Spurned Luna’s Return: On Your Knees, Alpha Chase


“And unlike Peter, most of those unworthy females initiated the rejection,” he added.

“Oh my!” Valeria looked heartbroken, “Those stupid girls, they put you in a lot of pain. And you didn’t tell me!” her sad countenance soon became cheerful again, “Anyway, they say disappointments are blessings. It’s good they spurned you, otherwise, you wouldn’t get me this special lady,”\

Lavana felt this queen would be a top actress in the human territory. And she could be troublesome whenever she wanted; this was masked by her innocent face.

“Silly me. I got carried away and I forgot to ask. What’s your name, my dear?” the queen inquired finally.

“I’m Lavana McKenny and I’m from the mermaid clan, a siren to be precise,”

Hearing this, Peter spat out the seeds in his mouth, looking at his brother’s mate in shock, “Siren?”

Since when was this Omega a Siren? Or did Phoenix ask her to say this considering the existing feud between wolf bloods and the wiz bloods? He couldn’t believe she had the audacity to lie before royalties!

“You’re a siren?” the king and his wife asked in shock.

She smilingly nodded in response, “Yeah. I’m the last of my clan,”

Peter scoffed at her reply. “You can lie so well, huh? I’m going to expose you for what you really are, bitch!” he warned her using voice transmission.

She meaningfully smiled at him and then faced her in-laws again.

Peter felt like beating her silly for that action of hers. “You’re just lucky that Phoenix’s with you. I look forward to that brawl. I’m going to make sure I break all your bones!” he warned again but she paid him no heed.


An hour later,

The King and Phoenix were the only ones left in the pavilion as Vellio had asked his adoptive son to stay back after making the others leave. The sceptre race had been postponed to the next day due to Lavana’s arrival.

Vellio’s smile faltered and a solemn look made an appearance on his face, “Phoenix, do you know why I asked you to stay behind?”

“Um… we have a lot to catch up on since I’ve been away for quite some time?”

“Not that. Phoenix, it’s about your mate. Her name’s Lavana Isla McKenny,”

At that, Phoenix nodded, “Yeah,”

“You asked her to lie to us because you’re afraid we’ll not approve of her if we knew she was of wolf blood and a wolf sovereign at that?

If I guess correctly, you two are behind the situation that our rival clan is currently facing,” the king said calmly.

Phoenix started to explain, “I just accompanied Blood Star’s chosen group to the triennial werewolf competition but there was foul play and nothing was done about it, so I guess anger got the best of me and I killed the supposed winner. And then Lavana’s ex-mate came into the picture.

That’s how her identity as the heir of the McKennys and as an Olmpha was revealed. I knew trouble would follow but it came sooner than I expected and that’s why Queen Ambretta and sorcerer Antero lost their lives,”

Vellio nodded sagely and then continued his interrogation, “Reports say that three people killed the queen and four dealt with Antero. So who are the extra two people who assisted? I mean the dragon and the mermaid,”

“I know it’s hard to believe, but the queen was killed by one person and Antero was defeated by two people,” Phoenix said with a serious tone.

“Explain,” the king pressed.

“Actually, Lavana didn’t lie about her identity. She’s just like me but with one more identity,” Phoenix disclosed with a lower tone.

“A tribrid?” King Vellio exclaimed using voice transmission. He didn’t want any undeserving person to hear by any means.

Phoenix nodded and also replied with the technique, “Yes, Dad. Beatrix already knows and Peter has seen some of her powers but he doesn’t know about her having several identities. That’s why he reacted that way earlier. But I’m not going to let him know about it. The fewer the people who know, the better,”

“I see. Don’t worry, son, my lips are sealed. And thank you for telling me this. If you encounter any issue that you can’t solve, even though I’m weaker than you both, I’ll still do my best to help out,” the king pledged.

“Dad, there’s no need for that. And the enemies who know about our existence as a hybrid and tribrid couple are gone,”

There was still one though, Glinda’s brother but he wasn’t a threat at all.

