Sidelined Love: A Hockey Romance (The Crestwood University Series Book 1)

Sidelined Love: Chapter 28

The next evening when the elevator doors slide open, I step into the sleek metal box and take a deep breath. Moments ago I’d arrived at Levi’s apartment, and I’m not prepared for anything that might happen tonight. I suck in another deep breath even though I’m not exerting a large amount of energy. I can only assume it’s the excitement getting to me, though I would never admit it out loud. If it’s anything like what happened the last time I was here, I’m one hundred percent down.

It’s only a chess game, Hailey. Calm the fuck down.

Easier said than done.

The ride up to Levi’s apartment feels like it takes forever, even though it’s only a few floors. At least this time I didn’t have to be escorted up because Levi now has me on a list of approved guests.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

I don’t want to spend time dissecting that right now.

When I arrive at his front door, I ring the doorbell, and I swear on everything, the sound of the bell bounces off every corner of my mind. Suddenly the door swings open and I find Levi standing in the doorway, looking perfect in a Crestwood University hoodie and gray sweatpants. Once again, he still manages to look put together, and I can’t help but wonder if he wore those pants for my benefit.

“Good evening, Hailey.” He greets me with a grin and motions for me to come inside.

My stomach flips at the sight of him. I try to act casual as I follow him to the living room, but my nerves are getting the best of me.

“Would you like something to drink? Eat?” Levi asks. Although he’s standing behind me, grabbing my coat, I can still hear the smile in his voice.

“Just water, thanks,” I reply, hoping he can’t detect the slight tremor in my voice.

In a flash, he lays my coat across a chair and returns with two glasses of ice water from his kitchen. He places them on opposite sides of the coffee table. They are now in front of where each of us would sit down to play our match.

“Ready for me to kick your ass in chess?” he asks.

I roll my eyes. “In your dreams, Jamison.”

“That’s not the thing that I tend to dream about…” his voice trails off. “But before we begin, how about we make this more interesting?” he says as he’s about to move one of his pawns.

I raise an eyebrow. “What do you have in mind?”

“Strip chess. For every piece I lose, I have to remove an article of clothing and vice versa.”

“Were you thinking about this before I got here or is this something that just popped into your head?”

“I’ve been thinking about getting you naked again since before you left my bed days ago,” he admits without hesitation.

I swallow hard in an attempt to coat my suddenly dry throat, but I fail. Fuck. “What do I get if I win?”

He shrugs as if what is happening between us isn’t rocking his entire life. “I’ll give you a surprise.”

“What is it?” I don’t care for how eager I sound, but it’s too late to take it back and try again.

This time he smirks again. “Wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you what it is, now would it?”

I do my best not to roll my eyes at his cockiness as I experience a sense of déjà vu from the last time I was here. “What do you get if you win?”

Leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees, Levi locks eyes with me. “Another one of those fantastic blow jobs you woke me up with.”

The memory of that morning floods my mind and sends a shiver down my spine. Doing that to him again is enough to make me debate losing so that we can take it there. I hesitate for a second, but the desire to wipe the smug look off his face overrides everything else.

I stick my hand out for him to shake. “You have yourself a deal.”

Levi’s eyes widen before he catches himself. Is he surprised I decided to participate? I’m not sure, but he grabs my hand and turns it palm side down before he brings it up to his lips. He slowly kisses each of my knuckles and I can’t help but be hyper-fixated on what it’s doing to me.

But now it’s time for us to play this out on the chessboard.

Levi opens with a pawn to e4, a familiar move that has started countless games before. However with this being strip chess, it feels as if we are charting unknown territory.

I mimic his opening and push my pawn to e5. And so our game begins.

The room is silent except for the clinking of the pieces as they hit the board. It’s hard to be focused on what is happening in front of me because the fact that I more than likely will be losing at least a piece of clothing is at the forefront of my mind.

After about ten minutes, I lose my first pawn, and I can feel the heat growing on my cheeks. I decide to pull off the black sweater I’d thrown on last minute, happy that I had the foresight to do so before leaving my apartment. What I hadn’t done was wear a long sleeve shirt under said sweater. Goosebumps appear on my skin because of the slight chill in the air.

When I snatch his bishop, Levi almost gleefully unzips his hoodie, and he, too, is left in a t-shirt. For some reason, I am expecting him to be shirtless. Or maybe that is wishful thinking.

When it’s my turn to lose my bishop. Levi’s smirk grows. “You owe me a piece of clothing,” he says.

I stand up and unbutton my jeans, shimmying them down my legs. I catch him staring as I fold them and place them on the chair. Now clad only in my t-shirt and underwear, I feel exposed under his gaze.

Yet I’m loving it.

When I capture Levi’s knight, he pulls his shirt over his head in one smooth motion. I take in the defined muscles of his chest and abs, allowing myself to admire him. He notices and chuckles. “See something you like?”

