That she did not yet realize she belonged to him now was the only reason he had not flattened David, but soon both she and he would know it. And then let the blond man touch her at his peril.

Her father obviously hadn’t told her about this, so it was better to keep it that way. The elevator stopped and Tess looked up for the first time. “Where are we?” she asked.

The doors slid open and he stood back for her exit first. “This is my headquarters,”he replied.

They stepped through one of the two doors on the landing.

She looked around them. “It looks more like a home to me, or are you trying to tell me that a tycoon does his business in the living room rather than the boardroom?”

He felt his lips quirk at her sassiness. This unexpected side to her nature was not altogether unpleasant. A wife without spirit would not suit him.

“The apartment is located on the top floor of the building. My office is one floor below.”

If Tess was ignorant of her father’s machinations, her only guilt was by association. Tradition dictated the family held responsibility for the actions of one, but he was not such a dinosaur. If she knew nothing, he could not honorably include her in the vendetta and the marriage would have to stand. But he didn’t want to think about that right now. He wanted his family’s company back and he would do anything to get it. He didn’t want to think about right or wrong… Just what was necessary. And he wanted this done quickly.

“And the other door?” Tess asked him.

“A company apartment,” he replied.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

Her brow quivered. “Not the home of your mistress?”

“Wow. You are a spitting kitten tonight.” he said.

She blushed and once again turned her face away from him. He had brought her with him tonight to determine the level of her guilt as much as to woo her to marriage. Her ongoing contrariness was a point in favor of her innocence. Surely if she wanted the marriage and were in league with her father, she would not be so difficult toward Dash.

On the other hand, women had known since time memorial that to play hard to get intrigued the hunter in men.

“I thought you were taking me out to dinner. You said our reservations were for eight.” Tess said.

“And so they are. My chef has prepared a special meal to be served on the terrace. If we were late, the sauces would be ruined, the vegetables overcooked.”

She turned, her composure restored. “What a tragedy,” she said facetiously.

“Yeah. A great tragedy.” he agreed.

“We’re eating on the terrace?” she asked.

“It has a magnificent view of the city. I believe you will like it.”

Her green eyes mirrored confusion. “Why are you doing this? You can’t be so hard up for a date that you must spend the evening with your business associate’s daughter. So just tell me what is happening”

“I told you, it pleases me. Why do you find this so difficult to believe?” He asked. He was not used to having his word questioned and he found he did not like it, especially from her.

She made a sound of disbelief. “You date supermodels, sexy, sophisticated women. I’m not your type.”

For some reason her protestations on that point irritated him immensely. “A man will taste many types of fruit before finding a tree he wishes to eat from for a lifetime.” he said.

“So, you’re saying you were in the mood for an apple or something instead of the more exotic fruits?” The prospect did not appear to please her.

He stepped forward until their bodies were only inches apart and reached out to cup her face. “Perhaps you are the tree that will satisfy me for a lifetime.” he said softly.

Tess felt herself go absolutely rigid in shock. She even stopped breathing.

Her, the tree that could satisfy him for a lifetime? It was inconceivable, but why had he said it?

His hands dropped away from her face and he stepped back, giving her room to breathe. “Would you like to freshen up before dinner?” he asked.

Sucking air into her oxygen-starved lungs, she nodded. Anything to get away from his enervating presence. He led her to a guest room and stood aside for her to enter. She could see an en suite off to the left.

She paused in the doorway without looking at him. “Please don’t play with me, Dash.” She said, “I’m not in your league.” She didn’t want to be hurt again like she had been at that party. She didn’t want to be just another fruit for his jaded palate. And she was confused as to why he suddenly wanted to spend time with her.

Once again his hands were on her and he turned her to face him. She met his eyes, her own serious. He ran his finger over her bottom lip and her whole body trembled.

“I am not playing, Tess.” he said

She so desperately wanted to believe him, but the memory of that party was still too fresh. “Why…” She began but she found she could not force the rest of the question past the lump of hope and wariness in her throat.

“Why what?” he asked.

“Why did you shove me away like a disease-ridden rodent after our kiss at my dad’s party?” The words tumbled out with all the pain and rejection she had felt that night three weeks ago.

He looked outraged. “I did not do this,” he said.

“Excuse me, you did. I was there.” She insisted.

“I was there too. Perhaps I let you go a trifle quickly. I did not wish to embarrass you with further intimacies.”

“You didn’t want to embarrass me?” The irony of such an excuse was too great to be born. “I don’t believe it.”

“Believe it.” he said.

“So, to save me embarrassment, you chose to humiliate me instead?” she asked in incredulity. If that was how the male mind worked, no wonder women had such a hard time understanding them.

“To kiss Dash Black is not a humiliation.” he said.

“But to be publicly rejected by you is!”

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