Shadows of the Reborn

Battle for Immortality

Chapter Sixten

Battle for Immortality

Seitarou stood outside the cave entrance, his eyes locked on the raging thunderstorm, his body tense with anticipation. Shinpachi leaned against the cave wall, his arms defiantly crossed over his chest and his eyes shut, a picture of calm amidst the storm. Sadanaga and Hanzo stood further back, their stances alert and ready, while Masakuni and Masamichi sat with their back against the stone wall, their silence a testament to their resolve. A small fire crackled at Kazuki’s, Kihachi’s, Isami’s, and Arisu’s feet, its flickering light a symbol of their unity in the face of darkness.

Arisu wasn’t as young as the males, but she was under one hundred. Hayato protected his family fiercely, especially when a threat lingered close, so he had been adamant about having his sons and daughter join him on this hunting trip. If what Kazuki’s spirit said was true and the twins were hunting particular souls, then anyone who held any kind of power was in great danger.

His children were no different than Shinpachi’s or Seitarou’s when it came to abilities. Even with their spirits asleep, they still had certain skills they could use, but lately, Hayato had noticed a massive change in the intensity. His own was no exception. After using his skills in practice, he felt incredibly fatigued whenever he was finished and found he had to rest more often despite being over a thousand years old.

On one occasion, he brought his concerns to Okimoto and found that even the elder three times his age suffered the same phenomenon. No one really knew what their skills were due to their spirits being asleep for so long, but now that they were awakened, everyone was silently conversing with their inner spirits to discover these skills.

Seitarou had left his daughter under Okimoto’s care, knowing that she and his other daughters would be well protected. Shinpachi's youngest daughter, Maiko had stayed behind with her mother, and they all decided to impose themselves on Okimoto and Chuya, along with Manami’s new wife, Nanako. Okimoto had insisted that they weren’t imposing, but still, Seitarou hoped everyone would be on their best behaviour and keep their mission a secret.

Luckily, their children grew up together, minus Kihachi, Isami and Kazuki. Regarding shadow manipulation, Taichirou and Tadayo were just as skilled as their father, Shinpachi. He wondered what kind of skills they would master as they aged. Shinpachi was frightening whenever he was determined to get answers. At first, he had never known how his longtime friend got the answers, but now he knew, having discovered it several years ago.

Even though Shinpachi had these skills, it was almost as though Hayato, Hanzo, Sadanaga and Arisu had even more skill with the shadows. He still had yet to figure out their differences or why. Even Shinpachi had been at a loss when he witnessed Hayato’s skills for the first time. It was as though that family was on a completely different level than Shinpachi and his family. It wasn’t that they weren’t skilled. It was just Hayato had more tuned abilities, at least, that was what Seitarou told himself.

Turning his eyes to his own sons, Wataru and Tsuneo, they had abilities similar to his own. They were more burly than the shadow guards, having trained for years with swords and spears. They could call upon skills associated with the Hainu, who were strong, fast and ferocious. Most of Seitarou’s recruits had not been able to defeat him in combat. Only his longtime friend Shinpachi could defeat him because of his shadow manipulation.

He smiled to himself as another loud thunder strike boomed around them. Hayato actually frightened him when he tested his skills. The memory caused a shiver to run down his spine. Somehow, the male had managed to skip through shadows and somehow get behind him on several occasions, causing his mind to overreact and see things that weren’t actually there.

It wasn’t until Seitarou watched Hayato on one particular day that he realized that Shinpachi and Hayato had different skill levels. They were both shadow walkers, able to travel through the shadows. But Hayato could actually open up a portal to the shadows and use it to his advantage. Then there were the beasts Hayato commanded. There were shadow hounds that lurked in the shadows, and on most occasions, Seitarou looked to make sure none were lurking close to him.

When Hayato brought his daughter to the barracks, he had initially been skeptical, but he had not questioned further upon seeing that her skills were similar to her father’s. She was beyond skilled with a blade, and thus, he created a group just for her skill set. Arisu trained many recruits to be quick and precise with small weapons. They stuck to the shadows and became an addition to Shinpachi’s shadow guard but more deadly and fierce.

It seemed as though Hayato’s children had their own shadow pet, and Arisu’s seemed to cause the most ruckus in the barracks. Most of the guards grew accustomed to the shadow hounds and even the plant-like objects that Hanzo called void tendrils. But it was Arisu’s soot sprites that put everyone on edge.

