Second Assault — Bond And Treason —

Chapter 29 - The Beginning

Chapter 29 - The Beginning

Wednesday, April 17th. Alexei & Xander's room, 6:10 a.m.


I missed this. Not just making love to Xander again, but not being afraid of hurting him physically or

damaging his fragile emotional state even more.

After I was able to get him back to my side, thanks to Angelo's help, I had to be very careful with him. I

needed to take care of the way I behaved, talked, and even cautioned about touching him.

Despite I never felt any distance from him, I preferred to keep things at a safe level, because for me to

receive a rejection from him would be devastating. It was like walking on thin glass as the only form of

protection to avoid falling into a pool full of hungry sharks. Every step carefully analyzed and prepared.

But no more. I finally feel like I can breathe comfortably again.

His words last night gave my heart the relief I so desperately required, and renewed strength to ensure,

by all means possible, his safety. And now, here, holding him in my arms as I watch him sleep and

knowing that he loves me as much, or even more than I love him, is the most wonderful thing that could

ever happen to someone like me. I will never consider myself worthy of his love, but I will do everything

in my power to repay him.

—I am surprised that you woke up before I did — his hoarse voice from the snooze took me completely

out of the trance in which I was immersed, catching me off guard. I lean on my elbow so that I can

observe him better.

—Yeah, well — I shrug —. I think you're succeeding in infecting me with your obsessions — I smile

mockingly and he pouts.

—Hey, it's not an obsession. It's a habit, it's very different — I bow and leave a kiss on his forehead,

with my free hand I caress the golden hair. He sighs and starts purring, squeezing the embrace on my

body and passing one leg over my waist.

—Are you okay? — I can't help but ask.

—Better than ever — smiles and kisses me gently on the chin —. I told you, Magnus. You could never

hurt me for loving me.

—Yes, but still...

—Nothing — cuts me off immediately before I can continue —. But still nothing. We're together, we love

each other and even the moon has decided we should be together, Magnus — the determination in his

eyes only reinforces my admiration for him —. So don't overthink things. Being here, like this, with you,

I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

—You're everything to me, kitty. I'm just worried about you.

—And I appreciate it —- assures, raises a hand, and caresses my cheek —. But I promise you, I'm

fine. I still find it hard when... — reveals in a whisper —. Someone else touches me, but I just need time

to take it all in. Okay? — I nod and lean to his touch, kissing his palm —. God, I love you so much,

honey. There's no way I can feel in danger with you.

—Xander... — I pant and press our lips into an intense kiss, full of the desire and passion we share for

one another. His words touched me deeply and I could sense the sincerity in them. I love him so much.

With every little particle of my being, with each breath I take, I am all his. With my body, my heart and

my soul.

—Make love to me again, Magnus — whispers over my mouth with shortness of breath, my pulse

races and I find my dick hardening in response —. I need you, please.

—You have me — I mutter back, then I kiss him. Xander wraps the arms around my neck and moans

as the kiss progresses in strength and depth.

I press him closer to me and, with one of my hands, I begin to probe his narrow entry, already

moistened by the lubricant. Slowly, I insert a finger, feeling that it is being sucked in gently. Xander

shakes and his tongue moves avidly inside my mouth. I notice the tail beginning to waggle from side to

side, so with my free hand I hold it firmly, stimulating it from top to bottom, enjoying the silkiness of the


—For God's sake, Magnus — he breaks the kiss, panting and tilting the head back, exposing the

delicious skin of the neck that I soon assault. With the tongue, I trace a long and sweet path from his

collarbones, through the Adam's apple, under the chin, to the sensitive spot under his ear, where I plant

a wet kiss with my lips half-open. He groans and squirms in my arms as I suddenly insert two more

fingers, moving them in a circle and purposely ignoring his prostate —. Stop playing with me —

mumbles with a slight frown.

—Play? — I ask with a feigned innocence —. I don't know what you're talking about, kitty — at that

moment, I reach for his sweet spot and press it hard with my fingers.


His hands buried in my hair, moaning uncontrollably on my mouth as I continue to stimulate him.

—That's it. Open up for me, Xander — I bite and suck on his shaky lower lip —. You like it when I fuck

you with my fingers, don't you? — He nods frantically and I sense his walls squeezing my fingers.

