Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox)

Chapter Forty Six: The Wolf's Fury

Chapter Forty Six: The Wolf's Fury

Shana's eyes narrowed as she stared at Mira, her anger boiling beneath the surface. "Don't you dare

call me your old friend," she seethed, her voice tinged with bitterness. "You created the Shadowbane

Crystal, knowing the darkness it would bring upon my mate. And then you cast me into an eternal

slumber for five centuries."

Mira met Shana's gaze, her expression unyielding. "You should have never mated with him, Shana,"

she retorted sharply. "You made a promise to me. You were my best friend then you went behind my


Shana's fists clenched tightly, her voice filled with pain. " He was my mate. You would never

understand the mating pull and I loved him, Mira. And you took him away from me. You took away my

chance to be by his side, to grow old together, to build a life we dreamed of. You played with forces

beyond your understanding, and innocent lives were shattered because of it."

Mira's eyes flickered with remorse for a brief second before they hardened "You deserved everything

you got Shana. But by the looks of things, it seems I didn't do enough damage and I didn't just create

the Shadowbane Crystal for your mate, no one should be regarded as pure. Everyone has darkness in

them, Mathias just happened to be the perfect test subject and it suited my revenge. Like you used to

say, I killed two birds with one stone."

Mira folded her arms as she continued, "I did it for the greater good so everyone would see that the

marked wolves were just like every other wolf."

Shana shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "Greater good? Is that what you call it? My mate

suffered, corrupted by the very darkness you unleashed. And I slept, trapped in a never-ending dream

while the world moved on without me. Five hundred years, Mira. Do you have any idea what it feels like

to lose everything, to wake up to a world that no longer recognizes you?"

Aria watched the exchange, her heart heavy with empathy for Shana. She interjected softly, "Mira."

The ancient witch turned to her. Her eyes immediately went to the Crystal around her neck and a

wicked smile graced her lips, "I see the Crystal found its way to you. I was wondering why Shana

decided to revisit the past."

Aria shook her head, "You would never understand the mating bond. The endless pull you feel to be

with your mate. No one can resist no matter how much you try. You had no right to take Mathias away

from Shana. You had no right to create the Shadowbane Crystal knowing what it was capable of."

Aria's eyes flashed her wolf, "We came back here because we need you to remove the magic from the


Mira threw her head back in laughter, "Am I supposed to be scared of you because the moon goddess

deemed you better than the rest of the wolves?"

The ground beneath their feet shook as Mira raised her hands, "I am an all powerful witch."

The wind blew fiercely around them. She flicked her fingers sending Aria flying backwards, "Not even a

marked wolf is match for me."

"Mira stop it." Shana screamed.

The air around them grew heavy with anticipation as Mira chanted incantations, her words weaving

through the wind. Shadows swirled and danced, threatening to consume them. But Aria stood firm, her

determination fueling her. She could feel her wolf. She growled in defiance ready to attack.

"Aria we need to get down." Shana screamed at her.

As Mira's spells intensified, Aria closed her eyes, focusing on the bond she shared with her wolf. She

drew strength from it, letting it flow through her veins like wildfire. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open,

shimmering with an ethereal glow.

With a forceful wave of her hand, Aria unleashed her power, shattering the darkness surrounding them.

The ground trembled, cracks forming beneath Mira's feet. The ancient witch stumbled, her incantations

faltering for a brief moment.

Aria seized the opportunity, her voice commanding. "Enough, Mira! This ends now."

Her words resonated with the power of the moon goddess, piercing through Mira's defenses. The air

crackled with energy as Aria's markings glowed with a radiant light. Threads of ancient magic swirled

around her, intertwining with her every movement.

Mira's eyes widened in disbelief as she watched her spells unravel before her. Her power wavered, her

confidence shaken. But she was not one to surrender easily. She gathered her strength, pushing

through Aria's resistance with renewed determination.

Dark tendrils snaked towards Aria, aiming to ensnare her in their suffocating grip. But Aria stood her

ground, her resolve unyielding. She summoned the essence of her wolf, her connection to the primal

forces of nature. The very air seemed to answer her call, swirling and twisting against Mira's onslaught.

Aria's eyes blazed with fierce determination. She channeled her inner strength. With a mighty roar, she

unleashed a surge of energy that tore through Mira's dark magic, disintegrating it into nothingness.

