Second Assault — Bond And Treason —

Chapter 19 - Half of My Heart

Chapter 19 - Half of My Heart

Thursday, April 11th. Angelo Dalaras' Country House. 6:15 a.m.

Something felt different that morning. Alexei, his mind still in the haze between sleep and

consciousness, frowned in surprise even with the eyes closed. The smell around him was different. It

smelled of pine, lavender, and a hint of freshly cut grass. It was not the usual silence that his ears

caught, but the singing of happy birds, noisy cicadas, and what seemed to be a playful dog in the


But there was something that felt good. It sensed right, like that's where he belonged, like his organism

was demanding him for more contact... There, with his partner in the arms. «Perfect», he thought,

feeling the body heat that his little Omega shared, the rich fragrance of cinnamon and chocolate that

his body releases, the softness of his skin and the flawless rhythm of his chest, under the palm of his

hand, as it climbs up and down in parsimony while his lungs work for air.

His eyes opened, allowing him to get a glimpse of his partner's still-sleeping face. He looks much better

than he did the night before. The dark circles under the eyes have disappeared, the skin appears

healthier, and even the hair has regained some of its shine and silkiness. Very slowly, wishing not to

disturb his sleep, he pulled the sheet aside to assess the rest of his body, relieved to realize that the

other wounds have also almost completely disappeared.

The only persistent ones have been those on the wrists and ankles. He imagined it was because they

were so deep and had crushed and abused the flesh so badly, but to his relief, it was not something

that could not be eradicated as long as he continued to feed the Omega with blood. Even better was to

feel like the wall that was preventing the connection of the bond was gradually disappearing. Xander's

emotions were growing inside Alexei and he was now able to convey his own.

The thoughts were still a little blurry, but it was only a matter of time before the suppressors lost their

effect entirely. Xander stirred and his eyelids fluttered, opening his deep blue eyes and smiling towards

his Alpha, who returned the look full of tenderness and love, of the one that only he was able to


—Good morning, kitty — his voice was still deep and raspy from sleep, but that didn't stop him from

transmitting the joy in his chest at that moment.

Xander smiled and huddled even closer to him. He wrapped one arm around the Alpha's waist and the

other on the neck, letting a tender kiss on the chest, just above Alexei's heartbeat.

—Do you feel better? — he asks, quietly rubbing Xander's back, sinking the face into the shiny strands

of black hair. A simple nod was the response, but he was still relieved that his partner was now much


That was the only important goal for him now, to be able to repair any broken pieces in Xander's

emotions, put things in their place, and do the best to bring him back to happiness.

Xander tilted the head back to look at him. He placed one of his hands on the firm cheek of his Alpha

and closed the space that was missing so that their lips could meet.

The kiss was slow, sweet, sincere and yet the passion and desire made its presence felt. Alexei knew

very well that it would take a long time for Xander to be able to give himself back to him without

suffering physically or being tormented by the memories of those dark moments. But he was willing to

wait as long as necessary.

Though that doesn't mean the excitement wasn't there, especially when Xander's sweet taste made

him drunk with lust. Before he could do anything out of place, he gently parted, leaving a brief kiss right

on the tip of his button nose.

—Come, kitty — he stood up, feeling the cold of the wood under his feet —. Let's go take a bath.

Xander nodded, smiling he got up too and followed his Alpha to the confines of the shower once more.

Before opening the tap, Alexei turned to him and looked at the small devices in Xander's ears, who This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

lowered his unsteady gaze to his feet.

—We have to get some that are waterproof, kitty — rubbing his fingertips against the BTE's —. I don't

like how vulnerable they leave you every time you have to take them off.

Xander nodded, still with the head down, feeling a little uncomfortable and sad. He knew Alexei didn't

like his disability, but there was nothing he could do to change that aspect of his being.

—Xander, look at me — capturing the sadness through the bond, placed a finger under his chin, urging

him to raise the head and connect the gaze with his —. Remember what I told you yesterday?

