Sold to my crush


Lily’s POV

His face fell to the side and more blood gushed out of his nose and mouth. I was sure that he was in a lot of pain and that chuckle was more of a mask but I’d be crazy to be fooled.

I observed his features and i was certain he was not having a good time here.

I wondered how long Alex had kept him here and all the gruesome things that must have been done to him, judging from his battered face.

I continued staring at him, scrutinizing his face, as I tried to decipher what exactly I was feeling. Did the sight of his suffering give me contentment?. Or Was i feeling pity for him?.

Did he really deserve this?.

I was no longer confused as to what I was feeling as soon as Chase opened his wide mouth to talk trash. “Miss me princess?”. He said cockily as he raised his head up to meet my eyes.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

His eyes twinkled with hatred with a sprinkle of mocking lust as he ogled at me. “I’m sure you came to have a taste of me because your darling husband could never satisfy you.” He chuckled.

Alex wasted no time to react and was about to pounce on him again when I grabbed his arm to stop him.

It would be pointless if I came all the way here to watch quietly and let Alex fight for me all the time.

I came here to confront my past, to get answers and that would certainly not happen if I just stayed quiet with my eyes burning with hot tears that were threatening to fall.

Alex stopped and questioned my actions with his eyes. I reassured him that everything was okay and after a while of talking back and forth with our eyes, he took a seat back with a fuss.

I took a stool and pulled it closer to Chase. I sat down on it so I was directly in front of him. “Ah, I knew you would always come back to me.” Chase said with a smug smile playing on his face.

I shuddered in disgust as I struggled to look at his face. “Why did you do it Chase?”. I asked in a shaky breath.

“Do what ?.” He rolled his eyes as he spoke in an exasperated tone.

The audacity of this man!!. Amongst us who should have the liberty to speak and act that way.

“You know what Chase. Why did you do it to me!!.” I spoke more loudly his time.

He chuckled again as if this some was some entertainment show. “Why I fucked your tight little pussy Mm?. You know why darling. I did it cause you wanted me to, why are you trying to pretend in front of your lil husband.”

“I wanted it?!!”. I asked in utter confusion. “What gave you that impression. I always pleaded with you to stop but you never did”. I said in a shaky voice as those memories flashed before my eyes.

“Yeah of course you wanted it, why else would you always come into my room then huh?”. He titled his head to the side.

“You must be out of your fucking mind!!.” I screamed at him. “You are my brother, I always came to you to talk to you and share my feelings. How did any of that result to such a conclusion.”

“Don’t be pretentious. You know

very well how badly wanted me. You belong me and you confessed it yourself.”

“I never wanted you and I never will and I don’t fucking belong to you!!!”.

“Shut the fuck up. You did want me, that’s why you seduced me. How could I resist you when you had that ass jiggling in my face every now and then.” He said cockily.

Before I could respond or react in any way, Alex had punched Chase in the jaw. The impact was so great as to push Chase and his chair to the ground.

“I have let you for so long now. Say one more filth about my wife and I would end you this instant.” Alex roared out.

I rushed to Alex and held him back. “Alex please”. I cried out.

“I can’t just sit back and let him talk to you that way.” Alex spoke softly while rubbing my cheek.

“I know but just give me minute with him. Don’t do anything yet”. I spoke seriously as I held his face and planted a kiss on his cheek.

We stared at each other for a while before he turned to Pablo. “Get him up”.

Pablo picked up a groaning Chase from the ground with his chair. He tied Chase back firmly to the chair before moving back to stand by the side of the room.

“From everything you have said, I can only draw the conclusion that you’re sick in the head and you need help.” I spoke softly or maybe way too softly. Perhaps I spoke that way to be able to keep my tears at bay.

He coughed out some blood and before turning to face me. “Forget about all that now princess and untie me”. Chase commanded with a sinister chuckle. “I forgive you for this. Just untie me and we can get back to what we had.” He looked so established, like he was certain I would never disobey him and would willingly untie him and go with him.

My pride was hurt. Was it the kind of energy I gave off ?. Did I even look so naive and vulnerable ?. That shit pissed me off for real though.

I sat up straight, squared my shoulders and held my head high. I was done playing games with him. “Now, listen to me I’m going to be asking you a question and you need to provide the answer for your own benefit.”

He sized me up and down before breaking into a fit of laugh like I had just made the funniest joke he had ever heard.

I would never blame him for having such a reaction. The person I was before now would also laugh in my face but I did not care.

I turned to my side to see Alex’s fuming gaze. He watched Chase with so much intensity as though he was thinking of ways to make him suffer. His fists were clenched tightly and his jaws locked.

I looked towards Pablo and Mitch who had been watching quietly. They had the same expression as Alex on their faces.

I turned towards Chase again and summoned up the most fierce face I could ever come up with. “Why did you do that to me?”.

He eyes me up again and spoke so casually like I was a bore and he needed to get rid of me.

“Because I could and you’re my bitch. How many times do I have to spell it out to you so …”.

“Fuck!!!.” Chase cried out. “You fucking hit me, you bit…”

“Arghhh”. Chase grunted out in pain again.

“Call me ugly names one more time. I dare you.”. I had given him a resounding slap that had shocked everyone in the room and boy did that feel good. I had been dying to do that. Now my soul can Rest In Peace.

He continued grunting in pain and too bad for him, his hands were tied to the chair so he couldn’t even do anything to soothe the pain. Poor guy.

“So tell me why you took my innocence and abused me for that long. What did I ever do to deserve that!!”. I screamed at him.

“Because I fucking hate you!!”. He screamed back at me.

“But I’m your sister. I’m your own blood. Why would you hate me that much. Huh? What have I ever done. I’ve been nothing but good to you”.

“Why do you think I hate you huh?, why do you think I never thought twice before fucking you. Were you the only ‘sister’ I had. You were not that good in bed so that flatter yourself”. He tsked.

All these are questions that have kept me up numerous times. Why me?. Why did it have to be me?.

“Why did you do it Chase?. Why do you hate me so much?!!”.

“Because you’re not my fucking sister!!!”. Chase screamed at me.

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