Sold to my crush

Your new home

Alexander’s POV

“How long do you think Pablo will be?” Mitch asked as he took another long swing of his drink.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time. I squinted as the bright light hit my eyes since they had adjusted to the dim light in the room. “It’s only 6pm, he said he was grabbing him around five, so they should be here soon”.

I check my phone to make sure I had no messages from Lily. I’ve been too scared to let my phone out of my sight all day because I was worried I would miss anything from her.

She better be at home or I swear to god.

I quickly sent her a text, feeling like a whiny girlfriend when I do.

Why hasn’t she texted or called me yet?


sent 6pm

Are you at home princess?.

You’ve been really quiet baby.

I really don’t know why I’m acting like this. I feel like a fucking sixteen year old.

I still can’t believe we had sex!.

God she was exceptional. I wanted her every time of the day. She doesn’t even know it yet but she has me wrapped around her fingers. I would literally do anything she wants.

My phone vibrated, grabbing my attention and I smiled.


Received 6pm:

No, not yet, give me a couple more hours though. When will you be back?.


sent 6. 01pm:

I hope you’re not overworking yourself. I won’t be back for a few hours.


Received 6. 01pm:

No, I’m not.


Sent 6. 02pm:

Good girl. Behave yourself.


Received 6. 02pm:

I always do.

I know my sweet girl, I know you always do. That’s why I’m so obsessed with you.

I shoved my phone into my back pocket and rolled up the sleeves of my white dress shirt to get more comfortable in my seat.

I still did not know what is going on with me when it comes to her. I had to google it, I was literally googling my symptoms like i had a brain turmoil. It turned out to be just feelings.

“Hey Alex”. Some woman cooed as she walked over to me. She was one of the workers that hanged around to entertain the men whenever we were gathered. They all gave their consent to be here for the record. Fucked if I even remembered her name.

I ignored her as she perched herself on my lap and flattened her hands against my chest as she ran them down. “Wanna go somewhere and have some fun before they get here?”.

I reached over and grabbed the gun on the table next to me. I held it up and pointed it at her as I cocked it with a blank expression. “You have two seconds to get the fuck off me!.”

Her face paled before she scampered off my lap like her ass was on fire and nearly tripped over her feet as she practically ran in her heels to stand somewhere else.

Mitch looked at me with a raised suspicious brow from the seat next to me. “What’s been up with you?”.

I glanced sideways at him as I placed the gun back down and picked up my glass of whiskey instead. “What?”. I asked coldly.

He turned on the chair slightly and rested his arm on the arm of the chair with the same look. “You’ve been acting weird for a while now. You usually can’t get women off you and now you’re pointing guns at them to get them a way from you, I haven’t seen you with one in almost a month.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “What’s it to you”. I asked eyeing him up.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

He gave me a smug look. “What’s her name?”

My jaw ticked as I took a large gulp from my drink as I refused to look at him. “Who?”.

“The one that had you smiling at your phone like a school girl five minutes ago.” He grinned and raised his brows at me.

I turned my face to him with a black expression. “I will shoot you if you don’t shut the fuck up.”

He bit back a laugh and raised his hands up in surrender. “Calm down, Christ she must be something if she had got you threatening your employees at gun point.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said as I gave him a warning glare as I finished my drink.

“Of course you don’t”. He nodded his head towards the woman that I may or may not have threatened few minutes ago who just stared at me with a nervous look.

“Well now they all know not to try and fuck with their boss”. I said flatly as I twirled the glass around in my fingers.

“Yeah because it’s not like you had not fucked the rest of them anyway”. He deadpanned. He brought his drink to his lips and glanced sideways at me before he took a drink.

“Go get another face tattoo asshole.” I threw back at him as I rubbed my face down with my hands. I had become irritated with the conversation.

I did not need this shit right now. I have more important things to worry about and I don’t need anyone to stick their nose in my personal life.

Especially people I know.

