Second Assault — Bond And Treason —

Chapter 13 - Desperate

Chapter 13 - Desperate

Monday, April 8th. Magnus Mansion parking lot, 11:25 a.m.


—I told you no, Yaakov. I'll go alone.

I open the door of my GMC Sierra and slide into the driver's seat. Before I can get going, my cousin

holds the door, preventing me from closing it. I sigh in frustration and turn my face around so I can see


—Now what? — I grunt, already quite annoyed and upset.

—And you're still asking me? — grumbling —. You can't go out on your own, Magnus. It's dangerous, I

don't have to remind you.

—I don't care, I'm leaving. It's only for a couple of hours.

—It can be three fucking days if you want, but it's still dangerous. Besides, how do you expect me to do

my job if you refuse to tell me where you're going?— running a hand through his short hair, frustrated

—. Didn't we already establish the basis of our trust, Magnus?

—This has nothing to do with me not trusting you, Yaak — I'll clarify a little more calmly —. But... I have

to do this alone. Okay?— He's silent for a moment, averting his eyes and trying to analyze the

situation. Since the last time I saw Reiji and almost left him dead, it's been Yaakov and Fredek who

have been dealing with him.

They haven't let me get close, which I appreciate, because if I ever get my hands on him, I'm not sure

he'll live to tell about it. And the worst part is that he hasn't said anything. Not a damn thing that could

point in the direction I need to go to find Xander. So, once again, I'm lost and I don't know what to do.

My first option was to go straight to Dimitri Zhukovski, loaded with enough men and guns, and blow his

ass up. But after a meeting with The Gang, everyone agreed that we had to wait. Unfortunately for me,

his power is now almost as great as mine and something could happen to Xander before I'm able to

rescue him. So, no, that wasn't the best option.

But just the thought of him having the claws on my partner makes me look red with anger and want to

rip his throat out with nothing but my bare hands. I don't want to waste any more time, but until we

come up with something smarter and a more reasonable course of action, my hands are tied.

—Okay — Nods, looking defeated —. Just... Promise me you won't go after him, Magnus — reconnect

his gaze with mine —. I can't imagine what you're feeling. If something happens to Lev... — his voice

fades, but he recovers quickly —. Stay away, brother. Give us a little more time to figure out what to do

— I'm watching him and I couldn't be more grateful to have him with me at this time when I need him


But this... I must do this alone.

—Okay — I'll concede quietly.

—Oh, no. No bullshit— he warns me, pointing an accusing finger at me —. I know very well how faithful

you are to your word. So promise, now.

—I promise.

—And you'll call me if you need me. Without hesitation.

—All right... — I interrupt myself when I see his annoyed face —. I promise.

—Good— he releases the door and steps aside, adjusting his vest —. I'm giving you exactly three

hours, not a minute more, not a minute less. So you better get your ass back here before that time limit

runs out.

—Yeah, yeah — I say, pretending to be upset. I close the door and start the truck. I press the steering

wheel so hard that my knuckles turn pale, but I still push the accelerator and start driving.

Twelve years... Twelve years without visiting that place. As I get closer, the knot in my throat becomes

more and more suffocating. I never imagined I'd find myself in this situation. I never planned for Xander

to pay the price for my actions.

And now I'm desperate. Incredibly powerless about knowing who his captor is and not being able to do

a damn thing to help him. A few minutes into the drive, I spot in the distance the announcement that

tells me how close I am to my destination. "Levashovo Memorial Cemetery."

A chill runs down my spine the moment I park the van in the parking lot. A small drop of sweat slips

down my front and I brusquely push it away with the back of my hand. I take a deep breath, forcing

myself to get the courage I feel I am lacking at this moment. So I go out. The soft morning breeze

accompanies me and blows my hair with a reassuring caress. The sun is shining at the top, but still the

place seems gloomy and desolate.

I take a quick look around and there is only a small family of three sitting and praying in front of one of

the graves. I look away quickly and start walking. Twelve years .. And I still remember the place as if it

were yesterday. I know exactly where I must go and how many steps I must take to get there. Fredek

comes once a month, although recent events have made it impossible for him to leave The Mansion.

I, on the other hand... Never gathered courage. It is exactly fifty-four steps, until I am there, in front of

Yurik's grave, the only man who ever cared for giving me and my little brother that love and protection

that our real father never had the desire to offer.

