Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


He heaved out a sigh and then asked “What are you wearing Amanda?” He said it in such a soft tone that I almost melted there and then.

“Uhm work out clothes like you asked me to” I replied in a duh tone with somewhat of a cheeky smile. It was refreshing that I could be myself when I was with Frederick, it didn’t even occur to me on how close we had gotten until now sef.

Frederick released yet another sigh and then made his way to me.

“I said work out clothes Amanda not clothes for when the weather is cold” He too replied in a duh tone rolling his eyes. I looked down to see what I wearing. Ok so what I was wearing wasn’t in anyway bad it was just a little bit bigger than I was and lemme not forget, longer. So yeah, I saw it as the perfect choice for me, what’s so wrong with that?

“If they aren’t work out clothes why were they in your locker room?” I tired to reason with a playful smirk.

“Abeg stop, Amanda, I know what you’re trying to do and it’s sadly not working” Frederick said with a serious look plastered on his face.

“Whatever do you mean?” still with a playful smile I asked, though nervousness was slowly creeping in.

“Seriously Amanda I mean it stop!” I was taken aback by his tone.


“Why?” was the only thing he said.

Confused I asked “Why what?”

“Why do you always do this to yourself?” the tone in which he spoke almost seemed like he was heartbroken about something.

“Do what?” I dared to ask, although I knew already within me I wouldn’t like his response.

“Conceal your worth” was his answer. I knew where the direction our conversation was going, and I didn’t want to go down that road but I knew I couldn’t avoid it as Frederick was a very persistent human being.

“Wh-a-t? I choked out

“For goodness sake can we not play this game where you pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. Last night’s dinner was more than enough Amanda” I was lost for words as I didn’t know what to say so he continued.

“Amanda we both know you didn’t wear that” he gestured to what I was wearing “Because you were cold or anything” My heart rate began to increase the more he talked, I could feel myself sweating and trust me it wasn’t because of the big cardigan I was wearing or the hot weather.

“So tell me Amanda, Why did you choose to wear that out of all the clothes in there because the weather right now is unbearably hot” Frederick asked in a firm tone without wavering, he wasn’t going to let this go anytime soon that much I know.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Frederick, can we just start the training already?” I tried to divert the question.

Frederick’s gaze turned to slit as he looked at me. He wasn’t buying it.

“Amanda” he said in a warning tone.

“Since it seems like you’re not ready to train me I’m leaving” I turned away from him and began to walk away, I remembered that my school bag and uniform were still in the gym locker but I couldn’t have been bothered to care at the moment, my number one priority was to leave there as fast as I could.

“Amanda!” Frederick’s voice called out from behind me, and for some reason it was getting closer. I didn’t stop walking though.

“Amanda!” He yelled out once again but this time around I did stop. I turned around.

“Fine! You want to know why I wore this!” I touched the cardigan as I spoke. My eyes began to glaze over informing me that tears were gathering in my eyes.

“It’s because I’m disgusted with the sight of myself!” I was soo angry that I didn’t know when I removed the cardigan and tossed it on the floor. Thank God i was wearing a crop singlet underneath it.

“Look at me!” I gestured to my myself “I’m overweight and ugly! And a past stupid hobby of mine was to cut myself when I was down or agitated! I wouldn’t even call it a past hobby as I still have the urge to cut myself till date! So forgive me if I didn’t want to exhibit my horrendous body to you Frederick!” After yelling I took a big intake of air, I could feel my body shaking a little.

Everywhere was utterly silent for a while before Frederick did something I wasn’t expecting.

With a hard gaze he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the direction of the large mirror in the gym. I didn’t even have the strength to struggle so I allowed him to drag me along. I automatically closed my eyes as we reached the side of the gym were the large mirror was. I didn’t want to see…. me.

“Open your eyes Amanda” he said in a commanding tone.

I shook my head as a no, still with my eyes tightly shut.

“Amanda” he warned.

I sighed but eventually opened my eyes.

Softly he spoke “Good. Now look at your reflection in the mirror”

“I am” I stubbornly muttered.

“No you’re not, I said look at your reflection, not look through your reflection” I frowned a little confused about what he was trying to do. Releasing a sigh I did as he asked.

With the same soft tone he asked “Good, now tell me what you see”

“obviously me na” I said in a duh tone.

Completely ignoring what I said he spoke.

“Do you know what I see?” he answered his own question.

“I see a girl, a girl who hasn’t been given the right amount of love in her life. A girl who is strong but she feels she’s not, Who is easily the most insanely beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on but she says otherwise because she believes more in peoples words than in herself. Who is unhealthingly thin but gives herself to the idea that she’s overweight. Who is broken but definitely not beyond repair” The more I listened to Frederick’s speech the more the tears I managed to hold back before rushed down like endless droplets of rain.

