-Iman for the toxic ones!

At the Naviera, the Narrator:

Immediately, Jose David became violent and threw the telephone set that was on the table, to the floor, totally destroying it. For this reason, the door was opened, wide, by Sofia’s escorts, to whom he signaled them to stop and move a little away.

-You can’t do this to me! -He shouted, beside himself, “I’m just doing my job. I already explained it to you, the quality test has not been verified to guarantee the customers the transfer of the merchandise in the easiest and fastest way,” he growled.

-Wait a minute! While it is true that our obligation is to be punctual with the client, it is also our obligation to comply with the guarantee my son is referring to,” said Reyner in support, “Jose David is right!

-Then! Let’s look for the person responsible for this delay in the verification of that guarantee -Sofia expressed with authority and taking a record in her hands, she read it and concluded:

“According to the minutes, the vessel was ready and delivered three months ago, therefore, since that moment it was available for verification -she explained.

“In this same act, Jose David Medina was appointed to be the verifier of the same,” added Sofia, “Now I ask… Who is responsible for the delay? Who is responsible for the delay? What are you looking for with this, Jose David? -She confronted him with a murderous look.

-Just a moment, Sofia! It’s one thing that he forgot to do the revision, with so many obligations he has always had at the Shipping Line, but it’s another thing what you are trying to make it look like, that my son has hidden objectives,” Reyner affirmed.

-You said it, not me,” she exclaimed, looking him in the face.

-Do you really believe that Jose David intends to harm his own company? Because remember that he is also a shareholder,” Reyner argued.

-You are defending the indefensible, Reyner, as always, every time the one involved is your son,” Benjamin alleged.

“To wrap this up, because I am well past my dinner hour, I vote to dismiss Jose David from the position of Director of Inspections.

“Likewise, my vote to fill his place is in favor of Noah, who does have experience in the same,” added Benjamin, to close this dispute and session.

In this way, everyone voted in favor of Noah, leaving Jose David out of the executive position, which is why he left, threatening and cursing Sofia, who totally ignored him.

Afterwards, the minutes were taken and everyone signed in agreement with the decision. The news spread like wildfire in the shipyard. Everyone was astonished, although many of them had witnessed his discussion with the CEO in the company’s dining room.

To calm the alarms among its customers, the company’s Public Relations department issued a statement. They apologized for the delay and announced the appointment of a new Director.

Finally, they promised that on the following day, they would have a vessel owned by this shipping company available at the port, and this was fulfilled…

In Ciudad La Rosa, the Narrator:Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Yoly, sitting in her room, was tired of waiting for Rafael Corner’s call. Since he didn’t call her, she did, so she dialed his cell phone number several times, without receiving any answer.

During that week, she tried to reach him, but she couldn’t. He avoided answering at all costs, since his commitment to his friend Martin could persuade him to take her to the ranch, which he didn’t want to do, in order to take care of Sofia and her children as he should.

Rafael was amazed at the insistence capacity of this young girl, who apparently became infatuated with him. He was also amazed by the content of the messages left in his mailbox:

[“In view of the fact that I have not been able to reach you to find out whether or not I can come to your ranch, I will give you a surprise. It will only stop me, that you call me and tell me directly that I can’t come. I am waiting for your call.”]

[Rafael, my love, it’s me Yoly again, I’m waiting for your call”].

[Rafa, I know you are a very busy man, please, I just need to know if I can come to your ranch or not?”].

[“Ha! I am very persevering, when I set my mind to something I insist until I achieve it”].

“My God, what stubbornness and arrogance, apparently I have a magnet for toxic women!”, he thought in amazement and with a smile.

Friday of that week:


“God! I’m worse than when I was going to do my degree work defense, in college!”

“I don’t understand, why I’m so nervous, it’s not like this is a romantic date! I’m going with my mother and my children, by the way, extraordinary combo I’m bringing: my mother and my triplets, ha, ha, ha!”

– “Calm down, Sofia! -I said out loud to myself. At that moment, there was a knock on my bedroom door.

-Knock, knock!

-Come in! -I answered, finishing dressing up properly for a ranch ride, but without losing the glamour.

-Daughter, we are all ready to travel! -expressed my mother.

“Also, the pilot called me to confirm that the jet is ready to leave,” she added. Entering, behind her, my three oldest loves, shouting and smiling, very beautifully dressed in suitable and comfortable clothes for a road trip.

-Mommy, you look beautiful! -cried my eldest son, whom I took in my arms, hugged and kissed, as I do every morning before leaving for my working days.

-Right, Mommy! -You should have a boyfriend,” he commented, making everyone smile loudly.

-Ha! -Ironized Rafael Argenis, whom I lifted up to give a hug and a kiss. “Mommy, I don’t want you to have a boyfriend! I want you to bring my daddy,” he clarified, leaving everyone speechless, especially me.

-Why? -Mommy, I want you to be happy, very happy! -he shouted, opening his arms wide.

-My little friend at school told me that when a mother has another husband and with him another child, they love him more, and I don’t want that to happen to us,” said Rafael Argenis.

-That will never happen! God willing -I affirmed- You will always be the most important and loved by me -I answered before these confessions, which ended up affecting my nerves even more, bringing to my mind the image of Rafael Corner.

“Since the day of the inauguration, Shayla hired a detective to investigate about him. In the report, his courtship with Yoly Del Mar does not appear. Apparently, after his girlfriend died a few years ago, he has not been seen again with any other woman.”

Nevertheless, here I am ready to go to his hacienda, a bundle of nerves and with thousands of butterflies fluttering in my abdomen. At the time set by the Pilot, we left Paradise Island for Ciudad La Rosa, where he was waiting for us…

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