Spurned Luna’s Return: On Your Knees, Alpha Chase

Chapter 59


Lavana in question stared at the huge black and red-scaled fish. Its eyes were almost invisible but its yellow teeth like its head were big and sharp!

“Hello, fish.” she waved but the fish started swimming towards her in ire.

“Might as well practice with you.” She quickly launched several ice chains at the fish with both hands.

Since she was in the water, her chains were much stronger and bigger. The fish struggled to get out of the chains but couldn’t.

“What a big for nothing,” she commented.

She launched a chain around a rock and then connected it to the chains around the fish’s body. Now her hands had no chains launching from them.

The fish kept struggling but still couldn’t get out. It suddenly let out a screech.

Though she didn’t know what it meant, she knew it was better to leave that place. So she swam to the plants that had the fruits she wanted to eat and started plucking as many as her hands could hold.

She heard louder screeches close by and knew the backup had come.

“I just wanted a one or two but you wouldn’t let me. Now, this take this.

She threw the ones she’d plucked from the plants at the chained fish.

She launched a chain at the plant with the most fruits and uprooted it. She flung it backwards, far away from her.

At this time, the backup were already here. She found a place to hide and transform into her merself. The moment she was done with her shifting, one of the backup fishes that was twice bigger than the chained one found her. It let out a screech.

“Bastard!” she cussed and launched an ice chain at its mouth before using the moment of surprise to swim away in the direction she threw that plant earlier.

Now three fishes minus the chained ones were going after her. Though she felt unease, a part of her thought it was fun. She increased her swimming speed but the fish still did not lose out.

“Wow, despite their enormous size, they are incredibly fast. Wow!” she thought as she increased her speed again, this time swimming in a zigzag manner. She soon found the plant that she uprooted and headed downwards. The fishes did the same. They just didn’t expect her to head up suddenly. By the time they could turn, she was swimming towards the surface fast. Unwilling to give up, they started their chase.

Lavana turned her head and saw they were coming at her.

She just had to get to the surface, then she would be free from these annoying sea monsters. She didn’t expect that she’d meet a big fish with several spikes on its body heading toward her. Behind her were those pissed fish, above her was a hungry-looking fish.

“Only one way then.” She closed her eyes and her pink gemstone lit up along with the tattoos on her body.

“Teleport!” she yelled and immediately, pink light covered her and she vanished.

The fishes who were swimming so fast to get her stopped. The thief/prey had just vanished before their very eyes. They stared around there for a while before returning to their domain.

The fish whose mouth was chained earlier, along with the one chained to a boulder, were now free as the ice chains had disappeared. So many fruits lay scattered on the riverbed. Some were ripe, others unripe. The plants with fruits were just two and they were still small and yet to ripen.

Lavana appeared in an underwater cave. It was dark but her gemstone shone like a torch lighting her path. She swam to the entrance and looked around carefully before swimming out. She headed towards the surface. Unlike where she was before, it was bright underwater. So she concluded that this area was another part of the world that was in the daytime. Her gemstone stopped glowing, as there was no need for it.

Now that her upper body was above water, she sighed. There was this cool breeze. She looked at the sunny sky and also around her. She saw a rock that protruded out of the water. She swam to it and climbed it. Then she sat. Half of her tail was in the water.

She didn’t know where she was. This is her first time using her gemstone. Oceana had told her one time that the gemstone was used to teleport. Now she’d ended up in a place she didn’t know. How would she get back now? So much for wanting to vent out her anger and pissing off those fish!

She sighed again and closed her eyes, trying to awaken any of her slumbering spirits, only to suddenly hear a faint cry. This made her open her eyes in alarm.

“Am I just hearing things or is someone really out here?” she turned her head and saw nothing. Whether there was a cry or not, she must find out. She closed her eyes and tried to pinpoint where the cry was from. Soon she opened her eyes and dived back into the water with the plant still in hand. She headed northward with speed.

She soon found the source of the cry. A family was in the water, all tied at their hands and feet to one enormous millstone. She was dismayed. Who would do this? There was even a little girl amongst them, plus the mom was pregnant. What wickedness!

She quickly disposed of the plant and headed toward the drowning family. She launched several ice chains from her left hand, and these chains caught hold of the millstone. Then she used a large chain with spikes launched from her right to cut the chains used to trap the family. Now that it was cut, she let the chains on the millstone vanish so it sank down into the seabed.

Then she launched chains that were smaller and thin at the family of 7. The dad and his oldest son were conscious the whole time. When they saw her coming earlier, they were afraid that she must be some monster wanting to eat them. They thought they all were indeed doomed. Who knew this thing turned out to be part human, part fish? A mermaid only seen in those fairytales read to children.

Here was one, alive and kicking. And she was not here to harm nor eat them but saving them. She had this cool power! She could launch ice chains from her bare hands! Incredible.

Lavana having coiled the chains around the family swam towards the surface.

Upon surfacing out of the water with them, she let the chains vanish.

She caught hold of the little girl. The man grabbed his wife. The other children manages to stay afloat.

Lavana closed her eyes and reopened them after a shortwhile. She pointed her free left hand at the water behind them and a wide platform of ice was formed. She placed the shivering girl on it and beckoned on the others to get on. When they did, she started pushing the platform towards the nearest shore that was still some miles away. By the time they got to shore, she was super exhausted. The family got out of the platform and sat on the sand.

She sighed as she crawled out of the water at a place away from their sight.

Lavana soon stood after turning human. She looked ahead and saw that they were on an island. She walked to where the famuly sat on the sand. The pregnant lady was seated on a small rock, rubbing her belly gently.

The family members were shivering but they managed to thank her for helping them. They saw that blur covered certain parts of her body. The adults thought that it’s because she was a mermaid that’s why it was so.

Lavana smiled and told them to wait there. They nodded and she headed deeper into the woods in the island. From her experience, she could not go too deep. Last time she was alone. If she got chased back by wildlife, she can’t guarantee the safety of the helpless family.

She gathered some wood and soon returned to them.

The 4 sons of the family helped arrange the wood. One of them also accompanied her to go get some dry leaves and anything lightable they could find. Then they returned with a heap each. Now all that’s left is setting fire to it.

“Miss mermaid…” the man asked nervously.

“I have a name.” she corrected him.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

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