Seed of Possession

Chapter 44: Tear into Two

It’s already 6pm when the two sisters came into the house. All of the family except Perol are waiting at the front door of the mansion to welcome the unexpected guest. It was a tradition to the Monteverde’s to welcome the children of the head of the other members of the family. And right now the members of the family residing in the main mansion are the family of Xander and Lorenzo.

The two sisters are riding in the same car as they met each other in the park before they went to the mansion.

” I’m back again,” Davina excitedly said while looking around the place. She grinned when she saw the light from the tree that looks like fireflies residing in the tree.

” It’s beautiful, Look sister, It feels like where back in our childhood” Davine happily said as she look at her sister Juveline who is now seriously looking at the mansion.

” I’m back again” She said in a serious tone of voice. She really doesn’t like the main mansion of the family because all of the bad memories came into this place. And once she’s back again not to put a facade in the battle of succession but to support a person who can give her what she wants in her life.

” Sister, your complexion is not that good are you alright?” Davina asks out of concern. Juveline just show a force smile to her little sister.

” I’m fine” Juveline answered before she started to walk towards the main door that made from black ebony.

” Sister, Wait! You’re in such a hurry” Davina said as she followed her sister. Juveline ignored the comment of her little sister as she was assigned to the headbutler to announce their arrival.

” The 1st and 2nd born daughter of the Headmaster Perol Monteverde has arrived. Juveline Monteverde and Davia Monteverde ” After the butler announced their arrival the door slowly opened and the 2 long lines of servants greeted them and at the end of the path that 2 lines of servants created the two families of battle of succession are patiently waiting for them.

Davina give them a big smile while Juveline give them a poker face. The two sisters walked straight until they reached the participant’s family. The two families give them a bow as a sign of respect to the daughters of the headmaster. And then after that each participant will give a gift to the two of them. Lorenzo is the one who steps forward as he presents the gift that he prepared for the both of them.

“Welcome home Auntie Davina and Auntie Juveline, This is my family gift for you Auntie Davina and this is for you Auntie Juveline” Lorenzo said as he handed the gift to each of them. Davina receive the gift with a big smile on her face while Juveline accept the gift with frowned on her face. Lorenzo just smiled at the both of them as he waited for them to open the gift.

“Can we open the gift?” Davina excitedly said while looking at he gift box that her nephew gave her.

” Ofc-”

” No, We should follow the tradition of the family we can only open the gifts after dinner in the front of father” Juveline remind to her youngest sister. Juveline look at Lorenzo and show a faint smile.

” I hope you don’t mind” Juveline said to Lorenzo before he looks at Xander who is staring coldly at her. Her glimpse shifted to Giselle who was smiling seductively while her arms were wrapped around her husband’s arms. The two of them step forward as they bow before they show the gift that they prepared to the two guests of the family.

” I think it’s our time to show our gift to the two beloved daughters of the headmaster.” Giselle breathely said as she laid her hands and immediately the two servants came out while holding the gifts. Lorenzo just stared at Giselle intently because he thought that the gift they prepared was just cheap and unprepared because they learned of the visit announcement at the last minute but seeing what was happening. Both the families are prepared.

” What a woman” Davina said as she handed the gift that Lorenzo gave to her to one of the servants.

” Xander, did you not tell your wife the etiquette of our family? A wife’s place should always be at her husband’s back to be the support of the family and her husband. A woman should not walk at her husband’s side in terms of doing the tradition of the family ” Davina scolded Xander.

Davina already marks Giselle as a threat, The gift that they prepared only symbolizes that they are not easy to defeat. She misunderstood the family of Xander. She thought if she announced their arrival early to Chantal. Xander and Giselle’s spot in the family will be in danger.

‘ How come they are prepared?’

She looks at the gift that they prepared for them. Just a glance she knew the value of the gifts is higher than the gift of Lorenzo and Chantal. She made a promise to Chantal that she will help them behind their back to be not suspected by her sister Juveline. Because she already made a promise to her sister that she will not choose among Lorenzo and Xander to give help and they already announced that they will not help the participants of the battle of succession.

” This is the reason why an etiquette lesson must happen before the wedding,” Davina added but Xander just looked at her Auntie with a cold expression.

” I apologize Auntie Davina, If Giselle didn’t do the standing properly” Xander apologized to Davina.

Davina raises her chin up as she walks forward to Giselle and Xander as she quickly pushes them away from each other. Giselle almost stumbles because of the force that Davina did. She quickly touched her stomach as she stood up straight.