I shake my head to hide my embarrassment at being caught staring. “Your cockiness is off the charts tonight. What gives? You’re usually worried about the things you say to me.”

“How do you know that?”

“It is obvious.”

Levi shrugs. “Well, to answer your question, I’m confident because I know that I win no matter what the outcome of this game is.”

“That’s sweet in a twisted way.”

“I thought so too.”

The game continues and pieces fall steadily from the board. My pulse quickens as clothing flies off, and soon Levi is down to only his gray sweatpants and his boxers.

When I capture his rook, fittingly enough, he stands, sliding his sweatpants down his muscular legs. I try not to stare so he doesn’t call me out again. I shift in my seat, clenching my thighs together in a silly attempt to relieve the desire building within me.

Levi notices my discomfort and a knowing grin tugs at his lips. “Getting distracted, Rook?” His voice is husky, and he knows exactly what he’s doing to me when he uses that voice.

I clear my throat and force myself to meet his heated gaze. “You wish, Jamison. I’m still in this game.” And I am because I fully believe that I’m going to win.

Levi makes his next move swiftly, capturing my remaining bishop. I hesitate for only a moment before pulling my shirt up over my head. His eyes rake over my nearly naked body hungrily, but I keep my expression neutral. I will not let his need for me become a distraction.

The game progresses tensely as we both seek to gain the upper hand. I manage to take Levi’s remaining knight with my rook. Levi stands, his fingers sliding beneath the waistband of his boxers. I hold my breath, waiting for him to expose himself fully to me. At the last moment, he pauses, cocking an eyebrow at me, but he doesn’t say a word.

If he is naked, but the game isn’t over, did I still win? “Am I the winner since that’s your last piece of clothing?” I’m proud of myself for making a cohesive sentence all the while staring at his V-line.

“Not so fast. The game’s not over until you take my king.”

He slides his boxers down inch by inch, maintaining eye contact with me the whole time. I forcefully shifted my eyes up to his face when he started removing his boxers. Now I’m trying to keep my eyes on his face, but they inevitably wander down his muscular frame. He steps out of the boxers and kicks them aside, completely naked before me.

“Your move,” he says, sitting back down across from me. I tear my eyes away and study the board, forcing myself to focus again. I have to be strategic if I want to win this.

After contemplating my next move, I advance my remaining knight and put his king in check. “Check,” I say, meeting Levi’s gaze again.

He moves his king out of check, but I quickly counter and check him again with my other rook. But he escapes again. We continue in this pattern with me checking his king while he barely escapes.

After a few more turns, I finally yell, “Checkmate!” when there’s nowhere for his king to go. Holy shit, I won. This is the most excited I’ve been about winning a chess match in a while.

Levi nods as he studies the board. “Well played.”

I had faith in myself that I would win, but Levi had given me a run for my money. My heart pounds against my ribs as I meet Levi’s heated gaze.

“So…” I say, suddenly feeling shy under the intensity of his stare. “What happens now?”

Levi stands up from his chair and walks toward me. “I guess I owe you the surprise now, huh?”

I like the sound of that. But adrenaline is coursing through me and I’m feeling playful. Who am I and what has happened to Hailey? Before I overthink something else, I stand up too and take a step back just before Levi would have reached me. And then I take another.

Neither one of us utters a word before I turn around and run into his bedroom with him hot on my heels.

I stop abruptly near his bed, spinning around in time to see Levi entering the room. His eyes darken with desire as he closes the distance between us. Before I can respond, his lips crash against mine. It’s a hungry, passionate kiss that causes me to melt against him. My hands have a mind of their own as they slide up and down his chest. He groans into my mouth when I lightly rake my nails over his abs.

Levi’s hands grip my hips as he deepens the kiss, pulling me closer to him. It’s my turn to moan as his tongue dances with mine. I can feel his dick pressing against me and the only thing standing between us is the very thin barrier of the lace underwear I decided to wear tonight.

He breaks the kiss, both of us breathing heavily. “Eager, are we?” he says, leaving a trail of hot kisses along my jaw and down my neck.

I nod, not trusting my voice to work at this juncture. His hands slide up to caress my breasts through my bra and I arch into his touch. He is already driving me wild, and we are only just getting started.

“I should give my girl the surprise she’s earned,” he whispers in my ear before guiding me down onto the bed. I watch him as he kneels between my legs, hands stroking up and down my inner thighs with light touches.

“Close your eyes and if there’s anything you don’t like, tell me immediately, okay?”

I hesitate for a second as Levi enters a more dominant role in the bedroom. I’m used to being the one that tells people what to do and how I want things done. This is a change that I’m willing to experience. “Okay,” I repeat, but my tone is more breathy than his is. With one last glance, I close my eyes and wait for further instructions.