Fuck, seeing him like that, all blushing, disheveled, and moaning my name makes me so hard it's

starting to hurt. I gently pull out my fingers and let go of his tail, which makes him grunt in frustration. I

place the hands on his waist and with one fluid movement, leave him lying on his stomach. He

immediately spreads the legs, leans on the knees, letting the buttocks in the air and his narrow, pink

entrance completely at my mercy.

—Do it, Magnus — his hands hold the sheets firmly and the tail sways from left to right in a sensual

way —. Take me, come on.

—You're so fucking hot — I'll give him a light slap on his bubble ass and get ready. I take my erection

and give myself a few pulls before approaching and lining up in his entrance. Xander raises the hips a

bit more, anticipating my movements. Slowly, very slowly I push, making my way inside him.

—Magnus — moans breathlessly and rests the forehead on the mattress —. More... I need more.

—Patience, kitty — I smile as I continue to nudge, until finally I am completely inside and stop.

—Shit — grunts and moves in circles, urging me to fuck him —. Please.

—Do you want it, kitty? — nods furiously again, trying to propel himself backward, but my hands on his

hips prevent it —. I'll give it to you — I come out all the way and he whines in frustration, which makes

my smile wider. I place one hand on his lower back and with the other, holding my cock, I penetrate him

again with a powerful, fluid thrust. I start to move, burying up to the base, making my balls collide with

his ass at every charge.

The skin under my fingers turns red because of the strong grip I have on his waist, pearly drops of

sweat run down our bodies, and the smell of his excitement only pushes me to accelerate the pace. I

bend my hip a little and feel when I succeed in hitting his sweet spot, his reaction confirms it.

—There, Magnus! — He stands on the hands and turns his face, looking at me over the shoulder —.

Don't stop.

Stop? That word was erased from my brain half an hour ago. My moves are becoming frenetic as I

experience the climax generating in my stomach. A pleasant chill runs down my spine and my dick

thickens inside Xander's walls.

My fangs are growing, my animal side is taking more control over me. My knot slowly swells too,

announcing my impending orgasm.

—Magnus... Just a little more — warns me, gasping for breath, making an effort to push himself back

with each of my thrusts —. So good — I hold one of his ass cheeks tightly, with my free hand I subdue

the tail again, squeezing and tugging it as I continue, digging the nails into the muscle, being careful

not to hurt him. He screams with pleasure and twists under me —. I can't... I need to cum — I lean over

him and whisper in his ear:

—Come on then, kitty — I feel his walls shrinking, squeezing my cock hard, dragging me to the edge

—. Go on, cum for me.

—Magnus! — His thick, white rain falls on the sheets, small tremors take over his body as heavy gasps

and moans escape from his red, swollen lips as the ecstasy sweeps through him. Soon after, because

of the unbearable pressure of the walls on my dick, I let go too.

I keep pushing, again and again, feeling my liberation flooding inside him and he milks me to the last

drop. My fangs pierce the sweet skin of his neck, once again reinforcing the mark and intensifying our

orgasm with incredible power. The tail continues to wriggle in my grip and my knot extends, tying us in


Shortly after, I extract my fangs and lick the spot to close it. Xander collapses, breathing with difficulty,

and I support myself on the elbows to avoid crushing him, giving time for the knot to retract. I kiss his

shoulders and the nape, savoring the salty taste of his sweat and the sweetness of his skin at the same

time. He smiles and begins to purr.

—I could get used to these pamperings — his eyes close and sighs deeply —. I love it when you do


—I know, kitty — I kiss his blushing cheek —.I enjoy every fucking second of it too — he laughs and I

have to clench my jaw, trying to contain myself, as his walls contract around my still throbbing cock.

—Do you have to swear every time? — He scolds me, but the smile on his face shows that he doesn't

mean it.

—A few minutes ago you weren't complaining — I plant another kiss on his cheek, this time closer to

those sexy lips, he laughs again and opens the eyes to stare at me.

—I have to admit that it's a bit hot when you talk dirty — his face gets more reddish than it already was.

—I know that, too. You squeeze my cock hard when I do it.

