Sir madame has run away again (Lily and Carson)

Chapter 7

Chapter 7


Ignoring their gazes , I calmly stood behind Carlos , which my mother-

in- law did n’t like as she pointed to the supplies in the ward while showing off : “ Joana brought us som

e stuff this morning ! She is such a kind soul to visit myhusband despite pregnancy ! _ _ Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.


would obviously be indicating my lack of concern for the situation , which I mentally scoffed at . The sup

plements I bought for them before my father-

in- law ‘s hospitalization were much better than the ones Joana bought for them , but after all they were

a bunch of ungrateful thugs , despising me for such petty reasons .

Upon noticing my indifference , my mother-in-law became even more indignant and tried to make

fun of me even more : “ Joana is a kind and beautiful woman , with a great personality . Furthermore , s

he is also pregnant with a boy , so the family _she must be very lucky to have her ! _

I always kept my silence whenever she made fun of me , but I did n’t feel like doing that today . “ Since

when did she know the sex of the baby ? Why would she tell Mom before she even told me ? _ _

What I said made her freeze in place as Carlos did the same before scolding her , “ Mom , why are you

talking about this now ? _ _ _ _ It ‘s too early to know the sex of the baby , so Joana must be jokingwit

h you ! don’t take

this so seriously ! _ ”

Despite how my mother-

in- law ‘s face flushed with anger after being scolded by her son , I was n’t going to give in so easily . T

hat ‘s how I asked , turning to Carlos : ” Darling , is it because you want a child thatis mom talking abou

t this ? After all , it ‘ s my fault for failing your family .

Carlos spoke sadly as

soon as I said , “ Honey , what are you talking about ? You are my number one , and Bianca will

be my only child .

I mentally scoffed as I realized he was still treating me like an idiot who did n’t know anything . Because

of this little incident , the two of

us left the ward after a short visit . On the way back , Carlos watched me before _ _open with caution :

“ Honey , my mother is no longer young , so please do n’t take her words to heart . _ _ _ _ ”

I nodded as I said , “ She ‘s your mother , so of course I would n’t take anything she said to heart . _ _

_ ”

Carlos didn’t seem to notice my mockery , as he assumed I was as ignorant as I used to

be . So he talked about how his parents worked hard to raise him in

an attempt to please me , but that only stirred up feelings of sadness within him .me . This sentiment w

as not directed at Carlos ‘s parents , but at my own parents , as I

realized how badly I had treated them after trying so hard to raise me .

Not only did I quarrel with them over a man , but I even swore

to break off relations with them . Throughout my marriage to Carlos , I only contacted my mother when

she needed money , which consisted of a suicide threat if she did n’t . _lend me the money . It was only

then that I realized what a shitty daughter I had been for hurting my parents , despite how they cared f

or me . _ _ _

Seeing my bad mood , Carlos assumed I was still mad at his mother , so he ignored me and offered to

drive me home . _ _ _ However , the

mere sight of him now would make me queasy , so I dismissed him after sayingto him that he

would find Isabel .

But instead of doing that , I moved back to my parents ‘ house for the first time since my marriage . _ M

y mom started crying as soon as she saw me , but my dad wouldn’t let me in so he asked as

he blocked my entrance :“ Who are you ? Didn’t you knock on the wrong door ? ”

“ Dad , I know I made a mistake ! ” I begged for his mercy while sobbing terribly .

However , all I got was a sneer at him before spitting , “ What do you need from us ? _ We have nothin

g , nor

would we give you anything ! I stayed outside for a long time after he closed the door on me . _guy , so

I ended up leaving because he refused to open the door again .

That’s how I went to visit Isabel , who was startled to see that I was

crying . “ Linda , did something happen ? ”

Upon hearing my account of the incident with my parents , she shook her head . “ What happened now

was the cumulative result of years of being apart , Linda . You hurt them so

bad back then , so it’s really understandable that they would take

it.this way . However , they are her parents , so they will find it within themselves to forgive her . _

“ Is

it ? I was n’t so sure about that as the tears fell as I reminisced about our fights when I decided to marr y Carlos , only to realize how horrible I was back then for treating my parents that way because of _ _a

sh * t of a man .

Meanwhile , Isabel patted my hand before saying , “ Linda , you have to calm down , because I have on

e more thing to tell you . _ _ _ _ Promise me you ‘ll stay calm . _ _ _

“ What is it ? ”

“ I sent a detective to investigate Joana ‘s boyfriend and now I have the results . ”

My heart sank as soon as I saw her concerned look , so

I quickly grabbed the documents she held from her , only to be shocked by what I saw in them .

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