I can sense when Levi leaves his position between my legs. There’s some shuffling around in the room, but I can’t pinpoint exactly what he’s doing or what my surprise can be.

He must have found whatever it is he was looking for because I feel a small kiss on each of my inner thighs before I sense that he’s between my legs once more. His hands massage my thighs before one of his hands reaches my panties. His fingers dance along the fabric and I can feel myself growing wetter. It is then that I feel something smooth and hard pressing at my entrance. My eyes pop open when the device starts vibrating against my clit.

“My surprise for you,” he says over the low buzzing, making me squirm against the vibrator.

“Do you like it?” he asks as he watches my reaction closely. I manage a nod, already overwhelmed by the new sensations coursing through my body.

It’s then that I notice the small white remote in his hand, and when he presses a button, the speed increases. I gasp loudly and throw my head back. There is no way that this is real life.

“Fuck, Hailey,” Levi says, and it only adds fuel to the fire that’s burning inside of me. He rests one of his hands on my abdomen, rubbing soft circles that only intensify the sensation. “I want you to play with your nipples for me.”

It takes me a second to register what he asked me. But when I do, my hands immediately begin alternating between lightly pinching and soothing my nipples. My climax is closing in, letting itself be known.

“Levi,” I moan out his name. He adjusts the vibrator slightly, allowing the device to hit the right spot. I feel like I could come at any second. He puts more weight down on the hand that’s resting on my stomach so that he holds me down without keeping me prisoner.

When he uses the remote again, I can’t hold back anymore.

I cry out as my climax crashes down on me, leaving me panting and shaking. It’s like nothing I’ve experienced before but in a good way. He keeps the toy pressed to me, waiting until I’ve ridden the full wave of my orgasm. When my breathing tries to level out, Levi reaches for the remote and switches it off.

He kisses a path up my body until he reaches my earlobe where he whispers, “Good girl.”

I’m once again aware of how hard his cock is. I want it in me and now. “Fuck me.”

Levi stares down at me for a moment before he says, “With pleasure.”

He reaches into his nightstand and tosses a condom my way while I watch. Part of me wants to put the condom on him myself, but I’m still gathering my bearings after that mind-blowing orgasm.

Once he rolls the condom on himself, he positions himself between my legs, but before he can enter me, I hold up my hand. “I want to ride you.”

“Are you sure?”

“One hundred percent.”

He nods and says, “Ride me then.”

We adjust our positioning and within seconds, I find myself lowering my body onto his cock. My eyes close as I enjoy the feeling of him sliding into me, inch by inch. As I begin to move up and down, his hands end up on my waist, and I’m listening to the sighs we’re making as we become one.

I’m still questioning whether this is my reality or not. What I do know is that this is what I needed.This is where I belonged, right here with him.

If it weren’t for what we are doing right now, the thought would have hit me like a ton of bricks.

I begin to move faster, my hair flying in every direction. He moves his hands from around my waist and before I know it, the vibrator is once again on my clit and soon the humming of it greets us both.

“That feels good,” I mutter but I’m not sure if I’ve actually said the words out loud.

“You feel good,” he whispers back before closing his eyes with a groan.

Our moans and grunts fill the room as we both approach our climaxes. The weight of what this means is heavy between us, but I can’t focus on it without losing my concentration. All that matters is us right now and this is how it should be.

I feel the now familiar sensation growing and I know it’s going to be over soon. “I’m close,” I warn him as I start rocking my hips faster, pushing myself down on his dick.

He smiles up at me and says, “So am I.”

The rhythm that we’ve set intensifies to the point where Levi throws the remote and places his hand back on my waist. Our breaths become ragged as our movements grow more desperate for a release.

I come first due to the vibrator, and I’m left in a mess with me calling his name. When Levi joins me, he grunts out a curse and follows me over the edge. I push him away a little but end up resting my forehead on his chest to catch my breath. His cock slips out of me, and I can’t help but chuckle.

Levi’s fingers tenderly brush strands of my slightly damp hair away from my face. I lift my head from his chest and gaze into his eyes, not sure what I’m searching for in them.

Levi’s breathing slows down to match mine as his hand remains on my cheek. A soft chuckle escapes his lips, breaking the silence. “You okay?” he asks.

“Yes. I don’t know what my expectations were, but this exceeded them.”

His smile widens, his thumb tracing circles on my cheek. “Good,” he whispers, leaning in to press a soft kiss against my forehead. We lay like that for a few moments before Levi gathers some strength to get up and clean both of us.

When he crawls back into bed, I see the vibrator, and I immediately recognize the shape. “Is that a white pawn? The vibrator is in the shape of a chess piece?”

Levi chuckles as he pulls me close to him. “Yes. I thought it would be cute and funny. Plus, it did the job, right?”

I can’t help but laugh out loud even though I’m exhausted. “That it did. That. It. Did.”

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