The one who taught me everything I know, the one who provided me with a new reason to continue

living, the one who transformed me into the leader I am now. My father, my mentor, my guide. I stare at

the words carved on the dark granite tablet, just below a small embedded photo of him, for a long time.

"Yurik Ivanov.

July 10, 1961 - December 15, 2018.

Dear Father and Husband.

You will always be in our hearts".

I kneel and close my eyes, letting myself finally be carried away by all the emotions accumulated in my


—Help me, Dad — My voice is rasping and deep because of the effort I am making not to cry, although

it is completely useless. Hot, thick tears run from my eyes, wetting my cheeks, sliding down my chin to

the lush grass beneath me —. Please... I don't know what to do anymore.

My chest feels squeezed and my fists are so tight that my nails are digging into my palms. But the pain

I feel is much deeper and more intense than just a few cuts. I open my eyes and see once again his

picture fading with age. RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

—I need you to help me. Please, just... Give me a sign— I beg, taking advantage of the loneliness

around me —. Guide me... One more time — And suddenly, I hear it.


My eyes almost went out of their sockets. His voice felt so close and so strong that I got on my feet

quickly and began to see in all directions. But no one is there, the little family of three is not there either.

There is only me, surrounded by endless rows and columns of tombstones.

«Can you hear me? Oh, God. Please, say that you can hear me».

—Yes, my love — I'm panting heavily, trying to find my voice —. I can hear you... — Oh, God, I do, and

how I wish I could hold him in my arms —. Talk to me, Xander. Are you safe? — I go through the

longest seconds of silence of my life, before I get a reply.

«I'm s-safe for now, but I-I need you, Magnus».

—Where are you, Xander? Tell me, and I'll come for you fast, kitty. I swear, just tell me where to go.

«I don't know. A man rescued me. I think he knows you, but I don't know his name».

My jaw is clenched so tight, I swear I hear my teeth gnashing. I'm relieved that he's safe and away from

Dimitri's clutches, but I can't afford to let my guard down. He could be in even greater danger and now I

have no clue who might have him. And the fact that his voice is heard so frail and exhausted is another

hint that assures me that he is not in good condition.

—Listen to me carefully, Xander. You must try to gather as much information as you can so that I can

be able to come after you. Do you understand?— Another few moments of silence and his lack of

response only makes my nerves and my concern worse —. Xander?— I ask uncertainly, praying for a


«I will try. But I don't know how long it'll take me».

—What? What do you mean?

«I can't move. I can't talk either, Magnus. I'm relieved that at least you can hear me».


I wipe the trail of my tears with my hands and take a deep breath trying to calm down, it's no use if I

lose control and my emotions just scare Xander even more. So, even though I'm desperate to have him

with me, I choose the best option at the moment.

—It's okay. For now, if you're safe as you say, worry about recovering — no, no, no... this is NOT what I

want, but there is no alternative —. But don't break the connection with me again, Xander. Unless it's

strictly necessary. Do you understand?

«Okay. But, Magnus... I'm scared».

His words pierce my bones and the uncertainty only grows with overwhelming force. Goddamn it, I

have to be able to keep it together and get the strength for both of us. Xander needs me, and I swear,

I'll give him everything he needs from me.

—I know, kitty. We'll deal with this, as soon as you get something, no matter what time it is, you'll tell

me. Okay?

«Yes. Don't leave me, Magnus. Please, don't leave me».

—Never, kitty. I'd die first before abandoning you — my eyes sting from the threat of new tears, but I

blink several times to chase them away —. I love you, Xander. Do you hear me? I love you so much,

you can't imagine what a relief it is for me to hear your voice.

«I hear you, loud and clear. I love you too, honey».

—Don't break the bond, kitty. Let me feel you, no matter what. Let me be able to feel that you're still


I turn quickly and run to my truck, slide the key and drive off, creating a squeal with the tires and a trail

of smoke behind me. I can feel his heart beating, the sadness, and shock through our bond and I try to

convey to him as much of my love for him as possible.

I don't know what Xander's been through, but I'm sure he's doing everything he can to block out his real

emotions so I don't feel them. I have to get back to The Mansion as soon as possible.

Thank you, Dad.

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