Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 128

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Do Not Go North

**Ethan’s POV

My wolf ran over the uneven ground, dodging between the trees and ducking beneath branches lined with thorns longer than my thumb in pursuit of the last of the enemy’s warriors. Our forces had gotten them on their heels, and we were determined to keep them running until we pushed them back completely.

If they kept retreating so quickly, at this rate, the war would be over soon.

I had the taste of dirt and blood in my mouth, along with matted fur and torn muscle, but I didn’t care. I would run all night until I caught another one of these b*stards, and then, I would fill my mouth again, clamping down and ripping until my opponent no longer struggled.

If that was the only way to ensure the opposition withdrew and never returned, then so be it.

In my mind, I heard the voice of one of my commanders saying, They’ve been routed, Alpha, we’ve got them pushed back. They’re in full retreat now!

Keep running!’ I told him and all of my warriors. ‘Don’t give up now. We’ve got them on the retreat, and I’m not about to let up the crushing blow now!

If we could pin them against the shoreline, they would have no place to go, and then, they’d either have to turn and fight us, or we’d be able to take them all prisoner.

Personally, I hoped they’d try to fight so that we could destroy every single last one of them. I was in the mood for more blood. The metallic taste coated my tongue, and as much as it soured my mouth, I hungered for another portion. I wanted to keep fighting until there wasn’t a single one of them left to fight.

But if they surrendered, we would accept them as prisoners We might be wolves, but we weren’t animals, not in that sense of the word. If they lay down on the ground and refused to fight or transformed into humans and raised their hands, we would take them prisoner and return them to the capital in chains to our prisons to be dealt with as criminals. Unlike many of the rogues out here, we weren’t savages.

I hoped that didn’t happen, that they stood and fought, as I wasn’t finished ripping them to pieces-not yet.

Up ahead of me, I saw the tail of the warrior I’d been fighting with earlier. He’d gotten away from me when one of his . friends had come at me from the side. This soldier had gotten away while his rescuer lay back on the ground behind us with his neck at an odd angle, his unblinking eyes staring at the moon.

He wouldn’t be coming to help a second time.

Picking up my speed, I cut to the left and went around a bush, hoping to gain some ground on him. His heart was beating so loudly, I could hear it echoing in his chest even this far behind him.

When he came around the bend, I leaped into the air and hit him in the shoulder, knocking him into a tree, His head hit first, and blood squirted out, spraying up the bark and hitting me in the face. It didn’t bother me at all. He groaned, clearly losing his bearings, and I went for his neck, sinking my teeth in as I went for his jugular. A moment later, I finished him, leaving his limp body lying at the trunk of the tree.

Stepping away, I sniffed the air, wondering if there were any other enemy wolves nearby for me to dispatch.

Not smelling any, I contacted my commander via mindlink, ‘What’s the status now?’

We’ve started rounding up prisoners,’ he told me. ‘A few of the warriors managed to escape, but most of them surrendered.’

‘Good,’I said. “Send some of our best trackers after those that got away.’I wanted every single one of Soren’s warriors who had gone against the king to pay.

We had taken over the territory Kal’s army had controlled. It was under my power now. Soon, I’d be able to chase them out of our land.

Rosalie and my baby should still be back on the islands, and they should stay there. At least I knew they were not bothered by the unpleasant chaos caused by the war.

However, in the last day or so, I had felt a shift.

At first, somehow, I felt she was closer.

I had known for certain that it was my child who was pulling me.

Did she come back to the East continent? She had to have figured out at this point that Soren was not who she thought he was, right? So did my, Rosalie finally decide to return to me?

Then… I could follow the pull I was still feeling and attempt to find Rosalie and my baby again.

Once I had her in my grasp, I could go about proving to her that Soren had lied to her, that he had tricked her, that I truly did love her.

When she heard about what I had done with Madalynn, then she would know for certain how much I meant what I was saying.

I wanted to go to her so badly, like a magnet that had no choice but to find its other half.

But I couldn’t. I had to take care of the prisoners and secure the territory I’d just gained until some of James’s, commanders could take over.