To be painfully honest I’ll have to say that this was the first time in years that I have actually really looked at myself in the mirror. I always try not to stare at my reflection for too long because I have always hated the sight of my body from a young age. But now looking at myself in the mirror, like ‘really’ looking at myself in the mirror I’ve come to see that Frederick’s words were actually true I was the complete opposite of overweight I was extremely underweight.

The doctors and the nurses at the rehabilitation center did try to tell me this but I completely blocked them out because of mere words by other people. God I truly was pathetic.

“But I’m full of flaws” I muttered weakly with tears still running down my cheeks.

Frederick first gave me a bright smile though I could spot a little sadness in his features.

“Who isn’t? You’re only human Amanda, no one is above flaws”

I sniffed “Even you, the schools golden boy?” I joked trying to brighten the mood.

“Especially me” he responded with a teasing smile, although for some reason I felt that he was actually very serious about what he said but was just trying to cover it up.

With his arms wide open he wiggled his eyes playfully and said.

“Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come in for a huge, short girl” I laughed a little at the nickname, and went up to him and embraced him. And just like yesterday I cried on his shirt, but this time it wasn’t tears of sadness but of happiness.

“AHN TIME HAS GONE O, see how late it has already gotten” I heard Frederick mutter from above me being that I was still in his embrace. I blushed Scarlett embarrassed that we’ve been hugging for soo long.

Releasing myself from the hug I came to the realization that he was staring at his phone screen, probably where he found out what the time was.

“We can’t start the training today maybe tomorrow?” he looked at me with expectation.

I sniffed a little using my hand to wipe my face and nodded my head in agreement, a small smile playing on my face. I noticed a wet spot on his shirt making me to immediately feel bad.

“What’s wrong?” He asked concerned. It was almost unnatural how well he could easily read me.

“Your shirt, I ruined it” I mumbled with guilt.

“Oh this old thing?” he joked “It’s alright I have plenty of them, and you can cry on all of them if you want I won’t even mind” he finished with a wink. It might have looked like he was just teasing me and all but for some unknown reason I just felt that he actually meant every single word.

Continuing he spoke with a cheeky smile “Now let’s get you home”

At the mention of my house the thought of my parents being angry that I stayed out this late crossed my mind, but that thought immediately vanished just as it came because I remembered that my parents wouldn’t even give an ounce of care. Never did and never will.

After changing back to my uniform and carrying my school bag we proceeded to the entrance of the house.

When we got out of the house a car was already parked at the door step waiting for us, but I noticed there was no driver inside.

With a questioning gaze I looked at Frederick “Where is the person driving me home?”

He smirked “I’m the one driving you home”

I was shocked, not at the fact that he could drive but at the fact that he was taking me home personally.

Looking at him weirdly I said “Why? You have a driver afterall, why not save yourself the stress?”

“Because I plan to meet my in-laws today” Was his response with the same cheeky smile from before.

“Wait you haven’t met them before?” He shook his head and responded with a ‘No’.

Baffled I asked again “Not even once?”

“Nope” I scoffed not caring that I did it out loud. Of course my parents would do something like this, arrange my hand for someone when they haven’t once laid their eyes on the person, for goodness sake Frederick could have been a serial killer or madness could even run in his family, but I’m pretty positive that they wouldn’t care even if it were true. Greedy people, I’m sure money is just their main goal and seeing Frederick’s house today makes me to believe that he’s family had abundant of it.

“Are you not getting in?” I was brought out of my thoughts by Frederick’s voice, he was holding the car door wide open for me to enter.

With a teasing smile to he’s direction I told him “Oh would you look at that, and I thought chivalry was dead”

Playfully also he responded with an arrogant look “With me still in this Earth? I highly doubt that would be possible” I chuckled a little and then I entered the car.

It was when we were already halfway to my house that it suddenly dawn on me that Frederick was going to meet my parents, MY PARENTS! Christ this is not going to be good. I was extremely nervous as to what was going to happen, Like Frederick already knew about the issues I had in school, I didn’t want him to also find out that I had the same problem at home. It would make me look all the more pathetic and most importantly weak.

A small voice inside of me whispered ‘Don’t worry he is not like everyone else, he won’t judge you like the rest’. The voice might have been right but the way I’ve grown up I’ve sadly learnt it the hard way that you can’t completely trust anyone, you never know when they would use it against you. Silver was one of those lesson’s.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“Why are you soo quiet?” Frederick turned to me and asked as he stopped the car at a traffic light.

I frowned “This is normally how I am”

He gave it some thought and spoke “True, but not this quiet. You’re sure you okay?” With a concerned look he asked.

I gave him my ever famous fake smile “Yeah I am” He narrowed his eyes at me a little, like he didn’t believe a word I said one bit. But he didn’t say anything more and began to drive again when the light turned green.

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