Shadows In Durango

Chapter 16

*****Sofia's POV*****

The final bell of the day rang, a merciful end to what had felt like the longest school day of my life.

I gathered my things, slung my worn-out backpack over my shoulder, and made my way out of the building, grateful to be free of the stifling atmosphere and the ever-watchful eyes of my tormentor in detention.

Although, I did have Vincent to thank since the tall girl chose to leave me alone for the remainder of the school day - barely looking at me with that.

The chilly breeze greeted me as I stepped outside, a reminder of the storm that was rumoured to be on its way.

I shivered and pulled my thin layer tighter around myself with a final thought in mind: I was a working woman now, and I could afford to spend some money on warmer clothes!

If the storm was coming, I needed to prepare for it...

With newfound determination, I headed into town, aiming for the thrift store where I could hopefully find some affordable, cheap bargains once again.

The bell above the thrift store door jingled as I entered, the familiar musty smell of second-hand goods greeting me.

I breathed in deeply, feeling a sense of purpose as I surveyed the room deciding on which area to start in.

I began my search, sifting through the many racks of clothes with practiced ease. My fingers grazed over an old but sturdy waterproof jacket, and I added it to my growing pile of finds. Next, I picked out a couple of thick sweaters, a pair of jeans that looked almost new, and some practical sneakers which didn't seem to have anything wrong with them other than a scuff or two.

In the corner, a simple black gym set caught my eye. It had a tiny stain on the ankle, but it was barely noticeable and reduced to a price I could easily afford - four dollars. I smiled, relieved that I wouldn't have to face the embarrassment of wearing mismatched clothes from the school's lost-and-found box ever again...

With my arms full, I turned to head for the checkout, but I didn't see the girl coming around the corner due to the mountain pile I was carrying in my arms.

We collided with a thud, and my clothes scattered everywhere as I fell backwards.

I landed with a soft "oof" and looked up to find a girl with messy brown hair and glasses, her face flushed with sheer panic and embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh, I am seriously so sorry for this!" the girl exclaimed, her hands flying up to her mouth in horror.

She quickly knelt down to help gather the fallen clothes back up for me as she continued to ramble on. "I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you okay?"

I nodded, feeling a bit dazed but more surprised than hurt. "Yeah - yeah, I'm fine. It's okay, really don't worry about it." I smile, pushing myself back up as she blinks profusely.

The girl's hands moved frantically as she picked up the clothes, proceeding to talk a mile a minute. "I'm such a klutz. My mom always says I'm like a tornado in a china shop. I hope I didn't ruin anything. I'm just here to find some books for school, and I got distracted by that jacket over there. It's really nice, don't you think? Oh, sorry, I'm rambling again. I do that when I'm nervous about things." She explains, as I giggle a little at her character.

She reminded me of someone from a fairytale novel with her big doe like eyes and quirky style as she stood in a pair of burnt orange paint covered dungarees and brown ankle boots

I couldn't help but smile at the girl's nervous chatter. "It's alright. Really. I'm Sofia, by the way." I decide to introduce myself, finding her to be friendly enough for a conversation. The girl looked up, pushing her glasses up her nose with a shy smile. "I'm Emma. Nice to meet you, Sofia."

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As we finished picking up the clothes, I realised quickly that I liked Emma's odd but endearing personality and decided to attempt to continue conversing with her more. We began to chat more easily, discovering that we both attended the same school which was a bonus.

"Yeah I've seen you around this week," Emma said, folding a pair of jeans neatly before handing them back to me. "You're in my English class, I think? I saw Vincent Walker toss something at you the other day, I would die if he did that to me! He's utterly terrifying that one!" She babbles on, as I chuckle and agree.

"Yeah," I replied, feeling a warmth I hadn't experienced in a while. "I usually sit closer to the back with my head down but yet, Vincent likes to test me when he can it seems." I breathe out a smile, unsure of my feelings towards him after last night saving my job and today saving me from that dreadful girl Erica.

Emma nodded, her eyes lighting up with recognition. "That's right! I sit in the row behind you near the window. I don't have many friends, so I tend to just keep to myself. But maybe we could sit together at lunch tomorrow? I mean, only if you would want to? I totally get it if you don't by the way - no pressure!" She shrugs and trails off once more on an endless rant.

My heart swelled with gratitude. "I'd like that. It gets pretty lonely sitting alone, doesn't it?" I offer my understanding, as she seems grateful for it with a quick nod.

"Yeah, it does," Emma agreed, smiling. "It's a deal then. We'll sit together tomorrow. It might just help pass the days a little quicker for us both right?" She chuckles.

With our new random friendship solidified at the thrift store, we made our way back over to the checkout together with Emma helping to carry my items for me which was kind.

As I paid for my stuff, I felt a sense of accomplishment. Not only had I prepared for the upcoming storm, but I had also made a new friend- a small, but significant victory in my otherwise tumultuous life.

This would mean more to me than what she could ever know, knowing that I could look out for her friendly face during school.

As we left the thrift store, Emma waved goodbye with a cheerful, "See you tomorrow then, Sofia!" Before heading across the road to the bus stop.

"See you tomorrow, Emma," I replied, my heart lighter than it had been in a long time.

Moving down the street with my shopping bags in hand, I refrain from skipping joyfully - happier than ever to have upgraded my wardrobe slightly along with making a new friend.

The day had started terribly for me, with my encounter in the girls changing room, but it felt almost as though I had been rewarded for putting up with the tall girls behaviour - being granted a down to earth potential friend. As I made my way home, the sky began to darken, clouds rolling in like an ominous blanket.

The storm was definitely coming, but for once, I felt prepared for it. My bags were heavy with new (to me) clothes, and I couldn't wait to get home to add them to my slowly growing collection.

When I finally reached home, I unpacked my finds, feeling a sense of pride at my thrifty purchases. Each item felt like a small victory against the struggles I faced daily.

I don't know what I would have done without the trendy little store with its seemingly great prices! I would still have the same couple of outfits from when I had first arrived...

I hung the waterproof jacket near the door, ready for the impending weather, and placed the new items in a folded pile on the floor.

Placing my hands on my hips, glancing around at the dull apartment without any furnishings, I began to dream up what I could eventually do with the place once I start getting paid from Intensity. Things weren't great, but I would take this place over going back home any day...Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

This, was my freedom.

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