There was a long silence and I pulled my phone back out. I opened my messages and stewed over whether to text Lily again. I couldn’t help but think about her and what she was doing.

Fuck what the hell is wrong with me.


sent 6. 35pm

Are you home now?. Make sure you get something to eat.


Received 6. 36pm

Yeah, I got home not too long ago. I’m definitely pregnant with a food baby now judging from the amount of food I had.


sent 6. 36pm

You’re definitely pregnant with my baby.


Received 6:37pm

maybe 🙁

I bit down on my lip as the corners of them pull up.

She’s an asshole, an adorable asshole, but it was one of my favorite things about her. Her ability to make me laugh. She made me laugh, most of the time it’s at her but sometimes it is with her too.

“Oh my God, I’ve got it”. Mitch screamed and turned to face me. “It’s Lily right”. He stared at me wide eyed.

“Shut the hell up!”. I barked out.


He paused when I snatched the gun next to me and pointed it at him with my jaw clenched. “Keep going I dare you”.

He made a sign as if zipping his lips with a smug grin on his face that I desperately wanted to shoot off his face.

I heard the front door click open and immediately I squared my shoulders and held on to my gun tightly.

Mitch relaxed back into his chair as he watched the large built like a brick house Pablo, drag a crying man through the door with a cloth bag over his head.

I leant forward with my elbows on my knees as I watched Steve pull the man towards us and I listened to the man wail and beg as he got closer.

I could hear the man’s muffled sobbing underneath the bag, it was obvious that Pablo gagged him. Good ol’Pablo.

“Tie his hands to the chair, I don’t want him trying to run off and I have to shoot him before we even get started.” I said calmly as I gestured towards the cry baby in front of him.

Pablo pulled some zip ties from his back pocket and secured them around the man’s trembling wrists and the arms of the chair.

I gave him a nod of approval and leaned back in my seat. “Alright take the hood off”.

“You want a smoke and some fucking diapers too?”. Pablo said sarcastically while raising his brows.

“You know what?, I have had enough attitude from both of you, I don’t have to put up with this shit from anyone else”. I snapped.

“Sheesh, what’s up his ass today?”. Pablo said while looking at Mitch and pointed his middle finger towards me.

Mitch shrugged and ran his fingers through his short slick hair. “He has got it bad for some girl”.

Pablo pulled his hair back. His bald head reflected even in the dark lights as he looked surprised at me.

I growled in the back of my throat and grabbed the gun for what feels like the hundredth time. I cocked it and shot it at the ground next to Mitch’s feet.

As soon as the gun shot echoed, some of the women around squealed as well as the man tied to the chair, if anything, i think he squealed louder. The women were mostly used to it by now in this place.

Mitch did not even flinch, he just glared at me. “For fucks sake Dankworth, these are new shoes.”

I tilted my head and pointed the gun back at him. “Keep going and next bullet goes in your dick”.

He huffed and folded his arms over his chest as he sulked back into his chair.

I waved my hand towards the man in the chair with the gun in my hand. “Just take that hood off so we can get started, i don’t want to get home too late.

Pablo gave me another strange look but shrugged it off as he grabbed the cotton bag on the man’s head and ripped it off. He placed his hands on either side of the man’s face to force him to look in my direction.

The man blinked rapidly and sniffed continuously as his body shook. He tried to focus his eyes in the dark lightening but as soon as he does and he saw me, his eyes widened in terror and he started screaming into the gag that was tied around his mouth.

I bring the barrel of the gun to his lips and pressed it to them to hush him. “Shhhhh”.

When he saw the gun he fell dead silent and his chest heaved rapidly.

He looked like he was about to piss himself.

I rested my hands on my knees, while the other hand held onto the gun as I smiled at him.

“Nice to see you again Chase”.

His brows furrowed in confusion as he stared at me and looked around the place with the same bewildered eyes.

“Welcome to your new home”. I said with a sinister chuckle.

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