Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


This wasn’t really getting me anywhere Chastity had no pleasurable feelings I could build on unless…

“Chastity, have you ever touched yourself in your privates to make yourself feel good?”

“Are you asking if I’ve masturbated? You know that’s a sin Greg. Why would I want to sin?”

Yep this was going to be a fun one. I may need longer than I could give her tonight but I couldn’t send her to sleep with Amber and Barbie this messed up so I would start programing her but not all the way.

I was going to have to make some adjustments to Chastity’s thinking before I could even start. I’d need to make some adjustments to her body as well. I started with the body and I reached inside her with my power and made her nipples super sensitive so that just a few strokes would send her into an orgasm. I also increased the size of her g-spot to cover her entire vaginal passage. I also made her clit have a hair trigger as well. I wanted to get her addicted to cumming. That would make the rest of her readjustment easier. Once I’d done all that I took her hands in mine. “Chastity do you remember when I told you the important truths at the church?”

She smiled. “Yes when you came and saved me from those evil leaders who weren’t godly just like my daddy.”

“That’s right. Do you remember what happened when you repeated those truths?”

“Oh yes when I repeated them, I suddenly knew they were real truths, just like what is written in the Bible.”

“That’s right. I have some more important truths to tell you. Only to tell them to you we need to go up to my room and you need to take off all your clothes and lay on the bed with your legs spread apart as far as you can spread them.”

She frowned and shook her head. “But Greg we aren’t married and I haven’t been purified. You can’t be in the room with me when I’m naked.”

I didn’t want to push her to do this and I didn’t want to force her. I’d try something else. “Chastity who do you belong to?”

“You Greg I belong to you.”

“Does your body belong to me?”

She thought about that for a moment and I pulled the memory of her giving herself to me to the front of her mind. She saw herself telling me “You own me body, soul, mind and heart.”

“Yes, my body belongs to you.”

“If your body belongs to me then doesn’t it stand to reason that it would be okay for me to see it without clothes on or to touch it or do anything to it that I want?”

I could see her thinking on what I’d just said. “I know that it sounds right but it feels wrong.”

I heard footsteps outside of the door and knew that Barbie and Amber were obey my earlier orders. “Well what if I could prove to you it’s not wrong would that make you feel better?”

“Oh Yes.”

I opened the door and sure enough Barbie and Amber were standing on the other side. “Come in ladies I need your help with my friend Chastity.”

Both Amber and Barbie came into the room. “Chastity, this is my girlfriend Amber and one of the other women I own Barbie. Ladies this is Chastity, she just gave herself to me but is having some problems understanding what is right and wrong for her to do.”

Amber walked over to Chastity and hugged her. “Welcome to our family Chastity.”

Chastity’s face clouded over with confusion. “Family? I don’t understand. Greg you said that Amber is your girlfriend and Barbie belongs to you like I do?”

I sighed and knew I was going to have to adjust Chastity when suddenly I had a thought. Her father had used her limited knowledge of the Bible to control her maybe I could use that as my way in to her. “Yes every woman in this house belongs to me and a few who aren’t here now do too.”

“But that’s wrong Greg it’s a sin.”

“I shook my head no it isn’t who told you that was a sin?”

“Daddy told me that it was a sin.”

“What is your second important truth Chastity?”

She stood up straight like when she was quoting scripture for her father in church and repeated. “Daddy is a false preacher he isn’t a man of God but a filthy sinner who wants to rape his own daughter. I don’t have to obey him anymore.”

I smiled and mentally stroked her pleasure centers “Good Girl Chastity.” She moaned and shivered. I continued with my thought. “Let’s think about men in the Bible for a minute. To prove that what your daddy said wasn’t right. Let’s think about Abraham the father of all God’s children right?”


“Tell me Chastity who was Abraham married too?”


That’s right Sarah who was his sister wasn’t she? Remember he told Pharoah she was his sister before she was his wife?”

She thought before giving a teantive. “Yes.”

“Abraham also had a concubine didn’t he, Hagar.”


Didn’t Abraham have a child with Hagar? Doesn’t that mean he had sex with his concubine?”


“Now tell me how many wives did Jacob the man who saw angels coming and going from heaven and even fought with God before God blessed him how many wives did he have?”


That’s right he had two. How about Issac Abrahams son how many wives did he have?

He had two also.

How about King David who God called a man after his own heart how many did he have?”

Before Chastity could answer Charlotte came into the room and heard my question and she answered instead “David had three wives didn’t he? King Saul’s daughter and then that widow in the land of the philistines and then Bathsheba.”

I smiled “That’s right and he was called the man after God’s own heart and a friend of God. How about King Solomon the wisest man to live and the one God said was pure enough to build his first temple how many wives did he have Chastity?”

Her eyes got wide as she realized what I was getting at. “He had seven hundred wives.”

I nodded “That’s right he did he also had concubines that he slept with didn’t he? How many concubines?”Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Three hundred.”

That’s right Solomon, the man God called righteous enough to build his temple had one thousand women he had sex with who belonged to him didn’t he. So, having more than one wife and lover isn’t a sin if they all belong to you is it?”

“No, it’s in the Bible so it can’t be a sin. All the men you mentioned were heroes of the Bible.”

“That’s right and can I tell you a secret? Something no one else has been told yet?”


“Last night in a vision I met three angelic beings who work for God. They are the angels that direct destiny. They told me two important things. First, I’m an agent of God I’m his agent of Vengeance. That’s why I was at the church today. Delivering vengeance on the evil men running the church and hurting people in God’s name. But the second thing they told me was that I would have four wives and lots of other women who would belong to me for short times but my four wives would be mine all our lives. They gave me powers from God to prove it, just like Moses had been given.”

All four girls looked like they thought I’d gone crazy. I laughed. “I can see I need to prove it to you. Fine, all four of you go sit on the couch please.”

They went and did as I said and then they all gasped as I held out my hand and raised it over my head and the couch holding them all rose into the air almost touching the ceiling. Then I slowly moved it around the room and lowered it back where it had always sat. “Need more proof?” I pointed at Amber who lifted up in the air and landed on her feet in front of the three still on the couch. With a simple twist of my hand for theatrics I used my telekinesis to remove Ambers dress. Then I walked over and sat on the couch with the other three. “If this doesn’t prove I have powers from on high I don’t know what will.”

I pointed at Amber’s right breast and then put both hands out curved like I was holding her tit and then I pushed them together and heard all four girls gasp as her super sized breast shrank down to the size of a pool ball. I looked at Chastity and said. “Do you believe me now? I have powers given to me by God to be His Vengeance here.”

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