Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Scarletts P.O.V

The ride home is filled with silence, but your hand rets comfortably in his. Unsaid words don't loom as

awfully as you thought they would.

That was something... he always surprises me.

Upon pulling onto your street, you glance at him, a small smile forming on your lips.

"You've surprised me again"

His fingers flex against the wheel, and he casts you a side glance as you squeeze the hand that's not

on the wheel.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself"

He stops in front of the house, parking his car, before he releases your hand and turns off the ignition.

Sighing, he rubs the back of his neck. You note the tension in his shoulders, but you're not surprised. It

was an emotional afternoon.

"Something on your mind?"

He sakes his head, before he pushed open his divers door, and you follow suit, hoping out of the car.

You frown, aware he's walking in front of you up to the up to the door, where he stops and grabs the

mail, before handing you something with your name on it.

"Hm... whats-"

It dawns of you that its the decision for the early internship opportunity at Skidmore. You stop, aware

he's halted with confused eyes on you as you peel open the envelope and pull the letter out. As your

eyes begin to scan the contents of it, you swallow.

"What is it?"

"I uh, I got accepted to the early internship program at Skidmore"

"Oh... Wow... Congrats"

You don't feel the overwhelming excitement you assumed you would. Instead, you're alarmed. You

frown down at it, before glancing back up at him.

"It would mean I'd have to leave in two weeks"

His face falls, and he places a hand on his hip while he rubs his chin with the other.


You nod, choked up by that truth.

I'd have to leave him even earlier than I wanted too. I really don't think its a good idea.

"I mean, there will be other opportunities..."


He shakes his head.

"You've wanted this. Don't turn it down on my account. You should be happy that you got in"

"So why don't I feel happy?"

He tilts his head, firming his lips as a knowing expression forms on his face.

He's the reason. But he's the only reason I need.


He shakes his head, holding up his hand to cut you off.

"Let's not get into it now"

He reaches for you, pulling you against him where the letter is crushed between the both of you, before

you feel him place a gentle kiss against your head.

"I'm proud of you, ya know?"

You chuckle but there's no humour in the sound.


He releases you, gesturing towards the door with a nod of his head.

"Let's go in"

You reach for the handle, pulling open the door and stepping into the house with Oliver beside you,

when a chorus of 'congrats' fill the room and you're surprised. A bunch of your friends, and some family

members litter the room with excited expression on their faces. Your mother moves towards you,

wrapping he arms around you as Oliver steps away from you.

"Congrats honey. We're all so proud of you"


I cant believe they surprised me.

You move your attention to Oliver and mouth 'you?' He grins and nods.

"Were you all in on this?"

"Yep. We wanted you to be pleasantly surprised honey"

You wave and greet everyone with a quick 'hi' to the group before your mother reaches for the letter in

your hands.

"What's this?"

"Oh, its nothing"

She pulls it from your grasp before you have a chance to tuck it away in your pocket, her eyes

scanning quickly over the words before they widen, surprised.

"You got in! Oh my god, Scar! You got accepted into the internship grogram!"

Everyone cheers as your mom announces it to the group, before you plaster a smile on your lips and

grab your moms arm.

"Uh, can I speak with you quickly"

She frowns, but ultimately nods, directing everyone to the food in the kitchen quickly before you

manage to pull her down the hall.

"What's going on, Scarlett?"

"Why did you announce this?"

You rip the paper from her grasp and wave it angrily.

"I thought you'd be excited"

Her face falls and she places her hands on her hips.

"Its what you've been raving about for the past year"

Well, things change.

"Well, I don't think I'm going"

Your mothers anger is swift as it twists her expression. Her mouth becomes a grim line.

"Since when? Since Oliver?"

She shakes her head.

"Do not let that boy ruin your future. Its just a fling. Do not let that dictate decisions about your future!"

"Its not a fling! I'm sorry if you're not used to a deep connection with a person, god knows you didn't

have one when I was growing up, otherwise I'd know what stability is!"

She winces from your hurtful words, and the moment they leave your lips, you regret them, but you're

too heated to take them back.

"You're letting that boy dictate all of your plans, and its going to ruin things for you"

"If anyone is going to ruin things for me, Its you a your inability to stay the hell out of my business!"

The slap is so fast, you feel the sting before you register your mothers hit you. Your hand shoots to

your face, cupping the angered skin as she peers at you with utter disappointment.

Oh my god... she slapped me. She fucking slapped me!

Your mouth is agape in shock, as you rub the hot skin of your cheek frustratedly.


Oliver wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you away from your mother before you have time to

react completely.

"Now is not the time to do this"

He's right.

Your mother shakes her head, before she storms past you both. You're left alone with an array of

emotions you cant straighten out. You sigh, stuffing the letter into your pocket, before Oliver steps in

your way with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Scarlett... I think we need to talk"


Alarm bells go off in your head at his tone, and your defence mechanism of pulling away takes over.

You shake our head.

"There's nothing to talk about. I-I know what I want"

He swallows, his jaw tensing as he glances downward like the next words will be too painful to utter.

"Scarlett, listen. I-I cant do this anymore"

What is he talking about?

"You should go. For that internship"

He wants me to go?

You're pained by his omission. You hate how he's pushing you away, again trying to command what

you do with your life.

"You don't mean that"

He nods

"Oliver, stop"

"No. Trust me when I say you need to go to that internship. I want you to go"

"You want me to go?"

Your voice cracks, giving way to the sobs that threaten to follow next as tears full your eyes. He nods Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

again, rubbing the back of his neck.

You shake your head and reach for him, but he captures your wrists and with a sharp shake of his

head, he lets out a shaky breath.


"You're being ridiculous. I-I can't go... Not when things are the way they are with us"

"Theres nothing between us!"

"I don't believe you"

"Don't let a few heated fucks destroy your future. Dictate your decisions. No dick or pussy is worth that"

His words are like a punch to the gut. You rip your arms from him, pressing your hands against your

stomach as you're filled with nausea.

"Is that all I am to you? A quick fuck? Someone you can just manipulate with careless 'I love yous'?"

He's lying. Probably trying to fucking hurt me to leave. Pushing me away.

"Just a quick fuck?"



I know he's lying.

"You're lying"

"I'm not"

"Then say it..."

You nod, goading him.

"Tell me you truly don't love me, and I'll go"

You expect him to fail the test. Theres no way his stubborn ass would be so willing to give you up, but

his answer is without hesitation.

"I don't love you"

His expression is impassive as those words leave his lips, and you feel your heart shattering, stomach

twisting until you're breathless.

"Fine then. I'll fucking go"

He clenches his teeth, dark eyes roaming your face before he steps back. He disappears down the hall

without so much as a glance over his shoulder, and you crumble to the floor, back pressed against the

wall, as you hold your head in your hands, unable to contain your headache.

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