A slight up and down movement was his response.

—Good, because if you think that the fact that you are deaf is a problem for me, you are wrong — said

the Alpha, as if he had read the line of thoughts crossing his mind —. It's just that I'd rather have you

wearing them at all times, being aware of your surroundings. That's why we have to get you better

ones. Okay?

Xander leaned on the tip of his toes and smiling, left a sweet kiss on his lips, nodding again once they


—I love you, kitty. There's absolutely nothing about you that I don't love. So stop creating crazy things

inside that head with an IQ of one hundred and forty-seven. Okay? — with a mocking tone, getting a

little chuckle.

Xander touches his chest at heart level, then does the same with Alexei's, finally extending the palm to

feel his heartbeat, in a silent "I love you too".

Now, Alexei didn't like his partner's reluctance to speak, but he loved that special, intimate way of

expressing how much they loved each other.

He smiled and gently removed Xander's earplugs, leaving them on the side shelf filled with shampoo

and conditioner bottles, so they could start bathing.

When they came out twenty-five minutes later and the Omega with the small devices back in his ears,

a new change of clothes for each was diligently placed on the bed. He imagined that it must have been

Rosé who left them there, or at least he hoped so.

He quickly dressed and put on the shoes, watching Xander do the same thing much more calmly. Once

they were both ready, Alexei held his Omega hand between his larger hand and led them both out of

the room and into the kitchen.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee and rolls flooded his lungs, causing his mouth to turn to water. He

stopped before entering the dining room and turned to look at Xander.

—If at any time you start to feel suffocated, need to leave or get sick in any other way, you tell me

without hesitation. Okay? — Xander nods in response —. Good. Remember that I'm here for you —

promises quietly, as he gently holds him in the arms and puts a gentle kiss on his forehead —. You're

what I need to keep going, the love of my life, my support. You're the other half of my heart, Xander —

whispers right in his ear.

He tilts the head back and his Omega's eyes are wide open and clear from the tears that threaten to

come out.

But he blinks rapidly to chase them away and still refusing to speak, he just smiles sweetly and nods,

before placing a small kiss on his Alpha's lips.

—Okay, now let's go — Alexei takes his hand again and leads them both to the dining room —.Good

morning — announces, and just like yesterday, Yaakov and Angelo are sitting at the table with Rosé

handling the kitchen utensils. Xander lets go of his hand and rushes to help her, though trying to stay at

a safe distance. He still refuses to let anyone else touch him other than Alexei.

—Good morning, Magnus — Angelo greets him, folding the newspaper he was reading in half and

smiling at him.

—Hey, buddy. You look good and he... — Yaakov gestures toward Xander —. He looks incredibly

better. Did you feed him?

—Yes — Alexei approaches, taking a seat at the table —. Last night, just before sleeping.

—Good idea, looks much better. Almost like... — his cousin's voice fading, shaking the head slightly

and rushing on —. Lev called me, he says everything's fine over there, so you don't have to worry.

Although there's still the question of what we'll do about... — lowering the level to almost a whisper —.

You know, Reiji.

—Reiji? — Angelo asks aloud —. Who's that? — Alexei pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration

while Yaakov moves uncomfortably in the seat. Reluctant to look up, he still does, and finds Xander

with a confused expression on the face.

—Someone in my organization, nothing of importance — still felt that he couldn't trust Angelo

completely, so he reserved the true nature of the matter —. What do you plan to do today, Angelo? Will

you go back to town? — in an attempt to change the course of the conversation.

—Well, yes— sighs —. I have to go visit my mother, she called me and said she wanted to see me. In

fact... — verifies the time on his wristwatch —.I should go now if I want to get there in time.

Alexei sees him get up from the table, go into the kitchen and give Rosé a couple of directions. At that

moment Xander approaches, leaving a hot cup of coffee and a plate with a couple of rolls, cheese, and


—Thank you, kitty.

