Shadows In Durango

Chapter 21

*****Sofia's PoV*****

"Sofia! Hey, wait!" I turn in the rain to hear wet slaps hitting against the pavement as Daryl runs after me.

Why do we keep meeting like this?

"Hey! You good?" I question, clutching at the sides of my hood and allowing for the sweet smell of his aftershave to float into my nostrils.

"It's wet, can I buy you a quick coffee in here? I mean I would usually offer to walk you home... but your brother might hate that." Daryl gestures to the small little store beside us named 'Hugs and Mugs' and asks.

I gulp slightly at the mention of my brother, who I had openly lied about - claiming that he lived with me and was overprotective of me and blah blah...

"Sure!" I agree, knowing that I wanted to get to the bottom of what had gotten into him today after his strange mood in English class this morning.

Daryl opens the door, allowing for me to step inside first, before an older lady motions for us to sit in the free booth by the window.

"What will it be kids?" She questions, as I shrug off my wet jacket and inhale a breath.

"Just an americano for me please and a..." Daryl trails off, looking to me for my order as I clear my throat a little feeling put on the spot.

"Uh, can I try the iced hazelnut latte please?" I ask for the first thing which had caught my eye on the menu as she nods and scribbles down the order. "Any extras? Cakes or a sandwich?" The lady continues, as I shake my head a little and look to Daryl.

"Yeah two slices of the red velvet!" He grins, offering me a wink as I giggle at his eagerness.

He clearly likes this place...

The lady moves off with our order written down, as I glance around at the pink and green interior, enjoying how cute the place was.

One minute I had been pounding the pavement to get home in record time with the storm, and the next I was sat in here ordering coffee and cake with Daryl.

Speaking of which, seemed to have had a problem earlier today and I wanted to know why...

"The cakes here are top range!" Daryl confirms, speaking out first as I smile and nod, not really knowing what to say next and feeling somewhat awkward again.

Seeming to pick up on the vibe, Daryl leans forward, placing his elbows on the table as I glance over his features - seeing his damp darkened blonde hair resting on his forehead due to the rain.

"I wanted to catch you after school to apologise for this morning... I was being weird." He nods firmly, going straight for the kill with his words which shocks me.


"It's ok." I push a smile, before worrying quickly that I hadn't said enough - "Is everything ok with you though?" I question, clasping my hands together on my lap to ease my nerves. Daryl looked conflicted, taking a moment to think up an answer before responding.

"I was acting like a little bitch, it wasn't your fault. I just felt a weird way because you asked me to move seat." Daryl grumbles admittedly, as my eyes widen.

Was that it? He didn't want to move? I did think maybe that had always been his seat, his comfort zone...

"No I get it honestly! How long have you sat there? It's going to be a hassle to swap seats if that's where you're used to sitting!" I smile, but Daryl doesn't seem to return the gesture. Pausing, as the lady from before returns with a tray in hand - taking her time to place the coffees down in front of us before placing two plates of red velvet cake slices down too. I'll admit, the cake did look great...

"Thanks Helen!" Daryl nods, evidently on a first name basis with the woman as she smiles and pats his shoulder.

"Tell your Mother I'm asking for her!" Helen chimes, turning to head off as Daryl returns to our conversation.

I did get the vibe that this town was the sort of place where everybody knew everybody and so far, it was living up to my suspicions.

If you're loving the book, is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you!

I take the chance to try my coffee, humming in delight after the first swallow. It was already the best coffee I had ever tried by far...

"Like it?" Daryl suddenly laughs as I nod eagerly and take another sip.

"Wait til you try the cake!" He nods down towards it, grabbing a fork and moving to take his first bite.

I decide to follow his lead, grabbing my own and placing a piece of the red sponge into my mouth - the flavours bursting on to my tongue instantly.

"Wow this is great!" I nod my conclusion, taking another piece as he grins and seems amused with himself for recommending it.

A brief moment passed between us, as we enjoyed the cake and coffee together, watching the heavy rain outside as it battered its way around the streets.

"So back to our conversation... I was being an ass... I didn't want to switch seats, not because I've always sat there, I don't care about that, but because I actually enjoyed sitting next to you!" Daryl suddenly admits in a ramble, as I swallow the piece of cake currently in my mouth and give him an odd look.

He wanted to stay beside me in class? That was it?

He probably thought I hated him after asking him to move!

"Oh Daryl I am so sorry! I didn't even think! I didn't ask you to move because I didn't like you being there, I just got excited that I had made a friend at school!" I quickly attempt to explain, as he nods slowly and drinks in what I was saying. "I know that, now, but at first I just felt sorta offended. I was being a little bitch about it, and so I wanted to find you to apologise. I don't mind if Emma sits there." Daryl confirms, as I feel instantly guilty having made him annoyed earlier. He was also my friend around here, somebody who had done me more favours than one in my first week of being in town.

I appreciated it, and I appreciated having him to talk to.

"Look, I really didn't mean it that way and I'm sorry for upsetting you. I loved having you sit beside me. I just felt excited because Emma is a girl and I knew we could talk about silly stuff together to help pass the time. I really meant no harm." I tell him, hoping to fix the tension between us.

Daryl ate the last of his cake, as I took another drink from my coffee, waiting to hear what he had to say next.

If you're loving the book, is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you!

"No hard feelings. I've thought about it and I get it. That's why I wanted to catch you... there's a party tonight at Vincent's place and I want you and Emma to come. It will be fun, not too many people either." He smiles, as my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach.

"A party?" I fumble, in utter disbelief that he was inviting me to such an event... especially at Vincent's house!

After what Emma told me about Vincent and his family, about the drug and gang rumours, I wasn't sure if it was best for me to go...

Daryl could be more involved than what he lets on too....

I just don't know!

"I already told Emma and she agreed after some convincing as long as you were going too! I said I could pick you both up later to make things easier." Daryl rushes, as I blink and open my mouth like an idiot lost for words. Emma has already agreed! Probably thinking that I would have agreed eventually too! Maybe it won't be that bad having her there with us?

"Oh and before I forget, Vincent said that one of the older guys from the bar left Tito a tip for you the other day, I forgot to give you it this morning!" Daryl states, turning to reach into his wallet to retrieve some notes.

"Should be sixty there, it was from one of your tables on Wednesday - they all put money together for the 'young thing' they called you." Daryl laughs, handing over the notes as I stutter and thank him. Wow! My first shift and some of the guys went out of their way to leave me a big tip with Tito? That's kind!

"So what about the party? I'll pick you up at seven?" Daryl concludes, using the napkin to wipe his hands and face.

"O-Ok... but I'll meet you at the park to avoid my brother? Is Emma definitely going too?" I manage, shocked and overwhelmed with my new Friday night plans.

"She is! I better go catch the next bus before I miss it, we took Vincent's car to school today so I'm stranded! Don't worry about the coffee, it's already paid." Daryl stands, checking his watch, as I study him. "Thank you..." I manage to say, bewildered with the whole experience.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

"I'll see you tonight! The park at seven!" Daryl winks, before rushing towards the door - leaving me behind in wonder watching him run out in to the rain and towards the bus stop which rightly so, the bus appeared not a moment later. I better make a quick dash back to the thrift store for a party outfit with my tip... that comes in handy now!

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