Seed of Possession

Chapter 46: Start of real battle

” Smoke outside you b*stard” Giselle hissed at Xander while covering her nose. Xande just stared at Giselle coldly before he put down his cigarettes in the ashtray. After the smoke and smell from cigarettes is gone. Giselle quickly throws the handkerchief in Xander’s face.

” I hate the smell of cigarettes because I’m pregnant. It looks like your child doesn’t want a smoker.” Giselle said before she put her left feet in the vacant share.

The two are in the outside garden of the mansion. After what happened earlier the two decided to take a fresh air and to cool down after the tension that happened in the dinner and in the kitchen.

” I didn’t expect that you would use a whip in terms of disciplining the kitchen staff.” Xander said out of nowhere that made Giselle chuckle.

” Are you surprised?” She asks as sheut her left palm under her cheeks and looks at Xander.

” There are many things that you didn’t know about me. Let’s just say that I am full of surprises” She playfully said as she looked at the sky that was full of stars.

” It looks like I underestimate you,” Xander said as he looked at the sky.

” You really underestimated me from the start. I know that because I meet a lot of people who are just like you. But the difference is you have a ton of money and besides that your family is powerful and influential not only in the Philippines but in the whole wide world.” Giselle muttered

” I’m sorry” Xander suddenly apologizes that makes Giselle laugh out of disbelief on what she hears.

” Why are you apologizing to me? You didn’t do anything wrong except threaten me….. Yes, That threat. You should apologize for that matter.” Giselle seriously said before she reached her glass of water and took a sip on it.

” That is the only way to bring you to my side. Out of all the candidates you are the wild but fit in my criteria”

” You’re really a pathetic f*cking b*stard” Giselle chuckle that makes Xander show a sad smile in his face.

” Well, I’m really a pathetic b*stard. I know that from the start. And I decided to live with it”

The atmosphere began to be cold because of what Xander just said. A minute of silence happened before Giselle started to speak.

” You should start to change that now, Stop living a s a pathetic b*stard you will be a father in the future.” Giselle muttered as she left a deep sigh.

” How about you? You will also be a mother in the future” Xander said, making Giselle grin.

” I’m not a mother Xander, I am just a human incubator. Are you forgetting that?”

Xander chuckled because of what Giselle said in front of him. Yes, He sometimes forgot what he said to Giselle. Sometimes he feels the whole thing around them is real even if it’s not. All the actions of Giselle are based on the money that he paid for her and sometimes on her hormones because she is pregnant…

” I wish this baby will not be like you, A smart person with no common sense” Giselle said out of insult before she put down her feet on the ground.

” We should go inside, It’s starting to be chilly here” Giselle said as she crossed her arms and stood up.

” You go inside first, I will stay here a bit longer, ” Xander said to Giselle as he got another stick of cigarettes.

” Okay, By the way, Change your clothes before you lay down in bed later.” Giselle reminded Xander before she went inside the mansion. As soon as Giselle left. Xander started to light up his cigarettes and started to smoke in the chilly cold evening outside the garden.

LORENZO IS IN THE ONE OF THE VERANDA OF THE MANSION. He silently watched the married couple in the garden. He didn’t hear what they were talking about because of the distance. He only can watch them and look if there is something suspicious happening.

” Lorenzo” Chantal gently called her husband’s name while pouring a whiskey in the glass.

” Just a minute, I’m trying to read their lips.” Lorenzo answered. Chantal just shook her head because of what her husband said.

” You don’t know how to read lips.” Chantal said as she let out a soft laugh. She stares at her husband back as she shows a soft smile.

” Lorenzo, Please get inside”

After Chantal said the words Lorenzo step back from the railings and quietly headed inside the mansion.

” We should investigate that woman,” Lorenzo said before he sat down.

” Why should we investigate that woman? Grandfather surely already does that” Chantal commented before she sat down across from her husband.

” And besides there’s nothing special about her except for being a woman who makes men drool over her, ” Chantal bluntly said before she crossed her legs.

” Chantal, We are in the middle of the battle inside the family. All people around us are our enemy even you can be my enemy” Lorenzo fiercely said that makes Chantal chuckle.

” I am your wife and I’m always at your side”

” And you should stay that way,” Lorenzo added to Chantal’s sentence.

” I don’t want to make a mistake like my father. He thought that person was weak and not worth the time to investigate and look at him now. He is 6 ft under his grave. A rotten corpse” Lorenzo bluntly said before he took a sip on his glass of whiskey.

Chantal kept her mouth shut on what Lorenzo said. She knows what happened to his father and it’s a tragic one. She understands where he is coming and she will always be at his side forever.

” I understand, I will help you to investigate that woman and I will keep an eye on her,” Chantal said after a long silence that made Lorenzo smile.

” I know that I always count on you” Lorenzo sexily muttered as he finished his glass of whiskey.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Chantal just smiled at him as she rubbed her pregnant belly.

THE TWO SISTERS ARE STORMED OUT from the office of their father. The both of them are furiously mad because of what they argue inside the office.

” I can’t believe you do this because of that petty reason.” Davina hissed at her sister as she walked faster and stopped in front of her sister.

” If my reason is pathetic then your reason is so dumb” Juveline answered that makes Davina feel insulted.

