Ashley watched him go, feeling a mix of emotions. She was angry with Xander for getting himself into this mess, but she was also worried about Chris. She knew he was putting himself in danger, but she also admired his loyalty.

“Stupid boy,” she muttered under her breath. She knew she had to go after him. She started running down the street, her heart racing. She caught up with Chris at the corner, both of them panting and out of breath.

“Are you crazy?” Ashley said, grabbing Chris’ arm.

“We have to save him,” Chris said, his eyes wild.

Ashley took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. She knew Chris was right. They couldn’t just leave Xander to his fate.

“Okay,” she said. “Let’s do this.”

Ashley stopped a bike in the middle of the road, Chris got in behind her, sitting extremely close. She looked around, trying to catch sight of the van that had just abducted Xander. The street was deserted except for a few parked cars. The sun had just set, casting an orange glow on the horizon. Ashley’s heart was pounding with fear and anger.

“Go ahead, fast!” she ordered the driver, her voice shaking.

Chris leaned in closer to her, his breath hot on her neck. “We’ll get him back, Queen, I promise.”

Ashley turned her head to look at him, her eyes flashing with intensity. “We have to. He’s my slave, after all.”

The bike roared to life, and they sped off in pursuit of the van. Ashley felt the wind whipping past her, her hair streaming behind her like a black flag. She gritted her teeth and focused on the road ahead, her mind racing with thoughts of what might be happening to Xander.

As they caught up to the van, Ashley ordered the driver to follow it closely, trying not to let it out of their sight. Chris had his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder. She could feel his warmth and strength, and it gave her a sense of comfort in this chaotic situation.

“We’re almost there,” Chris whispered in her ear.

Ashley looked ahead and saw the van slowing down, turning off the main road and onto a dirt path. She knew they had to act fast.

“Stop the bike!” she shouted. “We’ll continue on foot.”

They jumped off the bike, and Ashley took off running towards the van. Chris stayed close behind her, his breath coming in short gasps. As they approached the van, Ashley could hear muffled voices coming from inside.

Ashley kicked the door of the van open, her heart racing as she saw Xander tied to the floor with different thugs surrounding him. She noticed there was something familiar about them. They all had matching hats. It only meant one thing. Before Ashley could come to terms with who their boss might be. She heard a familiar voice and turned around to see Ms. Savage Huns, the woman she had betrayed all in the name of drugs.

Savage Huns was hanging a rifle on her neck as she stood stylishly in front of Ashley, resting her hand on Chris’s shoulder. “Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up,” Savage Huns said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “I didn’t think you had it in you, Ashley. I thought you were just a little girl playing dress-up in the big, bad world of the mafia.”

Ashley bristled at the insult. “I’m not playing dress-up. I’m the queen of this city.”

Savage Huns laughed. “Is that so? Well, let’s see if you can back up that claim. I challenge you to a fight. Hand to hand combat. Winner takes Xander.”

Ashley hesitated for a moment. She had just been discharged from the hospital and she wasn’t sure if she was strong enough to take on Savage Huns. But she couldn’t back down now, not in front of all these people.

“Fine,” she said, her voice steady. “I accept your challenge.”

Savage Huns handed her gun to Chris, who took it reluctantly. “Don’t worry, Chris,” Savage Huns said, smirking. “I won’t hurt her too badly.”

Ashley stepped forward, her fists clenched, and Savage Huns mirrored her movements. The other thugs made a circle around them, cheering and shouting encouragement. Ashley felt a surge of adrenaline as she faced her enemy. Savage Huns was taller and heavier than Ashley, but Ashley had more experience and a fierce determination to win.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

The fight began, and it was a blur of fists and kicks. Ashley felt the impact of Savage Huns’s blows, but she kept going, fueled by her desire to protect Xander. She managed to land a few punches on Savage Huns, but Savage Huns was tough and kept coming.

Chris watched the fight nervously, holding Savage Huns’s gun in his hand. He knew that Ashley was a skilled fighter, but he also knew that Savage Huns was not someone to be underestimated. He watched as the two women circled each other, exchanging blows and grappling for control.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Ashley landed a solid punch on Savage Huns’s jaw. Savage Huns stumbled back, dazed, and Ashley seized the opportunity to grab Xander and run. Chris followed close behind, still holding Savage Huns’s gun. Chris took out the driver with his gun. The driver fell off the bike and hit the ground with a loud thud.

“Can you drive?” Chris asked Xander. “I can’t drive a bike,” Xander replied. Chris gritted his teeth and removed the bandage from his right arm with great difficulty.

They leaped onto the bike, Ashley in front, Xander clinging to her back. Chris revved the engine, and they sped away, leaving Savage Huns and her thugs behind. Ashley felt exhausted and elated at the same time. She had managed to save Xander and defeat Savage Huns, but she also knew that their troubles were far from over. The mafia world was a dangerous place, and they would need to stay vigilant if they wanted to survive.

As they rode away, Xander spoke up. “Thank you. You saved my life.”

Ashley turned to him, a smile on her face. “You’re welcome, Xander. You’re part of my family now. I’ll always protect you.”

Chris looked over at Ashley, admiration in his eyes. “You’re amazing, Queen. I’ve never seen anyone fight like that.”

Ashley shrugged, trying to hide her exhaustion. “It’s just what I do. I fight for what’s right.”

They drove in silence for a few minutes, the wind whipping past them. Ashley couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had defeated Savage Huns, and she had proven to herself and to everyone else that she was a force to be reckoned with. She had saved Xander, and she had protected her family. But she knew that there would be more challenges ahead, more fights to be won. And she was ready for all of them.

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