Start With An Unexpected Affair

Null And Void

Kyler’s shoes sound is the only thing that can be heard as he walk through the silent hallway into the only room on that floor

He open the door slowly and there is Tony Black lying on the bed with a ventilator machine beside the bed to keep him alive

Kyler walk in and stare at him for a long while with expressionless gaze and inhale slowly as his mind drift back to the past


Young Kyler stayed in his room listening to his parents yelling at each other with some cuss words, he decide to listen to music instead rather than listen to them

After sometimes he remove the headphones from his ears and listen to see if the fight is still going on but surprisingly everything was quiet

A little afraid something might have happened, Kyler immediately rush out of his room to the sitting room but find it empty

Then he hears the sound of an ambulance and rush to look through the window

He saw his mother on a stretcher being pulled inside the car and ran downstairs with confused mind

The car was closed when he got down and he struggled to go with his mother but his father’s hands grab him and hold him down as he fights to get loose

He has thought his father did something horrible to his mother like he always do and hated the man for the few days his mother spend in the hospital before knowing his mother died of cancer

Due to his father’s negligence because of another woman who he was having an affair with, he had neglected his mother and even suspected her of infidelity instead to get rid of his guilt feelings

After he lost his mother, his father became the complete opposite of himself and spend long years guilt-ridden which made hum neglected Kyler and almost everything else.

At the age of fourteen, Kyler had to start taking care of the affairs of the house and by the time he clocked twenty, his father got involved in the accident which almost had his life and had him living through a ventilator for fifteen years now.


Kyler stares at his father remembering that all what caused whatever trauma he had when he lost his mother was because of his Dad’s Affair

And he’s also about to do the same thing, lost Veronica because of his affair with another woman that shouldn’t matter but does matters to him.

If he hasn’t neglected Veronica like his father did his mum then she wouldn’t have optioned to have an affair with another man too

Kyler’s hands grab the bed support firmly as he thinks for few minutes, he give one last look at his father before turning his back and exiting the room.


Conrad try to dump his clothes into the big box as fast as he could it is only matter of minutes before Kyler Black cones back for him

The best thing to do to save his life is to flee the country and don’t come back for as long as he can stay

But luck seems to run out on him as a heavy thump came on the door threatening to pull it down

Panic fall on Conrad as the hit came again on the door and he rush to the window thinking maybe he should jump down from it but his place is on top floors and it would be a suicide attempt

Maybe it is better to die this way than let the death that is coming through the door meet him either ways it seems he’s going to lose his life in few seconds.

The door came forcefully open and Conrad look in horror as five fierce-looking men storm the room, as he also enters the room, he feel his heart stopped for a second and almost wet his pants as the sight of his glare

“You think you can escape me by jumping down?” Kyler asked with a devilish smirk and walk close to him Stopping at an inch away

“I will make sure to save you then kill you myself after”

Conrad clinch to the window sill and try to make sure his feet doesn’t slip and accidentally send him off the window as he try not to take his eyes off the men in black suit.

“But leaving the country might stop me from killing you” he said and glance at the box of clothes on the bed

He signal to one of the men who came forward and stretch a plane ticket to Conrad who took it with shaking hands

“This is where you’ll go, I will monitor you as you leave in the next five minutes” he told him and turn to leave the men also follow after him

“If you ever think of returning here I will really make you die by my hands then… and forget you have any child somewhere” he said stern and firm before walking out of the broken door.

Conrad finally fall to the floor releasing the long breath he had seize in his throat, he stare at the ticket to see it’s some rural place far from the country another continentNôvelDrama.Org content.

His fingers went through his hair angrily as he ruffled it to show his anger which he wouldn’t dare speak, although he fears for his life but he can’t just disappear and forget about his child or Veronica

But for now he really need to run before his cousin change his mind and decide not to spare him, he decide to put up with this for a little while and find a way of escaping from the prison later

Conrad quickly get up seeing the clock is ticking and five minutes is almost over, he grab the little he could and drag his box out with his passport in hand

When he get to the door, he was taken by surprise to see two of the men are not gone but waiting to escort him

“We are escorting you to the airport”

“That won’t be necessary….” Conrad try to pursued but the look on their face turn dangerous and he gave a nervous smile before going with them.


“We made sure he got on the plane and our men are with him inside the plane, they will make sure he get off”

Kyler give a low sound to assert he got the message and cut the call, he is parked in front of Yasmin’s house with less courage to go to her

“You sure you wanna do this?” Alex asked from the driver seat

Kyler inhale deeply and tilt his head back resting it on the seat cushion and close his eyes not saying a word

“I can do this for you if you want me to”

“No, I should do this myself” he told him and open his eyes with another inhale

He open the car door and hesitate to get out but finally place a feet out and summon courage to walk to the door and knock on it


Yasmin struggle not to get burnt along with the almost burnt food on the fire as she tries to put off the gas, she hears the doorbell and try to take care of things first before finally going to the door to unlock it with her apron still in place

When she got to the door, she is surprise to see Mr. Hugh outside the door who give her a calm smile which she manage to return with her flour-stained face

She invite him in and excuse herself to go clean her face and ask him if he want something to drink but he politely decline

“I’m sorry, I was trying to make some pancakes, would you like some?” She asked not sure if she can serve him the burnt meal

“No thanks” Alex decline again

“I came to see you on behalf of President Black” he said contemplating his words

Yasmin look on in a bit of confusion, is it about the official business she has together with him or the unofficial relationship they have going on but whichever it is, Mr. Hugh’s tells her it’s not something good

“He want me to tell you to this…”

“Whatever happened between us in these past days, let us pretend it never happened and forget about it”


“It’s null and void, let us just take it as if it never happened at all” Alex said looking straight into her eyes

“What are you saying?” Yasmin asked bewildered

“That’s his words that he ask me to deliver to you” he said again and dip his hand into his front pocket and brought out a blank check

“He also ask me to give you this” he said handling to Yasmin who took it slowly

“Just to be clear he didn’t mean it as an insult or offense to you, he want you to think of it as a compensation from him”

“A compensation? For being his what?” Yasmin asked her temper getting raged

“He also said he’s sorry”

Yasmin stare at him in disbelief and couldn’t help the tears that roll down her left cheek, she wipe it off quickly and ask him to please leave

Alex nodded understandingly and walk to the door, just as he is about to turn the knob she ask him to wait and hand the check back to him

“Tell him I don’t need his money!” She said and he nodded taking it back.


Alex walk back to the car and Kyler immediately sit up to ask how it went, he shook his head to respond and he inhales deeply telling the driver to leave

This should be the best decision to make, he feared of he had gone to see her himself, then he won’t be able to end it since he might end up in her bed instead.

As they drive back he got a call from one of the men keeping Veronica that they had rush her to the hospital because of an emergency

In a panic he ask the driver to speed over to the hospital at once and have the driver disregard few traffic rules as he take them to the place

Kyler rush into the hospital with Alex at his trail and ask for the room where she is in, he rush to the room and meet doctors attending to her

He look at her and her eyes were closed and his heart sink in guilt that he might have been the one who put her in this condition

“Mrs. Black has lost the baby” the doctor told him

Kyler isn’t sure if his heart should jump for joy at the news of the baby being lost or be sad about it

“Is she okay?”

“After a lot of rest and medications she will be okay… but, due to the lost it would a bit difficult for her to conceive again” the doctor told him and bow a little before leaving with the others.

Kyler sat down beside the bed and sighs in relief at the fact that she will be okay, it is fate that made her lost the baby which seems as a reminder of her unfaithful

“Everything is going to be okay!” He whispered but doubted the words in his heart.

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