Also, if it was true that Rosalie was back on the mainland, I could comb every square inch of it in search of my family as soon as I chased the enemies out. I had time.

However, just now, the pull faded again.

Something happened-that she had somehow managed to slip away from me… again.

I didn’t understand, though, why she was running from me! Did she still think that she couldn’t trust me either?

Even thinking about the possibility that I had been close to her and let her slip away from me again made me sick to my stomach. Although it was still there, it wasn’t as strong as it had been when I was close to their location.

‘Sir… Richard said in the mindlink, interrupting my thoughts.

By now, we were in the process of moving the prisoners back and were all in our human forms, slightly cleaned up from the battle. At least, I didn’t have blood or mangled fur in my mouth anymore.

“What is it, Richard?’ I asked him.

He cleared his throat, obviously apprehensive about whatever it was he needed to say. ‘I just got word of two women and a baby spotted traveling together. They were spotted the day before yesterday by a villager. The only reason he reported it at all was that he was worried she might be running into the enemy troops that just fled, the ones we are pursuing.

My pulse quickened at the thought. ‘Send more of our troops to make sure that they are apprehended before anyone can hurt them,’ I told him.

‘Yes, sir,” he said.

‘Does that mean she’s traveling north? I surmised from his description.

Richard affirmed my suspicions. “That’s right. They were headed north, and he said they were acting a bit suspicious,

like they were in a hurry and didn’t want anyone to notice them.’


Was this a coincidence? Georgia found out about the secret of Rosalie’s bloodline from the North, and now Rosalie herself was going north? Did Rosalie somehow know about her own secret? Was she headed to the same place where Georgia currently was staying?

If so, both Rosalie and my baby would be in even more danger than she currently was from the warriors. The rogues that were running rampant all over the place throughout the north were extremely dangerous, and Rosalie didn’t have her wolf to protect her.

The idea of her doing this on her own, or only with the help of some woman I didn’t know, made me extremely unsettled. Regardless of how she felt about me, I needed to find her as soon as possible and make her understand that what she was doing wasn’t safe.

Resolved that I knew exactly what we needed to do, I went to find Richard, who was with Samuel and a group of others.

“I am going to head north,” I told him. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Samuel hadn’t been told about Rosalie’s news yet. He arched an eyebrow. “We are, sir?”

“No, you are not. Richard, you gather five more guys to go with me.”

Fturned to Samuel, “You finish moving the prisoners back to the capital, but the rest of our men are going to continue to clear the enemy out of the territory.”

I could tell that Samuel was a bit confused, but he could only say, “Yes… Alpha.”

“Samuel, get the warriors ready. Make sure everyone sleeps well and gets something to eat. And if you don’t have enough food… break into Soren’s supply train. I’m sure there’s plenty there.”

That brought smiles to both Richard and Samuel’s faces. Samuel responded, “Yes, Alpha! We can most certainly do that. Commander Adler has also arrived. Don’t worry about us.”

I nodded to Samuel. Then I looked at Richard, and rushed over to a military truck without wasting any more time. Richard appointed five more men, and they all jumped into the truck with me immediately. My men were used to executing all of my orders without question, without delay.

I only needed a couple of days; she wasn’t far.

I had no idea why Rosalie had decided to leave Soren or why she thought she could make this dangerous journey on – her own, but I did know that I needed to find her. With the pull of my child as my guide, I knew she wasn’t far and I felt assured that I would find her.

As I cranked up the engine of the vehicle and shifted into gear, Gayla’s words echoed in my mind.

“Do not proceed down your chosen path, Alpha Ethan Gray. Do not go north.”

But it didn’t matter.

Whether I believed what the seer was telling me or not, I wasn’t going to be altering my plans. I had a mission to fulfill. If that meant going north, then that’s where I would be headed.

I would do whatever it took to get to the woman that I loved and the baby I longed to meet.

And nothing was going to stop me.

Chapter 129 Someone Was Looking For You

**Rosalie’s POV

The crisp morning air brushed gently against my skin.

As we moved north, I could feel the temperature had dropped along the way. The plants in view also changed from tropical trees to pines.