—Magnus! — covers his face in shame and now I'm the one who's laughing shamelessly.

We spent a few precious minutes like this, enjoying each other's warmth until the knot finally gave out

and I retired from him.

We both go to the bathroom and take a long relaxing shower together, between caresses, kisses, and

those pamperings that Xander likes so much. By the time we're ready, it's almost ten o'clock.

—Are you hungry? — I ask, finishing adjusting the tie and getting my phone from the nightstand.

—Oh, no. No, sir — he points and watches me with a scowl and the other hand on the waist —.

There's no way in this world I'm going to be able to separate myself from you today, Alexei Magnus. We

are going to that meeting with The Gang to finally discuss what you managed to discover on the video,

and there is nothing you are going to say or do that will distract me this time. Understood?

I get close to him slowly, like a wolf stalking its prey, which makes him nervous, but he still stands

there, gazing at me as if wishing for laser beams to come out of his eyes. When I reduce the distance, I

surround his waist and attract him to me. He lets himself be done, but stares at me cautiously.

—Are you sure there's nothing I can do to distract you? — I whisper and bend over to slowly suck his

earlobe, he shudders and gasps —. I think I might figure it out after all.

I make a path of kisses from his ear, down the chin until I eventually reach the lips. I kiss him with

tenderness but at the same time with desire, fascinated by feeling how his body surrenders without

resistance. I drink his moans of need like a thirsty man.

By the time I split, his expression is completely dazed, cheeks are flushed, eyes are crystal clear and

lips red, swollen and shiny. So much that it provokes me to kiss them again. Instead, I walk away,

heading steadily for the door.

I hold the handle and turn to see him, smiling at his confused expression.

—Come on, kitty. We have a meeting to attend — he takes the middle finger out and pouts.

—You're an idiot — says, while walking towards me, drilling me with the eyes. I open the door and let

him pass first, slapping him on the ass when he advances. Xander screams in surprise and I can't help

but laugh.

—And that's how you love me.


Twenty minutes later, we're all gathered in the meeting room, anxious to find out at last what Magnus

has protected with so much mistrust. I bite my thumb nail and move my foot constantly under the table,

terribly nervous and yet anticipating what he has to tell us. This whole thing is giving me a headache.

—A magnificent opportunity has fallen upon us — Magnus announces loudly and confidently, discreetly

placing a hand on my thigh to stop the movements of my foot —. And I assure you that Dimitri

Zhukovski will have no escape this time.

—Well, damn it — Nikon snorts —.Now I'm intrigued, so drop it.

Magnus turns to the laptop he connected to a projector earlier, to show the last video recorded while I

was held captive. He didn't want to show it, but I assured him it was the best chance to prove his point

so that everyone would get a clear view of what they were up against. Clicking on the media file, the

recording starts playing, but Magnus fast-forwards it to the part he wants to show us.

—Fuck, Alex — Adrik gasps in awe —. Is that...?

—Xander successfully recorded the inside of Dimitri's mansion. What you're seeing now... — spins

around to signal the image projected on the white screen —. It's the place where he was held captive

all those days.

—But, Xander... How in the world? — Fredek asks quietly and cautiously.

—A customization I made to my eyebrow piercing — I poke the little piece of metal —. I installed a

camera on it and all the images you see were captured through it.

—Is that possible? — Nikon exclaims in shock, leaning over the chair to rest the palms on the table

—.Holy shit, I have three of those things and I had no idea about that trick.

—All right, that's enough. Let's get back to the matter — Magnus points at the screen again —. The

fact is, this particular video was taken on the last day Xander was on his property. And you'll notice

something very important.

Plays back the video and all we see is the white ceiling of the room, but we hear sobbing coming from

my lips. Listening to them gives me shivers and deep discomfort at the base of my stomach, but I force

myself to stand firm and keep looking. Magnus seems to realize this and holds my hand, interlocking

our fingers.

His gesture accomplishes its goal and helps me calm down a bit. In the video, shortly after, Angelo


He looks at me with his big, glaring eyes and seems nervous and agitated. He quickly rushes to untie

my hands and ankles, whispering: "Easy, little one", when he can pick me up. The camera keeps

pointing at the ceiling as he walks towards the door. But then, my head turns to the side, allowing a

better view of the surroundings. I don't remember anything I see.