Davina was startled when she heard the loud call of her name by her sister. She quickly looked back at her sister and she saw the furious glaring eyes at her.

” WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ” Juveline loudly ask to her sister before she walk towards her and pull her away from the married couple.

” Giselle is pregnant! Did you forget about that!” Juveline hissed at her sister before she looked at Xander and Giselle.

” I apologize for my sister’s behaviour, I hope you are okay Giselle. You are almost stumble down because of what my little sister did” Juveline apologize to Giselle.

“S-sister” Davina called to her sister.

” Davina didn’t create a scene here in front of the servants. Let’s just talk about it when the only left are family members” Juveline whispered to Davina before she patted her right shoulders 2 times.

” Shall we go? ” Juveline ask as she snap the mood.

Chantal and Giselle, Did the curtsy as they gestured their hands pointing to the dining room of the mansion. It’s a part of Monteverde’s tradition that the wife is the one who will lead the family from main branches in the dining room.

A SLY smile formed into Giselle lips as she secretly glanced at the back of Davina who was following her sister towards the dining room. Davina takes the trap that she and Xander laid to her. According to what she learned. Davina is perfectionist in terms of family tradition and etiquette because according to Juveline, Their mother is a perfect woman who perfect all the etiquette and the family tradition before their mother dies. She is the one who taught Davina all the etiquette and tradition of Monteverde’s family. Among the siblings, Davina is the only one who received one on one class from the late headmistress of the Monteverde’s household.

” Are you okay?” Giselle looks at Xander who is now standing beside her as he checks if Giselle and the baby are okay.

” I’m fine, We should immediately go there. Your cousin Lorenzo is surely rejoicing about what happened earlier.” Giselle answered as she signed Xander to walk first in the dining room.

Xander nodded his head as he walked towards the dining room leaving Giselle behind. And now the only people left behind in the family are Chantal and Giselle because of the family tradition that the husband, guest, and kids are the first one who enters the dining room.

” Don’t take what Auntie Davina said and did to you seriously, She is just concern to you”

Giselle glances at Chantal who is now smiling softly while looking at the way towards the dining room.

” Thank you for advice” Giselle meningfully said to Chantal as she secretly looked at the servants that left with them.

” It’s fine, After all we are family” Chantal sweetly said before she walked leaving Giselle behind.

Giselle put the strand of her hair that covered her eyes at the back of her ears and a quick wicked smile formed into her lips. ” What a soft-spoken b*tch ” Giselle muttered before she went towards the dining room.

As soon as she arrived at the dining room, Silent was the one who greeted her with the accompaniment of awkwardness. Giselle went to her husband and sat down beside him. Now, They are just waiting until the headmaster joins them at the table.

The silence is eating them alive, especially to the children of Lorenzo who are not used to this too much silence and tension in the family. The eyes of Giselle landed on Flora who now look gloomy and the reflection of the child is not that good. The last time Giselle saw Flora she was chubby and her cheeks were rosy but now it’s the total opposite. The child’s face looks too pale. And her eyes are too puffy. It’s obvious that she came from crying and they just concealed the puffiness and redness by putting make-up on the child’s face.

Giselle is going to whisper something to Xander when the headbutler announces the arrival of the headmaster of the family. All of them stood up as they greeted the head of the family.

” You can all sit down, I know that my two daughters are already hungry” Perol said as he sat down. As soon as the headmaster sat down the rest of the family followed.

” It’s a great day for me, Because my two daughters are visiting their father,” Perol said, which made Davina giggle.

” Father, It’s an opportunity for us to live in this mansion again. Even our announcement of our arrival is quite late.” Davina happily said as she looked at her sister Juveline.

” It’s really an opportunity for us to be here, At the same table with you again” Juveline politely said as she look at her father Perol in his eyes.

” I’m glad to hear that. Shall we start to eat?” Perol ask that make Giselle to secretly roll her eyes.

” Oh, yes please!” Giselle murmured as she looked at Perol who was now getting the fork as soon as he started to dig in. Giselle reaches for her spoon. And when Perol has his first chew in the food, Giselle quickly gets her soup and has a sip on it.

It’s a part of tradition in the Monteverde family that the elder must be the first to eat and after the elder takes the first scoop of food that is the only time where the rest of the family will start to eat. The headmaster was having dinner with his medium beef steak, While the others were getting the dish that they wanted but Giselle and Xander only got a salty soup that made Giselle smile wickedly as she glanced at the servant that came from the kitchen.