Our destination, the northern territory.

I wasn’t sure where we were on our journey, but Seraphine was confident.

I didn’t know whether it was wise to trust Seraphine again. At least, among Ethan, Soren, and Seraphine, she was the only one who came forward proactively and told me the truth.

The brothers, on the other hand, neither of them had been completely truthful with me to this day.

Seraphine seemed to know the directions clearly, however, going in the right direction wasn’t our biggest concern.

“You’re positive that this is going to be safe?* The question was one I had asked multiple times, and with a sigh, she turned to look at me.

“It will be dangerous, but we are near a turnoff ” Seraphine looked me in the eyes. “Would you like me to hold the baby?”

I shook my head. At least the little one seemed to be excited about the journey. His bright blue eyes seemed to be amazed by the scenery along the way. Just looking at him gave me strength.

Seraphine sighed, “Once we reach the small town, you and the babe can rest for the night.”

Rest sounded amazing in the moment, and as my eyes gazed down at the baby at my chest. I couldn’t help but smile. Never had I felt such love until the day he was born. It wasn’t earned, but unconditional.

The love between mother and child was like nothing I could have ever dreamed of.

“This way…” Seraphine replied softly as we trudged closer towards a broken down wooden bridge in the distance.

I glanced around at the area. Crossing the bridge would leave us out in view of anyone who was nearby

“Unfortunately, it’s not the safest to expose ourselves, but we have to cross the bridge.” Her eyes gazed out from our hidden spot to the road, looking around for any sign of trouble. “We’ve come this far. Hopefully, that means we’ve lost Soren’s men. The only thing I would be concerned with is rogues, but even then they come out more at night.”

I nodded my head.

“Quickly, we must go,” Seraphine urged, as she moved from the shadows of the brush to the open road to cross the bridge. My feet followed quickly behind hers.

As we stepped onto the wooden bridge, I heard the squeaky sound of the boards accompanying our steps. I prayed to the moon goddess that no one was around to hear the noise. However, things sometimes just wouldn’t go as well as hoped.

“Seraphine-” I whispered, listening to the distant voices of men. “Someone’s coming.” ;

Running towards the tree line, we made cover in the shadows, listening and waiting to see who it was that was coming. With the war on approach, there were warriors everywhere, and on top of those

warriors were the rogues.

The rogues were said to be vicious and unforgiving in their venture to wreak havoc in the north.

“Stay here.” Seraphine whispered. “I’ll see if I can get a better view of what we are dealing with.”

Nodding my head, I watched her figure move through the bushes, and before long, I watched her back stiffen, and then she turned around to face me.

We have to find a way out…. It’s Soren’s men,” she whispered.

My heart felt as if it dropped into my stomach upon hearing Seraphine’s words.

I thought we had escaped, but Soren was more persistent than we expected. Why wouldn’t he just let me go?

Seraphine thought over the situation for a moment and said firmly, “I will lead them away.”

“No, you can’t…”I gasped. “If they catch you-”

“They won’t. You must trust an old lady to know what she is doing.”

Hesitation filled me while I was thinking over her plan. She patted my hand and assured me, “I promise, I know them way better than they think. I’ll be fine.”

“Be careful then.” I knew I had to agree and trust Seraphine. All the way here, she’d proven she was more capable than | had thought. I remembered Seraphine told me that she traveled a lot, and it seemed that she had a lot of experiences blending herself into crowds and disappearing from the eyes that were searching for her.

“When and where should I meet up with you then?” I asked.

A kind, soft smile passed over her face as she reached up and lightly patted the side of my cheek. “I won’t be gone long. Go up the road and take the right fork. I will lead Soren’s men down to the left. Go to the inn, and I will find you there.”

I nodded to show that I understood. “Okay, Seraphine. Please, please be careful, and I’ll see you at the inn.” After all, 1 still saw her as a friend, and I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to her.

However, before she took off, she added, “If I don’t return to you by tomorrow morning, then I want you to follow every direction I have written on this piece of paper for you. Someone else can take you the rest of the way. You would just have to get to that village.”.

