Strings of Fate

Chapter 201

201–Touch and trust

I cross my arms in irritation.

“Kiara would never! How would she even do that? She’s just a kid!” I object. Dr Dae rolls her This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

eyes at me.

“Oh calm yourself girl. I’m not saying she chose to murder anyone. I assume that she was forced to comply somehow. You’ll have to ask the girl when she’s ready to talk. As for the how, the child is a Reaper.” She says it as if it’s obvious but it really isn’t. I know that Reapers. exist, but they’re the kind of Magic that most people have heard of but no one has ever met. I suppose Kiara’s dad must have been a Reaper too and why the MRO was so secretive about her markings. Most people are kind of scared of Reapers, they’re kind of the boogeymen of our society. Mostly because they can kill on a whim. All it takes is one touch and they can free your soul from your b*dy. Obviously with no soul you die, and I guess your soul moves on to wherever souls go when you pass on. I suppose that a Reaper would make sense for the representative of Atropos. Her additional abilities are meant to be related to how people die, although only Kiara can answer what exactly those abilities are. I’ve been so focussed on the

how, that I haven’t stopped to process what this means. Kiara was the one who killed the

Witch and all the others too. The poor thing! I already knew that her magic was somehow being involved in the murders, but I didn’t think she was the one who was actually doing the

killing No wonder the girl is traumatised. I wouldn’t want to talk to anyone either. I resolve to be as reassuring and supportive as I possibly can. This girl needs to feel safe and loved and I am going to make sure that she gets that. I’ll find her family and make sure she is settled if it’s the last thing that I do. Bellamy looks like he’s been punched in the gut.

“My Shifters…” He trails off and Dr Dae glares at him.

“You wouldn’t be blaming the girl now would you Alpha, because we all know that the child

can’t be held responsible for what those monsters made her do. Besides, it should be a comfort to know exactly how they died. It would have been quick and completely painless. Faster than falling asleep.” She promises him. Bellamy sighs and without a word grabs me and pulls me into a hug and drops his head onto my shoulder. He squeezes me tightly for a second before letting me go when Dr Dae clears her throat.

“Well, I’ll leave you all to it. Take care of the girl, feed her and for heaven’s sake get her some proper clothes. I’ll come ch*ck on her again later this week. Call me immediately if her


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condition takes a turn for the worse.” She orders us before turning and heading downstairs, not waiting for anyone to walk her out.

I head back into Kiara who is sitting on the bed looking kind of lost. She looks increasingly anxious and her eyes focus on Bellamy standing in the doorway behind me.

“So, You’re a Reaper huh?” I ask. Kiara looks like she might be sick so I hurry to reassure her.

“That’s pretty cool.” I comment and collapse onto the mattress beside her. I hook my arm through her elbow and lean into her. Somehow we both end up collapsing backwards with her curling up

into my side. I feel the tension draining out of her. She seems far less anxious with me beside her. Suddenly her interaction with Dr Dae makes sense. Reapers can kill with a touch and people are scared of them for that reason. I bet Kiara was worried that I would want to keep my distance now that I

know. But that’s just silly. There are plenty of things that could kill me, a Shifter, a Human, hell a particularly motivated duck could probably take me out if it really wanted to. Bellamy must have come to the same conclusion because he comes to sit beside us on the bed.


“The doctor wants you to have some good meals so I’m going to go make us a late dinner, or maybe an early breakfast at this point. You ladies get comfortable and I’ll bring you both a plate in bed.” He promises. Then without hesitation, he reaches out and gently strokes a hand over her head and through her hair earning him a small smile. She’s probably been touch starved for weeks. Cheryl and Jenna would have been keeping their distance to avoid exactly the death that Jenna ended up with. She must have been warding or something to keep Kiara away from her. I’m not sure exactly why that changed. Maybe in the heat of the fight, or the literal heat from the fire she dropped her spell? Or just got so worn out she couldn’t maintain it anymore. I’ll have to ask Cam more about it. Oh, I should definitely message Cam and let her know that we found Kiara.

Kiara and I adjust ourselves so that I am in my usual spot and Kiara is in the middle of the bed. We get comfortable under the blankets and I give Kiara free reign over the remote control and TV. She picks a cartoon channel that If I’m totally honest, I watch fairly regularly myself. She seems content and kind of sleepy. I take the chance to grab my phone and send out some updates. First to Cam.

Ryann- We did it, the spell worked. We found her. She’s safe and is going to be okay, physically at least. Thank you so much for your help. It really did make all the difference. It don’t know what we would have done without you. If you ever need anything and I can help


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please don’t hesitate to ask. I totally owe you.

Cam- Don’t be silly, you don’t owe me anything. I’m so glad she’s safe. I’m sure that with you there to take care of her she will pull through. Kids are resilient like that. I would love to meet her sometime when she’s ready. I think it would be reassuring to see her for myself.

Ryann- I completely understand. I would feel the same. I’ll let you know when she’s up for guests, or maybe I’ll bring her by the Witches Booze for dinner some night. She’s staying with us until we figure out something long–term for her.

Cam- I can’t think of a better place for her. Thanks for updating me and congratulations.

Next I message the group chat.


Ryann- Most of you were there tonight and Amber I’m sure you already know, but we found Kiara and she is safe. She’s been through a lot but at least now she can work on getting better. Thank you all for your help. I couldn’t ask for better friends.

Bellamy- I’ll second that. Thank you everyone.

Megan- Aww honey, you

know you don’t have to thank us.

Darrien- We wanted to help her too,

Amber- I KNEW IT WOULD BE TONIGHT I JUST KNEW IT! Tell Kiara she can come into

Borderline for a free lunch on me anytime.

Harry- You did it Ry! I knew you could. Did you use Cam’s spell? Does that mean that I helped too?

Ryann- Yes Harry we used the spell and you always help, if only because it’s nearly impossible

to be miserable and too serious around you.

Harry- I can work with that.


201–Touch and trust

Aaron- Take care of her.

Like he needed to tell me that. Of course I’m going to take care of her. Right now she’s half curled up on my lap, her eyes are falling closed, I doubt she’s really watching the TV. Bellamy eventually returns with two plates heaped with pancakes, bacon and eggs. I’m surprised that I manage to finish my meal and even more surprised when Kiara finishes hers and nods her acceptance when Bellamy offers more. Woah, that potion is definitely kicking her metabolism into high gear. Cool. Don’t tell the masses or they’ll start marketing it for weight loss or something. We all eat until we feel sick while watching cartoons and honestly, it’s the most relaxed I’ve felt in a very long time.

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