She is glaring at them as she gives them a sign that they should hide after the dinner because Giselle will surely hunt them down one by one.

” Are you surely okay with this?” Xander whispered to Giselle.

” We must f*cking endure it, After this I will put an end in that f*cking kitchen. They surely need a salty punishment” Giselle answered as she simply pushed the soup towards Xander.

” Finish that, I don’t want this soup” Giselle said that made Xander frown as he gulped out of nervousness while looking down at the two soups in front of him.

” Giselle, I can’t finish this it–”

” You’re child is in my stomach, You want your child to eat this total garbage?” Giselle said that makes Xander concede defeat because the reasons of Giselle are acceptable. He doesn’t want his child to eat this crap. He is afraid that it will affect his child development.

” Sigh…. You win” Xander said out of defeat as he took a deep breath before he started to eat the soup.

” I’ll just order a burger or pizza later,” Giselle murmured while watching Xander struggle in eating the soup. The other member of the family doesn’t have any interest in them and they sit one seat apart from each other. Even if they die, Giselle doubts that they will notice it.

” What’s your last wish—- I mean your flavor of pizza or burger?” Giselle said as she teased Xander who is in the battle towards his life because of the soup that tasted like a sachet of iodized salt was there.

” Giselle, Why didn’t you eat your food?” Giselle smiled out of annoyance when she heard Davina’s voice.© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

” I’m still full and I think I’m not in the mood for soup” Giselle said while showing her smile.

” It’s hard to be a pregnant woman” She quickly added to make Davina shut up. To make her remember on what she did to a pregnant woman Giselle earlier.

” Yeah……….. I know it’s hard, I also experienced that while I’m pregnant with my first child” Davina answered as she hid the shaking of her voice. She is afraid that Giselle will spill what happened while having a dinner with the head of the family.

” Thank you for understanding Auntie Davina,” Giselle said in a meaningful tone of voice that made Davina feel instantly nervous. While looking at Giselle, She suddenly feels an intimidation, the same feeling when she was facing her sister when she was young.

” But Giselle, even if you don’t have an appetite, you should force yourself to eat. You are pregnant after all and nutrients are important for the development of your child” Chantal suddenly said that makes Davina feel at ease because of a sudden interruption of Chantal.

” Thank you for your advice Chantal” Giselle said as she instantly smirked at her.

” I really appreciate your concern. After all, among the two of us you have had way more experience than me, ” Giselle said as she grabbed her water and drank it.

” Well, we are family and family should look for each other” Chantal sweetly said that makes Giselle giggle softly.

” Yes, We should for each other ” Giselle said, which made Chantal smile victoriously. She suddenly felt happy about what just happened she feel that she still have the control in all the things that happenings to her surroundings.

” I’m glad to see this. My child and grandchildren are eating peacefully together. Such a perfect harmonious scene. This old man is very happy right now” Perol said emotionally.

” Grandpa” Lorenzo calls his grandpa with his sweet gentle voice that makes Perol suddenly remember his wife’s sweet voice calling his name.

” I’m just happy Lorenzo” Perol said to assure Lorenzo that he is okay.

” Now that we are almost finished eating our food, Davina you have something to tell me right? And you said that you want to announce it at the family dinner. What is it?” Perol asked his daughter. Davina wipes her mouth using the napkin before she faces her father.

” Father, I know that it’s a sudden announcement and you might be shocked by what I will announce. But first, I already consulted my family with this decision and I also said it to my sister about my plan” Davina look at her sister before she close her eyes and took a deep breathe.

” Father, I’m going to be a sponsor in the battle of succession. I want to be a sponsor to give my support and faith to a certain person that I know will lead our family to prosperity.” Davina stops as she looks at Lorenzo and smiles.

” I decided to be the sponsor of Lorenzo” Davina’s announcement makes the whole dining room fall silent but outside the dining room the servants who are loyal to Lorenzo are cheering internally as they aren’t allowed to rejoice right now.

” Father, In generations of battle of succession. There is always a sponsor who will support the candidate. And I want to continue the tradition of the family. A sponsor must have in battle of succession” Davina confidently said as her eyes sparkling with determination that makes Perol laugh out of disbelief.

” If that’s what you want Davina, I will allow y-”

” I also want to be sponsor in the battle of succession” Perol immediately look at Juveline because of her interruption and also because of what she said.

” S-s-sister?”

” I also want to be a sponsor, Father”

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