Shadows In Durango

Chapter 18

*****Sofia's POV*****

As the day wore on, the storm outside seemed to grow wilder, the wind howling and rain lashing against the windows with increasing ferocity. Inside the classroom, the tension I felt earlier only seemed to escalate, making it difficult to concentrate on the lesson as it drew to a slow end.

Daryl's occasional glances in my direction and Vincent's lingering stares only added to my discomfort, leaving me feeling hot and under pressure by the pair of them combined.

"What you got next?" Emma asks, as I pout my lip and sigh.

"Physical Ed... I hate it so much! The girls in my class suck and so does the teacher!" I explain, remembering back to yesterday's attack and how painful it had been to try and wash and detangle my hair when I had gotten home.

I also thought back to how Vincent had warned the taller girl to leave me alone, which seemed out of character for him since I couldn't quite put my finger on why he even cared.

"I hated it too... but there's a way to get out of it you know?" Emma explains, instantly gathering my interest.

"How so?" I ask for more, deciding that at this point I would do anything to avoid going back to that class.

The bell suddenly rang out, as students jumped out of their chairs to leave - since the lesson itself had probably been one of the most boring that I had ever sat through in my life.

Daryl gathered his stuff and approached Vincent who waited for him by the door, suddenly choosing to avoid looking at me on passing which hurt my feelings a little.

What was up with him today?!Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

"So uh, what do I have to do to get out of the class?" I clear my throat and return my attention to Emma who slowly packed her books away.

It was now break time, and I had fifteen minutes to figure it out before the next class starts...

"Go to the office and sign up for extra credit, they will ask if you want to do it during Physical Ed or after school and you say Physical Ed. Most students do it after school hours because they don't want to drop out of a subject so the slots are pretty quiet during the day!" Emma explains, as we exit the class together.

That sounds pretty easy!

"Come on, we can go to the office and sort it out now!" Emma motions, as I nod and smile thankfully at the thought of not having to go back there.

"This is a true save! I couldn't face that class again, one girl even attacked me yesterday and I got detention for it." I give Emma more insight in to my situation as her eyes widen.

"No way, seriously? The girls here are ruthless! That's why I try and keep to myself..." Emma sighs, as we round the last corner to approach the office.

Entering inside, I follow her towards an information board with the list of different extra credit choices to select from.

"It's pretty easy, you just pick something under this column which are the ones running when you have Physical Ed and tell the office lady to change it for you on the timetable." Emma says as she points to the correct list and I scan over them. Ok so my options are litter picking duty, organising the library, doing sport laundry or sorting the school stock room.


"I don't know what to choose, but any is a step up from taking part in Physical Ed!" I laugh loudly, causing Emma to giggle only moments before the office lady harshly shushes us both. Slapping a hand over our mouths in horror, I turn back to the list in thought.

"The library may sound peaceful but it can be pretty busy at times with classes using the room and the librarian can be a nightmare to assist I've heard." Emma explains, as I nod and mentally cut that choice from the list.

If you're loving the book, is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience-all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you!

"Litter picking doesn't sound ideal today with the storm... I can imagine it must suck on days like this." I sigh, as Emma agrees and I score that from the list too. "So that leaves doing the laundry or sorting the stock room, which I would take either or to be totally honest." I shrug, as Emma smiles.

"Why don't you ask how many people are doing those and go for the quieter one?" She suggests, as I decide to do just that and approach the office desk.

The lady is different to the one who was here on my first day, as she peers up at me from behind the computer and evidently groans.

"Yes?" She questions hurriedly, as I swallow the lump in my throat instantly feeling intimidated by her.

"Uh, I want to sign up for extra credit... in column four... I was wondering how many people were signed up for doing laundry or for the storage room." I explain, as she sighs and clicks a couple of buttons on the computer. Taking her time, I glance to Emma who rolls her eyes at her attitude which causes me to stifle a giggle and return back to her.

"So laundry has three people assigned and the storage room has one!" She states, as I nod and force a smile.

"I'll do the storage room then please... does it start today?" I ask hopeful, unable to hide my tone as she moves back to click some things again.

"Name?" She demands, as I open and close my mouth for a second as though I had forgot.

"Sofia Isabella." I recite, as she smashes her manicured nails against the keys to type me in.

I wait, hearing the bell sound out for the end of break, as Emma picks up her backpack from the floor and pulls it over her shoulder.

If you're loving the book, is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you!

"Starts today, I've updated your timetable. Whenever you have Physical Education you will report to Mr Stanley to sign in for stock room duties instead." She tells me, as I thank her and head for the door with Emma.

Words couldn't explain how much relief I felt knowing that I wouldn't have to show my face to the Physical Ed teacher ever again, including those awful girls I wouldn't have to face in the changing room!

"It's on the way to my next class, I'll show you where to find Mr Stanley." Emma motions, as I follow behind her, not knowing how I would have found the location on my own.

I hadn't thought that far ahead yet, feeling so overwhelmingly grateful for Emma fixing the one class I had absolutely hated since being here...

"It's a pretty easy job, you'll be given school supplies to unbox and shelf, Mr Stanley teaches Science so he will sign you in and then should just leave you alone to do the job. Sometimes you'll have to sort boxes for each class and deliver them to the doors too." She explains my roles, as I nod and feel a warmth growing in my stomach.

The job sounds absolutely ideal for me! Quiet and easy, not having to be watched over by a harsh teacher every two seconds either - that was a bonus!

We climbed up a set of stairs close to the lunch hall, before reaching the large room which read 'no students allowed'.

"This is it, Mr Stanley should be here soon if he isn't already inside waiting for you." Emma states, as I thank her and watch as she glances down at her watch.

"Gotta run before I'm extra late, I'll meet you here for lunch?” She states quickly, as I nod before watching her hurry off down the hallway.

I turn on my heels, grabbing the door handle, before stepping inside to the huge shelved room...

"Ah another extra credit helper? Excellent! What is your name and I'll sign you in? I don't think I've seen you before." A slim bearded man approaches me when hearing the door open, his smile warm.

He looked like a science teacher, with his checkered button up shirt and brown slacks. I open my mouth to speak, only to hear somebody else answer for me-

"Sofia?!" I turn to find the last person I ever expected to see in here...


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