Mira staggered back, her face etched with shock, the same look was plastered on Shana's face as she

stared at Aria.

Aria stepped closer to Mira, "I can do more harm I promise you. I don't have time for this. I have

suffered enough. You are going to the Crystal's magic." Aria extracted her claws as her eyes flashed

wolf, "And you are going to apologize to Shana for what you took away from her. Are we clear?"

Mira glanced between Aria and Shana. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Are we clear Mira?" Aria repeated.

Shana finally recovered from the shock of witnessing what Aria was capable of.

"I don't need your apology. You were my best friend and I loved you with everything I got. I guess I

should be grateful because everything you did brought me where I stand right now which is far from the

ground where you are." Her own claws extracted, "The spell to remove the magic from the Crystal."

Mira hesitated for a moment, her eyes flickering with conflicting emotions. She had never expected this

confrontation to end up like this. She sighed and nodded, her voice strained but compliant. "Fine. I'll

give you the spell to remove the magic from the Crystal. But I won't apologize, not now or ever. You

made your choice, Shana, just as I made mine."

Shana's face hardened, a mix of anger and sadness etched into her features. She remained silent, not

willing to engage in any further argument. Instead, she looked to Aria, her eyes seeking solace and

support. Aria gave her a reassuring nod, silently reminding her that they were in this together.

Mira led them through the dense forest, her steps quick and purposeful. The air around them felt heavy

with tension as they walked in silence. The sound of leaves crunching under their feet was the only

noise that accompanied them on their path.

Shana eventually broke the silence, "How did you do what you did?"

Aria sighed, raising her hands to stare at them. "I don't know." She whispered, "I just felt power.

Unexplainable power."

Shana studied Aria's hands, her eyes filled with curiosity and concern. "Unexplainable power? It

seemed like the very essence of the moon goddess flowed through you. How is that possible?"

Aria glanced at her hands again, flexing her fingers as if trying to grasp the elusive answer. "I've only

felt power out of the ordinary twice. But what happened back there... It felt different, like a surge of raw

energy that I couldn't fully comprehend."

"Maybe this was just a manifestation of that power, awakened by the intensity of the moment."

Aria nodded, absorbing Shana's words. "Perhaps. It's as if the magnitude of the situation unlocked

something deep within me. But I don't want to dwell on it now. We have a task at hand."

Aria glanced at Mira, "And a witch to watch."

They arrived at a small cottage nestled deep within the woods. Mira opened the door, revealing a dimly

lit interior filled with shelves of ancient tomes and vials of various potions. She made her way to a dusty

bookshelf, scanning the titles until she found the one she was looking for.

"This is it," Mira said, holding a worn-out leather-bound book. "The spell to remove the magic from the

Crystal is in here."

Shana took a step closer, her gaze fixed on the book. "Is it dangerous? Will it work?"

Mira nodded, her voice laced with a rare hint of regret. "It should work, but it won't be easy. Removing

magic of that magnitude requires immense concentration and precision."

Shana nodded, "You are the all powerful witch. Go ahead and cast the spell."


Knox's restless energy was building as he watched over Shana and Aria, their bodies still locked in an

unbreakable slumber. He knew they were safe under Melody's watchful eye, but he felt suffocated by

the weight of their predicament. He needed to clear his mind, to breathe in the cool night air and find

solace in the embrace of nature. He turned to Melody, his voice filled with a mixture of determination

and longing.

"Melody, I need some fresh air," Knox said, his tone resolute. "I've been cooped up in here for too long.

Watch over them for a while, please."

Melody nodded, understanding the restlessness that consumed Knox. She had felt it too, the desire to

break free from the confines of their current situation, eagerly waiting for them to return. It felt like hours

since Elizabeth left the room after casting the spell, "Of course, Knox. Take your time. I'll keep a close

eye on them."

With a grateful nod, Knox stepped out of the room, his boots echoing on the floor. He made his way

through the quiet corridors of their hideout, feeling a sense of anticipation building within him. As he

approached the entrance, the scent of the forest permeated the air, drawing him closer to its wild


The moon cast its pale glow upon the clearing, casting eerie shadows among the trees. Knox inhaled

deeply, relishing the scent of pine and earth, as he ventured further into the woods. The night seemed

alive with unseen whispers, as if nature itself held its breath, sensing the imminent clash that was about

to unfold.

