Scarred Luna

The Argument

Xander’s POV

The room was quiet, so silent that the only thing I could hear was the sound of my own organs, each one doing what it’s supposed to. Blood raced up my ears, accompanied by the sound of my heart thudding erratically in my chest. No matter how hard I tried to calm it down, it just didn’t budge. At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if my heart jumped right out of my chest and onto the plate in front of me. That way, maybe I would have a valid reason to leave this plate empty.

The cold feel of the fork pressed into my skin and despite the fact that my hand had been hovering over breakfast for a while now, I didn’t feel any form of pain. I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said I wasn’t feeling anything at all. My breakfast had gone cold, and yet, my stomach hadn’t growled to complain about not stuffing my gut with food.

I pressed my eyes shut, but what was that going to do? Nothing was going to change, until I addressed the elephant in the room. And by that, I meant the million and one thoughts that had been running through my mind since that day.

Kieran. Thoughts about her last day here had infiltrated my mind and the more I thought about it, the more guilt crept into my bones. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself or how many reasons I gave to justify it, nothing worked. At this point, I wasn’t sure there was anything that could work. Maybe if…

“Xander?” My eyes flew open at the sound of my name. The moment my gaze landed on who the voice belonged to, irritation snaked up my veins. ” Are you okay?”

I watched as Sabrina threw me a glance, before focusing on her plate again. She hummed in pure pleasure as she stuffed her mouth with food, the time interval between her plate and fork, just being nothing less than thirty seconds. She looked to be enjoying herself. It riled me to the core and I could just-

“Xander?” She called again, cutting me off. ” You’ve been quiet all morning, is something wrong?”

How could she even ask me that question? How could she carry on like everything was fine and nothing had happened?

“Xander, If something is wrong you know you can talk to me right?” Sabrina stretched her right hand towards me.

“I know something is bothering you and-” she continued but her words had barely slid past her lips before I pulled my hand from underneath hers, cutting her off.

“Xander.” I didn’t miss the look of hurt that flashed across her face.

“What is- what’s wrong? Did I do something?” she asked, sounding like an innocent little lamb when she was anything but.

That was it. I had finally had enough and this was the last straw. A loud screech filled the dining room as I pushed my chair backwards.

Without so much as a glance in Sabrina’s direction, I allowed the fork in my hand to fall to the table before storming out.

“Xander!” Sabrina called behind me, but I didn’t pay her any mind. Instead, I tuned her out as I focused on my footsteps. My only goal was to tune her out, and by the goddess, I was going to do it.

“Wait.” she called out.

I didn’t. Instead, I increased my pace and footsteps.

“Xander what the hell is wrong with you?” Sabrina called behind me, her voice slightly elevated. Her breaths came out in rasps, and it was a tell tale sign that she was beginning to get tired. Good. Then, maybe she’ll leave me alone.

“Xander, I’m talking to you!” she exclaimed and for the umpteenth time in the last couple of minutes, I ignored her. Again. When the door leading to my office appeared in my line of vision, I mentally heaved a sigh of relief.

I was this close to touching the door knob when she interrupted my freedom.

“Xander!” Sabrina’s dainty hands wrapped around my wrist. With an amount of strength I considered too much for her, she pulled me back, forcing me to spin around.

“What the hell has gotten into you?!” she asked.

She was furious, and with her eyebrows raised she looked like she wasn’t done fuming.

“Xander, I’m talking to you!” She let out again. She was beginning to turn red and she looked like she was going to burst from anger, but for the life of me, I couldn’t bring myself to be fazed.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked.

“You’ve been ignoring me for days now.” She continued.

“Whenever I try to talk to you, you stomp out or act like you’re busy. I honestly thought you were, but now you’re just overdoing it!” she said and I looked at her in disbelief.

“I’m overdoing it?” I scoffed. I couldn’t believe my ears, and I was sure they couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth either.

“That’s seriously what you have to say?” I asked, still in disbelief.

“Yes!” She exclaimed exasperatedly.

“And that’s because you’ve been ignoring me for no good reason, Xander!” she said and I almost screamed. Almost.

“Oh believe me when I say I have a good reason to do so.” I rolled my eyes.

“A very good one at that too.” I said. I wasn’t sure why I had to even mention that when she clearly knew what she did.

“What is it?” Sabrina shook her head.

“What exactly did I do to warrant you to treat me this way?” she asked.

“Are you seriously trying to pretend like you don’t know? Are you going to stand here and actually pretend like-” I started to talk but she cut me off.

