Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


Back downstairs, the girls decided to invite a few friends each, and began making plans as to games and such. Mike wondered what surprises the night might hold for him, and decided to head outside to make the back yard presentable, just in case the girls ended up back there.

“What about my ‘free day?’ I can’t very well use it to make you do anything while you are doing chores and shit.”

‘Well, no. But don’t you see the opportunities that tonight might present? Who knows what will happen. Girls can get awful freaky at slumber parties.’



“Well, alright. You get a reprieve for one day on our bet. But, you’ve got to start listening to my suggestions more. You saw what happened with Beth. We were right there.”

Mike smiled, but didn’t answer. He dressed and went downstairs to clean the yard, pool, and hot tub.


The girls all began to make phone calls, and texting friends. Emma had three friends that were coming over, Becca, Ashley, and Tina. Danni asked Megan to come, as well as another of her friends, Lynn. Sarah was bringing Sally, and finally, Beth asked her friend Susan to come. Danni and Sarah headed out to the grocery store to get some party snacks and several movies. Beth and Emma were cleaning the house, though it didn’t really need too much attention, since Sarah kept it all pretty well cleaned.

Beth kept glancing over at Emma every once in a while, and hadn’t talked to her at all. Something was on her mind, Emma could tell, though she hadn’t said anything.

“What’s the matter?” Emma asked finally, when the uncomfortable silence between them got too difficult to bear.

“What?” Beth said, feigning ignorance.

“Beth, I know you.” Emma said, looking at her concerned, “There’s something bothering you. What is it?”

Sitting on the couch, Beth sighed. She began to twirl a finger in her hair nervously and sat quietly for a few moments. Emma, growing a little concerned said, “I’m here if you need some help with… well, anything.”

“I saw you and Mike on vacation,” Beth said finally.

Emma sat quietly for a few moments, and then admitted, “I know. I saw you and Sarah watching us.”

A few more long silent seconds passed between the two. Then Emma asked, “Did it bother you?”

Beth shrugged her shoulders slowly. Then, raising her head to look at her younger sister, she said, “It didn’t bother me, exactly. Affected me would perhaps be the accurate way to put it.”

Emma tilted her head and looked at her curiously.

Then Beth tried to explain, “I’ve been trying to figure out why all three of my sisters have found it necessary to engage in sexual relations with our brother. I know it’s been going on for several weeks now. Summer is almost over, and I’m not any closer to solving the why of the situation. In fact, I was very close to becoming a part of the equation myself earlier today. Mike and I… we were in the bathroom and I… well, we didn’t mean to… but…” She fell silent as the words seemed to fall out of her mouth half jumbled.

Emma sat quietly, knowing it was best to just let Beth speak. Go ahead and let her get it out in “Beth”, and then try and translate it after the fact.

“I’ve been feeling… differently towards him, and truthfully about myself too. I mean, I’ve never really thought of myself as an attractive woman, but the way Mike is responding to me… Well, all this has me a bit perplexed.”

Emma smiled at her. “He has had that same effect on all of us.” she said finally.

Beth looked up and smiled at her. “He walked in on me in the bathroom this morning fresh out of the shower, and obviously not by accident. It was pretty apparent that he wanted to see me naked. One thing led to another and we ended up making out against the bathroom door. His… you know… slipped just barely inside me, and I…” She turned red and lowered her head again.

“Did he…” Emma started.

Beth was already shaking her head. “No, I’m still a virgin. But, using him like I did… I mean… I had my first orgasm,” she said, looking Emma dead in the eye, “I’ve never felt anything that good.”

Emma nodded her head, finally understanding. “So, what’s the problem then?”

Beth looked up at her incredulously. “What’s the problem? I almost let my brother take my virginity. His… you know, thing, was almost inside of me, his own sister! Sometimes, I want to tear his clothes off and just let him take me right then and there, and then other times I wonder what the hell is wrong with all of us and why aren’t we locked away.”

“Beth, there’s nothing wrong with you,” said Emma, “it’s just an attraction. Did you find Mike attractive before all of this?”

She thought silently for a moment and then shrugged, “I’ve never really thought about it.”

“I don’t really know what to tell you then.” said Emma, “I’ve always thought of Mike as handsome. I mean, we’re twins, so he’s gotta be considered at least as good looking as me.” She reached out and pinched Beth playfully.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Beth giggled, feeling better. “I just can’t get the thought of him out of my head, you know?”

“Oh, trust me,” Emma replied, giggling, “I know. We all do.”

They began to move around the house, cleaning up and chatting quietly. “So what’s your favorite part of him?” Beth said, at length.

Emma stopped and looked at her curiously for a second. The look on her face told Beth that the question bordered on the idiotic. She answered, “Well, besides his cock, he’s got a nice ass, and his stomach is all muscled and yummy.” Emma licked her lips and grinned.

Beth giggled and conceded the point. “Okay, fair enough, but what’s your favorite part of… being… with him?”

“My favorite part of fucking him you mean.” Emma said, laughing, “It’s okay Beth. You can say it.”

Beth returned the laugh and blushed slightly. “Fine, I’ll start saying… that.”

But Emma wouldn’t relent. “Come on, let me hear it. Say ‘I want to fuck Mike’ or I won’t answer the question,” she said with a wicked grin on her face.

Beth blushed again and fell silent, but Emma carried on with her threat, not saying a word and headed off to clean something else. Beth sighed and shook her head.

“Okay, okay. Fine,” she said. Then in not even quite what one could call a whisper, she added, “I… wanna… fuck… Mike.”

“Can’t hear ya,” Emma said. “What was that?”

Beth shot her an angry look in jest, but Emma wouldn’t give in, and cupped a hand to her ear.

“I wanna fuck my brother,” Beth yelled at her, “okay?”

Emma burst out laughing, which caused Beth to start laughing as well. As the laughter subsided Emma finally started to answer the question.

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