But before Knox could fully immerse himself in the tranquility of the woods, a low growl shattered the

silence. His instincts flared, his body tensing as he turned to face the source of the sound. A pair of

glowing amber eyes pierced through the darkness, filled with aggression and dominance.

A massive brown wolf lunged at Knox, teeth bared in a menacing snarl. Instinct kicked in, and Knox's

transformation was swift. Bones cracked, muscles elongated, and within moments, he stood in his

ready to defend himself against the onslaught.

The two wolves circled each other, each assessing the other's strength and determination. Knox's eyes

narrowed, his gaze fixed upon his adversary. There was no room for hesitation now.

The brown wolf lunged again, aiming to sink its teeth into Knox's fur. But Knox was quick to react, his

agile movements allowing him to dodge the attack. He retaliated with a swift swipe of his paw, claws

raking against the brown wolf's side. A pained howl echoed through the night as blood stained the

forest floor.

The battle waged on, a fierce dance of teeth and claws. Knox fought with a primal ferocity, his body

fueled by adrenaline and the will to protect himself. Every move was calculated, every strike aimed to

incapacitate his opponent.

Emotions surged within Knox as the fight intensified. Anger and a primal determination coursed through

his veins.

The brown wolf, now bloodied and weakened, made a desperate final charge. Knox met the attack

head-on, their bodies colliding with a resounding thud. They tumbled across the forest floor, biting and

clawing, until Knox emerged on top, his jaws closing around the brown wolf's throat.

Time seemed to stand still as Knox held his defeated foe beneath him. The brown wolf's struggles grew

weaker, its life force fading. The brown wolf's weakening state caused him to shift.

Nikolai lay beneath his Knox's paw.

Knox's wolf lowered his head growling.

"End it." Nikolai managed to gasp out.

Knox's wolf let out a loud growl before he raised his claw and they came down on Nikolai.

Chapter Forty Seven: Memories in the MistRyder's voice broke the heavy silence that lingered over the

forest clearing where the fierce battle had just taken place.

"Did you kill him?" Ryder asked as he took a step closer to Knox, his voice tinged with concern and


Knox slowly released his grip on Nikolai's lifeless body, his gaze fixed on the ground. The weight of his

actions pressed upon him, a mixture of conflicting emotions swirling within his chest. He turned to face

Ryder, his eyes filled with resolve.

"No, Ryder," Knox replied, his voice laced with a hint of regret. "I didn't kill him. No matter how much I

hate him I couldn't bring myself to do it."

Ryder's eyes widened, confusion etched across his face. "But why, Knox? After all he's done, Why

spare him?"

Knox took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words to convey the complexities of his emotions.

"He's still my half-brother. Even before I found out, he was already a brother." he revealed, his voice

barely above a whisper. "And while I despise everything he stands for, there's still a part of me that

can't abandon the blood we share."

Ryder's eyes softened, his understanding deepening. He had known Knox for years, and although he

was his beta, their bond went beyond the hierarchical structure of their pack. He stepped closer to

Knox, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"I understand the weight of that connection, Knox," Ryder said gently. "But you must also consider the

lives at stake, the innocent ones who could fall victim to him and Julian's brutality. We don't even know

what is going on at at the Silvercrest pack. Remember what he did to you. Remember Becca. With

Nikolai gone, that is one less wolf that we have to worry about."

Knox's gaze hardened, a flicker of anger coursing through his veins. "I know, Ryder. I know," he

responded, his voice filled with determination. "But we can use him as leverage. He is of more use to

me alive. Jacob hasn't heard anything from the Silvercrest pack or Lucas. I need answers."

As they spoke, the moon cast its soft glow upon the clearing, illuminating the aftermath of the battle.

The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if in awe of the profound decision Knox had made.

Knox's mind wandered to his father. Memories of his father's teachings flooded his thoughts, the

lessons he had imparted upon Knox about honor, loyalty, and the delicate balance between mercy and


"My father could have saved me the trouble if he had told me the truth from the very start."

Ryder's expression softened, his voice filled with reassurance. "Knox, your father was wise, but he was

also human. He had his moments of weakness, his struggles. It's what made him relatable and flawed,

just like all of us."

