Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


New Story Title:

CONTROL FREAK (Incest/Taboo Erotica)

Summary: Mom learns it’s not so bad when you lose control..

Read and enjoy.

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To say I am a control freak is an understatement. Everyone says it, and I know it too; but I’ve always rationalized it out of my childhood. My name is Debra Salk and I’m about to turn forty-five. My youth was never without love or adventure; what I didn’t have was the nicer cars or the nicer clothes I saw a lot of kids in the seventies have. My parents were a product of their time, growing up in the sixties material things didn’t mean a lot to them; it did to me.

By the time I got out of high school, their laid back and carefree world just wasn’t for me. I headed to college and never really looked back. Once on my own, I finally had control; and I swore to myself I was never going to lose it again.

I controlled my education, I controlled where I lived and worked. I chose my husband carefully; not just because he was actually a nice man; but because he also had the potential for success I craved.

I planned our wedding down to the last detail; and after it was me that chose our house, and even the cars we drove. I also controlled our sex lives, to be honest. Not that I didn’t recognize sex as something married people did; but unlike my parents I didn’t put that high of a priority on it, and neither did Dale.

That worked fine for me; I used birth control, and I even had Dale wear condoms as insurance. When the timing was right, we had our two children, spaced perfectly two years apart; and then Dale was snipped. Everything was going according to plan.

Over the next twenty-two years everything went according to plan… my plan. I started a successful home interior design business; Dale climbed the ladder at his company; and by now I had sold off my business and dabbled in consulting while Dale sat in his Senior Vice President office. Things were perfect.

This last summer, with things finally somewhat settled down from the pandemic; I was working with our daughter Monica to plan her wedding. Honestly her first two choices of boyfriends had been totally unacceptable; and after a bit of ‘working’ I was pleased when she connected with an up and coming young man in Dale’s company.

At this point I should say that everyone has their Achille’s Heel; that one chink in their armor of perfection that just never seems to want to iron out. Mine wandered into the kitchen yawning on Friday morning.

“Morning mom” he mumbled.

“Morning Dear” I sighed.

I watched my nineteen year old son Jonas amble by and start digging through the breakfast cupboard; and yes every cupboard in my kitchen was for a purpose; and labeled as such. I hate it when I found syrup with the cereal, or pop tarts with the canned beans.

I just watched him for a moment and shook my head. Jonas Salk; his name couldn’t have fit better. He was bright and quick; an honor roll student with a free ride scholarship to Cornell in biochemistry. He had a star studded future staring him in the face; and he didn’t give a damn.

“Could you at least wear pants” I said as I glanced at his muscular legs.

“They’re shorts” Jonas replied.

“Athletes wear shorts not people on the street” I told him.

“People wear them all the time” he told me as he turned holding a box of cereal, he could tell by my scowl I wasn’t happy.

“Fine I’ll change” he sighed.

“Thank you” I said as he turned to walk from the kitchen, carrying the box of cereal. “Wouldn’t you like a bowl?” I asked.

“Nah” he just shrugged.

An hour later I walked down the stairs towards Jonas room. I did have some work on the computer to do; but Dale had his lodge meeting tonight and he needed to be dressed so I had decided to throw a load into the washer before I started.

I had encouraged Dale to join the local lodge, after all a number of well connected businessmen also belonged. That kind of social contact was critical for his growth. I was preoccupied with what shirt to match to his grey slacks and wasn’t even thinking when I breezed through Jonas half open bedroom door.

“Honey, I need your… oh my God” I froze.

It was literally a mothers’ nightmare; and it was happening to me. Jonas was stretched out on his bed totally nude; he was holding his Ipad with one hand, watching God knows what; and the other was wrapped around…. I just stared.

It was swollen and thick, the head a dark purple; and God it was HUGE. I could see the veins running along the shaft, and it throbbed every time his fist hit bottom. How did I know it throbbed; because he never stopped his stroking, not even when he turned and looked at me. Wet slapping filled the room, followed by his soft grunts.

“Jonas” I gave out in a strangled voice.

“Mom” he just grunted back and stared at me.

“Oh God Jonas, you need to stop” I gasped.

“Can’t… to close” he panted.

Close to what, what was he talking about? Then, so help me, that thing swelled even more in his grip. How any woman fit that thing… I shook my head trying to clear that thought.

“Awww fuckk yeaahhhhh” I heard him moan.

He dropped the Ipad and grabbed a dirty sock he had lying beside him; wrapping it around that distended head. I just stood there frozen as I watched his testicles spasm once, twice and then a third time.