“I’m not pretending.” She said.

“I genuinely don’t know. So the earlier you tell me what’s gotten up your ass, the earlier we can squash whatever this is, that is going on between us.” she tried to reason.

A momentary beat of silence filled the air before I finally spoke.

“Kieran.” I said sternly.

Even though I had prepared myself before saying her name, I couldn’t help the pang that spread around my chest as soon as I said it.

“She was-” I started to say but she scoffed, cutting me off again.

“You’re joking.” Sabrina said, looking at me like I had grown two horns, and just before I could say anything, she burst into a string of laughter.

“What’s funny?” Sabrina laughing about this situation didn’t sit right with me at all. If anything, the sight of her dentition sent anger coursing through my veins.

“Sabrina!” I bit out angrily.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m sorry.” She said in between cackles.

“For a moment there, I thought you actually meant it…” she said and I clenched my fists.

“I do.” My voice was cold as I enunciated each word. I mean how slow could she possibly be.

” I mean it.” I said assuringly.

“Wait,” her laughter disappeared immediately.

“You’re serious?” she asked.

“Yes” I said, my voice void of any emotion.

“How can you act like it’s such a trivial matter? You got Kieran sent out of the mansion.” I said and she shrugged, non chalance coming off her in waves.

“Well, because it is.” Sabrina’s words came as a shock. I’m not even sure why I was shocked because she actually caused it to happen.

I guess a part of me just wanted to believe that she was just angry about something and transferred aggression in the process.

“I can’t believe you’ve been ignoring me simply because Kieran left. It’s just Kieran. It makes no sense.” she said, confusion all over her face.

“It makes all the sense in the world, Sabrina.” I shook my head.

“How could you?” I asked.

“How could I?” It was her turn to scoff. Emotions ranging from shock and anger made their way up her facial features as she spoke. “How could I? How are you even asking me that?” She threw the question back at me.

“You sent her out of here, without a valid reason too.” I huffed.

“You and I know she did nothing wrong. You know how mother is, and I can’t believe I’m saying this but you capitalized on that and you had her sent out. You didn’t even try to stop her or anything. I thought she was your friend. It’s been a week, a fucking week and you haven’t brought it up. You’re going about your day to day activity like you didn’t just witness anything major in the last couple of days. Like she was never here” I ranted, my anger obvious.

The silence that settled between us was thick. The air between us crackled, with none of us daring to move. I was furious, and a good indication of that was the fact that my chest was heaving. I wouldn’t be surprised if I snuck a glance at a mirror and it showed smoke billowing out of my nostrils.

“Sabrina.” I called out, hating the silence that settled between us.

“Do you not have anything to say?” I asked.

“No I don’t.” Her reply was abrupt and from the frown that crossed her features, it was obvious she was mad.

“I don’t because I don’t see anything wrong in what happened. If you ask me, Kieran deserved what she got.” she said and I blinked to make sure I heard her right.

“What?” This had to be the biggest shock of the morning.

“What did you just say?” I asked to make sure I heard right.

“You heard me Xander” Sabrina didn’t seem the least bit remorseful and it infuriated me all the more.

“Kieran deserved it and I’ll say it over and over again. If you ask me, she actually overstayed her welcome. She was never supposed to stay here up until this moment.” she said and I shook my head.

“She was your friend” I said and she scoffed.

“She was a stray!” She bit back sharply.

Rage filled my vision and I struggled to hold back.

“Sabrina.” I warned. “Watch your tongue.”

“I have no idea why you’re so bothered about it.” She hissed.

“I brought her here, so don’t you think it’s up to me to decide when she leaves? You didn’t even care about her presence in the first place, so why the hell are you so concerned about her now?” she asked.

“Sabrina, I-” I bit down on my tongue afterwards. I wanted to blurt out the answer to her right at that moment, but a thought popped up in my mind.

I had made a promise to Kieran that I wasn’t going to tell anybody we were mates.

“You see, you have no right to be mad that she left.” Sabrina obviously didn’t get the memo.

She kept on talking and the more she did, the more her haughty voice irritated me.

“So you have no reason to be mad or even remotely-” she continued to talk but I cut her off.

“She’s my mate, Sabrina!” I blurted out the words immediately, and the look that crossed her face wasn’t one I would be forgetting anytime soon.

I breathed in and then out. It was finally out there. There was nothing to hide anymore.

“Kieran is my mate.” I said it and this time, calmly with all the pride in the world.

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