Stolen Innocence

Chapter 8: Hey Baby Sis

Chapter 8: Hey Baby Sis

Kerra's Pov:

Driving back to their school. I thanked the heaven it was now lunch time. So all I had to do was ask

around and I'll be able to fine her, instead of getting lost looking for her class.

By now I've asked a few students for sister whereabouts, but it was like they didn't even know who she


I started losing my patience when I couldn't find her. I decided to ask the receptionist if she could call

my sister up through the intercom.

Walking over to the desk I got stopped by a guy that looks like a jock.

"Hey sexy how about a quickie in the janitors closet" he winks with a growing smirk.

Looking behind I notice two of the guys are jocks while the other three other boys look familiar.

Showing a smirk of my own I say "Hmm no thanks. 1 I have a husband, 2 we have a son together and

3 back the fuck up before I call him".

Watching his smirk disappear, was funny as fuck! But the look of shock in his and his friends eyes was

priceless. Turning to his friends I ask "Do you guys know where I can find Zahrah Gray?"

I watched them all tense when I mentioned Zahrah's name and mentally made a note to question them

about it after.

Feeling my patience run out I ask them in a more demanding way "Do any of you guys know where I

can find Zahrah Gray?"

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with them, I was going to ask again, when one of the boys asked "

What do you want with her? She hasn't done anything".

Ohhhhh cute!!! He seems protective over her, oh maybe he's her boyfie. Maybe I should ask first.

"Are you her boyfriend?" For a second he looks surprise while the rest look taken back???

"No I'm not her boyfire-" he's not? So I cut him off "Well than what are you to her?" He better not be

fuck'n using her!!!

"It's kinds compl-" I ignore him and look to the guy on his right side raising eye brow and ask "Where

can I find her?"

Then he gives me a fuck'n shrug. The fuck.... is this boy digging himself a grave???

"Where the fuck can I find Zahrah? I'm seriously losing my patience here!" I snap with annoyance

seeping through every word I say.

One of the boys was about to answer, when a guy ran pass and mentioned a fight about to go down.

At first I didn't pay attention to it, till another guy mentioned Zahrah's name. I was about to run off and

follow the now chanting crowd, when suddenly I felt an arm pulling my back.

Not caring about who it was, I easily snap their arm and make my way over to the growing crowd.

Catching a glimpse of my sisters hair, I smile immediately. But what I see breaks my heart and fills me

with complete rage and thirst for blood.

I see a blonde bitch and her four minions kicking and punching my sister, while her body lays still on

the cold tiled floor.

Pushing through everyone and finally making it to the front, I ignore the cameras and grab one of the

bitches by the hair and slam her face into the nearest locker.

That seemed to catch the other Barbie dolls attention and everyone's else's. Walking over to a bitch

that looks like she's taken many dicks, I punch her in the face and watch her now limp body fall to the


Staring into the eyes and seeing nothing but fear and terror in the last three girls.

I grab one of them by the arm and twist it till I hear a satisfying pop. The once hallway filled with

cheering and chants was now filled with the screams of horror.

Saving the leader till last, I walk over to the girl that tried to escape and kick her in the leg and watch

her fall flat on her face. Kneeling down till I have my fingers resting on her spine.

I slowly lean forward and put all my weight on it and smile when I hear her screams challenging the

other chick. Well bitch I was taught a lot from martial arts, so paralyzing you is a easy piece of cake.

Getting up from my recent position, I see the leader of these fake ass bitches tremble.

Within seconds I have my fingers wrapped around her throat. She tries clawing her way out, so I

tighten my grip blocking her airway.

Turning to all the horrified faces I speak in my deadliest voice and say

"You see what I just did? That is only an example of what will happen if any of you idiots go near

Zahrah and harm her in any way!"

Turning my attention back to the now unconscious bitch I let her go and watch her body drop.

Nobody hurts my family and gets away with it!!!

Zahrah's Pov:

The pain this time is too much. What have I ever done to them? Why does my brother hate me this

much, too let them do this to me??? I close my eyes and take in all the pain. Maybe I do deserve this. If

it wasn't for me, my mum would still be here. I should of done something.

Maybe I should just leave and never come back.

I couldn't move anymore but I knew they weren't going to stop. No one would interfere, not even the

teachers or principal.

I know what you're thinking. How can they be so blinded by this and not lend a helping hand.

Well you see, the principal is the father of the leader of the cheer club and since day 1 he has turned a

blind eye to everything.

At first I kept it from my brother, but it got to the stage where it was too much. So I told him, but do you

know what he did?

He turned away from me and said it wasn't true, that I was nothing but a liar.

I used to think maybe he just didn't want to believe since that was his girlfriend I used to talk about. But

now, it's like he wants it to happen.

All I could feel was pain and all I could hear were the cheers. Maybe I should leave. That's what they

want isn't it, they just want me gone.

I close my eyes and let the darkness claim me.

I don't know how long I had been out for. I try to open my eyes but find it too painful too.

I tense when I suddenly feel my body being lifted in a pair of muscular arms??? Minutes later, I feel

them lay my body on a cold but soft surface???

"Zahrah" I hear the familiar voice trying to wake me up.

"Zahrah, I'm sorry I didn't stop them from doing this to you, I swear I didn't know. Zahrah please wake

up!" Why is this guy sounding so sad???

Feeling a hand caressing my right check, I try opening my eyes. Ugh why is it so sore?!? Finally I

manage to open my eyes and to my surprise I'm faced with my brothers friends.

Looking at the person that's caressing my check, I flinch a little when I realize it Jevani. He seemed a

bit sad when he saw my response, but quickly replaced it with a sincere smile.