“Jonas” I half moaned as I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

“Fuck that was good” he sighed as he relaxed back. “Thanks mom” he smiled.Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

Thanks… for what? Then I realized that while he was looking at me, he wasn’t looking at my face. He was looking lower; at my… I glanced down and in horror stared at the twin rock hard pebbles that jutted out through the thin fabric of my bra and blouse.

In a half frenzy I quickly gathered the strewn dirty clothing on his floor, and with my free hand grabbed up his small laundry basket. I quickly turned on my heels and headed for his bedroom door.

“Hey mom” I stopped and turned back. I should have stayed facing away.

I can only call it total bravado, sheer brazen as Jonas walked from his bed towards me. That thick tube still half hard swinging in front of him. I stood there like a stone as he walked up to me.

“You forgot something” he said with a smile. He reached out and dropped that soiled sock into my laundry basket. “By the way” he said softly. “Nice tits”.

I was shocked; I turned and marched from his room without a word. I headed down the hall to the small laundry room where I dropped both baskets and dug for the soap. How DARE he, I thought. To keep going, while I stood there. To FINISH, right in front of me; I wasn’t angry… I was PISSED.

Without even thinking I reached down and jammed my hand into the laundry basket for a fist full of clothes. The first thing my hand hit, you guessed it; a wadded up sock still warm from his goo. I jerked my hand back, my fingers sticky and warm. Oh my God, I had his sperm all over my HAND.

I staggered back from the laundry basket, my hand coming up; before I knew it, it was only inches from my face. I inhaled sharply, the scent of warm male invading my nostrils and my brain. The sensation went from my head, down my neck, and slammed into my breasts; my nipples now aching like I had never felt before.

Why were my nipples hard? Why was I smelling him? What was wrong with me? I reached up my dry hand, and made one of the biggest mistakes of my life; I brushed my fingertips over one turgid nipple.

The electric shock shot out from my nipple, wrapped around my entire breast, and then drove downward, straight through my gut; and slammed into my pelvis.

“Oh my Godddddd” I groaned softly. Followed promptly by the second mistake as I shoved those goo coated fingers into my mouth and sucked.

“Mmmmmmm” I moaned as the flavor coated my tongue. My God he tasted good. My son tasted so good.

My SON; on my GOD. That word brought me back to reality. I jerked my fingers from my mouth; and tore my kneading hand off my aching breast. What the hell was happening to me? I had NEVER in my life lost such control over my body. This was insane. No… this was HIS fault.

Now furious, I turned and marched right back down the short hall. There was going to be hell to pay for this, I thought.

“Jonas, what the hell do you… oh My GOD!” I just stared.

How could he be doing it AGAIN? He was still nude, stretched back out on his bed; his fist pumping up and down that renewed member. I swear it looked thicker and harder than the first time as he continued to pump away.

Wait, he wasn’t holding his IPad this time. What was he using to… oh God No. His head turned and his eyes locked to my chest, I just stood there frozen as I watched that thing jerk in his grip.

“Me?” I gave out in a strangled voice.

“Take your blouse off” his deep baritone filled the bedroom and echoed in my ears.

“Jonas…” strangled out.

“Take the fucking blouse off” he repeated; his hand still pumping up and down that monstrosity.

I should have screamed at him no, I should have turned and left the room. What I shouldn’t have done was reach up and pop the buttons on the front of my blouse, his hands watching every movement.

“Fuck yeah” he grunted as the halves of my blouse fluttered open.

I looked up from his groin and was shocked at what I saw. Not my son, but the feral eyes of a Man, eyes that devoured every curve of my bra encased breasts. I shrugged my shoulders and felt the thin cloth slide free, dropping to the floor beside me.

“Jesus Christ” he whispered. God that thing pulsed in his grip as he stared at my breasts.

“Now the bra” he commanded.

He swung his legs around and sat at the edge of his bed; I could see that thick column of flesh jutting up from his groin. I can’t explain why, but it never entered my mind to refuse. I reached behind my back and popped the snap on my bra.

I stared into his face as my bra slid free. His eyes were almost glowing; this look of pure lust written on him. This was an Alpha Male, I realized; and I was getting overwhelmed and couldn’t stop it.

“Fucking hell” Jonas grunted as my full 36 D’s came into view.

His hand picked up speed, I could hear the wet slapping as his fist shot up and down. It was strange, I had never had a man look at me the way Jonas did. He stared at me with this hungry look, like he was about to devour me; a thought that set a simmering fire deep in my belly I had never felt. No man, not anyone in my high school or college years; and definitely never Dale; had looked at me with such raw desire before.

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