” My decision to support them is for the better of our family, I made the right decision” Davina muttered that makes Juveline chuckle.

” Did you hear yourself, Davina? Is that really your reason? Or there is something that we didn’t know?” Juveline bluntly asks as she steps forward to Davina.

Davina faces Juveline as she shows to her elder sister that she is not afraid of her.

” I’m not your little sister anymore, Sister Juveline. I can still feel that you still treated me like a kid” Davina fiercely said that makes Juveline smirk.

” You’re still acting like a spoiled brat.” Juveline mockingly said that makes Davina laugh out of sarcasm.

” At Least I’m not like you! Trying to control everything to the point that it’s so suffocating” Davina hysterically said.

” Since our mom died, You have always controlled our life. All our schedules were known by you. All our plans need to be reported to you as if we are living in the cage that you created for us!” Davina continued as she clenched her fist and fiercely looked at her sister’s eyes.

” You still didn’t change Sister Juveline, control freak as ever. ” Davina ended as she stepped back and looked at her sister with a stoic expression.

” Do you think I f*cking do all of that because I just want to monitor all of you? That’s b*llshit Davina.” Juveline brush her hair up as she sigh out of annoyance.

” I’m f*cking here in this family because Mom want me to look after this d*mn family!” She said out of frustration and put her hands into her waist.

” I need to be tough, I need to be strong, I need to be smart and I need to be a dependent sister to all of you!” She continued. Davina just watches her sister having a mental breakdown in front of her.

” I always give what you all want! If I’m being strict ? I’m sorry. But remember this. I’m doing that to all of you just to keep you all safe. Because among us siblings the three of you are the one who easily get influenced” Juveline ended as she took a deepbreathe to calm herself.

” We didn’t ask you to do that, You are the one who put you in that situation.”

Juveline look at Davina because of just what she said. And after a few seconds she suddenly laughs like a crazy woman in the mental hospital. She brushes her hair up while laughing because of frustration and anger that she is feeling right now.

She can’t believe what she heard from her sister. She said to her that she is the one who put herself in her situation. Juveline feel like all her sacrifice to her family is all waste because of what her sister thinking and said to her. She feels like all her effort is nothing.

Juveline looks at her sister as she crazily looks at her and grin.

” I should not expect this from my family, I sacrifice for nothing and as a result my life is wasted. Right Davina?” Juveline crazily said as she spread her arms wide and stretched her arms.

” We didn’t ask you to stay!” Davina answered. Juveline just smirk as she crossed her arms and with no emotion look at her sister.

” But you force me to stay, Am I right, Davina?” Juveline said in a meaningful tone of voice as she chuckled while looking up at the ceiling.

” Do you think I will not know what you did before? You are the one who told our brothers about my relationship to Henrieth. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO TOLD THEM ABOUT US!”

Davina startled because of the sudden screamed of Juveline. It’s full of anger and wrath. That gives you chill down your spine.

” I will finish what you started Davina, This game will not only be about the battle of succession. This battle will be our fight. Because after knowing that my dear sister. I decided to crash you down like what you did to me.” Juveline seriously said as she pointed her sister.

” This battle will begin, right now” Juveline ended before she turned her back to her sister and walked away from her.

And in that moment the battle will begin.

FROM AT THE CORNER FLORA secretly watching her two Aunt grandma fighting each other and using words that she doesn’t understand. Flora immediately hid when Davina started to walk away from the scene. Flora just watched her walk away. Flora accidentally witnesses their fighting. She just wants to look for her mother but she witnesses something that she should not see from her young age.

” Why are they fighting?” Flora mumble as she covers her mouth and pushes herself in the darkest corner of the hallway.

When Flora sees that Davina is finally gone. She walks out from the darkest corner of the hallway and walks towards the place where the scene happened. Because of her young age. Flora is full of curiosity to know what happened between her two aunt grandma. But she suddenly remembered what her mother said to her.

” I shouldn’t barge in the argument of old people” Flora mumble as she claps her hand in her chest and held it tightly.

” But what is the battle? What does that word mean?” Flora innocently asked herself as she pouted and started to walk to find her mother. She wanted to look for her mother to ask what the word battle meant. Because that is the word she heard in the dinner earlier and it looks like it has a special meaning that Flora wanted to know.

” There are so many things that I didn’t know, ” she said quietly as she wandered around the mansion. It’s been an hour since she started to wander around the mansion but she couldn’t find her mother.

” Where is she? Is she in the room?” She asks herself again as she look at the passing servant who is bringing a tray of empty bottle of whiskey.

” Excuse me, Did you see my mother?” Flora innocently asks that makes the heart of the maid flutter because of her cuteness.

” Yes, Young Miss. She is on the 2nd floor at the east wing with your father near the 2nd veranda.” The servant said. Flora smiles brightly at the servant as she showing her overloading cuteness to her.

” Thank you!” Flora happily said as she ran towards the stare and left the servant who is still flustered by her cuteness.

Flora runs hurriedly as she wants to see her mother and have a time with her before she sleeps. She is closer to the place that the servants said when she heard a strange noise on the veranda. It was a weird sound for Flora. As if there is a monster right there. Even if is afraid by the sound that she was hearing, Flora still started to walk towards the place where the strange noises were coming from.

” Who’s in there?”

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