—The God of discretion? — Yaakov quietly ironizes, referring to Angelo once Xander walks away again

towards the kitchen —. We should talk privately as soon as you have time, Magnus. There's something

I have to tell you — his cousin nods and out of the corner of the eyes, notices Angelo approaching.

—Gentlemen, I'll say goodbye for now. If there's anything you need, don't doubt to consult Rosé, I'm

sure she'll take care of you as you deserve.

—I don't doubt it — Yaakov practically purrs and Alexei kicks him in the calf under the table, receiving a

low squeal of pain and a look of annoyance in response.

A few minutes later, Angelo Dalaras exits the house. Yaakov, Xander, and Alexei finish their breakfast

without major inconveniences and in complete silence. When they finish, Rosé hurries to pick up the

dishes and take them to the kitchen, being followed by Xander, in his eagerness to help.

—I'll wait for you outside — Yaakov quietly announces to him before heading for the entrance.

Alexei just nods, then goes into the kitchen and realizes that Xander is doing the dishes. He walks

towards him, gluing the chest to his back, and leaves a gentle kiss on his neck. Xander tenses for a few

seconds, stopping all movement, until he realizes that this is his partner. He smiles and goes on with

the task.

—I'll be right back, kitty. Yaakov and I need to discuss something. Okay? — receives an affirmative

gesture —. The bond is almost complete again, if you need me, call me — kissing his neck again, and

then separates from him.

His feet lead him to the front door, and when he comes out, Yaakov is leaning against one of the

columns, with a cigarette between the lips.

—Come — indicates, walking towards some wooden logs piled up at the side of the house.

—What's going on? — Alexei asks once again, and his cousin stops him.

—We've received a threat. I didn't want to tell you in front of Angelo, much less in the presence of

Xander — he says seriously —. Last night when you left, Nikon called me saying that two of our men

had disappeared from one of the surveillance posts. Recently, when Lev called me, he told me that two

black bags were left behind. You can guess their contents, right?

Alexei's heart seems to be beating in his throat. The fists clenched at his sides and the veins are visible

on his forehead and neck. He has never liked his men risking their lives for the organization, but it is a

latent risk in his work and each of the new members was duly warned of the dangers.

—There was a note on one of the bags — continued when there was no answer.

—What did it say? — Alexei grunts, fearing the worst.

—"Alexei Magnus, you have something that belongs to me. And I will fight with every resource I have

to get it back" — making the quotation mark with his fingers —. That's not all.


—The end of the note was signed with the initials D. Z.

«Damn bastard», Alexei thought, anger bubbling up quickly inside him. He ran the hands through his

hair and tried to regulate his increasing rate of breathing. The last thing he needed was to lose control

and act clumsily, letting himself be blinded by emotions.

Despite the fact that the whole thing had become personal, he knew that he should keep his cool and

calculating mind at all costs. Things had to be done well and efficiently if he wanted to get the desired

results. «Your enemies take advantage of your weaknesses, Alexei. Always remember that no matter

how great a disadvantage you have in a situation, you must never show it», The words of his father,

Yurik, echoed in his mind, again and again, serving him as a mantra many times over the years.

Well, this was just one of many opportunities where he would have to hold on to them and act smartly,

if he had to be cruel to fulfill his purpose and on top of that, protect Xander: so be it. He takes a deep

breath, the face becomes dark, with fire and determination in the eyes. «Does he want war? Then war

he shall have».

—Tell Adrik he knows what to do with Reiji — turning to see his cousin directly.

Yaakov did not miss the transformation Alexei had just before his eyes and a shiver ran down his spine

to the tips of the toes. He knew from experience how frighteningly well Alexei fulfilled his role and was

grateful that he had never been one of the unfortunate targets.

—And once ready, drop it off at Dimitri Zhukovski's door — his low, calculating tone, a cold, scary smile

drawing on his face —. I will return the gift.

Without saying more, he goes in the direction of the house. Yaakov is stunned for a few moments

before his lungs demand the air he didn't realize was holding back.

—Now things are really going to get complicated.

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