Despite being small, the sprites were strong and could easily carry a large animal. Once they reached their destination, the sprites could create a black hole and drop the animal into it, never to be seen again. Seitarou shuddered at the thought.

Then there was Sadanaga, Hayato’s eldest son. If he thought Hayato and Arisu were dangerous, he had no words to describe the eldest son. Somehow, Sadanaga had all of their talents and then some. He had witnessed Sadanaga’s battle against a rogue youkai, and Seitarou swore he never wanted to witness such a thing again. The rogue youkai had had no chance against the eldest son of Hayato.

Sadanaga controlled the shadows and could turn your own shadow against you. He could use the shadows as though they were an extra limb or as a rope to tie you up. He could cause the shadow at your feet to swallow you, or he could just push you into an object, and you would be trapped in it until he either decided to release you or leave you for all eternity. Being afraid of your own shadow was an understatement around the male.

Seitarou had no idea what Kihachi’s, Isami’s, or Kazuki’s skills were, nor could he remember seeing Manami release any of his abilities. But if what he read from the journals was true, the family housed the blood of the God Fujin. That force alone would be a massive explosion of energy if it were ever released. Now that he thought about it, he had never really seen Okimoto use his abilities, and he wondered if it was because their spirits were extra careful at showing who could do what.

According to Kazuki’s spirit, they also housed Fujin’s brother, the God Raijin. Together, they were the gods of storms. In every scroll he had studied, the twin gods rivalled the power of Susanoo, who was also a god of storms, but the biggest differences were that Susanoo had been banished to command the seas, while Fujin and Raijin were the powers of wind and lightning. Shaking his head, Seitarou reflected more on the sons of Okimoto. Manami had grown independently without using his abilities to advance himself in the ranks. He fought and trained hard, and his position was well deserved, despite Seitarou’s warning about the main house and its effects on those individuals who took office within.

Manami was resilient to the home guard’s manipulations and kept pretty much to himself. His brother’s in-laws watched over him to ensure his safety or to douse any rumors that surfaced from unlikely sources.

Kihachi was a bit different in terms of his skills. He was a jovial man with a smile always on his face. He was a quick study and very intelligent. He was definitely a contender for advancement within his guard, the Crimson Sentinels. He had not seen what Kihachi could do with his abilities, but now that his spirit was awake, he hoped he could see growth and great promise in the man.

Isami was still young, approaching the age where he could be recruited into Seitarou’s recruits. This year, the young man would be able to join and hone his skills. There was still another year or two before Kazuki could join. It was Okimoto’s wish that all his children wield weapons and the skills to use them. Not just that, Seitarou discussed with Shinpachi on trying all the recruits with the different captains who ran the barracks.

Even Chinami, along with Miwa and Himari, had gone through their own training. Seitarou had trained his wife, Reina and Shinpachi’s wife, Miho, to defend their families, and even Chuya had joined. That had been years ago, and the number of children in the clan was fewer every year.

He jumped when a loud crack filled the air, signalling that a lightning bolt had struck a tree, but he whirled around when he felt a spike of energy behind him. His eyes scanned the group and landed on Kazuki, who was flapping his hands around.

Kihachi stared at his brother curiously, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“My fingers are tingly,” Kazuki grumbled.

Isami snorted, “Tingly?”

“Shut up,” Kazuki growled.

Shinpachi and Seitarou shared a brief glance, and both their eyes turned to the storm, which was increasing in intensity.

‘Sorry about that.’ Taizo apologized.

‘What did you do?’ Kazuki accused.

‘Um- well, nothing. But that lightning strike kind of ignited my abilities.’ Taizo said. ‘It’s a bit difficult to control, actually, with that blasted storm outside.’

Kazuki smirked, ‘Is that why my hands went numb?’

‘Yes.’ Taizo said in a faint voice that indicated he was far away.

‘Where are you?’

‘Uh-’ Taizo paused. ‘Away from your tree.’

Kazuki frowned, ‘Why?’

‘Because the dratted thing keeps zapping me. Not to mention that storm is creating havoc with my energy.’ Taizo stated his voice even further away. ‘I swear your tree is following me!’

‘Isn’t my tree rooted in place on the island?’


Kazuki actually had to concentrate on what Taizo said because his voice was so faint. ‘Then how can it follow you?’

‘I don’t know. Maybe ask it why it keeps shocking me.’

