Sold to my crush

My reality

Lily’s POV

I felt the rays of the sun on my face but I refused to acknowledge it. I was having the most beautiful dream ever and I didn’t want to wake up. In this dream Alex cherished and adored me. He loved me so much and never failed to show me. Things were going well between us and I would be damned to wake up from such a dream.

Soon enough I no longer felt the rays of the sun. It was as though something had blocked it. I didn’t want to think much about it. I did not care so long as I got to stay in bed longer.

I snuggled more into my pillow but my dreams were caught short as I started feeling feather like kisses all over my face. I giggled as I tried to shoo away whatever it was that was tickling me.

“Get up princess”. I heard the most alluring voice whispering into my neck. I stretched and groaned as my eyes fluttered open to see Alex peering down at me.

He removed some strands of hair that covered my face and planted a kiss on my forehead. Right then and then I knew it wasn’t a dream . It was a fucking reality and I wanted to live in it.

“I brought you something”. He said with a charming smile with his very deep husk voice that made me rub my thighs together to ease the pressure. I was a wreck for this man.

He helped me up as I couldn’t do so on my own. My whole body was sore and I didn’t even have the energy to resist his help. I looked around to find a tray of food filled with all the yummy things I could never resist.

My eyes widened as I looked at the tray eagerly, wondering where I would begin with. “It’s all for you princess”. He said with a chuckle. He must have noticed the excitement in my eyes so I turned away as I tried to hide my face that was red with embarrassment.

“Here, drink this first.” He grabbed my chin and turned it towards him again as a cup of coffee was brought forward to my face.

Immediately the whiff of the scent of coffee hit my nose, my nose scrunched up in disgust. Alex eyed my face in confusion, even I was confused.

I had a weird feeling in my stomach and soon enough I sprang into the bathroom with Alex hot on my heels. I thankfully got there soon enough to empty the contents of my stomach in the toilet.

I was bent over brawling my guts repeatedly while Alex held my hair and rubbed my back softly.

I wondered why he was doing this. Wasn’t he disgusted?. Not that I could ask him anyway cause I was too embarrassed to even face him, not to talk of asking him. I dreaded his answer.

“Are you okay my love?”. He asked softly as he continued rubbing my back.

I stood up from where I was bent to the floor, flushed the toilet and walked to the sink. I rinsed my sour mouth and picked up my toothbrush.

Alex silently followed my around before settling by the door, with his eyes watching me like a hawk.

I brushed my teeth and washed my mouth to get rid of the awful taste.

“I’m fine”. I finally responded to Alex when I was sure I didn’t have a horse’s breath.

“It doesn’t look like it.” He argued back. His eyes ran all over my body with worry as he continued rubbing my back softly.

“I’m serious, I’m sure it’s just because I didn’t like the smell of something, I guess”. I said as I tired to convince him to let it go.

But Alex was adamant as he pressed on. “Of course”. He rolled his eyes. “Since when did you not like the smell of coffee?. You work at a cafe and the smell of coffee is certainly what you inhale every time.!!” He sighed exasperated.

“Yeah but I …”

I pushed him slightly aside as I tried to walk past him further into the room when a wave of dizziness hit me.

“Hey, hey, hey, take it easy”. Alex said as he sprinted towards me and caught me before my body hit the ground.

He carried my up in bridal style and took me to the bed. He laid me gently before turning to put the food tray away.

“I’m just going to give Dr. Jones a call right now. Don’t move from this place.” Alex ordered before pulling out his phone and walking briskly to the balcony.

I couldn’t hear the full content of his conversation with Dr. Jones but I knew for a fact she was coming to check me up.

I couldn’t entirely agree with Alex but I knew i wasn’t feeling so good and we needed to know why and treat it immediately so I can get back to work as soon as possible and be able to Inhale and drink my sweet coffee.

This was insane though!. When did I suddenly generate an allergy for coffee, and was it possible to just wake up one day with an allergy to coffee of all things.

“She’ll be here soon”. Alex said as he walked back into the room.

I responded with a small nod before adjusting myself on the bed.

“Have these”. Alex had picked up fruits from the tray and passed them to me.

I looked at them skeptically before taking the plate of fruits from him.

“I had just googled things you could eat if you’re throwing up and don’t know what to eat that won’t upset your stomach anymore . I saw that these fruits were okay to eat.” He said when he noticed my hesitance to have them.

My heart melted as I realized what he had just said. That was so thoughtful of him. It was literally all these small gestures that made me love him even more every day and the way he said it so casually like it was nothing.

Alex watched intently as I brought the fruits to my mouth. He continued watching me as I ate a few of them and when he was sure that I wasn’t going to throw up again he finally looked away for a minute.

I continued eating the fruits even though I knew that it wasn’t what I wanted now. Odly, I was craving pancakes and ice cream which was weird for me crave for even at this time of the day but I knew that it was what I wanted. I just needed to get checked then I would ask Alex for it later.

As if on cue there was a brief knock on the door. Alex stood up immediately and walked briskly to the door.

