Strings of Fate

Chapter 164

Strings of Fate

164- Children and chosen

“A woman with unusual whitish eyes who knows about a person’s future relationships. That does sound familiar now, doesn’t it?” Bellamy says pointedly.

“Yeah, but I’m no goddess.” I remind him. He shrugs. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

“I’d believe it.” He says sweetly and I roll my eyes.

“Thanks, but no.” I say with a laugh.

“You two are adorable.” Addie comments. She is resting her chin in her hands and watching us dreamily. Okay, now I feel a little weird.

“There’s more to the journal entry if you’re all ready to hear it.” Collin says mildly.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.” I apologise. He waves a hand accepting my apology then holds the book up, clearly eager to read us more.

I apologised to the goddess and begged for her forgiveness. She assured me that as long

as I fulfilled my duties and made things right that there would be no lasting consequences. I could not help but tell her that it was unfair. That I could see a person’s life but not know who I was meant to love until she had only a few years left to be with me. The goddess shook

her head.

“It would not be fair to remove a person’s choice. I know who they will be with, but it is the decisions they make that lead them there. It is a rare person who can know their fate and still allow it to happen

without changing it to their whims. Knowledge is a power mortals are not meant to have.” Her tone changed and became far more gentle.

“I know you miss your Katherine. I know you feel that the fates are unfair. I did not intend this meeting as an attack upon you. I did not come here to scare you into compliance or to remove your will. This was intended to be a kindness. To help you find your way. The visions you are sent are not simply fulfilling the whims of fate, they are to protect the future happiness of others. You may have lost your soul mate, and you will miss her until the end of your days when you are reunited again, but there is more to life than your love. There are


164- Children and chosen

children you are to raise and protect. There are others that you are destined to meet, friends

who will help you find the joys in life and others whose lives you will have a great impact on. You have much to do in this life and have been tasked by fate with a purpose to fulfil.” Something about how she speaks makes me want to believe her. There must be more left in this life for me, my Katherine would not want me to waste the time I have left or ignore others when I can help. The goddess seemed to sense the change in me she moved away from me and I knew I would wake up soon. Before she left she seemed thoughtful. When she spoke I am not even sure that it was truly directed at me.

“It can be hard to listen to fate at times. That is why my d

each choose someone to ensure that their decisions come to pass. I had not thought it necessary for myself but perhaps I do need someone. An individual to watch the watchers. My daughters choose people who reflect themselves, one nurturing, one enthusiastic about life, one accepting of death. I would choose someone differently. Someone who would trust in fate to do what needs to be done. I would give them true choice by allowing them knowledge of their fate as there cannot be trust without

the chance to doubt. The person would have to be strong enough to see the fates of others and leave them as they are.” The goddess began to fade from my view. I called out to her one last time. I begged for a name to call her by. When I woke the name was ringing through my ears.


Tomorrow I leave to find the man from my vision. My future son–in–law I suppose. I have no intention of telling my daughter what I know. Ananke seemed to think that people don’t need to know their fates, although I doubt I will be able to resist the impulse to torment the man at little. If he is going to love my little girl then I should be allowed to tease him, just a little. I find I am looking forward to it. For the first time since my wife passed, I am looking to the future and it does not seem so bad.

“The journal has a lot more entries, but that was the part I thought you might find. interesting. It was what you said about being able to see relationships. I thought maybe this goddess Ananke, the mother of the fates DID end up choosing a representative.” Collin stumbles through his words excitedly.

“I mean… It does sound like my abilities. I could definitely look into it further.” I’m a bit stunned. I know I was hoping for answers, but I didn’t think I would actually GET them.


164- Children and chosen

“Thank you.” I manage to stammer out.

“I’m glad I could help.” Collin answers cheerfully. I’m realising that thinking about my own magic is a little overwhelming. I’m going to need to take some time to process this. In the meantime. I’m going to focus on Kiara instead. Her problems are far more urgent anyway.

“Do you have any ideas why Kiara might be taken? Or maybe why some of the other people were chosen and killed?” I ask. I’m not optimistic that they’ll know anything, but it’s worth a


“I actually knew one of those women. She used to live in my neighbourhood. I was sad to hear she had passed so young. Her children must be so small!” She sounds near tears. Bellamy sits forward a little.

“I don’t believe she had any children. None of the victims did, except Kiara’s parents.” He

informs her. Addie looks confused.

“No, that can’t be right. I know for sure she was meant to have two children. I thought it was

amusing because she mentioned several times that she wasn’t planning to have any.” Addie


“Definitely no children.” Bellamy confirms.

“But… I’m never wrong. How… How could this happen? She wasn’t supposed to die without

children!” Addie is clearly very distraught.

“You’re saying she died before her fate came to pass? That is a little suspicious given the circumstances. If our kidnapped girl is supposed to know when people are intended to die, I suppose she could pick out people to die early and change their fates.” Collin reasons.

“Kiara would never do that! She’s… she’s a good person. I just know it!” I protest. Bellamy

reaches an arm over my


“It’s alright sweetheart, he didn’t mean it that way. He’s saying that she might be helping choose the victims under duress.” Bellamy soothes me. I relax under his arm and lean into

him slightly.


164- Children and chosen

“Oh, sorry. Right. You’re right. They’re probably using her. We need to find her.” I’m kind of rambling.

“We will. We’ve just got a lot more information to work with and I’m sure we can figure. something out.” Bellamy promises.

A piercing scream has me half falling out of my seat. Bellamy steadies me.

“Sorry, sorry. My little one is apparently awake from his nap. It’s been very interesting talking with you, but I need to go settle him. I think I could use a cuddle anyway after all this talk. Feel free to contact me again sometime, and good luck finding the little girl.” Addie says. I hear more screaming and she sighs. She waves and exits the call.

“I should probably get going too.” Collin smiles happily.

“Thank you for listening to my old stories. I’ll scan and send through a copy of those journal. entries for you. I’ll read over it again and ch*ck for anything else you might find of interest. It’s been wonderful talking to you.”


“Thank you for meeting with us.” I tell him honestly. I’ve learned more about and

Kiara in the last hour than I’ve learned in… well… my entire life.

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