My consciousness must have been coming and going at that time, under the influence of the drugs that

were constantly being forced into my system. Another whisper from Angelo, this time with: "I'll get you

out of here", running through the halls of murky light and creepy aspect. Or maybe that's how I perceive

it. Finally, after a few minutes of brisk running, listening to Angelo's agitated breathing and watching

him stop at every corner while he made sure no one was lurking around, we arrived at what seems to

be a large warehouse.

—This is where you all need to pay attention — Magnus warns and I hear everyone holding their

breaths and settling into the seats, totally focused on the images projected. I follow the same pattern


Angelo sneaks through shelves full of cleaning products and servants' uniforms until he stands in front

of a wall painted a light brown with black stripes. "I'm sorry, little one. I must leave you on the floor for a

moment", he alerts my unconscious body, carefully placing me on the hard surface.

My head turns in his direction and we can clearly observe him, bending over and, in one of the lower

corners of the wall, he removes a tiny piece strategically placed among the stripes, inserting a key and

the wall begins to move. My eyes open wide in surprise as Angelo spins to grab me again and wait for

the passage to open completely. A large tunnel stretches out in front of us and a series of lights are

switched on as we go. A few steps later and we hear the wall closing behind Angelo.

—Alex, this is... — Lev babbles, opening and closing the mouth like a fish several times —. You found

a gold mine.

—And it gets better — Magnus smiles, returning to the screen.

After several minutes of walking through the extensive tunnel, in the distance is a large portal of light,

announcing the exit. "Just a little more", Angelo announces to my unconscious body again and his

steps accelerate before we finally exit. By that time, his breathing is agitated, but he still doesn't stop.

The view is now of a vast forest, surrounded by tall trees and lush green bushes. At first, I thought that

it would be a lot of work to cross such a large area and to carry me along. But it wasn't like that.

Anticipating the situation, Angelo had left a vehicle parked not far away, properly camouflaged with

leaves and branches.

He quickly got rid of them and unlocked the doors, leaving me stretched out in the back seat. Magnus

stops the recording and now faces everyone, whose astonishment and disbelief are reflected in their

faces... Including me.

—Yaakov and I went to assess the area, we had to go through a lot to find the tunnel.

—The property is quite extensive and the surrounding forest is very difficult to maneuver if you don't

have the right vehicle — Yaakov agrees, a malicious satisfaction shining in his eyes —. We had to

change to our wolves to sweep the area faster, until finally, after five long hours, we found it.

—There are no cameras, no guards, no protection system surrounding the tunnel. It's completely

exposed and perfectly camouflaged — Magnus smiles —. This means that Dimitri doesn't know of its

existence, and that's exactly what we're going to take advantage of.

—But how is that possible? — shock in Lev's voice —. It's logical from its condition that it's quite old.

How is it that Angelo knows of its existence and Dimitri, who lives there, doesn't?

—We'll have to ask the pretty boy personally — Yaakov suggests.

I notice that Fredek wriggles uncomfortably in the chair and lowers the head, Derek sitting next to him,

massages his neck with one hand, as if trying to calm him down. I was really surprised that Magnus Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

allowed Derek to attend The Gang meetings.

I imagine that, in one way or another, my Alpha considers him part of the organization. But I found that

little detail in Fred's behavior kinda odd. Though I'm not so sure it matters right now, so I and focus on

the issue that is, for the moment, crucial.

—I'll call him to come here. And you... — my Alpha addresses everyone present and uses a low,

threatening tone —.I do not need to tell you the importance of this mission. So make all the necessary

preparations to execute it. No bullshit, no whining, no failure, and no letting your guards down. I hope

I've made myself clear.

—Crystal clear, boss — Nikon adds in a mocking tone.

—Adrik, it would be good if you could send one of our men to investigate Dimitri's future activities —

Magnus proposes, leaning back on the chair and lighting a cigarette —. We know what needs to be

done, but we must be sure of when.

—Well, I guess now that we don't have a rat, there shouldn't be a problem — Adrik nods.

—Perfect, then — stands and arranges his vest, with an arrogant gaze —. Let's show the Zhukovskis

who truly owns Russia.

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