Scream For me

Chapter 87

I’m thoroughly confused now and the moment is gone. “Is this some passive-aggressive bullshit I didn’t get the memo on because I don’t know what you’re referring to?”

“Nothing.” She shrugs, turning back to the sheet on the booth ledge like she’s checking something.

“No, it’s something. Say whatever it is you want to say.”

“It’s stupid. I was just being petty. I saw a tabloid article thing that night that was a picture of you and what the headlines referred to as a ‘mystery blonde’ getting into the same car.”

“Oh, that was Natalie. She’s not a mystery.” I laugh. “She’s the head of acquisitions for the company I’m trying to buy, the company I was meeting with for dinner. There were half a dozen of us there.” “You two shared a car?” Is she jealous?

“We did. She lives about a block from me so my driver dropped her off before he brought me back to your place.” I take a step closer to her, reaching out to pull her chin over so that she’s looking at me. “It wasn’t a date if that’s what you’re asking.”

“I’m not asking.”

“Why were you looking at headlines about me?”

“I wasn’t. I just happened to stumble across it on the Daily Mail or something.”

“You know you can ask if you have questions about me.”

“I don’t have questions about you.” Her eyes are big and round as she looks up at me.

“You sure about that?” I glance past her quickly to make sure we’re alone before reaching my thumb up and brushing it across her bottom lip. I lean in a bit further, only a few centimeters between us. This woman drives me crazy. She’s so oblivious to how sexy she is, how fucking bad I want to bend her over right now and leave her dripping with my cum.

“D-do you have questions about me?” she asks barely above a whisper.

“Mm-hmm.” I move my hand from her chin to rest above her head.

“But I shouldn’t ask them.”

“Why not?” Her hands are pressed against the pillar of the booth behind her.

“Because,” I say softly as I lean in, placing my lips at her ear, “I’m trying to remain a gentleman.”

“Last call to place your bids for the silent auction!” A loud voice interrupts me and I step back as they round the corner.

“You okay by yourself for a moment? I need to take care of something really quick and get Daisy out to the car.”

“Yeah.” She keeps her gaze down away from me and I wonder if I may have scared her. I make my way through the building to the silent auction, placing a bid on my yacht before returning to the booth.

“They’re about to call the winners,” I say, motioning toward the other room.

“Oh, okay.” She steps out of the booth and we start walking toward the other room, my hand settling against her lower back.

“And the winners are… drum roll, please!” Mr. Fein cheerfully shouts into the microphone as everyone claps. He starts running through the winners one by one until he finally gets to my yacht.

“And the grand prize tonight that I think we all bid on is an exclusive weekend on Mr. Weston Vaughn’s luxurious, custom-built private yacht! Can we get a round of applause for Mr. Vaughn, ladies and gentlemen!” He points toward me and the room erupts into cheers as they stare at me. I smile and offer a wave, Daphne steps away from me and coastseescoast sees.

“The winner is”-Mr. Fein opens the envelope-“our very own Daphne Flowers!” The room once again cheers.

“What?” She looks genuinely terrified. “I didn’t bid-I can’t afford that.” She looks up at me, then back to the room of people clapping for her.

“Just smile and wave,” I say as I clap next to her.

“No, seriously, I didn’t bid on it. There’s been a mistake.” She looks around, then up at me as I smile at her. “You did this?” “I might have.” I shrug.

“Why? I can’t pay for it. Are you crazy?”

I wait till everyone’s attention is back on themselves before gently clasping her arm and ushering her out into the lobby of the school.

“Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t expecting you to pay for it. I placed the bid in your name because I couldn’t bet on my yacht.”

“Why even offer it then?”

“Because you demanded I do it. I did what you said. I just put my twist on it, so to speak. The school will still get the money and I’ll get a weekend on my yacht… with you.” I add on that bit quickly. I hadn’t planned on it; it was most definitely a spur-of-the-moment decision I just made before walking across the building and placing the bet. Feeling her body against mine, feeling the burn of jealousy in my chest when she was flirty with deck shoes or Mr. Fudge Fucking Sundae whatever the hell his name is, I knew I had to do something.

“With me?” she almost shouts.

“Yeah, that’s my part of the deal. I guess I forgot to mention it before when you were in my office making your demands. Labor Day weekend you’ll already have the time off work and I need some help with Daisy since my nanny up and quit on me. Did I mention that Roxy quit? Yeah, got sick of me running late apparently.”

“So that’s it? I don’t get a say in this. I’m now just your built-in babysitter when you need it and you get to make decisions for me? Tough shit, Mr. Vaughn.” Her head shifts to one side a little as she settles back on her foot. “You can’t just tell me what to do.”

My smile fades as I step toward her, her squared shoulders wilting a bit as I tower over her. “Isn’t that exactly what you did to me when you marched into my office?”

“That-it’s different. It’s to benefit your daughter and the school. This is-” Her words trail off.

“This is what, Daphne?” I know I’m goading her. I can see the little vein on her temple growing more prominent.

“Bullshit. It’s bullshit!”This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

I click my tongue at her. “Now, what kind of language is that in a school? That mouth of yours really might get you in trouble someday.”

“I don’t have time for this, Mr. Vaughn. I’m not going on your little trip. End of story. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to help clean up.” She moves to step around me, but I step in the same direction, cutting her off.

“Are you telling me you don’t want an all-expenses-paid vacation in the Bahamas on a private luxury yacht where you only have to help out with my daughter now and then when my parents need a break or I’m busy? What else could you possibly be doing that weekend that is better than that? Painting by numbers in your fuzzy socks? Come on, you know I pay very well.”

Her mouth snaps shut as she realizes what I’m offering her. She’s thinking about it, considering it. Her eyes drift away, then quickly dart back to me. “Not. I don’t even know you or your family. How uncomfortable would that be for me? Did you consider that? Besides, it’s completely inappropriate and I’m sure if the school found out, they wouldn’t approve.”

“Do you always follow the rules?”

“Yes, and you should as well.” Her full teacher facade is back in place, and it makes me chuckle. It makes me wonder what it would take to get her to relax, to let her hair down a little bit if she were outside these walls. She looks boldly at me again. “I’m not going. I’m serious. And by the way, I like painting in my fuzzy socks.”

“Noted, Miss Flowers. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my driver is waiting for me with my daughter. My two-hour duty here is more than up. I had fun tonight.”

“Pleasure was all mine.” She gives me a forced smile, her attitude still shining through, and it makes me laugh as I walk toward the doors of the building.

“Oh, I highly doubt that, Daphne. Pretty sure I had all the pleasure tonight.”

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