Shadows In Durango

Chapter 13

*****Sofia's POV*****

As the night wore on, the VIP lounge gradually emptied out, leaving a hushed calm in place of the earlier chaos. My hands ached from mixing drinks and cleaning, but a sense of accomplishment filled me. I'd managed to survive my first shift despite the unexpected drama with Vincent.

I still couldn't believe that he of all people owned this place...

Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was nearing 2 AM. The bar was nearly spotless, and the last few patrons were making their way downstairs. I let out a sigh of relief, my body finally relaxing as I wiped down the bar one last time. Tito appeared at the top of the stairs, his face lighting up as he saw me - offering me a positive thumbs up to which I returned.

But before he could reach the bar to talk to me, Vincent intercepted him like a wild animal hunting down its prey.

I watched them exchange quiet words, Vincent's face a storm of anger and frustration as he pointed in my direction which caused me to gulp. Tito nodded, his expression unreadable, but his eyes flicked toward me with something akin to


My stomach twisted with anxiety. What was Vincent saying about me now? Was Tito going to fire me? He didn't look too pleased... but maybe that was just his face?

Before I could dwell on it, Daryl approached the bar. "You did a good job tonight, best cider that I've ever had poured!" he said, his voice a soothing balm to my frazzled nerves caused by Vincent's outburst. "Tito's a good guy. He'll look after you in here too." He adds, noticing the direction in which I stared in.

"Yeah I like him... and anyway, why do you all come down here for drinks? Haven't you ever been caught?" I replied, my voice soft.

"Vincent owns the place, so we can't really get caught sweetheart!" Daryl laughs, as I chew my lip to stifle a giggle.

On a school night too...

Daryl leaned against the bar, his eyes meeting mine with genuine concern. "It's really late," he said, glancing down at his watch. "Let me walk you home."

I hesitated, embarrassment suddenly washing over me. "It's fine, really," I insisted, trying to sound confident. The last thing I wanted was for him to see where I lived, to realise just how precarious my situation was.

Daryl's brows furrowed, not buying my dismissal. "Sofia, it's 2 AM and it's pitch dark outside. It's not safe for you to walk home alone don't be stupid."

My mind raced for an excuse, knowing that he didn't seem to be budging with it being so late. I'm surprised he even cares so much? But he does seem to be a gentleman that way... he would do this for anybody!

"Uh, well my brother is actually meeting me," I lied, forcing a casual tone. "He'd be pissed if he saw some guy walking me home too. He's really protective - a true pain in the ass to be honest." I force a laugh, as Daryl nods slowly - seeming to not fully buy my story.

Daryl's concern eventually melted into a chuckle, his shoulders relaxing. "Alright, alright," he said, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "I get it. Big brother's rules. Baby sis must stay away from all cock!" He remarks, causing me to almost choke on a laugh.

I managed a genuine smile, relieved that he finally decided to believe me. "Exactly! But thanks for offering though. I do seriously appreciate it - and for defending me with keeping the job." I add, knowing he was the reason I still stood behind this very bar.

He nodded, still smiling. "Just be careful, okay? If you ever need anything, you know where to find me. I'm sure I'll see you often enough at school and in here!" He hums, as I blush slightly- unsure if he was truly trying to flirt with me or whether my brain was playing tricks on me.

"I will," I promised, my heart warming at his concern.

As he turned to leave, Tito was the next to approach, his expression a mix of tiredness and resolve. Vincent had already disappeared downstairs, probably to brood or cause trouble elsewhere or perhaps to get me out of eyeshot as quickly as possible.

He had a serious problem with me and I couldn't figure out why...

"Hey, Sofia," Tito greeted, his tone gentle. "How was your first night on the job?"

"It was good," I said, forcing a smile. "A bit overwhelming, but really good."

Tito nodded, his eyes kind. "You did great. Don't worry about Vincent. He's... complicated. But he's a good owner! Young, but he knows his shit that one!" Tito commends, as I chew my lip in thought of Vincent being the owner of the whole place.

How could that be?!

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"I do have some bad news though..." Tito sighs, as my heart suddenly sinks with fear that he was actually going to fire me.

He's done it! Vincent told him to let me go!

"O-Oh... does he... want me gone? Already?" I blunder, only causing for Titos brows to knit together.

"What? No not that! He just asked if I can cut down your days some more... he said Wednesday to Saturday is too much for you on top of school." Tito explains, as my mouth pops open in shock.

What does he know? Who is he to make that decision? That I can't handle my damn work load? What an ass! I need as much money as I can get!

"The good news is though, before you freak, he told me to pay you the same as what we agreed on and you'll only be working a Wednesday and Saturday for it now too!" He explains, as my heart thunders from within my chest. That sounds ridiculous! The same pay for half of the work?!NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

"Are you sure you heard him right? That's a whole lot for only doing two days!" I exclaim, as he chuckles and shakes his head.

"He insisted, told me to keep you up here too so he must like you!" Tito adds with a wink, as my face quickly contorts to one of horror.

I doubt that very much!

Despite Vincent's outburst, I still had my job- albeit with fewer hours which was shocking. I guess he figured he would only see me less if he cuts down my days right?

Maybe his tiny heart wouldn't let him leave me short on money either...

But then again, this was the same man who forced me to buy his lunch for two days in a row without consideration for what funds I had! He was simply more confusing than space itself...

If you're loving the book, is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience-all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you!

The night air was sharp and cold as I stepped outside, the chill seeping through my thin layer. Hugging my arms tighter around myself, I began the familiar walk home.

The streets were eerily quiet at this hour, the only sounds being the occasional hum of a distant car and the soft rustle of leaves. My thoughts drifted to Vincent and the unexpected turn the night had taken. His sudden concern for my well- being, despite his initial anger, puzzled me.

Why would he care how many hours I worked? And why did he insist I stay in the VIP section too?

It didn't make sense.

Was he trying to protect me, in his own twisted way? Or was there another reason behind his somewhat generous actions?

The wind picked up, making me shiver as I quickened my pace. My drab little apartment was just a few blocks away, and I couldn't wait to get inside and away from the biting cold - although the flat wasn't much warmer. The journey always felt longer at night, every shadow seeming more menacing than it did in the daylight.

Finally, I reached my building. The paint was peeling, and the steps creaked underfoot as I climbed up to my apartment on the second floor. The familiarity of the place was both comforting and depressing all the same. It was far from perfect, but it was mine—or at least, it was for now.

I unlocked the door and stepped inside, the small warmth of the apartment a welcome contrast to the cold air outside.

I poured myself a glass of water and sat down at the small table, my thoughts racing. Despite everything, I was grateful to still have my job. It meant I could keep paying the bills and, for now, stay in my little apartment in this town. As I sipped my water, I made a mental note to be extra careful around Vincent. He was unpredictable, and I needed to stay on his good side if I wanted to keep this job up.

Shaking off the day's events, I decided to get some rest. The morning would come too soon, and I needed to be ready for school in the early morning.

Exhaustion took over, leading me into a restless sleep filled with dreams of bright lights, loud laughter, and the piercing eyes of Vincent watching my every move...

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