Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


Ms. Hill was shaking her head. “I don’t think they will bring any charges for that fiasco, though the more I find out, the more I think there should be. However, the City Attorney and the Mayor are both part of the boosters and have probably had some of the girls.”

Gio nodded and then turned the conversation to all of his “family” wanting to transfer to the online campus. Annelise wanted to say no until he told her he had suggested to his mom that Annelise would probably want to check on him and Tiffany once a week to keep them on track. “That would allow you and I our time together and give some of the other girls a break. You could also call me to come help with some projects around your place on weekends once or twice a month if you needed help.”

“I could do that and if you really wanted some other women on occasions, I could arrange some other mature women who might need some help around their houses occasionally too.”

Gio shook his head. “Things have changed for me, so lets hold off on adding anyone else to the rotation.”

Annelise nodded. “That’s a shame both Debra and Star were looking forward to getting a turn on that monster in your pants.”

“I’d have to check with my fiancé, but I might do that once for each of them.”

“Just let me know.”

“I will and let’s make your check in day on Wednesdays. If Abi is okay with it, you could bring Star and Debra for the first visit. I’ll let you know after this weekend.”

“You and Abi are really going to get married after graduation? Does she know about Tiffany and Tara?”

“Not Tara. She wanted to go home to her father. But yes, she has met all of my women and understands the dynamics of my needs and relationship. She is fine with it as long as she gets to take part and be kept informed when she can’t take part in the fun.”

“Can I ask how many women are there?”

“Besides Abi, I have four who are mine full time and you occasionally, and one more trying to decide if my way of life is for her. There may be a few more occasional encounters, but we will decide those on an as is basis.”

“Who are your full-time women?”

Gio looked at her and smiled. “Annelise, I will not tell you that. You’ll figure it out pretty quickly if you keep hanging around.”

Gio stood and opened the door to her office and motioned for the three Parents and three girls to enter. Seeing the matching collars on Tiffany and his own mother caused Annelise to blush as she realized that his own mother was sleeping with her son. She had to think that all the women in the room were having sex with him and if his mother was; she wondered if his sister was too? How about Abi’s mother was she part of all this too?

Was this information she could use to get Gio to herself more often? She’d have to think about if she wanted to go down the same road as her asshole of an ex-husband and blackmail her way into sexual pleasure. Did Greg Anderson know about Gio’s lifestyle? He must, since his daughter was proudly wearing a gold collar that stated she was “Gio’s Sex Slave”.

It didn’t take long for the parents and Annelise to get the four seniors enrolled in the online campus with Ms. Hill as their advisor. The women agreed Annelise would visit the kids at the McLoed home on Wednesday’s checking on their progress and the four would be allowed to walk in the Graduation Ceremonies in May. Nothing was said about the collars some of the women were wearing, nor was anything said about what else Ms. Hill might do during her home visits, but all three women knew what was going on.

The only mention made about the whole situation was when Ms. Hill suggested that Becky Long check with the county records department. Annelise told them her husband had a criminal client who was a master forger. The forger paid for Clarence’s legal help by forging documents for him. He may have forged the lien documents on the Long’s home.

Becky didn’t know how she felt about that suggestion. If Chadwick really had no hold over the house, what reason did she have to accept Gio’s collar? There would be no need for his protection. No acceptable reason for her and Abi to move into the McLoed house. There was no reasonable excuse Gio’s soon to be mother-in-law could use for letting her daughter’s fiancé collar her if the house was hers, free and clear. While there was no excuse, she would admit, if only to herself, she still wanted to belong to Gio.

She’d watched him last night and this morning with the women who had given themselves to him and with Abi. He was loving and kind to each of them. Yet at the same time he was dominate and seemed to understand what each of them needed from him. Would he understand her needs? Would he be able to meet them? Her need for the bite of pain followed by pleasure? Would he be able to touch her like she hadn’t been touched since Jonathan’s illness? Or would Becky’s need to feel that sting disgust him?