Kazuki chuckled out loud then, which caused Isami and Kihachi to look up at him. “Sorry.” He snickered. ‘Isn’t that your job? Your domain, remember?’

He could feel the sarcasm drip off Taizo as the spirit pouted. Another crack filled the air, and Taizo actually yelped in his head. Kazuki immediately felt his fingers go numb again, and when he looked at them, they were glowing a faint pinkish color. ‘Is this normal?’

‘Nothing about this is normal.’ Taizo squeaked. ‘The storm isn’t normal.’

Kazuki looked up and gave Seitarou a panicked look. “He says this isn’t normal.”

Seitarou frowned. When he first discovered his abilities, he could feel the power flowing through his veins. He even remembered his hands glowing a faint color that felt like power leaked out some. “That happened to me when I discovered my abilities.”

“I think he means this storm isn’t normal. Not my glowing hands.” Kazuki corrected.

Seitarou nodded his head. “The storm is caused by conflicting energies.”

Shinpachi nodded, “It’s electrical in nature.”

Manami walked over to the cave entrance, “I feel it, too. Even my spirit is telling me it’s affecting him.”

‘Glad I’m not the only one.’ Taizo quipped. ‘My abilities are electrical in nature, so it’s difficult to control.’

‘Are mine also electrical?’ Kazuki asked, staring at his glowing pink hands.

‘In a manner of speaking. You have other abilities tied to mine.’

‘Neat, like what?’ Kazuki grinned.

‘Uh-well-’ Taizo started, but his voice faded briefly before returning a bit louder.

Kazuki waited and then rolled his eyes. ‘Uh-well?’

‘There is a poison ability. That also means you most likely have an immunity to certain poisons. Where that one came from, I have no idea.’ Taizo said. ‘You also have a rather interesting ability that combines ice and fire. I am actually curious about that one.’

‘Are these abilities that I can use to defend myself or use in a fight?’ Kazuki asked.

Before Taizo could answer, another bolt of lightning struck and caused Kazuki to wince as it felt like it went through him. ‘Oh shit!’ Taizo yelped.

Kazuki’s whole body tingled, and he rubbed his arms. ‘Are all storms going to be like this?’

‘Uh, no.’ Taizo said, his voice much closer than it had been. ‘Give me a second while I try to get this under control. Your whole body is sizzling.’

Kazuki felt his eyes widen as he stood and glanced down at himself.

‘Not physically, dumbass.’ Taizo snorted.

Kazuki breathed a sigh of relief and sat back down. Shrugging apologetically to his brothers, he tapped his head. “The storm is creating a mess for my spirit.”

‘It’s a bit steamy in here.’ Taizo muttered.

Kazuki lifted a brow curiously as he listened to his spirit rambling.

‘Well, that’s new.’

‘By the Gods, will you explain?’ Kazuki snarled.

Taizo remained quiet. ‘It’s very hot in here.’

‘And I take it it isn’t supposed to be?’


‘I’m not boiling from the inside out, am I?’ Kazuki asked.

‘Uh-well, not yet. Hopefully, the storm ends soon, though.’

The air filled with a buzzing sound, and Seitarou immediately focused on the storm. Shinpachi joined him, and both stood silently as though they were waiting for something. Hayato joined them and said in a hushed voice, “Something is coming.”

Seitarou nodded his head in agreement.

Taichirou stood slowly, seeing the tension between the three males. “Do you think it’s the twins?”

Shinpachi shared a look with Seitarou, but they both shook their heads. “No. It’s something else.”

Hanzo and Sadanaga stood and flipped their scabbards for easier access to their sword hilts. A loud snapping filled the air, and the buzzing intensified. Immediately, everyone was on their feet and nervously hovered behind the older males. Shinpachi stood calmly while Seitarou’s aura seemed more focused.

It was only a matter of seconds before a beam of light filled the sky and hit the ground with such force that the ground shook.

Taizo hissed in Kazuki’s head as the light dimmed, and standing there was a very tall male with coal-black hair and red eyes. In his hand was a very long metal staff with a three-pointed head. “Tsk, tsk.” He clicked with his tongue.

Shinpachi and Seitarou thumbed their swords free from their scabbards, preparing to draw.

The males’ eyes landed on them, and he snorted indignantly, “Do you honestly think you can defeat a God?” The voice almost echoed with power.

“What do you want?” Seitarou growled.

“Nothing from weak youkai such as yourselves.” The male sneered. “However, I wish to speak with my siblings.”

Seitarou and Shinpachi shared a silent look.

