Sold to the mafia boss


Layla’s P. O. V.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I woke up the following morning to a hurting bone again. After watching Logan walk out of my room last night while pretending to sleep, every nerve in my body telling me to stop him, I hadn’t stopped thinking about him until sleep took over me.

There was something about him standing over me last night, watching me and touching my face. It had been a really great feeling having his warm hands against my cheek and shamefully I’d wanted more. I’d been tempted to stand up and yank him into bed with me. When he left I suddenly wanted him by my side.

I hated myself as I pulled the duvet off my body for wanting him in that kind of way. For even wanting to see him around me. But I was fast growing more used to him than I ever expected.

I rubbed my eyes brutally and tried to sit up, a foreign voice spooking me into position.

“Don’t rub your beautiful eyes off, love ”

I quickly looked to the side to find Logan seated on the lounge chair where I always sat reading a book, a leg crossed over the other, a magazine on his hands as if he’d been reading it before I woke up, a long, amused and flirtatious smile on his lips as he watched the open magazine in his hands.

He slowly looks up at me, his seemingly deep chocolate eyes holding mine in a mesmerizing way. For a second there I was trying to find myself in them, until his deep, morning voice once again brought me back.

” Did you have a nice sleep love? “He says to me.

” You should know, you practically watched me sleep the whole night ” I replied pointedly.

In one swift movement, he’s dropping the magazine and leaning over me on the bed, his face merely a few inches from mine. Surprisingly I don’t even look away.

” It was very tempting love, ” he said, his eyes searching mine for unspoken truths ” but I did enjoy watching you the short time I did. I was going to jump into bed with you if you didn’t wake up the moment you did”

Blood rushed to my face. His eyes danced with pure amusement and his lips twitched flirtatiously. My mind raced a mile at the thought of his body pressed up against mine. The last time I’d woken up with him next to me, I’d flinched. But right now I didn’t trust myself not to push myself into him and want even more than him just laying up behind me.

Regaining myself, I moved back and tried to sit up properly.

” I’ll leave you to get dressed, love. We’re eating at the greenhouse ” he said and gave me a last smile before walking out.

Greenhouse? He had a greenhouse here? My stomach fluttered at the change of events. It would actually be nice to actually eat somewhere other than my room and that awfully large kitchen. Last night had been a disaster and if not anything I was glad Logan seems to have put that scenario behind us.

After showering, I changed into a dress I picked out to fit the scenary. It was a long satin gown with long hooping sleeves that swallowed all my arms safe for my slim fingers. I wore nude heels and made my hair french braids down my back.

I walked out to find Logan waiting at the stairs end. He looked impressed by the effort I’d put into looking beautiful in that dress and I couldn’t help question myself about why I’d actually dressed up so nice too. Obviously, I was trying to look good for him.

The green house was huge and beautiful, plants rambling around the glasses and Monroe plants and tall tree plants, flower pots bearing flowers of beautiful and different kinds, butterflies flying around in a beautiful glam. Greenish looking lights seeped in through the thick glasses. I couldn’t get enough of the place.

There’s a single table in the middle of the place , where Logan walked me into, hand in hand. I didn’t know why Logan was trying so much, it was clear as daylight that he’d brought me here, put up this food just to impress me. I didn’t understand why he does what he does when he could actually just make me do anything he wanted.

Logan pulls back the chair for me, stealing my heart. He was being a romantic and I didn’t know how to respond to that.

I smiled each time, trying to act along. His actions causes my heart to flutter most of the times but I tried not to get affected. Maybe he wasn’t a complete monster as Dani had said, maybe he still had that good and humane side still left inside him. We all have pasts that defines us and Logan’s defined him well. He couldn’t leave it behind and I wouldn’t force him to. Growth is a slow and necessary process and that moment as I ate with him, I realized I was willing to help him through it.

I would escape later.

Logan said a few things and each time I wanted to ask him about what he’d been up to last night, I just drop it. For all I knew whatever was out last night was important to him and I Respect that.

A few days after that brilliant breakfast, Logan would occasionally leave flowers around the house for me, where I could see them. I’d wake up to breakfast on my bed. This wasn’t the first time but I felt pulled to it more now. I knew somehow this was coming from his heart not because he wanted me to eat simply because I’d refused to eat for days.

My heart hurt when he wasn’t in the house. I yarned for him even just after seeing him a few minutes ago. Logan was wearing on me and it didn’t bother me to say the least.

A few more days and he provided me with the TV remote. I could still hear my heart beating to the gesture today.

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