Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 26

chapter 26

I can feel Theo’s cold breath on my core before I feel his tongue part my lips, licking a straight line

from more core to my clit before sucking on it. The coldness from his tongue makes me shiver and my

head rolls back on to Tobias shoulder as he swirls his tongue around my clit, his tongue moving faster

and faster in a circular motion around my bud of nerves. I could feel my juices spilling on to my thighs.

My moans the only noise filling the room along with my ragged breathing. Tobias hand wraps around

my neck squeezing slightly, as he turns my face towards his before devouring my lips. His hot tongue

playing with mine fighting for dominance, while Theo’s unrelentless licking and sucking makes my toes

curl and my stomach tighten, my body heating up and my moans turning to a scream as my body

spasms. My walls pulsating as my orgasm ripples through me. Theo holds my trembling legs open as I

try to close them, his tongue not giving me any rest.

My back arches off of Tobias chest as I feel the build up again, sitting on the edge just waiting to

be shoved over again, Theo inserts a finger before pulling it out and inserting another, curling his

fingers upwards as his tongue continues to assault my aching bud of nerves. Tobias hand still wrapped

around my neck, his other squeezing and pinching my nipple between his fingers as another orgasm

flows through me.

My walls clamping onto Theo’s fingers and my body sags in exhaustion. My eyes already fluttering

closed as I feel my body wanting to go to sleep. Theo moves up towards my face before grabbing my

face with his fingers and kissing me hard, his tongue playing with mine. I can taste myself on his

tongue, he pulls away and his fingers let go of my face. I feel the bed move as Theo gets off and hear

him walk out of the room. I then feel Tobias hands brushing my hair from my face before I feel at wet

cloth get pressed to my forehead and another one pressed between my legs, cleaning me.

Theo picks me up, my head landing heavily on his cold bare shoulder. “Your skin is so cold,” my

voice barely audible to my own ears, but clearly, they both heard as I feel Theo laugh softly before

placing me back on the bed again. I can feel Tobias hot skin against my back and Theo’s colder skin in

front, I rest my head on his chest enjoying the coldness. I can feel Tobias hand rubbing circles on my

lower back. My eyes getting too heavy before they close, and I drift off to sleep.


I wake to the feel of warm fingers playing with my slit, I push myself back into them wanting to feel

them inside me as arousal takes over, my legs becoming wet with my fluids. His fingers teasing as he

moves them around my core but not entering. I wriggle my ass and feel Tobias’s erection pressing into

my lower back, Tobias lifts my leg and places it on top Theo who is sleeping next to me. Giving him

better access while he teases me with his fingers. I try to roll to face him, when he suddenly pushed

two fingers inside me from behind. Moving them slowly and curling them upwards, rubbing torturously

slow, I moan at the feel of them stroking inside me and push myself back onto his fingers trying to get

more friction, when I feel his thumb press to the tight muscles of my ass, his thumb rubbing while his

fingers fuck me slowly.

“I thought she is meant to be resting,” Theo’s voice says as he rolls, pulling my leg up higher on to

his hip. Theo’s hand running along my thigh making me shiver from the contrast of hot and cold. Theo’s

face moves to my neck kissing and sucking on my skin, Tobias’s fingers slipping in and out faster as

my fluids coat his fingers, his thumb pressing harder against my ass until I feel it slip inside me. It didn’t

hurt like I thought it would, maybe because I am so turned on and relaxed.

Theo’s fangs graze my neck while he devours my flesh, nibbling and sucking. Wait, fangs? I sit up

and Tobias fingers slip out of me. I look at Theo with alarm. Theo noticing my startled reaction looks at


“I won’t bite you, I promise. Not yet anyway.” His voice sounds calm like this was a perfectly

normal thing. I look at Tobias, who’s hands had slipped around my waist, pulling me into him. He didn’t

seem alarmed and just nods his head towards Theo. I turn back to him and his face as become a little

distorted. I reach my hand forward, my fingers brushing Theo’s cheek. He leant into my hand, liking the

feel of my warm skin.

“You’re a vampire?” I whisper. Theo nods watching my reaction. I see his fangs protrude. They

aren’t like what you would see in a movie with two pointy fangs. He actually has three on each side,

and they run side by side. I watch as his eyes darken, turning to the darkest shade of red similar to

blood. Veins stick out under his eyes, moving and wriggling under my thumb as I brush it over them

slowly. Theo doesn’t move, just waits for me to finish observing him.

Moving my hands back down his face, I brush my thumb over the point of one of his fangs. I feel it

sharpness as it knicks my skin like needle points but razor sharp. Blood runs down my thumb and I feel

Theo stiffen, waiting for me to pull away, only I don’t. I brush my bleeding thumb onto his lip he licks his

lips and I push my thumb on his bottom lip making it part and brush my thumb on his tongue. His eyes

darken before his lips closed and he sucked on it, his eyes glowing brighter, never leaving mine. When

he lets go, I find my thumb is completely fine. I stare at it before looking back at Theo. He leans forward

and kisses me gently on the lips.

I am more surprised at my own reaction. I don’t feel any fear towards them, they still make me a

little on edge, but they don’t scare me. “You don’t seem scared.” Theo’s head turns to the side

examining my face. I stare back watching him. Tobias pulls me back into him, nuzzling my neck, his hot

breath tickling me, his stubble brushing my shoulder near his mark. Pleasure ripples through me.

“Why does it do that?” my voice coming out airy and breathless.

“Why what?” whispers Tobias. I know he knows exactly what I’m talking about, but he wants me to

say it.

“You’re bite mark.” I moan loudly as he sucks on it. “Why’s does it make me feel like this? It feels

so good,” I moan out again. I feel him chuckle as he drags his tongue over it. Enjoying the reaction he

gets out of me. “It’s a claiming mark, shows everyone you’re mine. Only Theo and I will be able to give

you this reaction, make you feel this way,” he whispers while I am lost in the ecstasy of pleasure. I This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

know what he is saying should alarm me, but it doesn’t. It somehow feels right.

“Once Theo marks you, it will be even more intensified,” he whispers, kissing just below my ear.

“Marks me?” Does that mean he is going to bite me too? I sit up slightly wary. Theo’s eyes move to

mine. I feel the fog creeping in as my heart rate picks up and then slows back down.

“I won’t hurt you, Imogen, and I won’t mark you until you say I can. Okay?” I stare wide eyed

before quickly nodding my head. The thought of being bitten scares me, being owned like some sort of

property scares me.

“I shouldn’t have marked you without permission, that’s not usually how it’s done,” Tobias says

guiltily. He gets up and walks into the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom. “You want a shower?”

I nod my head before climbing off the bed and follow after him. I am still naked, but my nudity

doesn’t faze me anymore. They have already seen my intimate bits, so nothing really left to be shy

about. “Where is the man and lady from yesterday?” I ask, or was it the day before? I can’t really gauge

time at the moment with how much sleep I have had.

“They went home, this is mine and Theo’s place. Our parents don’t live with us,” Theo says,

walking up behind me. Wait, did he say their parents as in like they are brothers. I stop, Theo walking

straight into me. “You’re brothers?” I ask incredulous. They look nothing alike, and they aren’t even the

same species, creature, I don’t know what to class them as without sounding rude.

“Not in the biological sense. We aren’t inbred, we can explain later. For now let’s have a shower,”

he says, pushing me toward the bathroom door where I could hear the shower running.

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