“Did you honestly think you could hide away and cowardly avoid conflict?”

Taizo snarled in response. ‘Susanoo.’

Kazuki paled when Susanoo’s eyes landed on his, and he sucked his breath in sharply. Masakuni and Masamichi were at his side when he made a sound.

Hayato narrowed his eyes at the God.

Susanoo grinned, revealing sharp, jagged teeth. “So many of my brothers and a sister in one place. So exciting.”

Taizo snarled again in his head.

“Now, where are my darling brothers?”

Kazuki felt a slight tingling, and his eyes widened when a ghost-like figure appeared beside him. To his horror, he realized it was his inner spirit, visible to the naked eye.

‘Susanoo!’ Taizo snarled.

Susanoo’s grin grew wider if that were possible. “Ah, so there you are. I see you managed to survive, even after I worked so hard to kill you off by placing you in a weaker being.”

Taizo snorted. Everyone’s eyes were locked on the ghost-like figure as if in disbelief that they could see it. ‘As if you could be rid of me so easily.’

“I managed to get rid of half of you.” Susanoo sneered.

Taizo smirked, ‘Did you?’

Susanoo’s mouth turned downward. “So will you fight me now, and we can finally see who is stronger?”

Taizo narrowed his eyes, ‘You know damn well I am in spiritual form. It is forbidden for the Gods to interfere with the spirits.’

“Who will tell? If I dispose of you right here and now, who will know what happened?” Susanoo darted forward as though aiming for Kazuki, but they were both gone in a flash, spirit and host. “Coward!” Susanoo cried out in anger.

Hayato returned from around the base of a tree and glared at Susanoo, “He is no coward, and you damn well know it.”

Shinpachi and Seitarou had drawn their weapons and growled in warning.

Susanoo narrowed his eyes at Hayato, “You are unimportant.”


Susanoo’s eyes widened, “They released you?!” Why in the world would his parents release that one into a youkai, no less? The dangers that God posed to the mortal world were astronomical. “Do they not understand the risks of having you free on the mortal plane?”

Another ghost appeared beside Hayato, and his eyes widened at his inner spirit. ‘You knew they would. Did you honestly think you could go about unchecked and unnoticed without suffering the consequences? They understand far more than you realize.’

Susanoo barked out in laughter, “What consequences? They don’t even know I’m here!”

The ghost smirked and lifted a brow. ‘Is that what you think? Your every move has been anticipated and calculated. You are a fool to think otherwise.’

Susanoo flicked his wrist and sent a shockwave of power at his ghost sibling. The ghost swept the attack aside as though it were an irritating fly.

“They may have accounted for me, but they haven’t discovered those I hired to kill every single one of you.” Susanoo snarled.

The ghost grinned, ‘Go home, Susanoo, before Father discovers your transgressions. You know his punishments are not for the weak of heart.’

Kazuki walked around the side of the tree, and his spirit was not far behind him. ‘You are not ready to face us, Susanoo.’

Susanoo laughed, “I have defeated you countless times.”

‘No, you haven’t.’ Kazuki’s spirit said with a smirk. ‘You are a storm God, and I am a storm God. Our powers clash and repel each other, so you defeating me is a preposterous thought. I would love to see you face our other brothers, however.’

Susanoo opened his mouth, but suddenly, his mouth was sealed shut, and another beam of light landed beside him. The tall God’s eyes widened in sudden fear at the figure who emerged from the light.

The male’s eyes were like fire, flickering with unreleased rage. “You dare!?”

Susanoo winced.

The male turned to the ghost and pointed to his host, “You know better than to risk your lives.”

‘Good grief, Father, I have to be outside my host more often than not due to his skills.’

The male’s eyes landed on the other spirit, who shrugged his shoulders with a sheepish grin, and he shook his head with a sigh.

Not another word was spoken, and both males were gone.

Everyone was speechless and somewhat dumbfounded.

“Wherever it is you take us, I don’t like it. In fact, I hate it!” Kazuki shuddered. Both spirits vanished then, and Kazuki sat on the rock outside the cave entrance. Before they could discuss what had just happened, Seitarou whirled around as a familiar scent reached his nose. “Seiya and Seizou.” He hissed.

Shinpachi’s mouth turned downward when the twins exited the forest. They seemed almost disappointed. “Shame we missed all the excitement.” They said in unison.

Masakuni and Masamichi narrowed their eyes and moved forward.