Knox's gaze met Ryder's, a flicker of understanding passing between them. They had both witnessed

the struggles of their own kind, the internal battles fought in the name of duty and love.

"I don't want to let my emotions cloud my judgment," Knox admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

"But Nikolai... he's a reminder of my father's moment of weakness, the darkness that can consume

even the strongest of us."

Ryder nodded, his eyes reflecting compassion. "We all have our demons, Knox. But it's how we face

them that defines us. You have a choice now, to rise above the darkness and protect what matters

most. Think of Aria."

Knox took a deep breath, his resolve strengthening with each passing moment. "You're right, Ryder. It's

time for me to confront my past and ensure a brighter future for our pack. We will find a way to contain

Nikolai, to prevent any further harm."

The two wolves stood side by side, their bond unyielding as they faced the challenges that lay ahead.

The moon continued its gentle ascent, casting a silver glow upon their determined forms.

As the night wore on, they delved deeper into their plans, strategizing and preparing for the difficult task

that awaited them because without a doubt, Knox felt it in his bones, a war was coming.


Mira led them to a clearing. Shana sucked in a deep breath as she looked around. The past coming at

her from all directions. She closed her eyes as a memory replayed in her head.

"Knock it off, Shana," Mira chided, though a soft giggle escaped her. Bones cracked as Shana shifted,

transforming into her human form. Tossing her long hair back, she turned to Mira, amusement glinting

in her eyes. "Don't be such a wimp."

"I am not a wimp," Mira retorted, her voice tinged with mock indignation. "I am an all-powerful witch."

Shana rolled her eyes, but a warm smile played on her lips. Suddenly, a hint of sadness washed over

Shana's expression, her eyes growing distant. "Do you miss them a lot?" she asked, her voice soft and

full of understanding.

Mira sighed, her fingers idly plucking at the plain grass beneath her. "All the time," she admitted, her

voice tinged with longing. "I am trying to learn a spell that would allow me to see them again."

Shana moved closer, sitting beside Mira and placing her head gently on Mira's shoulder. "How can you

see them? Aren't they dead?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Mira shook her head, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "The witches of spirit never truly pass on," she

explained. "They can exist in a time when they were alive, a realm between death and life. I could see

them and talk to them by transporting my spirit to the past."

Shana listened intently, her eyes reflecting both fascination and concern. "And you think you would be

able to cast the spell?" she asked, her voice filled with both doubt and unwavering support.

Mira nodded, determination shining in her eyes. "I'm still trying to master it," she admitted. "If I do it and

it goes wrong, my spirit could get trapped in the past, and I will never be able to return."

Shana squeezed Mira's hand reassuringly. "I'm sure you will figure it out," she said softly, her voice

brimming with confidence. "And even if you don't, you will always have me."

Mira looked up at Shana, her gaze filled with gratitude and love. A smile graced her lips, warming her

face. "Sisters for life," she declared, the words carrying a profound sense of sisterhood.

When Shana slowly opened her eyes, her gaze met Mira's intense stare. The deep creases on their

foreheads mirrored each other perfectly, revealing the profound connection between them. It was as if

they were both caught in the clutches of a shared memory, reliving the same moment.

A hushed silence enveloped the air, pregnant with unspoken emotions and unresolved tensions. It was

Mira who finally broke the stillness, her voice filled with a tinge of regret. "I never mastered the spell. I

never got a chance to see them again. The witch that sent your spirits here must have been a very

powerful witch."

Shana nodded slowly. "She is a witch from your line," she confirmed.

A smile finally graced her lips, "A line of powerful witches."

A faint smile graced Shana's lips, momentarily illuminating her features. "Your ego is still as big as

before," she teased gently, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere. But the smile quickly faded, giving

way to the weight of their shared burden. "Are you almost done with the spell preparation? Time is

running out. We need to get back to our time."

Mira's eyes flickered with a hint of sadness, tinged with a touch of resignation. "Your time," she

corrected, her voice carrying a bittersweet undertone. "It's funny how you don't consider this your time


"You made it that way," Shana continued after a brief pause, her voice carrying a trace of lingering hurt.

"I used to wonder how you could do what you did after everything we went through together."