“I’m pretty sure some other existing supernatural clans may have gotten information about your mate being an Olmpha. I think it’s best for her to be here to be safer,” Vellio suggested.

“That’ll be done after two important things are done. One of them will be done soon; the other might take a bit longer,”

“Is it about the vow she made to deal with Ralton?” the king questioned in curiosity.

Phoenix nodded before speaking, “Yeah. When I met Lavana, she was skinny and it was easy to see she’d gone through a lot. You know the Remingtons ruined mine and her childhood. I was fortunate to have you rescue me early but she had no one. It’s a few days ago that she underwent a huge transformation and the current her is the final look,”

“Okay. It’s late. Go have some rest. I still have a few matters to attend to before joining my wife,”

“Alright Dad,” Phoenix stood up and stretched his hands sideways for a bit and then dropped them, “Goodnight,”

“Night, my boy,” Vellio said with a smile and Phoenix vanished.

Now that no one was with him, the king’s eyes changed to a glowing red.

“Stop hiding. Come out this moment,” he said as he rose from his seat.

A few seconds passed and no one showed up.

“I warned you,” the king took out his maroon-red sceptre and threw it into the flower shrubs on his left.

Immediately, a brown-haired man dressed in a servant’s robe was forced to come out. The force of the sceptre which had now stopped right in front of him, made several chills run down his spine.

“Tell your master that if this happens again, I will pay a ‘visit’ to that little clan of yours. And here,” Vellio threw a golden pill at the man who quickly caught it,

“Swallow it,”

“Y-Yes, Your Majesty,” the man quickly swallowed the pill.

“You can go now,” the king pointed toward the exit of the garden before vanishing with his sceptre that had returned to him.

Now that he was the only one left in the pavilion, the man didn’t feel any relief. He tried to upchuck what he just swallowed, to no avail.

He decided to send the king’s message via a red floating mirror to his master whose face was concealed by a mask.

A minute after doing that, he slumped to the floor of the pavilion, lifeless and his body dried up.

He was of the almost extinct demon hyena clan whose speciality was disguise, infiltration, stealth, chaos, illusion and assassination.

Whatever he was here for, King Vellio didn’t let him succeed.

It was also time to strengthen the security of the kingdom and carry out a thorough search in secret to take down the enemies disguised as one of their own.


Peter was about to sleep when he felt a hand tap him on the shoulder.

He opened his eyes in annoyance but when he saw who it was, he quickly sat up and subconsciously retreated with nervousness clearly spelt on his face.

“Phoenix? W-Why are you here?” he asked, trying not to sound tense.

“You’re unhappy to see me?” Phoenix who’d now sat on the bed asked with arms crossed.

His brother frantically shook his head, “No, that’s not what I meant!”

“I’m not here to beat you up, I promise,”

Hearing this, Peter felt relieved. It’s good, he won’t get a black eye today.

“I just came to ask something that’s been bothering me,”

“Ask away,” Peter encouraged.

“Earlier, how many times did you threaten my beloved?”

“Eh?” Peter wasn’t expecting this sort of question at all.

“You heard me right,”

“This… Okay, I did so a few times,” Peter admitted.

“Okay. That’s all I wanted to hear. Bye!” Phoenix vanished.

Peter clutched his chest as he let out a sigh of relief. When he was about to lie down to rest, he saw a figure seated on the couch at the extreme staring at him with a creepy smile.


Hadn’t he left just now? What was he doing here again? He got off the bed and cautiously walked to him.

“Brother, I… What do you want from me?” he nervously questioned.

But the Phoenix didn’t say a word and just kept beaming.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

It was then that it dawned on him that this was a copy of Phoenix.

Copies don’t talk but fight half as good as their master. And since Phoenix was capable of replicating himself, it only meant one thing- he was a sorcerer.

He must have sent this copy to deprive him of sleep since it didn’t show any intention to fight him.

‘Lavana, you told your mate about me, didn’t you? I won’t forget this,’ he swore in his heart as he sat on the bed again. Since he couldn’t sleep, coffee and reading books would be his companions for the night.


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