Seiya and Seizou turned their heads to face them. “I wouldn’t. Your power doesn’t even hold a light to ours.”

Masakuni snarled in response. “And you know this how?”

The twins smiled, “Such a shame that you all decided to poke your noses into affairs that do not concern you.”

“Doesn’t concern us?” Sadanaga growled. “How do you figure?”

The twins ignored him. Hayato slid in front of his son Hanzo and daughter Arisu.

“Oh, stop being so dramatic.” The girls said. “We only wish to inspect Lord Okimoto’s children to ensure their spirits are safe and healthy.”

Kazuki frowned, “What for? Are you not in charge of the soul well? If so, you know full well how healthy our spirits are unless they are not there for you to keep tabs on.”

Seiya and Seizou smiled a sickly sweet smile. “Such a fiery youth.” They grinned at Kazuki and began walking over to him. Wataru immediately stepped into their path, but Seiya lifted her hand and shoved him with such force that he flew backward and crashed into a nearby tree with a sickening crunch.

Seitarou’s eyes widened as his son’s body fell to the forest floor in a crumpled heap. “Wataru.” He whispered.

Miwa immediately ran to the young male’s side and turned him over to inspect his injuries. Seizou lifted her hand to strike the young female, and Shinpachi snarled, “Don’t you dare!” He snapped.

Miwa’s eyes lifted to her father’s as her body stiffened. Her mouth dropped open in shock and surprise, and her breath caught in her throat.

“Release her!” Shinpachi demanded, pulling his sword from its scabbard.

Taichirou ran to his sister’s side and fell to his knees beside her, “Let her go! She hasn’t done anything to you!”

Miwa’s hands lifted to her throat, and her fingers scraped across her skin, trying to breathe.

Shinpachi crouched and sprang at the twins, his sword aimed at them. Seitarou moved then as though anticipating where Shinpachi would end up. Seizou turned to the ranging male and swept her arm in the air in front of her, causing Shinpachi to skid to a stop and dodge the attack. Seitarou caught Shinpachi’s arm and used his strength to pivot Shinpachi through the air, sending the captain over another attack and right at the twins.

Seiya and Seizou dodged, running in opposite directions as Shinpachi crashed into the earth where they had been standing, causing the earth to break apart with the force of his landing.

Seitarou’s other son, Tsuneo, sprinted to Shinpachi’s side and rolled as the captain crouched to spring again. Tsuneo kicked with his legs to propel Shinpachi into the air. Sadanaga turned when Seizou moved away from Shinpachi’s flight and ran to where his father stood. He lept into the air in front of his father, and Hayato used his hands to give Sadanaga momentum that propelled him into the air. Kicking with his legs, he pushed Shinpachi in the direction the older twin was. Seizou barred her teeth as Shinpachi flung himself at her. Masakuni used his staff and swept dirt up into Seiya’s face when she turned to aid her twin.

Masamichi snarled and used the butt of his staff and tripped the younger girl. Masakuni and Masamichi both pointed their weapons in Seiya’s face as she lay on the ground. “Cease, or you send your sister to the underworld!”

Shinpachi pinned Seizou on the ground, snarling in her face and flexing his claws for emphasis. “If you attack my family again, it will be the last thing you ever do!”

Kazuki, Kihachi, and Isami stood with eyes wide open at the speed of the battle. Arisu had managed to run to Miwa’s side, and she and Taichirou cradled the young women. Hanzo stood close to his older brother in support, while Tadayo and Manami stood by Seitarou.

Whatever spell Miwa had been under, it had been broken when Shinpachi had tackled Seizou. Miwa glared at the girls and rubbed her throat, gulping air into her lungs. Her inner spirit was frantically talking to her about how close she had been to death.

Seizou lifted her hands in defeat with a faint grin.

Shinpachi stood and narrowed his eyes at the girl, his teeth still bared in fury.

Masakuni and Masamichi rammed their spear ends into the earth and stood there like sentries. “We know what happens when one of you dies. The other follows shortly after. Our spirits are tied because we are twins.”

Seitarou felt torn. He wanted to check on his son, but allowing the twins to reunite immediately was dangerous. Hayato seemed to know Seitarou’s struggle, so he moved over and nodded to the elder captain. “Go check on Wataru.”

Hayato crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at Seizou. “Thinking you have siphoned that much power from our spirits to defeat elders, pfft.” He snarled.

Seizou frowned and shared a look with Seiya, “So you were aware?”