Mira's grip tightened around a couple of items she held, her knuckles turning white. With a heavy sigh,

she let them slip from her hands, gently clattering onto the ground. "You betrayed me, Shana," her

voice quivered with a mix of anger and pain. "You promised. I saw Mathias first, and you took him


"He was my mate!" Shana's voice cracked, resonating with thunder that echoed through the darkening

sky. "He was predestined to be mine from the very beginning. You had no right to him."

Mira's gaze hardened, her eyes narrowing in defiance. "I still won't apologize, Shana, because you

never apologized for what you did," she retorted, her voice trembling with unresolved resentment.

The futility of their argument hung heavy in the air, their words falling upon deaf ears. Shana let out a

frustrated growl, the sound blending with the low rumble of thunder in the distance. "This conversation

is pointless," she spat, her voice tinged with impatience. "Just get ready to do the spell so we can leave

and stop wasting our time."

As if on cue, Aria, who had been standing at the sidelines, observing their exchange with a mix of

concern and understanding, stepped forward. "You need to cast the spell now," she urged, her voice

calm yet urgent. The first drops of rain began to fall, splattering gently against her forehead, carrying

with them a sense of urgency and impending departure.

Mira's gaze shifted from Shana to Aria, a determined glint in her eyes. "Stand in the middle of the

circle," she instructed Aria, her voice steady despite the turmoil swirling within her. "I need you there

before I begin."

With care, Aria stepped as she positioned herself at the heart of the intricate symbol sketched upon

the ground with chalk, her presence anchoring the ritual about to unfold.

Mira took a deep breath, her fingers trembling ever so slightly as she reached into the pouch hanging

from her belt. From within its depths, she retrieved an assortment of enchanted herbs and precious

stones, their vibrant hues catching the dim light of the overcast sky.

As Mira meticulously arranged the elements, her movements seemed almost graceful, each motion

imbued with purpose and intent. With each herb and stone delicately placed, a faint shimmer rippled

through the air, as if the very fabric of reality acknowledged the imminent transformation.

Shana, though still filled with a lingering resentment, couldn't help but be captivated by the display of

Mira's innate magical prowess. The way she seemed to effortlessly weave together the threads of


The rain fell steadily now, painting the world around them in a glistening sheen.

Finally, with the preparations complete, Mira's gaze locked onto Aria, her eyes brimming with a mix of

determination. "This is it," she declared, her voice infused with a quiet resolve. "Hold onto the circle and

trust in its protection."

As Mira raised her arms, the air crackled with anticipation. The elements responded to her call, the

wind picking up, carrying with it a faint echo of ancient incantations. A soft, otherworldly glow

enveloped the three women, suffusing their beings with a shimmering aura.

Mira's voice trembled as she began to recite the incantation, the words flowing from her lips with a mix

of reverence and desperation. The air in the room seemed to shift, charged with an otherworldly

energy. Shadows danced on the walls as Mira's hands glowed with a soft, ethereal light.

The intensity of the moment grew, the power of the spell rising like a tempest within Mira's grasp. She

closed her eyes, shutting out the outside world, focusing solely on channeling the energies swirling

around her.

Aria closed her eyes, surrendering herself to the process. She could feel the magic of the Crystal

responding, resisting the removal with a fierce determination. It pulsed against her skin, as if fighting to

remain a part of her.

And then in a loud voice with a single word, spoken in a voice both resolute and tender, Mira released

the magic.

The circle blazed to life, its radiant energy rippling outward. The world around them blurred, the

boundaries of time and space shifting and warping, as the spell carried them toward their destination.

Aria's eyes shot open, her expression a mix of surprise and pain. She clutched her chest, feeling the

magic being forcefully extracted from the Crystal. The room filled with a blinding light as the Crystal

shattered, its fragmented pieces falling to the ground.

As the last echoes of the incantation faded into the ether, the rain poured down in earnest, drenching

the empty circle and washing away the traces of their presence. Silence settled over the desolate


Mira collapsed to her knees, panting heavily, her energy drained. Shana found her legs moving towards

her. She knelt beside her, offering support. Aria stood, feeling both relieved and strangely empty, the

weight of the Crystal's power no longer burdening her.

Aria looked from the shattered pieces on the ground at her, "Thank you."

She looked down at her mark and then she felt it. That Unexplainable power she felt before, it now

coursed through her.

Her eyes flashed wolf. She finally felt it—- the powers of the mark, the mark of the moon goddess.

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