She wasn’t into the whole bondage scene, but she would soak herself thinking of a sharp spanking, or a pinch or bite. Could Gio give her that, or was she better off letting him know she would not need to be his? She wished she knew.

Gio stood in the parking lot watching and waiting as the women he’d vowed to protect and provide for made their way out of the school building. Even with Greg here, he wouldn’t leave before Tara, Tiffany, Abi, Mrs. Long and his own mom were safely away from the school. Greg stepped up beside him. “You’re very alert what’s wrong?”

“Nothing specific. Just the entire football program met last night with the Chadwick’s to discuss how to handle their mutual problem.”

Greg frowned. “Meaning you?”

Gio nodded. “Yep and making the investigation into the whole cheerleading mess go away.”

Greg shook his head. “I don’t think they can do that. I mean make the investigation go away. To many people involved.”

Gio shrugged. “Don’t know but Ms. Hill seemed to think that her husband has the city attorney, the mayor and several judges in his pocket and that nothing will be done about any of it legally. If that’s true, then while our girls are safe, the rest of the team will end up back in the hands of those men again. I know that isn’t my fight to fight, but it feels wrong to allow them to be forced back into that situation again.”

Greg looked thoughtful. “Maybe we should have a talk with Chief Reece about all this. His daughter is one of those cheerleaders who could end up back in a mess.”

“What good will that do if the prosecutor and judges are involved and unwilling to prosecute?”

“I don’t know. That’s why we should talk to Reece.”

Before they could say more, the twins walked up to them. Tara looked at her Dad. “I’m going to ride home with Tiffany and help her move her stuff to the McLoed’s Daddy. Don’t forget you promised me a collar like Tiffany’s.”

“I will pick you one up today. Do what you and Tiffany need to this weekend because you start working for me on Monday.”This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, Daddy.” Tara gave her Dad a quick kiss on the cheek and whispered in his ear. “I’m already dripping thinking of my Daddy putting more of his potent baby makers in my needy pussy tonight.”

He looked at her. “You need to behave or I’ll have to spank you first thing when I get home.”

She looked at her Dad and smiled. “Am I being a Naughty Princess, Daddy?”

“Yes, you are Tara now go help your sister and behave. I’ll correct your Naughtiness after I get home from work.”

Gio laughed at the flushed look on the girl’s face. Then he turned and watched as his mother and Becky got in the car and left. Greg shook his hand as Gio and Abi climbed on the Harley, and then everyone headed where they needed. Gio and Abi would go home, meet up with their mothers, get the paperwork for the bank. Then Gio and Cecilia would go open the new business account and make arrangements for Mia to sign as CFO later in the week. Then Cecilia would return to work, and Gio and Abi would do the shopping they needed, too. Before returning home to arrange for movers to come and help arrange furniture from the Long’s place to either storage or the McLoed house.


Gio arrived home to see his mother holding and consoling Becky Long. “What’s wrong? What happened? Why is Becky upset?”

Cecilia looked at her son. In just a week’s time, Gio had transformed from the typical shy virgin teenage outcast she’d watched grow up into the head of their very strange and unconventional family. A man who cared deeply for those he had promised his love, protection, and provision. Even those not yet officially his. “We stopped by the courthouse to get your LLC paperwork filed and validated so you’d have them for the bank. While we were there Becky checked into something Annelise Hill mentioned.”

Gio’s eyes narrowed. “What did Ms. Hill say?”

“She told Becky that Clarence had a professional forger for a client. One who paid for his legal services with documents made for Chadwick. One of the things Annelise knew he had forged in the past was bank paperwork and deed and title liens.

“Okay, so why is Becky upset?”

“Because Gio, there is no mortgage on their home. There hasn’t been since Jonathan paid off the house loan two years before his death. Clarence and the bank don’t have cause to take their home.”

Gio smiled. “That’s great news, so why is she crying?”

Becky looked up at him, tears running down her face. “Because there is no reason for me to belong to you, Gio. I don’t need your protection or a place to live. I can go home.”

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