“How dense do you think we are?” Hayato snarled.

“It is in our right and power to ensure the spirits are safe from illness or injury. You have interfered with the God’s instruction to do our tasks.” The twins said.

Taizo growled in Kazuki’s head. ‘The Gods did not grant them this power. It was one who wishes to erase the Gods from existence.’

“It was only one God who gave you this power,” Kazuki stated firmly.

The twins looked at him, “So he does speak.”

Kazuki frowned as he watched the girls move closer together. ‘Now might be a good time to hide in your pools. They are up to something.’ “I am not stupid enough to think you had anyone’s well-being in mind. That much is obvious from your lack of judgment when attacking us. To think we are that foolish just to trust what you say is bizarre.”

Hanzo snorted, “They obviously think we are stupid. There is no other explanation for their assumption that we would just roll over and allow them to do what they wish.”

Shinpachi glared at the girls. “Whatever their reason is, it does not give them the right to attack us unless this order came from Genjiro himself.”

Seizou and Seiya looked at one another. “Ridiculous.”

Seitarou cradled Wataru in his arms and spoke so softly no one could make out the words. After several minutes, Seitarou finally placed his son on the ground and stood. The aura around him was one of grief and barely contained fury. Turning to the girls, his eyes glowing like fire, he barred his teeth. “You have killed my son. For that alone, I have the right to arrest you and bring you before Lord Genjiro.”

The twins lifted their brows in unison. “Do you?” The asked. “What is your wish, Seitarou? Do you want your son to live?”

Seitarou angrily moved towards them, but Shinpachi quickly stepped in his way, speaking softly to him. Shinpachi turned to the girls. “You do not have the power to reach into the underworld to retrieve the souls of the dead. Nor do you have the power to travel through the different realms of existence. Standing before you are four captains and Lord Genjiro’s court officer. You are out-ranked and out-classed.”

The girls grinned, and instantly, Kazuki noticed their fingers moving. Several seconds went by before the twins looked at one another, confused.

Sadanaga smirked. “What’s the matter?”

“Is there nothing for you to steal?” Hayato snorted. “How stupid do you think we are?”

Seizou and Seiya snarled, “Where are your spirits?”

Shinpachi growled, “You should know, shouldn’t you? If you are tasked with watching over the soul well, then you should know where all of our spirits are. Or did you happen to be negligent in your duties and lose a few?”

The girls glared at him. “If your spirits are not within you and not in the soul well, where are they?” They demanded.

Seitarou narrowed his eyes, “It’s called training, you dim-witted little shits. Perhaps you need to focus on where the lost spirits have gone instead of pursuing us and attacking us unprovokedly.”

Masamichi walked forward and rammed his spear into the earth with a loud clang. Manami and Masakuni moved forward and pulled out a rope to tie the girls up. Seizou and Seiya jumped at the reverb from Masamichi’s spear and then looked at Manami with wide eyes as though in disbelief. They were still not right beside one another, so their power was marginally diminished.

“You honestly think Lord Genjiro will allow you to arrest us and not suffer the consequences in doing so?”

Masakuni said in a loud, commanding voice, “Your voice holds no basis here! I am in charge when our lord and commander is not available. We have all witnessed your transgressions, and you will suffer the consequences. You have taken the life of one of our own, and that alone is cause for arrest.”

Masamichi continued, “Attacking us for possession of our spirits and that power is cause for arrest.”

Manami stepped forward. “You have now been taken into our custody.” He said as he bound their hands behind their backs. “Until such time as you are held before Lord Genjiro for judgment, you both shall be separated.”

Seitarou shook his head. If anything, he wanted their heads for taking his son’s life. Wataru was his heir, one who would have taken up station after he passed into the underworld. Now, he would have to explain to his wife how their son died.

Manami tugged on Seiya’s binds to guide her towards the rafts on the shore. Masakuni watched his twin do the same. Turning to the group, he said, “We leave you in charge.” He said, facing Shinpachi. The elder twin watched Seitarou lift his son’s body into his arms and carry him toward the beach.

Seitarou paused briefly to speak with Shinpachi, “Watch over my other son?”Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Shinpachi nodded and then watched his long-time friend leave the clearing. With a sigh, he turned to the others. He looked over the remaining group, seeing mixed emotions. “Gather your belongings. It is time for us to continue with why we came here.”

Isami grinned. “Time for a hunt!”

Kihachi nodded, “it has been too long.”

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