“Dr Jones”. He greeted her with a firm nod.

“Alex”. She greeted back as Alex widened the door for her to walk through.

She was dressed in a purple pencil skirt and a lilac shirt that was neatly tucked into the skirt. On her feet were small pink heels and her hair was pulled to a ponytail . She looked clean and fresh and if I was a man I would think she didn’t have make up on.

She was carrying a bag which looked like it had her tools inside and when she got closer to the bed she flashed me a warm smile. “Hey Lily darling, how are you doing today?”. She asked warmly.

“I’m fine”. I replied as she brought a stool and sat closer to the bed.

“No, she isn’t”. Alex barked out. Startling the both of us. “She has been throwing up, feeling dizzy, almost collapsed and suddenly has an allergy to Coffee. So no Doctor she isn’t fine”. He finished while giving me a stink eye.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at his attitude. I mean I would have eventually gotten to those parts. He didn’t have to say it like that but oh well, there goes Alex.

“I see”. Dr. Jones said with a chuckle while looking back and forth between us. “Judging from these symptoms, I can say it’s nothing to worry about because it is…”

“Nothing to worry about, it ..!” Alex had sprang up and cut her short.

“Would you let me finish Alex!!”. Dr. Jones barked out. Alex sat down again and gestured for her to continue with a nod.

Dr. Jones sighed exasperated “I wonder how you cope with him”. She whispered to me but I guess she was still loud enough as Alex heard. He just glared at her.

“Have you urinated this morning?”. She asked as she brought out some things from her bag.

“No”. I responded shyly. I wasn’t expecting such questions from her. But now that she mentioned it, I realized that my bladder has been so full and it felt like the whole of Florida was pressing on it.

“Alright that’s good”. She smiled. ” but before anything, when was your last period?”. She asked again.

My heart sank immediately. It began beating so loud and it felt like it was about to explode. It couldn’t be what I was thinking. I can’t even remember the last time I got my period. How could I be so careless about it. Fuck!!!

“I can’t remember.” I finally summoned the courage to answer as both Alex and Dr. Jones had been waiting me to respond. The silence was long overdue.

“Oh alright then. It is nothing to worry about then.” She said with a smile.

I was looking straight at Dr. Jones, purposely avoiding Alex’s stares. I didn’t want to know what he was thinking.

“Take these”, Dr. Jones passed me three sticks. “Go pee on them”.

“What are these ?”. I asked examining them skeptically.

“Pregnancy test strips darling”. She said with way to much enthusiasm for my liking. I finally turned towards Alex whose eyes had brightened up but he still reminded silent.

“Why am I taking three then?”. I asked confused.

“For more accuracy.” She responded with a smile.

“But why am I taking a test. It is irrelevant.” I pressed. I just hoped that everything that was going on was a prank and they would just bring out the cameras already cause this can’t be my reality.

“Darling just take them. If it turns that you’re not then it’s fine then we can look at other possibly reasons for the way you’re feeling”. She explained calmly.

“But i …”

“Just take the test princess”. Alex finally chimed in.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

He stood up from the bed, went around to were I was and gently help me up. I didn’t protest. I simply let him lead me to the bathroom with the test strips.

“Thank you, you can leave now”. I said to Alex when we were already in the bathroom and he didn’t look like he was about to leave.

“But you..”

“Please”. I pressed. I don’t think I would be able to pee on these sticks with those piercing Grey eyes watching me.

“Alright.” He sighed and walked out.

I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this. I took out the sticks and peed on them. After which I kept them on the sink, washed my hands and quietly went out of the bathroom.

“So”. Alex rushed towards me and helped me to the bed, not like i had any trouble walking but I liked it anyways.

“We would have to wait it out for like five minutes to get the result”. Dr. Jones explained.

I believe that this was even worse that waiting on your name to be called on the register in class. A whole five fucking minutes. That felt like a century if you ask me.

I was nervous as hell and so was Alex. Although he did a great job in hiding it but I knew regardless. He kept rubbing my thighs and asking me absurd questions every now and then. But I just answered just so we could think of something else other than that test but that attempt was futile.

“Alright, that’s it”. Dr. Jones, suddenly broke the silence as she walked into the toilet to get the result.

Alex and I stood up but made no move to follow her in. I was visibly shaking and so was Alex. Neither of us tried to hide our nervousness at this point. My palms were sweaty and my stomach churned.

Dr. Jones finally came out after an hour but infact was mere seconds. She had the test strips in her hand as she looked at it closely before raising her head to look at us.

I tried to get something from her expression but I couldn’t. She looked neutral, maybe based on her experience as she had done this countless times. Giving parents or people good news or bad news.

“What does it say?”. Alex asked as it seemed his patience had worn out.

She walked towards me and held my hands. “Lily darling, I’m sorry but it was just a false alarm. The test is negative”.

“What do you mean the test is negative?”. Alex asked in a horse voice.

“She’s not pregnant”. Dr. Jones said.

Well I guess this was my fucking reality.

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