I didn’t like the way she said it. It felt like this was goodbye. shook my head, “No, I’d rather wait for you.”

“Listen to me. Even if I am late, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they got me. I may just need a little more time to get rid of them. But you shouldn’t wait there because they can catch up quickly. Trust me, I’ll be fine.”

Finally, I reluctantly agreed to let her do what she needed to do.

My hands wrapped around my baby, protecting him from the unforeseeable danger that was lurking nearby.

“Be safe, Seraphine.”

“Oh, dear. Don’t you worry about me,” she chuckled. “I have been doing this since long before you were born.”

As the words left her mouth, I watched as she took off through the foliage and made her way up the road and down the left path. The men passed my hidden position without even a glance in my direction,

A heavy sigh left my mouth as I realized that I had gone unnoticed.

I rocked my boy a couple more times and watched him start to doze off. I whispered as my lips kissed his tiny forehead, “Let’s get you somewhere safe.”

After taking another moment, I pushed from my hiding place. I moved along the tree line and tried to hide my tracks as much as I could. Finally, when a distant village came into view, I let out a breath of relief.

I moved quicker towards the village seeking the inn that Seraphine had told me about. It was a tall building with thatched roofing and white walls.

The inn was busy, which was good. My arrival didn’t draw much attention. With the amount of guests that stayed here,

# was easier for me to blend in.

The friendly staff didn’t even ask me any questions. The moment the woman behind the counter saw me, she showed me the way to my room, as if she was expecting me.

The room wasn’t lavish, but it was safe and comforting for me and the baby. There was even a crib. I was amazed by how thoroughly Seraphine had arranged everything.

“Thank you for showing me the room!” I handed a tip to the staff member.

“Oh, that’s so kind of you. Thank you for your generosity, miss!” She was grateful.

It wasn’t easy to continue running in a place like this during war time. The inn helped numerous people, including me, and they deserved to be appreciated.

After the door behind me clicked, I felt a sense of security. Placing down the bag on the chair, I dragged my sweet boy from my chest, and laid him in the crib. My boy was fast asleep with his tiny body swaddled. I decided to take a nice warm shower while he was asleep. After a couple of long days on the run, it felt good to be clean.

When I came out from the shower, it was as if the baby knew I was ready for him. The little peanut was also awake. Therefore, he was treated with a fun bubble bath before his meal.

It was getting dark outside, and I was finally able to put him back into the crib after I saw a yawn from him. Then I laid down on the bed, watching his sweet face..

He was the picture of perfection. Everything I did, I did for him. To give him the life he deserved. I wanted him to have a normal and peaceful life, but day after day, I realized that normal might not be what he was born for. There would always be someone who wanted him, or someone who wanted to use him.

The only thing I could do as his mother was to protect him, love him, and raise him to be a good man.

Finally, I drifted off to sleep, preparing myself for the next day to come.

I was woken up by a soft knock at my door.

Seraphine was here!

I rushed to open the door but was disappointed to find that it wasn’t Seraphine. It was the staff member from earlier.

“Miss,’ she whispered, “I was sent here to warn you.”

I felt a knot in my stomach. Immediately, my sleepiness dissipated, and I was wide awake. “What happened?” I asked.

*Someone was looking for you. They’ve entered the village, and it won’t take long for them to get here.”

My heart leaped from my chest.

Were those Soren’s men? If so, what happened to Seraphine?!

“What’s the fastest way for me to get out of the village?” I asked firmly as I strode over to my son and placed him back into the harness on my chest. I grabbed the backpack and slung it back onto my shoulders.

*To the east miss Here’s the map,

Not wasting another moment i made my escape again. I looked out of the window, and from a distance, I saw a truck at the end of the road

I knew that whoever that was that had come after us, they came for my son. I was just a breeder, a nobody. However, my Intle boy, he was the future of this kingdom, the hidden prospective ruter who could change the fate of this country #the wanted to

But I would never allow anyone to take advantage of hum I’d do anything to protect him.

“This way, miss. Follow me! There’s a cottage in the woods you could use before the night ends.” She led the way, and I followed immediately.

No time to think more. They were almost here.

I had to go. Now!

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