Brian's pov: (before she leaves the office to attend the fight)

Seriously this chick looks hot and all, but if she thinks I'm going to let her hurt Zahrah. She has another

fuck'n thing coming.

I was about to respond and say piss off when a kid running past screaming "fight" ugh annoying kid.

Then another came running past saying some shit about Zahrah??? wtf Zahrah will never get into a


Then it happened so fast, the hot chick sprinted towards the door and Levi tried to pull her back. And

that was a big mother fuck'n mistake, coz without looking she snapped his arm and left.

With that we all chased after her in fear of what she will do to Zahrah . To say I was scarred as fuck for

her was an understatement. I was terrified for Zahrah .

Reaching the now over crowded hallway, me and the boys make our way to the front behind Jevani

and his boys.

What we saw next literately had me shitting bricks. All I could think about. Was who the fuck is this


Levi's pov: (before the fight)

Shit, no not again. Ugh seriously did she have to snap my arm, it was in the fuck'n healing process

from being broken in my last game.

Trying my best to ignore the pain, I follow behind the boys as we make out way to the fight. When we

reach the front, that's when I change my mind on this chick. She basically is a definition of a ninja.

All I want to know now is, who the fuck is she???

Hayden's pov:

As we chase after her in hopes of stopping her, I pull out my phone and start calling Dominic.

Phone call

Dominic : What's up bro?

Hayden: Bro where the fuck are you? Ugh I don't care just get your ass her now! Your sisters in trouble!

Hurry the fuck up!!!

I look up from my phone and stare in shock and horror as I watch the scene play out in front of me.

Who the fuck is this chick??? Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Keaton's pov: (during the fight)

I watch in terror as she slams one of the sluts face into the locker. That's got to fuck'n hurt.

She then stalks to the others like they're her prays and she's the predator that's on a hunt for blood.

Fuck this chick is scary! Who the heck is she???

Troy's pov:

I kept quiet the whole time in the office. I don't know how the boys don't see it. She still looked the

same as she did back then.

From the second she walked in a knew it was Kerra, Zahrah's older sister.

Jevani was about to step in, when I stopped him and nodded my head towards a sleeping Zahrah.

Nodding his head in agreement, he made his way to Zahrah and swiftly picked her up.

I got the boys and told them to follow us to the nurse bay. Luckily the nurse was Keaton's Aunty, so she

let us all go into the room.

I made sure to the leave the door unlocked for Kerra.

I'm happy Kerra's back to be here with Zahrah and Dominic. They all need each other.

Jevani's pov:

"Zahrah. Zahrah. Zahrah where are you?" I snapped my head in the direction of the shouts and all the

Boys stood as the calls were coming closer.

I was about to get up when Troy stood up and said "Sit down. She's not a threat to Zahrah. Just watch"

I could see the others hesitate but sit when he stares down at them.

I was going to respond, but he cut me off and looked me in the eye and said "I promise. Zahrah safe

with her"

I caress her right check and apologize for not being there for her. Staring back at her I see her open her


When she flinches from my touch, I try to hide the hurt and put in a brave smile for her.


WTF??? looking at the worried chick, I watch her run over to Zahrah and caress her cheeks. What??? I

then stare at Troy and all he does is smirk.

Then that's when I hear her angelic voice "Kerra. Is it really you Kerra" shit no wonder she looks

familiar and shares similarities with my Zahrah.

How the fuck did I not see that in the beginning?

"It's me baby girl. I'm here and I'm never leaving you! Ever! I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you all those

years, please forgive me" - Kerra

"I forgive you Kerra, I've missed you so much" - Zahrah

"I've missed you took baby girl, I love you so much baby girl. Now please don't lie to me. I want all the

names of people who have hurt you" - Kerra

I look over to Brian and the other two and watch them gulp as the seriousness in Kerra's voice


"It's okay Kerra, you're here now that's all that matters" after all the shit people do to her she still cares

for them.


Seriously what's the fuck with people slamming the damn door open. Why not fuck'n grab the door

handle and open it like a normal person would??

Oh shit, my eyes go wide along with others when we see Dominic walk in. His expression says it all,

he'll be going on wild hunt tonight.

"Dominic did you know about Zahrah's bullying" fuck this isn't going to look pretty.

He goes to respond but she cuts him off "Because Zahrah actually has a heart, I want you to give me a

list of every person that has bullied Zahrah" - Kerra

Dominic's eyes sadden when they land on Zahrah. What he confesses next has me and the others


"Uhhhh I was one of those, that bullied Zahrah" he now has tears falling from his eyes.

I turn to look at Kerra. To say she was furious was an understatement, she was literately burying

Dominic 10ft underground with her eyes.

"What did you just say?"

"What the fuck did you just say to me Dominic?"

"You did what to OUR BABY SISTER!"

"How could you do that to her! How in the fuck could you hurt her"

"When have I ever laid a damn finger on you! Or said shit to you! When have I ever treated you like shit

to give you that right to treat Zahrah like a gum stuck to the bottom of a damn shoe"

"I will not do anything to you, because you are still my brother that I love very much. But you will need

to make it up to Zahrah" - Kerra

Shoot that was full on, she didn't even let Dominic answer or respond. She practically cut him off every

time he tried to answer.

Staring at the rest of she says "If you idiots have also taken a place in my baby sisters bullying. I

suggest you make it up to her. I know I can't hurt any of you due to the fact that my sister is begging me

with her cute puppy eyes"

She then turns to me and speaks with venom dripping from her voice "And you lover boy, better treat

her right. Hurt her in any way, I will put you 10ft under. Got it!"

How does she know I'm in love with her sister???

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