Sabrina asked.

“Sabrina.” Mom threw Sabrina a pointed look. “What did I just say? And my journey was fine, just the usual stress here and there.” she said.

“I’m sorry, mum” Sabrina corrected herself and mother nodded in approval.

“Where are your bags? I’ll have the maids take them up to your room. I arranged the guest room for you. Just the way you like it.” Sabrina said proudly.

“I know you did.” Mum flashed her another smile, before pointing to her stack of luggage just behind her. Sabrina snapped her fingers and two maids hurried in, before hauling all of mum’s luggage away. The ceremony was weeks away, but mum likes to come in earlier, with more luggage than she needed. I could bet my life that on the day of the ceremony, more of her stuff would still arrive.

“You always take care of me, even more than Xander.” she said.

“Hey!” I exclaimed, a mock frown on my face. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I didn’t mince words, did I?” She teased and I couldn’t help but laugh. Mother was already on her way towards her room when she paused. Only when she’d halted did I recognize what had caught her attention. Or more specifically, who.

Shit. Kieran stood awkwardly to the side. For a moment there, I had completely forgotten she was still in here.

“Xander?” She called out to me.

“Who’s that?” she asked.

I winced at the way she said “that”. If there was anything lying underneath her tone, it was definitely disgust and irritation to say the least.

“Hi, ma’am.” Kieran waved her hand awkwardly. “You’re welcome, I didn’t know you were coming or I would have..”

“You would have what?” Mum cut her off immediately. “What would you have done? That doesn’t even answer my question. Who are you?”

“Mother, this is Kieran.” I stepped in immediately.

“She’s been staying with us for a while now.” I explained.

“Just like that?” Mum’s gaze darted from me to Sabrina and back to me again. I could have sworn she snuck a glare at Kieran before continuing.

“Since when did you start allowing random people to start coming in here? Do you know her background? What if she’s a thief or even worse-” she started talking.

“Mother!” I cut her off once again. She flinched slightly, obviously not seeing that coming.

“Stop saying things like that.” I said, feeling anger bubbling in my chest.

“Why?” She shot back. “Isn’t it the truth? You can’t be allowing just anyone in this mansion”

“Well,” I started “It’s my mansion. I make the rules here” I said, putting emphasis on ‘My’.

Without giving her so much as an avenue to speak, I walked out on her. My footsteps echoed all around me as I walked away farther and farther from the living room. More footsteps reached my ears, till I was certain of the owner.

“You’re walking out on me now, Xander?” My mother huffed from behind me. I didn’t stop though, not until I was in my study and she was standing in front of me.

“What was that all about?” she asked.

“You were rude to her mum.” I stated, like it wasn’t obvious.

“Was that even necessary?” I asked.

“Yes.” Mum chimed. “I only know Sabrina, so what else were you expecting me to do? Be nice to her?” she said.

“Yes!” I exclaimed, like it wasn’t already obvious. “It’s common courtesy. What does it take you?” I asked.

“And I don’t care.” She huffed and I almost groaned out loud.

“What are your preparations for the ceremony?” She suddenly asked.

“Preparations?” I said as I tried to focus. She had deftly ignored the matter at hand but it was okay. This wasn’t going to be the last of it.

“What preparations?” I asked..

“Aren’t you the one hosting the annual mating ceremony?” She chimed and I rolled my eyes. “You should be prepared-”

“And I am.” I cut in softly. “Sabrina is taking care of everything on her end and I’m doing…”

“Isn’t she a darling?” I raised an eyebrow at my mother’s choice of words. “She’s taking care of you and everything else, just like I would and she’s been doing it for a while now.”

“Okay…” I drawled, not exactly sure where mother was headed with all the talk. “And why are you saying this? I know she pulls her weight…”

“Pulls her weight?” The shock in mum’s tone couldn’t be overlooked. “This isn’t about her just pulling her weight. It’s so much more, are you that blind?”

“You’re legit speaking in riddles so how do you expect me to understand?” I shrugged.

“If you want to say something, say it clearly.” I said, even though I already knew what she was aiming at.

“Have you even found your mate yet?” I froze at her question. I also made sure that was the only reaction I let out. If she caught a whiff of something else, it would be bad for me. Silence settled between us as I said nothing. I wanted nothing more than to tell my mum the truth, but I already had an idea how that was going to turn out.

“I do think it’s important that you settle on someone before the ceremony.” she said and I groaned.

“I’ve been fine without my fated mate.” I shook my head. “I’m sure I can manage this time.”

“You don’t exactly need a fated mate, you know.” Mother slurred. “You can always find another mate and get married.”

“Another mate?” I knew where she was headed, but I just needed to confirm. “Who exactly do you have in mind?”

“Sabrina, of course.” She let out and I face palmed. Literally.

“What’s wrong with Sabrina?” she asked.

“Nothing, mum. She’s just, she’s basically my sister.” I let out a groan.

Sabrina and I had spent most of our childhood together. Sabrina’s parents were well to do, but that didn’t come in between our friendship. We were basically siblings. Even when I’d thought a rift would come in between our friendship, we’d found our way around it.

Along the line, Sabrina’s parents decided to start their own pack, but instead of Sabrina leaving and going with them, she decided to stay with us, and it’s been like that ever since.

“So?” she asked.

“We all know she isn’t and the fact that you’ve known her since your childhood makes it even better. If you’ve stayed friends for that long, just imagine how life as a married couple would be.” She tried to reason with me.

Horrible. I mouthed, but I wouldn’t dare say that to her face. Either of them actually. Not my mother or Sabrina.

“No mum” I shook my head. “I’m not getting married to Sabrina.”

“Well, you’re going to have to introduce me to your mate somehow.” She crossed her hands across her bosom.


“No buts.” She cut me off immediately. “If you refuse to get married to Sabrina, then you’ll have to show me your mate at the mating ceremony or else.”

There was a heavy clause that hung with mother’s last words, I didn’t even need her to finish it.

If I didn’t do like she asked, I would be toast.

Ugh.From NôvelDrama.Org.

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